Winning your ex back isn’t the hard part.

The hard part is keeping them.

They left you once. What is to stop them from leaving again?

This is what happened to me. I got my ex back. But the core issues that led us apart were still hiding under the rug.

We broke up again a few years later. It wasn’t all in vain though. I learned an important lesson.

My failure taught me that it’s convenient to ignore the red flags when you want someone so badly. And you can sweep important issues under the rug for a while. But they are going to catch up with you. One way or another.

I learnt to not ignore important aspects of a healthy relationship just because you love and care for someone deeply. Aspects such as respect, trust, communication, and honesty.

But I also know it’s hard to think about all that when you really want them back and are scared they will move on from you soon.

Especially when it seems like getting back together is the most sensible thing to do for both of you. But your ex just refuses to see that.

And this is the fundamental problem that causes a huge rift between you and your ex.

Why your ex doesn’t want to get back with you?

When your ex has made a decision to breakup with you, they tend to want to stay broken up. No matter how much you try to convince them, remind them of the good parts of your relationship, explaining how deeply you care for them or show them how great it would be if you both got back together.

An ex can have a variety of psychological, emotional and practical reasons for not giving it another shot.

These reasons include (but are not limited) to –

  • the need to be consistent,
    • Need to go through what they said they would do,
    • Need to make sure the breakup happens,
    • Desire to experience not being in a relationship with you.
  • fear of repeating the same relationship patterns again,
    • being skeptical of any changes you promise,
    • being skeptical about their ability to change,
  • not feeling attracted to you (the spark is gone),
    • feeling like they’ll be happier without you,
    • desire to explore their options,
    • feeling like you are insecure, jealous, too needy etc.
  • not seeing a future with you,
    • external circumstances (such as new college, new career, long distance),
    • feeling like you are both incompatible,
    • loss of trust,
  • Difference in attachment styles and communication style
    • afraid of commitment,
    • afraid of serious or uncomfortable conversations,
    • desire to run away from overwhelming emotions
  • grudges, fear and resentments,
    • preserving their emotional and mental health,
    • being hurt or scared because of your addiction/abuse/mental health issues,
    • hurt or angry about something that was said during an argument,
    • a communication gap,
  • Desire for personal space and time
    • Need for personal growth
    • Need to find out who they are and what they want
    • Need to process emotional baggage
  • or the worst of all – simply not liking you.
    • Or being interested in someone else

While you may instinctively know some of these reasons and perhaps may have even tried to address their concerns – it probably won’t work because you and your ex are fundamentally at a different mental and emotional space about the relationship and the idea of getting back together; i.e. an emotional rift between you and your ex.

The reasons that led to the breakup (such as communication gap, insecurity etc.) are obviously part of the reason that’s keeping them away. But one major reason for this emotional distance, in most cases, is the decision of breakup itself.

Consider this – a breakup is a significant decision that most people don’t take lightly. Before making the decision (or seriously considering it), people are open to working on the issues in a relationship.

But once the decision to breakup enters the scene, your ex’s attitude towards you and the relationship changes significantly. I will explore the psychology behind this in more detail a little bit later in this article.

But for now, I want you to note that almost all of the above reasons make a lot of sense and are even healthy after a breakup. Not everyone should get back with their ex. Especially if there were elements of abuse, toxicity, or narcissism.

Does this mean my ex doesn’t love me anymore?

Not necessarily. The most interesting pattern I’ve noticed in thousands of my community members is that even after all this, love persists in most cases. It persists in you and you want to try to fix what was broken and get back together. It also persists in your ex, but they want to let go of the love, stick to the breakup and move on.

There is science to back this as well. Human beings evolved in a way that doesn’t let love and bonding to go away easily and quickly.

While love eventually fades away, in most cases, there is still a long window of opportunity (in some rare cases, even years) before the love completely fades away and you have no chance of getting back together. This is, of course, assuming that there was love in the first place.

What works to get an ex back?

The best way to get an ex back is to first let the breakup happen and then organically rebuild a new relationship.

The quintessential way to do that is to give each other space and time. A lot of the reasons that are stopping your ex from getting back together eventually subside when they have space and time to process everything.

But there is an important component missing there.

Acceptance and Growth.

You know the old adage, “Everything happens for a reason.”?

Well, the breakup happened for a reason.

And maybe that reason is for you to become someone who is more mature and capable of resolving the issues that lead to the breakup.

Or maybe it’s for you to become someone who realizes that they deserve healthy love, who has the strength to let your ex go and move on to a better relationship.

In either case, you accept what happened. And grow as a person.

While space and time will close the distance in this emotional rift from your ex’s side, acceptance and growth will close the distance from your side.

In a way, you become as skeptical about getting back together as they are. You become as invested in your mental and emotional health as them. You become as attractive as you were when they fell in love with you (maybe even more), and you communicate in a way you both feel understood.

On the other hand, with enough space and time, your ex would have experienced what they needed to experience, such as – a breakup, a life without you, space for personal growth, time to think about what they actually want etc. If they still love you after all that, then they are more likely to consider reconciliation.

When the rift becomes smaller, it gets easier for the love (that probably still persists) to do its job. That is to bring two people who are right for each other together.

When you get your ex back, you want them committed to making it work this time. This article will teach you how.

And when couples get back together for the right reasons, a lot of times the new relationship is better than ever.

One of our commenters, Beth, said this in 2014, when her boyfriend just broke up with her.

“I’m just devastated because it was such a shock and came from nowhere and I honestly thought we were a forever couple.”

When we asked for an update 10 years later, here’s what she said.

“So we actually got back together about 3 weeks after we broke up.[…] We chatted through everything and essentially he had just had a life crisis but realised losing me was the worst thing and the whole thing just put everything into perspective for him. […] Flash forward 10 years to 2024, we’ve been married for almost 4 years, and welcomed our first baby girl last summer! Together almost 11 years now and those 3 weeks seem so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I truly believe we both needed to go through that to have the life & relationship we have now.”

But this isn’t always the case, sometimes, people learn that the differences between them and their ex are insurmountable.

Here’s what another one of our commenter, Adam, said in his first comment after the breakup,

“She was obviously so in love with me up until the end and always talked about getting married and whatnot. Her leaving stunned me.”,

But here is his perspective after 10 years

“She was my first love and, as often happens with young couples, our relationship ran into the buzzsaw that is college, temptation, and the inevitability of evolving into different people….[…] But after taking that lump, getting humbled, and getting back on my feet, my life has been a complete blessing ever since. I’ve had so much fun, I’ve travelled, I’m healthy, my career is in a fantastic place, and a year and 2 days ago I got married to the most incredible woman I could ever imagine. She’s gorgeous, kind, empathetic, successful, driven….i just can’t say enough great things about her. This first year of marriage FLEW by and I look forward to many, many more.”

Sometimes, couples get back together because of their love but realize that it’s not going to work. But because of acceptance and growth, they move on to find a better, healthier relationship that they truly deserve.

One commenter, Ana, who was with her boyfriend for 5 years said this about 3 weeks after the breakup.

“Basically my insecurities really caused a toxic vibe throughout the relationship and I’ve done a lot of self esteem work to try and sort this for myself.[…]we were together a long time and I feel as though I have the right mindset to achieve a good relationship with him, but also that I’d be absolutely fine if it didnt work out.”

And then 4 years later, this is what she said –

“My ex and I did end up getting back together for a short period but we ultimately ended for good a short time later. This was a good result for me though as I now have the most wonderful partner who has been alongside me who treats me in the way I have always longed for. Our relationship is one that I have always dreamt of and based on a mutual respect and deep love for one another and I am truly happy and secure. I believe the growth work I did with yourself helped tremendously in recognising my own emotions[…]which ultimately led me to the relationship I have now.”

[Note: We have ongoing project where we get updates from people who were going through a breakup and wanted their ex back at one point of time. You can read all the updates at the end of the article in the comment section]

It’s interesting that almost all of them felt like their world is going to end. But they survived and even thrived in their love life. With their ex. Or without them.

But again, I know most people who want to get an ex back don’t want to imagine a future without their ex.

So getting back on the topic at hand, you can get your ex back if you stop focusing so much on convincing them or showing them how things will be different, focus more on the issues that caused the breakup and allow “time and space” to diminish the psychological barriers preventing your ex from considering reconciliation.

Love finds a way if the rift between the both of you is surmountable. Your job, is to close that rift as much as possible.

Here’s how to do that in 5 steps.

STEP 1 – Stop Pushing Your Ex Away

When you are panicking or feeling desperate, your mind goes into overdrive and you want to do anything and everything to get your ex back.

In my experience, about 80% of people going through an unwanted breakup do this. They beg, plead, act needy, show their desperation and overall just push their ex away.

As humans, we do this instinctively.

We want to do everything in our power to save a bond that’s important to us. Coupled with an anxious attachment style, a co-dependent relationship or low self-esteem, this desire becomes overbearing – so much that you feel you have no control over your actions.

And when it doesn’t work, it feels like your world is ending and you are helpless to do anything about it.

The first step, to get your ex back, is to stop the behavior which pushes your ex further away while making you feel rejected and hopeless. These are the things that you should stop.

1. Texting and Calling Your Ex All The Time – Phone calls and texts are an integral part of every relationship. But after the breakup, they become as damaging to the possibility of getting back together. If your ex wants space, texting or calling them constantly will only make them feel annoyed.

Your panicked mind tells you that if you don’t text them or call them, your ex will forget about you. But it’s rarely the case. People rarely ever forget about their ex. Research has shown that it usually takes more than three months to start moving on from a breakup. The love they had for you will probably still be there for a long time even after those 3 months.

Moreover, texting someone who doesn’t want to speak to you is just awkward. You think that your interaction with your ex will go something like this.

But in reality, it goes something like this.

2. Begging and Pleading To Get Back Together – It may feel like if they love you, they would care about you enough to listen to your begging. They wouldn’t want you to suffer. But when you beg them, you are acting desperate and not respecting yourself. Self-respect is attractive. Desperation is not.

Begging and pleading is also sometimes followed by anger and sometimes speaking nasty things to hurt your ex. Again, not attractive and just leaves a bad taste in your ex’s mouth.

3. Explaining how and why you love them so much – This is a tricky slope. Because a lot of breakups happen because an ex thinks that there was no love from your side. So it makes sense to declare your love to your ex if you want them back. The problem happens, when you say it over and over again.

Because if you truly love them, and they want space, then you would give it to them. If you don’t, then your repeated one-sided professing of love becomes meaningless – or worse, annoying.

4. Promising changes and offering solutions – You calm yourself down, think logically and come up with the perfect solution to all the relationship problems. You explain it to your ex, only for them to reject your offer like a bad pitch on Shark Tank.

What gives?

There are a few psychological reasons for this. But the main one is that once the breakup has already happened, they aren’t interested in fixing the relationship. They may have been interested in it before the breakup. But not now.

And the more you try to convince them, the more awkward they will feel rejecting you.

5. Letting your ex walk all over you – This is also called being a doormat. Your mind will tell you that your ex is the most important thing in the universe and you will sacrifice anything to be with them. You may agree to be their friend while they explore other options, you may tell them that you will never talk to that friend that they don’t like, that you will cut off your family members from your life, or even agree to be friends with benefits while you are emotionally hurting.

You put your ex above your own mental and emotional health. Not recommended.

Aside from the fact that a person who cares about you wouldn’t put you through this, you are also ignoring something very important. Self-respect. Don’t do anything that will make you lose respect for yourself.

When your panicked mind tells you that you can sacrifice anything to be with your ex, tell it that you won’t sacrifice your self-respect.

Why these things don’t work in bringing your ex closer to you?

1. Consistency – Your ex wants to stay consistent to their decision of the breakup. According to the cognitive dissonance theory, proposed by Leon Festinger and it’s affect on difficult decisions,

“when making a difficult decision, individuals show attitude change that justifies the decision. In this case, individuals who face such a decision are conflicted because not all beliefs are consistent with the decision. For example, they may have beliefs favoring the option that is rejected. The individuals are therefore motivated to reduce the conflict by justifying the decision they have made. The justification is typically achieved by changing their attitudes and beliefs so that the new attitudes and beliefs are consistent with and justify the decision that has been made.”

It’s like someone buying the latest iPhone and then justifying it by saying that the camera is much better than the previous generation. We all know it’s only slightly better. But you can’t convince them otherwise, even with all the proof in the world. Because they need to justify their decision and stay consistent to it.

A breakup, for your ex, is similar. Except a breakup is a much more significant and emotionally invested decision than buying an iPhone. And if they have told their friends and family about it, they become even more invested in that decision.

The cognitive dissonance theory also explains something most of my readers experience – why and how your ex suddenly changed the way they felt about the relationship or their attitude towards you.

For example, one of our community members, lin91’s boyfriend, after returning from a music festival and making a decision to breakup with her, was like a completely different person.

She says,

“We’ve been together 15 months, and from the beginning have told each other we’re the loves of each others’ lives, and that it was forever… I’ve supported him through a lot of his mental heath issues, including long times on unemployment, and I never gave up on him. But now he’s saying that we have no future, because we’re incompatible. […] He went away and came back a different person.”

Another common example is when they may have told you how much they loved you a week ago only to say that “I am not in love with you anymore” one day after the breakup.

Because of this psychological need to remain consistent with important decisions, tactics such as convincing, providing solutions, asking for one last shot, and reminding of good times don’t work.

Your ex isn’t looking for a reason to get back together, they are looking for reasons to justify their decision. And the more reasons you give them, the more convinced they will be that the breakup was the right decision.

The good news is that the more time passes by, the more this need to justify the decision diminishes.

Note that this does not always mean that the love is gone. It simply means that your ex has changed their attitude or conscious beliefs to match their decision. And to look consistent, they may have suppressed the love they had for you.

According to an article on Cognitive Dissonance in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 2015,

“Moreover, developments on attitudes theory showed that explicit but not implicit attitudes are affected by dissonance”

Which in simple terms means that it’s only the external and conscious attitude of your ex that changes because of Cognitive Dissonance. Not the internal and subconscious stuff. Stuff like love, deeply caring for someone, connection and bond they formed over the course of the relationship are not affected or changed suddenly. Changing that usually takes a lot of time.

2. Their Attachment Style – The attachment theory is a groundbreaking theory used in psychology that explains why some people find it hard to open up, avoid intimacy and tend to become distant when there is conflict; while others tend to cling, get anxious when they feel a threat to the relationship, and care too deeply.

Your ex may just have an avoidant attachment style that would make them want to appear indifferent, distance themselves emotionally from you and avoid dealing with the breakup aftermath.

A good way to understand if they have an avoidant attachment style is to ask yourself how they handled uncomfortable conversations during the relationship. If it felt like they wanted to avoid the conversation or change the subject quickly, they probably have an avoidant attachment style.

After a breakup, the more messy and uncomfortable things become, the more they would want to run away. Coupled with the need to be consistent, they may act like they don’t care about you at all.

On the other hand, your ex may also have an anxious or secure attachment style, and they may be too deeply hurt by all this and feel a need to protect themselves. They won’t run away from their feelings or uncomfortable conversation, but being hurt too deeply would prevent them from entertaining a serious conversation about getting back together.

It may also feel like they are switching between being anxious and avoidant, which is often called a disorganized attachment style.

Whichever category they fall into, pushing them to get back together doesn’t usually work if they are serious about the breakup. But the above mistakes are more likely to push away an avoidant or disorganized than an anxious or securely attached individual.

3. Things don’t change so fast – We know the breakup happened for a reason. Maybe your ex is exaggerating the reason in their mind to justify their decision. But the reason was there. And while you may be committed to a change right now, they have absolutely no reason to believe that things actually will be different.

Think of this way, if it was so easy to make these changes – be it insecurity, neediness, honesty, communication, or commitment – why didn’t that change happen before the breakup?

It’s because you are making the change (or promising to make a change) because of the fear of losing your ex.

They sense it. They know you. They have been with you for a long time. And they have probably tried to bring a change in the relationship before. It didn’t work. So now when you promise a change, they are naturally skeptical.

4. Neediness being unattractive – Human beings are naturally attracted to confidence and are repulsed by desperation and neediness.

When your actions reek of neediness, such as constant unwanted texting, begging, pleading, being miserable without your ex, declaring your love for them constantly; it slowly makes them feel unattractive towards you.

Note that it’s different from getting your needs being met in a healthy relationship. It’s desperately wanting someone to do something because of your shame or fear.

There has been research to back this up and countless experiences of people.

For example, when Danielle went to dinner with her ex, she was still needy. And here’s what happened.

“I immediately started crying (I was slightly drunk after 3 drinks with dinner) and started getting needy. He told me not to have any expectations of him….and he literally couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”

But a couple weeks later, this happened.

“As it is turning out, he texted me Monday morning. We went to breakfast, held hands and it felt great. I texted him today to say hi and it went well. I am learning that patience and a smile work wonders.”

And three months later, this was her update.

“I am happy to report that as of yesterday, my bf and I made it official again! After a year of being apart, he told me to put my (gorgeous) ring back on and change my FB status! I strongly feel that changing my insecure behavior, acting cool (even though I was not feeling very cool), journaling/doing positive stuff for myself is the reason why.”

The simplest way to explain this dynamic comes from a blog post by Oliver Emberton, which says,

Being needy essentially says “you’re so much better than me, please pick me”. Not a great sales pitch.

5. They are unsure of themselves – A lot of times, the ex is the reason for the breakup and they know it. Maybe they need to be single for a while or they feel like they are the reason the relationship had so much problems.

When your ex has doubts about themselves, offering them solutions, putting them down or doing anything needy or desperate doesn’t help them. Telling them you love them and support them may help, but it can come off as not genuine if you are doing it from the ulterior motive of getting them back. Moreover, it’s hard to love and support someone through their journey when you desperately want them back.

6. They don’t want to get hurt again –  In case the relationship and the breakup was extremely hurtful for your ex, making the decision to breakup was a healthy decision for them. They probably want to preserve their emotional and mental health. And while they may still love you, they value their health above the love they have for you. Note, that it’s a good thing and a healthy choice your ex is making for themselves. And if you want to get back with them, you need to have the same mindset about emotional and mental health as them and you need to respect their choice.

7. They moved on long ago – Sometimes, an ex moves on emotionally long before the actual breakup happened. In such cases, they already have a lot of strong reasons to go through with the breakup. This is because they have tried to make it work for a while now, set up their support system to help them after the breakup, and are mentally prepared for whatever you throw at them.

So anything you do to get them back, they are prepared for it. They are set on ending the relationship and moving on. Let them. It doesn’t mean you won’t get them back later on. It doesn’t mean that the love and respect they had for you will disappear completely. It just means they need to let go of the relationship for now. There is a chance they will be open to rekindling once they feel they have done what they need to do.

Your ex isn’t looking for a reason to get back together, they are looking for reasons to justify their decision.

Why stopping this behavior is healthy for you?

While you may only want to know what works to get your ex back, it’s also important to know why what you are doing is healthy for you.

The advice on this page is a healthy process to get your ex back. It not only works to get them back, it also helps you heal, become stronger, become wiser, and have a healthier mindset in case you don’t.

Here’s why it makes sense to stop this behavior from a self-care point of view

1. Whenever you make the above mistakes, you are setting yourself to get rejected by your ex again. Needless to say, it hurts to get rejected. And you are better off not rubbing salt over the fresh wound this breakup has left in your heart.

2. In addition, by stopping this behavior, you are taking control over your emotions. Most of the things that pushes an ex away is a result of you acting out of overwhelming emotions.

A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience explains how anxiety can disrupt the decision making process. The authors of the study state “A debilitating aspect of anxiety is its impact on decision making and flexible control of behavior.”

But when you stop this behavior, you teach yourself that you don’t have to act out of those emotions. You can still feel them, but you learn to control your actions. You think before you act instead of blindly doing whatever you feel like doing due to overwhelming emotions.

3. Lastly, stopping this behavior teaches you to act out of self-respect. Essentially, you only do something to get an ex back if it doesn’t make you feel disrespected. You learn to respect yourself, put your own well-being above everything else and learn to set boundaries that any self-respecting person should have.

Quick Tips To Stop The Behavior That Pushes Your Ex Away

  • Remind yourself that you will still have a chance for at least the next three months.
  • Change your ex’s name to “Don’t push him/her away” on your phone. So you are reminded not to act desperate.
  • Whenever you feel anxiety or restlessness building up, take deep breaths , drink a glass of water and then distract yourself by doing something you enjoy.

What if I didn’t make any of these mistakes?

If you didn’t make any of the above mistakes (or made very few of them), it’s a great start. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your ex will come back. Especially if you have never made it clear you want them back and didn’t address the issues that lead to the breakup.

Just waiting and hoping for your ex to come back is not the best approach either. It is definitely better than pushing your ex away because of desperation. But just waiting for your ex will not resolve all the practical, emotional and psychological reasons that’s keeping your ex away. So make sure to read Step 2 and Step 3 of this article to understand how to address those reasons.

Moreover, they may not even know you want them back, especially if you were the one who initiated the breakup. As a result, they may never reach out to you out of fear of rejection. So if you are sure your relationship didn’t have any toxic elements, consider reaching out and making it clear that you want them back as I explain in Step 4 of this article.

What To Expect When You Stop Pushing Your Ex Away?

When your ex feels that you are no longer actively trying to get them back, they may put their guards down and allow thoughts of getting back together come to their mind. They may also start contacting you more often or say things that make you feel like they are interested. They may even show you that they still love you, one way or another. In some rare cases, your ex can even respond with anger and do things such as rage texting you or try to put you down.

Just to be clear, it doesn’t happen in a lot of cases. Sometimes, it takes months or years for it to happen. Sometimes, it never happens. And we will account for all the situations in a later step.

Their reaction ultimately depends on their attachment style, the intensity of the connection they shared with you and how they handle the vacuum left by you.

But whatever their reaction is, they probably still won’t be ready to get back together.

For now, remember, your ex will put up their guards if they feel you are coming from a place of desperation, neediness or insecurity. Remember, the reasons that lead to the breakup are still there. They probably still feel a need to stay consistent to their decision. The rift is still there. And if you give them more reasons to justify the breakup, that rift is just going to get bigger.

For all we know, when your ex reaches out, they may just be testing you to see if you are still desperate to win them back or if they still have you as their backup. They may just be looking for another reason to justify their decision.

Instead of jumping at the first sign of your ex still loving you, remind yourself that love will not resolve all the issues that have kept you and your ex emotionally apart. If you have to speak to your ex, be as skeptical about getting back together as they were.

Again, I know it’s easier said than done. Why would you be skeptical about getting them back if you want them back so badly?

That’s why it’s important to implement the next two steps in this process.

Step 2 – Create Space Between You and Your Ex – aka Give Your Ex a Breakup aka The No Contact Rule

In case you are one of the 17 people in the world who went through a breakup and do not know about the no contact rule yet, it’s something that’s widely recommended all over the internet after a breakup.

In essence, the no contact rule is a simple guideline that just tells you to stop or minimize all contact with your ex as soon as possible.

This generally means

  • No phone calls or texts unless absolutely necessary.
  • No emails or DMs on any social media apps
  • No interacting through mutual friends or family
  • No “accidentally” running into them at places they are going to visit.
  • Minimizing interactions or muting any group chats that both you and your ex may be a part of.
  • No snapchat streaks, likes on their stories or other indirect form of communication
  • Any important communication (such as regarding a shared child or shared responsibilities) can be done with an ex while keeping it strictly on the topic.

Sounds extreme?

That’s because it is.

But so was the decision to breakup with you. Wasn’t it?

However, you don’t have to make it as extreme if you don’t want to. The idea over here is to create as much space between you and your ex as possible.

Now you can do it with kindness (by letting them know beforehand that you won’t speak to them), you can be rude (by ignoring their call if they reach out), or you can just play it by the ear (just stop contacting them and see how it goes).

Why do this?

Remember all those reasons for an ex not wanting to get back together?

Most of those psychological and emotional reasons kind of diminish over time as you give them space and let them process what happened.

As time passes by and they start missing you, they won’t feel a need to constantly justify the breakup in their mind. Especially when they don’t have anyone pushing them to do so.

As a result, space will be created in their mind for other thoughts to seep in. Maybe good memories from the relationship, the fact that you always prioritized them, that you were good to them, that you cared about them etc.

In essence, they will let their guard down. And maybe eventually open up to a real conversation about getting back together.

Why No Contact is Important For You?

I know you want to skip to the part where I talk about what happens to your ex during no contact. And how it can make your ex want you back.

But hold your horses. Cause this part is as important, if not more, in getting them back.

Remember, that analogy about closing the rift? The best you can do is close the rift from your side as much as possible.

The reason why no contact is important for you is because it gives you some much needed time and space to actually accept and process what happened.

The same way stopping desperate behavior helps you feel in control.

No contact takes it a step further by allowing you a lot of space and time to heal from the breakup. Which gives you enough room to –

I know that feels like a lot. But it’s not really. Everyone in their life has to go through this and learn about this one way or another. And people who do, usually end up in a healthy relationship that they always longed for. And yes, sometimes that relationship is with their ex.

Just look at Amy who felt like she is never going to hear from her ex-girlfriend again.

“She feels numb and so unsure of everything. We were great for about 14 months of living together and not so great for 3 months. She struggled to end it with me, first saying she needs space, then a break, then a break up. She moved in with a friend 2 months ago. Basically, I have no choice but to start your no contact plan and now I see how that’s the best thing to do, but after a couple months of intense emotional exhaustion between us, do you think time could still pull her back? It seems right now; she can only remember the last 3 months of knowing me and can’t connect with the first wonderful 14 months of knowing each other.”

But after 3 months, this is what she said.

“I originally freaked out for 2 months. Then you advised I do no contact. I listened. Well, 2 months later, SHE CAME BACK TO ME. After going through a 4 1/2 month break up, we both learned, matured, grew, and have a MUCH healthier view on what a relationship should be!! Happier than ever!!!”

But again, it doesn’t always happen this way, sometimes, you realize you are not ready for a relationship or maybe the relationship isn’t right for you.

This is what Rob, whose girlfriend broke up with him because of his insecurity and who decided to do no contact for 30 days, had to say when we asked for an update

“I eventually was able to move on from my ex after taking responsibility for all of my actions and understanding how lacking as a person I was. […] At the time I wanted nothing else than to get back together but I knew that wasn’t the right decision. Best idea I have ever had was to realize this, step back, and improve myself.[…] My best advice to people going through a similar situation to me is to not look at all of the things the other person did wrong as you cannot change them. Take sometime with yourself, go for long walks and hikes and really think of all of the areas you are lacking in, then go to improve them. Join a gym, confide in your friends for advice, start meditating and reading philosophy. Nowadays I am doing fantastic, I am in the best shape I have even been in, I have my dream job, and I have my fair share of women to choose from. Building myself up and taking responsibility for my actions while letting her go was the best thing I could have ever done with my life.”

And this is what Kaye said about her applying no contact rule for multiple exes.

“It took me some time to realize that he was a narcissist manipulator and I am happy for the lessons I have learned throughout this relationship and most importantly, how much I have grown. […] I believe no contact rule is the best thing you can do to actually process the breakup and work on yourself. Luckily to me, each time i went through that stage, I have only realized how better off I was without them.”

Yes, I know you probably don’t want to hear about the cases where people don’t get their ex back. But I am just putting it out there to give you a realistic view of what might happen.

It’s important to know that getting your ex back should not be the main goal when you are doing no contact. The main goal is you. It’s focusing on healing, accepting and, if needed, becoming a better version of yourself. While getting them back may be one of the motivation, you should keep reminding yourself that you are doing this for yourself. So you can have a better, healthier life, with or without your ex.

That being said let’s move on to what happens to your ex during no contact.

Why no contact is important for your ex and how it helps in getting back together?

No contact is also important for your ex for the same reason it is for you. It gives them space and time to heal from the breakup, to think clearly, and to figure out what they want in life.

But there are a few other psychological phenomenon that may happen to your ex during this time.

1. The Fading Effect Bias and Nostalgia – As time goes by, the effect of negative memories during the relationship will start to fade away. This is because of a psychological process in human beings called the fading effect bias. It doesn’t mean that they will forget the negative aspects of the relationship. But those things won’t be at the front and center when they think about you.

In addition, because of nostalgia, they are also more likely to remember the positive things about the relationship more favorably and with more fondness as time goes by and the negative feelings start to fade away.

2. The freedom to explore – They are going to finally be free of the relationship that they desperately wanted to be away from. While they may be excited to explore, a lot of times, seeing what’s out there makes them realize what they lost. Especially if your bond was strong, you were good to them and cared about them.

3. You not available as a backup or emotional support – If they feel you desperately want them back, then applying no contact and setting clear boundaries will make them see how you are no longer a backup for them. When they miss you or are having a bad day, they won’t just be able to pick up the phone and have you available to them.

4. Curiosity and Uncertainty – Not hearing from you will make them curious. They will eventually start wondering what you are doing. Whether or not you are moving on from them. In addition, they will have to face some uncertainty. They will start wondering if they want you back, would they have a chance? They will start wondering if you still love them or want them back. They may not act on those thoughts, but those thoughts will inevitably come to them.

4. Realizing that they may also lose you forever – They will eventually come to the realization that THEY CAN ALSO LOSE YOU FOREVER. They will realize how painful a breakup and losing a loved one is. This is when they truly feel the gravity of the loss. Yes, they may choose to go through with it anyways. But at least, they will respect you and give reconciliation a serious thought.

5. Space to reconsider their decision – The space that’s created with No Contact gives them a lot of time to think about what happened, get some realistic perspective, think about what they did wrong, whether things can be different and then maybe reconsider reconciliation.

Isn’t there a faster, less extreme way to make my ex go through this?

Wouldn’t it be nice if your ex  could go through all these things in a matter of days? Or maybe just a few hours?

Unfortunately, It’s not like a chemical reaction that you can speed up by adding a catalyst. These are human emotions, thoughts, and psychological processes, which naturally take time. You can help facilitate the process by giving them space and avoiding the mistakes I mentioned above, but it will still take its time. In most cases, it takes at least three weeks.

The Nitty Gritty of No Contact – And Different Advice From The Web

No contact can feel a lot and if you decide to do it, you may want to know exactly how to go about it. There is also a lot of different advice on the internet about it that may make it confusing. I’ve broken down all of it in four short points.

1. Indefinite vs. Definite – Some coaches recommend that no contact should last forever. While others recommend that it needs to be only for a few weeks or a few months. While the former coaches focus more on moving on from your ex (even if you want them back), the latter recommend giving it one last shot before giving up and moving on.

2. Strict vs Lenient –  Some people recommend to not speak to your ex at all (strict). While others recommend that some communication with your ex is okay as long as there is enough space created between the both of you (lenient or limited). It’s obviously necessary to have some contact with an ex if you share a child or some other responsibilities.

There’s also the recommendation to speak to your ex if they reach out to you during no contact. While this is a great option for most cases, it leaves you vulnerable to breadcrumbs and emotional manipulation from your ex, which may interfere with your healing.

Strict no contact is focused more on healing yourself (applicable for a messy breakup or one with toxic elements), lenient no contact is more suitable for situations where you and your ex have a history of being respectful and kind to each other.

3. Short vs long – If you decide to do no contact for a limited number of days, there is the argument for how long. My recommendation is at least 3 weeks since my experience has shown that most people need at least that much to start feeling better after the breakup. But the most popular length for no contact remains 30 days and it can go up to six months depending on what happened and how long it takes to feel confident enough to approach your ex.

Some articles and random people on the internet also advice no contact for as short as 24 hours which, in my opinion, is absolutely ludicrous. It doesn’t give anyone enough time to properly process the emotional mess left by a breakup. Even if it works, it also leaves you open to getting back in an unhealthy or toxic relationship that will end soon or worse – take a toll on your mental health and self-esteem.

4. Informing ex vs Not Informing ex – Some people advice that you should inform your ex that you are going to stop contacting them. Others recommend to just stop contact and ignore your ex if they reach out.

My approach is to be as kind as possible while keeping self-care and self-love as priority.

My best recommendation for no contact – If you and your ex are on speaking terms, tell them that you need to stop talking to them for a while because you need some time and space to heal from the breakup. If you are not on speaking terms, just start your no contact rule. During no contact, focus on self-care, self-love, and self-improvement rather than just waiting for it to end or hoping your ex will contact you. Do no contact for at least 21 days or 30 days (preferably more) before you consider speaking to them. At the end of that period, you can choose to extend no contact or contact your ex depending on how you feel.

Other popular recommendation –  There’s another advice popularized by Men’s dating coach Corey Wayne to tell your ex that you love them, that you want to get back together and that your door will always be open for them. If they reject you (which they most likely will), do no contact indefinitely and move on from them. If they reach out to you after a while, ask them out on a date as soon as possible.

I don’t recommend this approach because it leaves you open to another likely rejection, it leaves you open to breadcrumbs and emotional manipulation by your ex, and it can put you in a mindset where you are constantly waiting for your ex to reach out to you.

In addition, telling a narcissistic manipulator that your door is always open for them is giving them ammunition that they can (and will) use against you sometime in the future.

This approach makes sense if you are sure your relationship wasn’t toxic and are ready to give up on your ex and move on. But if you are taking this approach just because you hope your ex will reach out eventually, I advise against it.

What if my ex starts dating someone else while I do this?

This is one of the most painful thoughts for most people. But it helps to confront it and realize that even if it happens, it’s not a big deal.

The truth is, yes, your ex may start dating someone else after the breakup. Heck, they may already be dating someone else. It sucks, but it’s the truth.

However, panicking when an ex starts dating will only push them further away. Remember those mistakes I mentioned in the first part of this article? The thought of your ex dating someone else may just want you to make all of those mistakes. That includes texting and calling them, begging, using logic to convince them, letting them walk all over you, getting angry or being nasty etc.

But that is just going to push your ex even further away. And this time, you are pushing them away into the arms of their new boyfriend or girlfriend.

It helps to know that the love they had for you will not go away so easily and so soon. A lot of people start something called a rebound relationship soon after a breakup. These relationships are essentially a distraction for your ex.

In other words, the new person is a way to fill the gap left by you in their life. They hope they can replace you. But human bonds don’t work this way. They may date someone, but they won’t bond with them the same way they did with you. At least not until they have emotionally moved on from you.

A lot of our community members got their ex back even after their ex dated someone else during the breakup. When the rebound relationship ends, they have to face the breakup.

The TLDR of this – yes, your ex may date someone else. But in most cases, it doesn’t mean they will stop loving you or emotionally move on from you. You can still get them back. It may take some more time, but there is still hope.

So even if your ex starts dating someone, let them. Don’t try to stop it. Let them do what they feel they need to do. You do you.

What To Expect when you start no contact with an ex you want back?

Doubts. Anxiety. Fear. Followed by a sense of relief. And a sense of control.

Expect to have a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes good. Sometimes great. But also sometimes bad. And sometimes debilitating.

Expect the fear, doubts and anxiety to be the strongest when you just start no contact. Most people start feeling better after about 2-3 weeks of sticking to the guidelines and minimizing contact with their ex.

Think about it like this, the breakup has left a fresh wound and you were rubbing salt over it for a while. But now that you’ve stopped, it’s still going to hurt, maybe even more for a while. But it will eventually heal.

This is again why breadcrumbs from an ex can be harmful and why the approach I recommend puts your self-care above the idea of getting them back.

Speaking of which,

What to expect from your ex when you start no contact? (and what to do)

When they feel a vacuum, they may reach out, get angry, try to guilt trip you or do something to get your attention.

Just remember, don’t feel obligated to respond to them or get sucked back into the push-pull. Think about yourself and do what you need to do to heal from the breakup.

Note that just because you are putting self-care and healing above the idea of getting back together, doesn’t necessarily mean you are reducing your chances of getting back together or rejecting your ex or losing an opportunity.

On the contrary, prioritizing self-care and acting out of self-respect and self-love increases your chances even more because it closes the emotional rift between you and your ex.

For example, if your ex throws you a rope and you grab it holding on for your dear life, your ex may think, “Yeah, I still have them as a backup. No need to worry right now.”

But if you act out of self-care and self-love and maybe shut down their half-hearted approach, they will think, “Wait, is she really moving on from me?” or “Wait, is he really being honest about this. What if he finds some other girl?”

While that shouldn’t be the goal of self-care, it’s certainly a nice side effect. However, remember this doesn’t always happen. Your ex may not do any of those things. And that’s not a bad sign either.

There is still hope as long as you both have love for each other. And like I said before, it usually takes a long time for the love to fade away.

This is why you eventually should have a conversation with your ex after a little bit of inner work.

STEP 3 – Acceptance and Growth – The Key To Increasing Your Chances of Staying Together

There is one very common theme amongst people who got their ex back and kept them. It’s accepting the breakup, taking responsibility for their part in it, and growing as a person.

Some of my community members call it an “inner shift”, some call it “inner work”, while others simply call it “self-improvement.”

The essence of it all is to not put your ex on a pedestal. You can still love them and want them back, but they don’t have to have so much power over your emotional and mental well-being.

You reach a point where you realize you don’t need your ex. Maybe you still want them back. But even if you don’t, you know you are going to be okay.

In a way, you break away from the co-dependency with your ex. And you realize what it’s like to be YOU again.

For a lot of people, it’s hard to imagine a state like that when the breakup is fresh and they desperately want their ex back.

But it changes as they implement self-care and self-love into practice.

Add some growth to the mixture, and you are a better, stronger version of yourself.

You become someone who wants their ex back – not from a position of fear, insecurity or weakness, but from a position of love, confidence and strength.

The love, in this equation, is for yourself as much as it is for your ex – if not more.

Note that while the following advice may not appeal to your emotional brain because it sounds like I am telling you to move on, try re-framing it as “sort of” moving on.

Because our emotional brain is wired to not let go of someone we love, you need to convince it to still do these things.

Remind yourself that you aren’t going to kill your love for your ex, you are just going to raise your self-worth. You can continue loving your ex while still ridding yourself of the co-dependency (read: desperation) for them. It doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Here’s how to do that.

1. Basic Self-Care After a Breakup – When the breakup is fresh, try to eat, sleep and drink as much water as you can. Take deep breaths frequently (consider setting reminders on your phone). Go for walks in nature or do some light exercise at home.

As you start feeling better take responsibility for your well-being and treat your body with respect. This means get some discipline in your eating (eat healthy), get a good sleeping routine (at least 8 hours every night), take care of your skin (at least moisturize and apply sunscreen), make sure you are hydrated (7 tall glasses of water a day), exercise enough so that you are in good shape (consider weight lifting, calisthenics, yoga, or some sport you are interested in).

2. Practicing Self-Love and Self-Respect After a Breakup – Self-love is essentially understanding yourself, accepting yourself and liking yourself. It’s closely related to self-esteem. Practicing self-love starts with being honest to yourself about who you are, what you like, what you dislike, what’s healthy for you and what’s not. It’s developing self-care routines on a weekly basis that you know your body and mind needs. These routines can range from going to therapy, going for long runs, meditating or even simply tidying up your house.

In addition, practicing self-love also includes facing and challenging negative thoughts that you may have about yourself. Instead of saying, “I am not worthy of love” or that “I am scared that people will not love me if they know the real me.”;

you challenge yourself and remind yourself that –

“I am strong and worthy of love. I may have some faults but I learn from my mistakes and am open to learning and being a better person.”

3. Have a support system – A good support system is paramount after a breakup. Have friends and family, who care about you and are honest to you, in close proximity. Speak to them when you feel the need to speak to your ex. Meet them when you feel lonely. Ask them for support when you feel down. Human beings need support systems and thrive when they have a good one. So if you don’t have one, it’s time to start building one.

4. Be prepared to miss your ex and obsessive thoughts – You may find yourself missing your ex intensely or thinking about them constantly. If it happens, process the feeling and the thoughts, but don’t let it get overwhelming. Don’t suppress your emotions, but don’t dwell on them for too long either. You may occasionally feel an intense urge to reach out to them. Try to let it pass and not act out of desperation. Try to not let these emotions and thoughts interfere with your self-care and self-love routine.

5. Regaining Individuality (Or Self-Concept Clarity) – The end of an important romantic relationship is associated with feelings of self-doubt. In other words, when you are in a relationship for a long time, you kind of forget who you are and your identity kind of ties in with the relationship. When a relationship ends, you feel your identity or individuality is lost.

David, who got his ex girlfriend back and has been with her for more than 10 years now said this about the 30 days of no contact he implemented,

“I think during that time it made me realize that I was an individual and she was an individual (I know that sounds obvious but when you are with someone for a while things start to mesh together) While we were split up, I ended up doing things I wouldn’t normally do. Going out and playing pool, joining a gym, going to a movie on my own ect.. When we eventually started talking again, I had a lot of things to talk about. I believe that was important. Showing that you are independent during the time you break up and that you are enjoying life.”

A 2020 study found that a lot of people who want an ex back do so because they think it will give them self-concept clarity. Or in other words, it will make them whole again. The study doesn’t really conclude if it actually happens or if the participants even got back with their ex.

But I’ve experienced that people who actually gain self-concept clarity (or individuality) without their ex have a higher chance of getting their ex back.

Without getting too technical, it simply means knowing one’s traits, beliefs and values and applying those values consistently across all facets of your life.

When you are a child, it’s as simple as knowing which M&Ms are your favorite and who is your best friend.

But when we grow up, we make things complicated. It doesn’t have to be. Just ask yourself what’s truly important to you and what type of people you really like. And then spend majority of your time and energy on those people and those things.

A simple example of a belief I recommend is the growth mindset. Which translates to, “I choose to be believe that I can learn from my mistakes and grow as a person. Failure doesn’t define who I am.” And you apply that mindset in every aspect of your life, including relationships, career, health and hobbies.

6. Accepting The Truth About Your Relationship – You want them back, but was your relationship really worth saving?

Like I said, breakup is a significant decision and if you both reached that stage in the relationship, then something really was broken.

Now a lot of people get back together and make it work; but a lot more don’t. It’s because when a relationship reaches that point, there is usually something really wrong there.

This is why it’s important to keep challenging your view about the past relationship and your ex as you go through this.

One question that helps a lot of readers is, “If you didn’t love your ex and you didn’t feel this intense connection with them, would you still want them back?”

Another simple question to consider – “Is your ex the type of person you would want in your life aside from being a romantic partner?”

And most importantly – “Do you think your ex treated you with the respect and love you deserve?”

There are a lot of questions you can and should ask yourself about your ex and your previous relationship as you are going through this.

My advice is to repeatedly ask yourself these questions every week since starting no contact. As time goes by, your perspective changes, and you think more clearly. Consequently, your answer to these questions may change.

Remember, being skeptical of getting back together is a win-win situation for you. It increases your chances of getting back together and it increases your chances of moving on. While your emotional brain may not see it yet, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

7. Learning From The Past and Growth – In whatever way you contributed to the breakup, you can learn from your mistakes and become a better partner. In most cases, this includes –

While it’s not possible to cover all of the above, I will talk about two very common reasons people find themselves in an unwanted breakup.

They are insecurity and unhealthy communication patterns.

Insecurity in relationships comes from a lack of self-confidence or fear of inadequacy. This insecurity shows itself in things such as jealousy, constant need for reassurance, and mistrust. And that causes a lot of issues in relationships –

  1. Jealousy, Mistrust and Possessiveness: Insecurity can make people jealous, fearing that their partner might find someone better. This leads to possessive behaviors, trying to control their partner’s freedom and blaming them for not being loyal. This often leads to unwarranted accusations and arguments.
  2. Constant Need for Reassurance: Insecure individuals might frequently seek validation and reassurance from their partner, which can feel exhausting and burdensome to them.
  3. Communication Problems: Insecurity can make individuals less open and honest, fearing judgment or rejection. As a result, communication in such relationships have a focus on avoiding blame, keeping scores, walking on eggshells (read: minimizing conflict), or maintaining a facade of harmony. Real issues, are often swept under the rug.
  4. Dependency and Control: Insecure individuals might become overly dependent on their partner or attempt to control them to feel secure. This can stifle the partner’s independence and create an unhealthy, imbalanced dynamic. This is more common in anxiously attached individuals.
  5. Emotional Withdrawal: Insecurity might lead someone to withdraw emotionally, fearing vulnerability. This withdrawal can create emotional distance and a sense of disconnection. This is more common in avoidant individuals.

When these issues persist, they can erode the foundations of the relationship (which usually is trust, respect and affection) and lead to a breakup. While you are doing no contact, it’s important to ask yourself if you had any traits of insecurity, learn to be aware of it, and learn healthy communication and boundary setting to stop yourself from making the same mistakes again.

A great example of this is one of my clients Sarah who was extremely insecure in her relationship and did pretty much everything above apart from emotional withdrawal. Once she became aware of her insecurity, it was an instant light switch moment for her. She started addressing the root cause of it in therapy. But the things that brought the most change in her behavior was simply acknowledging her insecurity and communicating it honestly.

For example, earlier, if her partner couldn’t receive her calls, she would get furious and make a devious plan to make him feel the same way she did. She would ignore his calls or send a text to a guy she knew her partner was jealous of.

But once she acknowledged this behavior and learned how terrible it was, she simply communicated with her partner that when he doesn’t pick up her calls, it makes her very angry and she feels terrible. Her partner obviously cared about her and told her that he will make sure to send a text as soon as possible if he can’t receive her calls. Her insecurity regarding this slowly faded away and now she trusts her partner enough to not let this be an issue.

Additional Advice and Common Pitfalls

Constant reminders that your ex will come back are not true – The internet is full of people claiming your ex will come back if you just wait for them. Don’t wait for an ex. It doesn’t always happen. See our study and the updated stories of other commenters for a realistic view of what actually happens.

Managing hope and taking control – It’s good to have hope of getting back together. But false hope can keep you from truly accepting the breakup. This is why it’s important to focus on things you can control. If after a while you still want your ex back, reach out to them instead of hoping they will do it first.

Deeper wounds and emotional baggage – Some truths are easier to ignore than facing them head on. While in this stage, if you come across something from the past that is extremely hurtful, then you should get help. You don’t need to do this alone by yourself. There are professionals and services to help you heal. Consider going to a therapist, a counselor or a breakup coach.

You become someone who wants their ex back – not from a position of fear, insecurity or weakness, but from a position of love, confidence and strength.

How does acceptance and growth affect your ex?

If you have successfully created space between you and your ex, then your acceptance and growth should not affect your ex at all unless they come to know about it.

However, if they have been keeping tabs on you via mutual friends, family or social media; then they will get a sense about where you are.

Hearing about your growth may inspire them to work on their issues and growth as well. Or it may compel them to reach out to you and maybe even try to get you back.

But again, don’t wait for it to happen. It’s not something you can control.

Yes, you can influence your ex by posting on social media or indirect communication via mutual friends, but that’s not the type of communication that leads to a healthy relationship.

In fact, such type of communications fly dangerously close to manipulation. Not to mention the possibility of it backfiring, misinterpretation and making you look desperate and needy. While your intentions may be good, it’s best to avoid such things and focus on something real.

An honest conversation.

STEP 4 – Have a Real Conversation With Your Ex

By this time,  which should ideally be at least three weeks from the initial breakup or from the time you stopped pushing your ex, a lot of your ex’s defenses around the idea of getting back together start to crumble.

Particularly, the decision of getting back together does not need to be defended. Because if enough time has passed, then the breakup, in a way, has already happened. Even more so, if you, the person who didn’t want the breakup, have accepted the breakup.

Getting back together now will be, in a way, a new relationship.

Especially if there have been enough changes in the way both of you communicate and handle relationship issues.

But for things to progress,  you and your ex need to talk. And this gets a bit tricky if you have not been talking for a while.

By tricky, I mean the variety of advice on the internet can confuse you.

But to keep things simple – if you feel the need to say something to your ex after enough time has passed, you reach out and say it. Not out of neediness or desperation, but from confidence and acceptance.

Because if you have truly accepted the breakup and the possibility that you may never get back together, it’s going to show in the way you speak to your ex.

My Views On The Different Advice About This Stage

Again, there is different advice about this stage on the internet. One popular advice I mentioned earlier is to never reach out to your ex again after you start no contact. You let them reach out to you, which is the equivalent of moving on.

While it makes sense to a lot of people. It’s not always very effective in getting an ex back.

Mainly because not all exes reach out and if they do, by the time it happens, you have already moved on.

Sometimes, it also makes you vulnerable to false hope that stops you from accepting the true nature of the relationship and your ex.

But speaking strictly in terms of getting your ex back, the last time your ex spoke to you was probably not the best version of you. Especially if you were needy and didn’t know how to be honest and communicate effectively.

While they may remember the good times more favorably because of the fading effect bias and nostalgia, they won’t forget the reasons the breakup happened. They only forget the negative feelings associated with it.

According to Advanced in Experimental Social Psychology: Volume 49, chapter 3 of the fading effect bias.

“the affect associated with positive memories tends to fade more slowly from event occurrence to event recall than the affect associated with negative memories,”

Or in simpler scientific terms

“the emotional intensity of bad memories tends to fade away”

For example, they will remember that you were insecure, or that you both fought, or that you ignored them. But they won’t remember how terrible that fight made them feel, or how your insecurity made them feel trapped and want to shut down, or how helpless and frustrated they felt when you shut down and didn’t give them the time or attention they deserved.

These reasons might not be prominent in their mind, but they will remember them. And those reasons will prevent them from truly being open to letting you back in their life.

The reasons you have accepted and worked on during the no contact period. For example, you may have gone from being insecure to being confident, worked on your self-esteem, learned to love yourself, learned to communicate better and set clear boundaries. Things that your ex couldn’t imagine you doing.

A real conversation with an ex can help get past that hurdle and alleviate any grudges or misconceptions about you they may be holding.

But this also poses a problem because if you just call your ex and tell them of all the changes, it feels like another desperate attempt to get them back.

And again, the trusty internet steps in with confusing, often manipulative, advice.

Some coaches recommend to reach out in a casual manner, as if the breakup never happened, try to make them jealous, flirt a lot, play mind games over texts, and if you are force sensitive, use Jedi mind tricks on your ex.

But that, as you may have guessed, doesn’t really translate into a healthy foundation of a long lasting relationship.

My advice is to restart contact with your ex by acknowledging what happened before, give a brief overview of what you have been doing and be honest about what you want. And then, just let things progress organically.

Remember, at this point, you should be as skeptical as them about getting back together. So you don’t really ask to get back together. You just ask to get back in touch or catch up.

I explain this in more detail in my article on what to do after no contact and what to text.

Once you are back in touch, you speak to them how you would naturally speak and ask them out whenever you feel comfortable.

Remember, phone calls, texts and emails should only be used to get back in touch. If you both never meet, your ex will never really feel attracted to you enough to want to get back together.

An Overview of Different Advice On Talking To an Ex After No Contact

To give you an overview, here are some different approaches that are recommended by different dating coaches around the world –

  1. After starting no contact, leave the ball in your ex’s court. Let your ex reach out to you. When they do, immediately ask them out.
  2. If your ex reaches out to you before you do, speak to them, see what they have to say, and based on how you feel – ask them out or play it slow.
  3. Reach out after a certain number of days – keep it light and casual. Use past memories to remind them of the good times or try to make them jealous. (Least recommended by me)
  4. Reach out when you are emotionally ready – you can choose to keep it light, or be honest about your approach. Just don’t put too much pressure on your ex and don’t act out of neediness.

My most recommended approach is the second and fourth one. That is, if your ex reaches out, speak to them and be patient. Don’t follow a set formula. But treat your ex as a human being and listen to what they have to say. If it feels like they need more time, give it to them. If it feels like they are ready to meet, ask them out. If speaking to them affects you negatively, then consider asking for more space.

On the other hand, if you have healed emotionally, enough time has passed and your ex hasn’t reached out, then reach out with confidence, honesty and tact. Don’t be afraid to talk about your intentions. But don’t be desperate or needy about it.

Additional Advice if Your Ex Reaches out to you First

If an ex reaches out, it could be just a breadcrumb to keep you as a backup with no intention of getting back together.

Or it could be that they are genuinely missing you and just want to talk.

In some cases, they will outright tell you that they want to get back together or meetup.

So be mentally prepared for everything. And act keeping yourself as a priority.

One important thing to keep in mind when interacting with your ex is to be yourself. You want your ex to be attracted to you. Not someone you are pretending to be. While you shouldn’t display the needy, desperate part of yourself; you also shouldn’t pretend to be completely over them if you still have feelings for them.

Be honest, be yourself, but don’t be overwhelming.

One of our readers from back in 2014 got TikTok famous when one of her video about getting her ex back using out advice got viral. She even got featured in some news publications.

What worked for her was simply being cool when her ex reached out first.

She said [speaking of our free email course], “The emails would tell me not to be desperate or text him emotionally,” She continued, “I’d want to text ‘I want to get back together’ but I waited and just told him how I was doing well at university,”

She let her ex take his own time and move things at his own pace. All she had to do was not be overwhelming.

They got back together 3 months after the breakup, moved in again in 2015, got married in 2017, had their first child in 2019 and are still living happily together.

On the other hand, one of our readers, Kaitlyn’s ex reached out to her intermittently for almost two years with no definite sign of getting back together. She said,

“We stayed in contact after the breakup. I was obsessed with the idea of “getting him back”. So I worked on myself by working out, making friends and going out to be more social. I admit that all of this was to appear as if I had moved on and was entirely for the wrong reasons. We occasionally hung out and then it gave me false hope that we would work things out just for him to continue his single life coming in and out of my life when it was convenient for him. I did eventually put myself back out there and started dating. I wasn’t ready but I thought it would help. It did not. But surrounding myself with solid girlfriends helped tremendously.”

It did eventually work out for her though. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you truly helps. This is what Kaitlyn said –

“In all my efforts to appear like I had my life together, I slowly started to actually take care of myself and it became less about him and more about me. About 2 years later, I met my (now) husband. And I would never trade any of this heartbreak or experience for anything because it truly helped make me stronger. I will say, my ex did profess his love for me once he saw I became serious with someone else (they always do). It was too little too late, of course.”

The point is human beings have different intentions and different motivations when they reach out to an ex. Heck, every one has got their own emotional baggage to deal with. So don’t try to follow a formula. Instead, be mindful of your own emotions, act with self-care/self-respect and put forward the best version of yourself.

Additional Advice if you Decide to Reach out to Your Ex

If your ex hasn’t reached out for a while, it’s worth it to consider reaching out to them and have a conversation. My most recommended approach comes from a place of honesty, confidence and tact.

  1. First make sure enough time has passed. In most cases, I recommend at least three weeks of space before reaching out.
  2. Second, make sure you are in a better mental space and have gone through the things recommended above in Step 3. That is, you have healed, have a self-care routine, have friends and family to rely on, and have accepted the breakup.
  3. Third, make sure you actually have a potential of a healthy relationship with your ex.
  4. Lastly, make sure you are not coming from a place of desperation, manipulation or neediness. It’s okay to want your ex back, but it’s not okay if you desperately need your ex to feel good about yourself.

When you reach out, the first message should have these components –

  • Acceptance of the breakup (so they don’t feel the need to defend it).
  • A genuine apology for any mistakes you made (to address any grudges they may have been holding)
  • A brief insight into your past behavior (to show that you are mature and more understanding)
  • An invitation to talk (not about getting back together. Just to see how they are.)

In a lot of cases, your ex may need a few days to process such a message. Sometimes, they don’t reply for a few days. But then open up after that. Sometimes, they immediately reply. And in some rare cases, they are even angry or pissed off.

Whatever your ex’s reaction may be, it will give you a good idea of where they stand emotionally about you. It will tell you if they still care about you and respect you enough to reply. And that is very important information that can help you move forward. In getting them back or letting go of them.

As you both start speaking more, you will naturally flirt, sometimes talk about the past, sometimes talk about the changes you have both made, or sometimes just have a good time together.

Whatever happens, choose to BE YOURSELF. After all, you want your ex to want YOU back. Not someone who follows weird rules made up by breakup coaches trying to be unique.

David, said this about reaching out to his ex girlfriend after 30 days of no contact.

“I think it’s important that when you start trying to initiate contact again that you show that you are being positive and supportive. I only reached out to her because she wanted me to and she was happy to speak to me after the short period of non-contact. I do remember after the 30 days helping my ex (my ex at the time) pack her things prior to went she went to Florida. That resonated with her because she couldn’t find anyway else willing to help, and she knew I was hurt that she was moving. She did not end up moving, we got back together, and we are now married with two children.”

One of our coaching clients, Hannah, said this on our trustpilot page.

“After some time, I reached out to tell him that I was there for him no matter what (and I genuinely was ready to accept the break-up at this point). It wasn’t until I was level-headed and in a better place emotionally that we were able to reconnect and, at that point, he was missing me so much that the clarity came around and he asked to get back together. We broke up in February and got back together two months later.[…]and since then our relationship has been incredibly intentional and joyful. We got engaged last month[…]”

But it’s not always a traditional happy ending. Sometimes exes don’t reply. Sometimes, they reply but are cold. And sometimes they are outright rude. While those outcomes may feel terrible to someone who wants their ex back, it’s actually still progress. One of my email subscriber, Jan, said this after he reached out to his ex respectfully.

“Reaching out after 5 weeks of no contact. She was extremely rude, disrespectful and told me to leave her alone.”

For context, he never did anything that was disrespectful to her. Didn’t act needy or desperate after the breakup. And gave her the space when she needed it. His ex’s reaction was extreme and it happens very rarely. But it can still happen. And it sucked for him. Made him feel like a creep. Made him feel like he ruined all chances of her reaching out to him. But in reality, it just showed him what type of person his ex really was. I followed up with him after about 10 weeks and this is what he said.

“Reaching out to her and her acting disrespectful did two things to me. First, it somewhat gave me closure / made me stop wondering about „what if we get to talk again“. I got an answer, even though it wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear at that time. And second, it really opened my eyes about what I expect from a woman in terms of communication and effort. I got to know my worth, I know what i deserve and what I won’t accept. And looking back at it, her behaviour is something that a loving and caring person doesn’t deserve. I’m not asking myself anymore, if things would have went differently, if I didn’t reach out at that time. I’m glad I did and the whole experience let me grow as a person. And your course helped me do so. Realise what role I played and who I want to be for the next woman I open my heart for. Even tho it felt like she was at the time we were together, she wasn’t the one. That’s for sure. “

Like I said before, even if things don’t work out the way you imagine they would, if at this stage you still want your ex back, reaching out to an ex can give you a lot of insights that can help you move forward.

Sometimes, reaching out doesn’t have to mean a message or a text. If you and your ex have to interact with each other (such as due to work, or shared custody), then it may mean showing them you are interested in them. As long as you are being yourself and not acting out of desperation, it’s okay to do whatever you feel like you need to do after enough time has passed.

One guy, who had been convinced by breakup coaches that he needs to give his ex space until she tells him she wants him back, said this on a Reddit Post.

“We took the children out to a theme park for the Halloween celebrations, and I just thought she looked so beautiful. So I broke the rules again by flirting with her relentlessly, like I would have before we get together. She flirted back and we had a great time. […] We met again the next evening, and spoke for a long time again. About where we had both gone wrong, and how we had missed each other. […] We arranged a date, went out and had a great time. We’ve been back together about a month now, taking it very slowly but things seem to be moving in a good direction. […] I wanted to put it out there as an example that maybe sometimes going off script could be the move. If I had never broken the rules, I wouldn’t have this second chance.”

Again, different situations, different exes, and different approaches can give different results. Relationships are complex and there isn’t a formula that will work for everyone.

Treat your ex like a human being and give yourself room to make a decision for yourself. Remember your ex loved you once and they probably still have feelings for you. So don’t try to be someone you are not.

The core advice here is similar to if your ex reaches out first. BE YOURSELF. But don’t be overwhelming.

Additional Advice if You Decide to Wait for Your Ex to Reach Out First

My recommendation is to not wait for an ex, but rather be proactive and reach out to your ex when you are ready.

However, some people want to give their ex a lot of space and just prefer letting them come back on their own.

If that makes sense to you, my advice is to not wait for your ex. Instead move on. If they ever reach out, then think about whether or not you should take them back. But until then, focus on living your best life with no expectations of getting back together.

This is also the advice of one of our community member, lizgrim, whose ex came back after about 4-5 months of her waiting for him. They even got married and have a healthy relationship. But she still felt regret for giving him so much emotional power over her during their time apart.

This is what she said in her forum post.

“And definitely don’t sit at home crying waiting on them to come back. Don’t put your life on hold. Go out and explore. Do stuff. Kiss whoever you want. F**k whoever you want. That’s my regret. That I stayed home and waited for him. That I spent an entire summer letting him affect me. That I wasted months of my life I will never get back. The only reason he came back was because I moved out. Because I moved on. Because I wasn’t staying at home for him anymore. He was terrified of losing me and I made sure he knew he wasn’t going to have me anymore with someone else in his life. I know this won’t work for everyone. I know every relationship is different but I truly think no matter what, you need to focus on yourself. Get a hair cut. Work out. Enjoy your life without them.”

Dangers of getting back in touch with an ex

As in the case of Kaitlyn, an ex who has too much power over your emotions can keep you hooked on them, never commit to getting back together and prevent you from moving on.

Whether your ex reaches out to you first, or whether you reach out to them; there is always a danger of getting back in an unhealthy or toxic pattern with an ex. Especially if you have not really healed enough and still put them on a pedestal. The danger is even more if you don’t have a support system of friends and family to guide you in times of need.

So it’s important to keep those things in mind before you let your ex back in your life. If you are sure that your ex respects you enough to never use or abuse you, then you needn’t worry about it. But sadly, that’s not always the case.

The Way You Feel About Yourself Is How Your Ex Is Likely To Feel About You

When you get back in touch with your ex, they will subconsciously look at the way you feel about yourself to figure out how they should feel about you.

If they feel that you respect yourself, then they will also respect you. If they feel you love yourself, then they will think you are worthy of their love. If they feel you care about your well-being, then they will also care about your well-being.

If you believe you deserve more than being someone’s backup, then they will stop thinking of you as their backup. If you believe you deserve a relationship where you are your partner’s priority, then they will make you a priority when you get back together.

So it’s not so much what you say, it’s the sub-conscious actions, your tone, your body language, what you do when you are not speaking to them, the choices you make, the boundaries you set, the things you say no to, and everything as a whole that’s going to determine what your ex feels about you.

And this is again, why Step 3, acceptance and growth is so important. If you have truly accepted the breakup, then they are going to feel the breakup has already happened, and as a result, they won’t feel the need to defend their decision. Consequently, they will be more open to the possibility of getting back together.

Step 5 – Build a Relationship on a Strong Foundation (But commit to your well-being before you commit to your ex)

When you and your ex start talking and spending time with each other, one of the following happens.

  • They show interest in getting back together pretty early. Maybe around 2-3 days of starting to talk to you.
  • They show interest but are skeptical to meet or make any commitments.
  • They are friendly, but keep you at an arm’s length. Never really committing to a meeting and being careful about what they say to you (so as not to give you false hope).
  • They are cold, rarely initiating, and shutting down any conversations you try to start.

There are two things to consider while moving forward. Your emotional state and your ex’s emotional state.

Your ex may just need more space and time before they are ready to meet up or show an interest. Or your ex may be very skeptical about any changes you’ve made and just your overall compatibility with them.

But on the other hand, they may also want to explore their options while keeping you as a backup.

Your emotional state is also important. While you may have worked a lot to rid yourself of any co-dependency from your ex, you may still get sucked back into the emotional dynamics that happened while you were still together.

Speaking to your ex without any progress towards reconciliation may make you feel like being stuck in purgatory.

My advice at this time is to put your emotional and mental health above the idea of getting your ex back, and giving your ex the time, space or explanation they need second.

If not making any progress is affecting you emotionally, then ask them out or talk about your intentions of getting back together. If it feels necessary, make one last attempt and then go indefinite no contact.

But if you are okay with simply speaking to them, if it feels natural and it doesn’t interfere with your self-care activities; then give your ex the space and time they need.

Sometimes, your ex may need to talk a lot on the phone or text to let go of any grudges or resentment they may be holding towards you. If that seems to be the case, speak to them about it, but don’t turn the conversation to getting back together. Give them space to process what’s being said and let it be their idea.

Sometimes, your ex may just want to have a light conversation, flirt a bit or act like the way you both did when you first started dating. If it feels fun to you as well, then participate in the same capacity. But if it feels emotionally overwhelming, consider shutting it down and set clear boundaries.

Eventually, they will either show interest in getting back together, or it will be abundantly clear that it’s not meant to be.

For the latter, know you’ve tried your best and let go of your ex knowing it truly wasn’t meant to be.

For the former, build your relationship on the foundation of honesty, trust, respect and healthy communication. See below for some guidelines before officially getting back together.

Talking about getting back together

As you and your ex start talking (as mentioned in step 4), the topic of the past relationship, what has changed since the breakup and how things could be different will naturally come up every once in a while.

When it does, don’t be afraid to talk about it in detail. But if the topic hasn’t come up yet, you should bring it up before officially getting back together.

  • Talk about what caused the breakup.
  • What were the root issues that caused you both to drift apart? How did you contribute to it and how did they contribute to it?
  • How you will be different.
  • How they will be different.
  • If you both have different attachment styles, talk about it with them openly and clearly.
  • What specific actions can you both take to not repeat the same patterns again?
  • What are your boundaries and deal breakers?
  • What are their boundaries and deal breakers?
  • Would it make sense to go to couples therapy together?
  • Would it make sense to have a trial period before officially getting back together?

 In addition, watch out for these red flags –

  • Your ex not taking any responsibility for their part in the breakup and the decline of the relationship.
  • Your ex blaming you constantly for everything that went wrong.
  • Your ex acting like they are better than you and are doing you a favor.
  • Your ex not prioritizing you or treating you with the respect you deserve.
  • Your ex keeping you as a backup while they explore other options.
  • Your ex lying about what they did or didn’t do while you were apart. (While it’s okay for them to not share everything, lying about it is a sign of dishonesty).
  • Your ex keeping you around while never really committing to a meetup.
  • Your ex continues having sex with you but never really talks about getting back together.
  • Your ex wants you to be friends with benefit.

Most of these red flags are a sign of your ex not being serious about getting back together in a healthy relationship. Remember, your ex also must be committed to making this work. That’s the only scenario where it’s worth getting back together. If they are not committed, then you are better off letting them go.

How To let them go if it doesn’t work out?

The decision to let an ex go may seem impossible right now, but if you have reached this point in the journey, it gets easier.

One reason for that is because you’ve tried your best to make it work. You’ve given the due effort and paid respect to the love you have for your ex. As a result, your mind feels at ease knowing that it was never meant to be.

Another reason it’s easier to let go is because of the inner shift that happens during the process. As you are no longer dependent on your ex for your happiness, you start seeing the true nature of the relationship and your ex. While they may still be a good person, you sometimes realize they weren’t good for you.

As you let them go, fall back on your support system, continue doing the self-care activities that you did during no contact, give yourself some more time to fully accept that it’s over, and whenever you are emotionally ready, get back out there and start dating again.

You’ve given the due effort and paid respect to the love you have for your ex.

If it doesn’t work, should you try all over again?

A lot of people reach this point and feel like going for another round of no contact and trying again after a few months. If that’s you, there’s no harm in doing so.

But know this – the longer you hold on to the wrong person, the harder it will be for the right person to find their way to you.

I know that sounds like something someone would post on an Instagram reel.

But there is wisdom in that. A lot of my community members found their person after they let go of their ex. Some of them even realized that their ex was toxic and they are better off without them.

But if you still feel your ex is worth it, that they need more space and time, and that you can benefit from doing all of this over again, then go ahead.

But for the second time around, I recommend the “Let them know you still have feelings for them and move on” approach. Essentially, you leave the ball in your ex’s court. And just focus on moving on from them.

Because they have probably already seen the changes in you, this strategy will be more effective now as compared to immediately after the breakup when you were desperate and needy.

In addition, consider setting a time limit in your mind about getting your ex back. For example, you can tell yourself something like, “I am only going to wait for my ex, or try to get them back for the next six months until [Month] [Year]. If we are not back together by then, I will cut them off and completely move on.”

Doing this is a better psychological strategy than waiting for your ex because it puts you in control and stops you from indefinitely waiting for someone who may never come.

Bonus Step:

This article covers a lot. But there is still quite a bit I’d like to share with you.

The experience I’ve had by helping thousands of people over the past eleven years is second to none. If you are serious about getting your ex back, then I want you to take advantage of my experience by subscribing to my EBP Basics E-course.

I share much more insights in my free e-course that is designed to help you get through the no contact period, heal from the breakup and teach you how to effectively get your ex back when you are ready.

But before you can subscribe, you need to take a quiz to qualify. The EBP Basics Quiz is designed to help you find out your chances of getting your ex back and for me to find out if you can qualify for the EBP Basics e-course. You will only be allowed to subscribe if you have more than 10% chance of getting your ex back.

Just wanted you to know that of all the websites out there, you are the only one that sends useful emails with actual advice. Your emails helped me through one of the hardest time in my life. I learned more from your website and the EBP Basics e-course than anywhere else!

Mary McAllistor

Click Here To Take The Quiz and Qualify For EBP Basics E-course

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**There will be no spam. I promise.

*The Privacy of our readers and clients is important to us. The names and certain details in the case studies have been modified to protect their privacy.

Experience of Others With Update

We emailed our commenters to update on their situation and give whatever valuable lessons they have to share. A lot of them were kind enough to give an update. So you can see their original comment at the time of the breakup and an update. Some of these updates are after almost 10 years, while others are only after a few years.

All the original comments and their updates can be found in the comment section below.

You will find a variety of perspectives and advice below. You may not resonate with it all. But one common theme you will find is that you are going to be okay, no matter what.

Some important points about the experience section –

  • To keep the update section fair, we have only included updates from people who publicly posted on our website at one point of time. These do not include updates from our customer and clients, the information of which is kept private.
  • To provide a complete picture of what happens after a breakup, we posted updates from everyone who replied. We did not omit out an update or a perspective because of a personal bias or to create a certain narrative (such as all exes come back).
  • The updates are not edited. They are posted the same way we received them.
  • This is a slow and ongoing project. We are going to keep reaching out to people and continue posting the updates here.

Are these comments authentic and genuine?

To provide full transparency, you can see the original comment by clicking on the comment link. You can also find the original comments that were made years ago on web archive.(I’ll make a more detailed page for this if needed)

As for the updates, they were obtained via email by emailing the commenters, the proof of which can be provided on request.

But more importantly, read the comment section. These are real stories. As you read these stories, you will have no doubts about the authenticity of these comments.

268 comments ...add one
  • Beth

    Hi there!

    My boyfriend broke up with me a couple of days ago and I have no idea why and neither does any of my (or his) friends or family. One of his mates said to me that he doesn't think that my ex knows why he did it and another said that he doesn't think my ex gave it much thought. There wasn't anything wrong in our relationship at all, and I really do mean that. The only thing was that he was nearly 6 years older than me but when we first started seeing each other this was a problem but we moved past his because his feelings overrode it and he realised that I'm much more mature than most people my age.

    And then our relationship was beautiful, and we were the couple that everyone was jealous of. We both believed we had a future together and spoke quite frequently about this future (and most of the time it was him bringing it up!). We never really argued, had never fallen out and we made each other so happy and we had so much in common as well as having our own interests. Everyone I have spoken to says they don't understand and they're sure he will realise what he's lost, regret it and see sense. The only thing I can think of is that he's been having a very hard time in his job recently because he's at a place in his life where he needs to start a proper career and I know that this has been heavily bothering him for a while now, so perhaps he felt he needed space to sort everything out? I'm just devastated because it was such a shock and came from nowhere and I honestly thought we were a forever couple. When he broke up with me he said everything he adores about me and all the things I've got going for me, he said that his feelings towards me haven't changed at all and that it's just him and something has gone wrong in his head. He's said to his friends that he doesn't understand what went wrong and it was nothing to do with me - it was something in his head that wasn't quite right and he also said that despite breaking up with me, if any guy even tried to try it on with me it would crush him. I just don't understand. But I've been very dignified about it all, I haven't contacted him and I won't. The only thing is that last night it was his sisters birthday (who happens to be one of my close friends prior to mine and my ex's relationship) party and she wanted me to go and he thought I should go (he said so when we broke up). So I went, I arrived with my best mate (who's a male) and another good friend who my ex always though fancied the pants off me. My ex gave me a hug when I arrived and had a bit of banter with me and I went along with it but very cooly.

    All his friends wanted to talk to me and dance with me and it was a really great night. I didn't ignore him at all but I didn't go out of my way to speak to him, it was always him speaking to me. I thought I caught him looking at me a few times but this could be my imagination.

    At the end when I was leaving he waited inside so he could say goodbye and he gave me a really long hug and looked back at me as I was walking out. To me this all makes no sense because it seems like he still wants me yet he broke up with me. Did I do the right thing here? Do you think he was just confused and broke up with me without thinking and now he's regretting that? Do you think he will come back to me after some time and space? What's the best thing for me to do right now?

    Please help me!


    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      It could be he is regretting his decision or it could be he is just missing being with you. The best thing for you to do right now is give him space.

    • Beth

      [10 Years Update] Gosh, you know I don’t even remember leaving this comment! So funny to read something I wrote so many years ago. I was 18 at the time!

      So we actually got back together about 3 weeks after we broke up. He went on holiday with his family and I went on a work trip, and when I got back I decided to write him a letter. I didn’t want to do it via text, because that would seem like I required a reply. But at the same time there was SO much I felt I hadn’t said to him. So much that I felt but had never articulated because we had only been together for 8 months at the time! A letter seemed appropriate.

      A few days after I sent the letter, we bumped into each other on a night out and he poured his heart out to me. He was crying on my shoulder in the street and said he had so many regrets. We agreed to meet, sober, in the week. And we did. We chatted through everything and essentially he had just had a life crisis but realised losing me was the worst thing and the whole thing just put everything into perspective for him.

      Flash forward 10 years to 2024, we’ve been married for almost 4 years, and welcomed our first baby girl last summer! Together almost 11 years now and those 3 weeks seem so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I truly believe we both needed to go through that to have the life & relationship we have now.

      I always held onto the quote “everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end” and I live by that now. If something is meant to be, you’ll find your way back to each other. If not, all it means is something better is around the corner. Plus if a man really wants you, he’ll let you know. I didn’t text or call him once whilst we were broken up. I just sent the letter saying what I needed to say (for me more than him) and never needed a reply. It was him who realised his errors and essentially declared his undying love for me (lol!). And these experiences always make you stronger. I’m grateful I went through this, more than I can say! And I know it worked out well for me in the end, but I’m sure other people have equally happy endings even if it didn’t result in them getting back together.

      Hope that will provide some comfort for your readers!

      Many thanks!

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you so much for the inspiring story and your words of wisdom. Yes, this will provide a lot of comfort to our readers. Much appreciated.

  • Jennifer

    Hi Kevin,

    First of all, thank God I googled for some advice lol and I found this site, and I was in "WOW", so many things makes so much sense. I have a three (almost four) year old son with my ex boyfriend, we used to live together, and because of trust issues we didn't work out. He was acting very immature, always wanted to be with his friends and never help me out with our son. Due to him being abusive, we separated and almost three years will be in September this year of not living together. We have had our sleep over moments, and still jealousy nonsense at times, where he will get bothered if I went out to a club or just out with friends; I am independent and live with my child, of course he has visitation rights but only have our son once or twice during the week, never a weekend. Recently, he has his new "girlfriend" around my son everytime my son is over... it bothers me, but I don't waste time arguing, so when I am calmed he comes at me with texts and calls unexpected with he still wants to hook up or he still loves me and will always love me, I am the best mother and woman he ever met and thanks God for me, etc. At other times, he acts different and cruel and will make me feel bad about my image and call me fat sometimes... Before my son was born, we were already in a relationship for almost 4 years; just thought you should know. Yesterday after he dropped off my son at daycare, we spent like almost 2 hours on the phone, talking about the whole situation, about almost everything that was bothering me about his girlfriend trying to make my son call her mommy and imature things like that, I never met her and don't plan to, since my ex himself said she is not his real girlfriend..I feel like my ex will never grow up at times..or he doesn't know what he wants, he is 29 this year, I just turned 27. He said he was sorry for the pain he caused me, and if he ever finds out that I've been with another man, he will not be able to get over that and not be able to be back with me.. *I am confused with those words, I don't know what to think about what he said.* Even though he is dating someone, do I still have a chance to get him back to me if I were able to forgive him? I don't know what to do? Should I do the 30 to 2 months no contact plan, and since we have a child, only pass the phone to our child and let him speak to his dad... PLEASE ADVICE ME.


    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      He is saying that just so he can have you as a backup. The thought of you moving on scares him and he is using this as a bait to keep you from moving on. Yes, do 2 months no contact. Then get back in touch with him. Have a few fun dates with him, and then give him an ultimatum. Either he commits to you or you move on. Be prepared and don't think of it as a bluff. He might try to call your bluff and say that he can't commit. If he does say that, move on and start dating other guys. When he realizes what he is losing, he will probably come crawling back to you.

      • Jennifer

        Kevin, thanks for replying, I started the no contact yesterday, and since we have a child together, he calls everyday, but im just passing the phone to our three year old and let them speak and then hang up. Ive not texted or called him at all. Im going to do two months no crossing words with him, which the fact that our son's birthday is coming up in May im a little upset and dont want to sound bitter but know that his new girlfriend will be present son's birthday party that his dad throws. (Every year i celebrate my son birthday on a saturday and my ex celebrates it the sunday, next day after.)

    • Jennifer

      [10 Years Update]

      Good afternoon,

      I am wowed how much time passed and remembered how heart broken I was so many years ago. Update wise ::: my son now is 14 years old and his father has had about like 8-10 different girlfriends to my knowledge, and I have moved on, currently in a healthy relationship so far. I lasted three years of not even dating after my son’s father to completely heal and focus on my peace of mind first.

      Thank you,

      • Kevin

        Hi Jennifer,

        Thank you for the update. I am happy to hear that you are in a healthy relationship and have moved on.

        Do you remember what made you stop wanting him back? And what do you think helped you most to find peace? What would you advice someone going through a similar situation?

        • Jennifer

          Good morning,

          Thank you. I seen that throughout the years his behavior never changed or improved at all, he still tries to be controlling and uses my son at times but my son and I both learned to ignore him and we both gone to therapy. I learned that he will never change and I didn’t want him anymore, his possessive behavior and disrespect got overrated. Overwhelming still and he is still is abusive towards us verbally and emotionally drained my son and I to the max where my son is looking to be 18 years old already so he don’t have to keep staying every other weekend with him.

          I believe what helped me made me find peace was my own son. Raising him mainly by myself and going through a lot of life challenges made me realize that my son was the most important and precious person I ever had and that he is at no fault at all for what his father put us through. My son is all that I need to have the motivation to keep going and his happiness means so much.

          Not sure if my situation may be related to others going through the same, as I was in a physical and mental abusive relationship. Extreme domestic violence case. However, I would say my advice to the woman leaving her husband/significant other whatever… just leave, I know it’s always easier said than done but to trust the process of healing. Love yourself first. Get up everyday and LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE, as life’s so short to wait on an idiot who doesn’t love nor respect you. Leave him, let him be. Don’t stalk his social media, do that for your own sake. Things will get better and always remain positive. Well I can keep going on, but I think I covered the most important part.

          You’re welcome & thank you!

          • Kevin

            Dear Jennifer,

            Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Your words are beautiful and will bring hope to many who are going through something similar.

  • Leah

    Hi. So my (now ex) boyfriend and I were dating for about a year, and it was an absolutely amazing relationship. We were very happy and loved each other very much and even planning on moving in together soon. A few weeks ago, him, his friends and I planned a trip to an event where we got a hotel. His friends (who have become my friends as well of course) and I were going together the first day while he was to meet with us the next morning because he had work. We all got drunk, I blacked out for a lot of the night unfortunately, and me and my boyfriend got in a fight over the phone and I eventually went to bed in the pull out couch crying and very drunk, trying to sleep it off. We discussed earlier that I had the pull out couch while the three of them would sleep in the bedroom of the hotel room among the two beds. One of his friends decided to crawl into the bed with me as I was in that state and began to touch me and took advantage of me. I don’t remember too much of the details but I know we had sex. I was so disgusted with myself and so upset and scared of losing my boyfriend I begged the friend to not tell him and he agreed. So two weeks after that (a week ago from right now), we were all in town together again, and the friend got very drunk and told another friend, who gave us the ultimatum of telling my boyfriend before he did himself. I ended up telling him, but didn’t get a chance to explain any of the details of the whole story before he got so upset and heartbroken and stormed off. He blocked me on everything. One of our mutual friends passed on my message where I try to explain I was taken advantage of and i was so sorry for putting myself in the situation and all that and he just said he didn’t care to hear from me or him and what’s no part of us. He’s so hurt. It’s been a week now and he still has me blocked on everything but I’ve sent him a few emails he told a mutual friend he saw but still doesn’t want to talk to me. One of my friends also saw him on tinder. What do i do? Would the 30 day no contact rule (which in my case would be to stop emailing him I guess, since he has been reading them) apply to me still? Or should I do all I can to apologize to him and try to talk to him?

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Give him some space to process and cool off. He may begin to see reason after some time has passed and he starts to think more rationally. You could apologize once more, before starting no contact. In the meantime, since his friends already know of the situation, you could ask them to help you out, since it wasn't entirely your fault.

      • Leah

        Thank you so much! I talked to his friend that it happened with and he said he will try to contact my bf and tell him the truth of taking advantage of me (he’s blocked from him on everything too), once he does and if he’s still upset and doesn’t want to talk to me do i still do the 30 day NC? thanks again!

      • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

        Since he's not talking to you, for the time being just apply no contact first. If he's still upset and doesn't want to talk to you, give him more time but I'm sure he'll eventually come around.

    • Leah

      [6 Years Update] Hi Kevin,
      What a wonderful surprise to see your email pop up again in my inbox. I’d like to sincerely thank you for what you do… your program truly helped me through one of the darkest times of my life. I remember waiting on the edge of my seat & refreshing my inbox like crazy for your words and how they helped me immensely. Even though they’d never admit it, I knew my friends were sick of hearing about my heartbreak at that point - so hearing from you felt like hearing from a friend who was still more than willing to talk about it. And your emails always made me feel so much better and taught me so much about myself and relationship dynamics as a whole. They truly made me feel not alone.

      As for what happened since then…. the ex this was all about is actually my current boyfriend again :) I did allow the break up to happen and followed just about all your advice. He went from seeming like he wanted nothing to do with me, moved on, etc to eventually being the one fighting to win ME back.

      Here we are six years later living together and excited for our future. From time to time I even bring up how grateful I am for your emails all those years ago. You didn’t know me personally but you helped me in a way no one else could at the time, and now here we are happier than ever.

  • Kaitlyn

    Hi. My boyfriend and I were dating for almost six years. We started dating in high school and now we are in college. We moved in together this year and everything was going pretty well until he got a job and was gone a lot. He broke up with me 2 months ago and had even started a fling with a girl he works with. That ended a few weeks ago.

    Last week we had hung out in person for the first time since the split and he admitted that the reason he ended things with the other girl was because his feelings for her were nothing compared to what he still felt for me. But, he says he is enjoying being single and doesn't want a relationship and doesn't want to lead me on. After hanging out, I told myself I would start no contact. It's been a week, but I guess I am just concerned that he is enjoying me not contacting him.

    I know it's a common concern, but I am worried that he won't miss me and space apart will make him realize that he is having more fun being single and not having to worry about having another person to care and be there for. What do I do?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Continue no contact. Even if he is enjoying himself, let him do so. If people enjoyed being single so much, no one would ever start a relationship. Eventually he will miss you.

    • Kaitlyn

      [10 Years Update]
      Wow what a trip down memory lane re-reading my comment. It brings me right back to exactly how I felt in that moment and I would like to share my personal experience in follow-up to help anyone else going through something similar. I really relied on sites like this and advice/stories from other people to get me through this incredibly dark and difficult time in my life.

      What happened with your ex? Did you move on? Did you get back together?

      We stayed in contact after the breakup. I was obsessed with the idea of “getting him back”. So I worked on myself by working out, making friends and going out to be more social. I admit that all of this was to appear as if I had moved on and was entirely for the wrong reasons. We occasionally hung out and then it gave me false hope that we would work things out just for him to continue his single life coming in and out of my life when it was convenient for him. I did eventually put myself back out there and started dating. I wasn’t ready but I thought it would help. It did not. But surrounding myself with solid girlfriends helped tremendously.

      In all my efforts to appear like I had my life together, I slowly started to actually take care of myself and it became less about him and more about me. About 2 years later, I met my (now) husband. And I would never trade any of this heartbreak or experience for anything because it truly helped make me stronger. I will say, my ex did profess his love for me once he saw I became serious with someone else (they always do). It was too little too late, of course.

      Can you share any valuable lessons you learned?

      I learned how important it was to surround myself with people who loved me and were going to lift me up during such a hard time. I needed people to be honest with me and not tell me what I wanted to hear. It’s important to focus on yourself and if the opportunity to get back together comes up, then you can choose for yourself and hopefully have learned some things along the way.

      What advice would you give someone going through a similar situation?

      Take it one day at a time. I know it’s cliche. But I remember telling myself “just make it through this work week” and “just make it through the end of the month”, “make it through to this holiday” and one day I just stopped counting the days. I stopped counting the days it had been since we broke up. And stopped counting the days until I gave myself permission to reach out to him. And just started living my life again. That was so freeing and I met the true love of my life at a time when I was ready.

      I hope that helps!
      Warm regards,

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Dear Kaitlyn,

        Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your advice is so encouraging and hopeful. It's going to be immensely helpful for our readers who are going through a breakup. I appreciate it a lot.

  • Felice

    Hi Kevin,

    I just broke up with my boyfriend last Thursday which is five days ago. after the break up, i practically felt so hurt and i didnt know what to do. during the first might of break up, i called him because i miss him so much and i want him back. the reason to our break up is because he felt sorry and he felt hurt every time he see me cry, and yeah during our relationship, i cried in front of him so many times, which i regret after all. because he actually broke up of relationship, he suggested us to become best friends until he felt like he's mature enough to be in a relationship, till then we could continue again. but i didnt want, and he was okay with it.

    but then five days ago, he actually broke up this relationship saying he cannot continue anymore because no matter what he does, he will always make me cry. so he couldn't bear to see me like this anymore. but i want him back. we had so many good times together and i could not let go of the past. the next day after the break up, i ask if he wanted to get back together but he said he can't. he wants to have fun and enjoy his highschool life with his friends first. i kept of begging him and i cried. i was a total messed up girl. i know i shouldn't have done that but i couldn't hold myself. and then i agreed to be his best friend. but every time i see him at school, i feel like crying and keeps on reminiscing the old memories again. and its impossible to do NC since we are classmates. what should i do? i want to get him back but i dont know what to do.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      You can do no contact even if you are classmates. Just treat him like you would any other classmate. Don't have any conversation with him for more than 5 minutes. And don't talk about anything personal.

    • Felice

      [10 Years Update] Hi!

      To begin with, I totally have forgotten that I’ve ever wrote that comment. Looking back, I couldn’t believe that I was going thru such a hard time over a high-school breakup! Haha. It has been 10 years since I wrote that comment. Well.. guess what? I am now married, not to my ex but to someone whom I cherish so much as the love of my life.

      Regarding my ex, after we broke up 10 years ago, we got back together 1 year later, we sorted our issues back then, and continued our relationship for another 4+ years before permanently ending our relationship..

      At that time, another issues came along. My family did not approve of our relationship.. and there were also financial issue, which led me thinking that we won’t be able to reach the next step of our relationship, which is getting married. Along the relationship, I grew further apart from him, because I was tired of the constant pressure my family gave. On the other hand, he always seeks approval from my family which kind of pressured me as well. In short, I felt guilty that I couldn’t give him the assurance that he needed.

      It took me a year to put some thoughts onto our relationship before I finally took the courage and ended our relationship, so that we wouldn’t waste our time. I felt sooo relieved.

      Months later, I met my current husband and everything started to fall into place, and my ex also met someone else, I am happy for him.

      We don’t keep in touch anymore, but I don’t regret those years we had together.

      My advice to anyone out there who’s going thru a breakup, believe me, as cliche as it sounds.. time will heal.

      One day you’ll look back and wonder why did it hurt so much when now it doesn’t even matter anymore? Especially when you finally meet the right person, everything will work out. Before that, focus on upgrading yourself and be the best version of yourself before you meet someone new.

      Learn to love yourself first. I started working out, losing weight, meeting new people, learning new skills and many more. That really helped me going thru the 2nd breakup.

      When you are content with yourself, the right person will come along, your standard in looking for a partner will also be higher. so chin up, you’ll be okay!!

  • R

    I have fallen in love with a man I'm scared I'm gonna lose him forever he started dating someone but never stopped seeing me he calls checks on me he makes time to see me he asks me to send him pics bc he misses me but recently he just told me he's moving in with her after only dating 8 months n has not stopped seeing me he tells me he loves me and wants me in his life how can he want me in his life but be moving in with someone else he tells me he loves me we have been thru a lot together he's someone that's very special to me n I'm scared I'm gonna lose him forever i never pushed him to be with me bc I didn't think he would leave me he never was someone to rush into anything he has been hurt in the past I'm stunned he's moving in so quickly with this girl why not me after so long he got upset that other man were calling me even after he told me about his move do u think I have lost him forever ? Do u think I stand a chance? Please help I really need advice

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      You do stand a chance but only if you cut all contact with him for a month and go on a few dates during that time. He wants to keep you as his backup for as long as he wants. You have to stand up for yourself and refuse to be his backup.

    • R

      [10 Years Update] Wow this email took me by surprise at first I wanted to ignore it but then it made me really think and also see how much has changed and also how I have changed
      As for the ex he shortly after moving in with this woman married her and then shortly after they had 2 kids it was lightening speed there was no wasting time however this man has never lost contact with me we often talk about life we do not see each other as I too have moved in life sadly I have not met the one who made my heart feel the way this man did but I believe he is out there over the years I beat myself up wondering what was wrong with me why wasn’t I good enough was I so ugly he was embarrassed of me why did he move so fast with her

      after a lot of soul searching and self care I realized this man wasn’t looking for love he saw an opportunity that would make his life easier as this women is very well off financially as with me he would have to work with me to gain the things he wanted like a huge house in a wealthy neighborhood new boats, trucks , toys and even inheritances

      When realizing this it hurt to the core I couldn’t believe it to be true until one day he said it he told me I have always been the one he loved and that he never thought he would still think about me so many years later

      For me I learned to love him from a distance and I wish him well he’s the one who has to live with his choices where I am free and able to do as I please I have learned my value and hope to meet a man that values me with out question

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you so much for sharing your story and the update. I truly appreciate it.

  • David

    Hi Kevin,

    Malarie and I had been dating shy of three years. Recently she went to Florida to visit one of her single friends. When she came back she broke it off with me and told me that since she was 17 she has been in a relationship and needs time and space and to be single. LOGICALLY, our relationship was great. We rarely fought, we showed eachother affection everyday. We had a cat and loved him to death. We both promote our dreams to eachother, I help her with homework and have promoted her degree (which her parents never did). Throughout the two weeks we have broken up we both have professed our love for eachother (against your rules). She has talked to most of my family members to insist that she just needs to be on her own and that its not me and that she doesnt want them to be upset with her. She insists that she holds hope to be together "one day". When I told her that I didnt believe in "hope" i belived in making things happen she was pretty torn up about it. Right now we have an apartment and she is staying there alone. I have been living at a relatives place. We agreed on breaking the lease but it takes 60 days. So we are FORCED to have contact when figuring out the bills..the cat... ect.. She wants to get her own apartment and live on her own (one of the reasons she broke up with me).

    I'm fairly certain that if we saw eachother on the weekend she would intimate with me. I guess I just dont know what to do in this situation. All of your points are correct..I'm scared for a rebound relationship (that was what ours was 3 years ago). We are both "relationship" people, we dont sleep around. I go to the gym, I play music. I'm trying to be positive. I'm setting up a date this Friday (even though i could care less). I just want your thoughts on the situation. I know it sounds like there is more to this...but i really dont think that there is.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin


      It's quite possible that she feels like she needs some single time to figure out herself. A lot of people do need to be single for a while in their life and I think she is being very honest with you about the reason for breakup. I guess the only thing you can do is give her the single time. Even if she goes for a rebound, there is nothing you can do about it. Hopefully, it won't last long this time.

      • David

        Thanks. So do I do the 30 day thing? Or do I just wait for her to contact me after 30 days? being that she needs alone time, Is it more about when she wants to contact me? I am very proud of the way she wants to find herself, I truly just want her to be happy. Even if it means we are never together again.

        • Kevin

          It's entirely up to you. If you are willing to wait for more than 30 days for her to contact you, then do so. I think you should just follow no contact right now and decide after 30 days if you want to contact her or not.

          • David

            Just wanted to let you know your steps worked. I have been back with my girl friend for a year and couldnt be better.

            Thank You!


          • Kevin

            Thanks for the update David. I am glad my website helped. :)

    • David

      [10 Years Update]


      I often think about how you guys helped me back then. I remember feeling empty, sad and lost. I credit your 30 days of no contact as a crucial reason why we got back together. My advice is very much along the lines of your original advice. No contact for 30 days! During that time, I made sure that I went out and did things that I wouldn't normally do. Just anything to keep busy and meet people. I think during that time it made me realize that I was an individual and she was an individual (I know that sounds obvious but when you are with someone for a while things start to mesh together) While we were split up, I ended up doing things I wouldn't normally do. Going out and playing pool, joining a gym, going to a movie on my own ect.. When we eventually started talking again, I had a lot of things to talk about. I believe that was important. Showing that you are independent during the time you break up and that you are enjoying life.

      I think it's important that when you start trying to initiate contact again that you show that you are being positive and supportive. I only reached out to her because she wanted me to and she was happy to speak to me after the short period of non-contact. I do remember after the 30 days helping my ex (my ex at the time) pack her things prior to went she went to Florida.

      That resonated with her because she couldn't find anyway else willing to help, and she knew I was hurt that she was moving. She did not end up moving, we got back together, and we are now married with two children.

      Anyway. Thank you for the advice back then. It certainly worked!

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for sharing the update and I am so happy to hear that you are both still together and thriving. I wish you the best in every way.

  • Edward

    I'm really missing my ex-girlfriend, we've broke up at 14 of February and I couldn't find out the reason of our break up yet, she refused the valentine gift, I've tried to contact her that day but nope.. she ignored my texts/calls, I got so upset and I had to break up with her, I think this was her choice.

    We never had any problem before, I've spent days and nights thinking what I did wrong but I just can't find anything, probably she's just bored of me or dunno..

    After we broke up, I contacted her after a week or more, I just wanted to know how is she doing and such.. and after that she didn't even look after me till her birthday came (a month later), I was holding myself to not wish her a happy birthday cause she doesn't even look after me, but I couldn't handle it, I wrote her a text at night and I apologized for being late. She replied on that text but I didn't text her back.

    Now I really want to get back with her, I mean I meet her sometimes at high school but we just smile at each others and continue our way, we didn't spoke IRL after we broke up.

    So yeah, it's pretty messed up, but could you please help me Kevin? I mean could you give me some suggestions of what to do to get her back?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Just follow the plan Edward. Everything you need is in the article. She is young and confused and so are you. I'll suggest you at least date a few other girls before you try to get back with her.

    • Edward

      [10 Years Update]


      Reflecting on an experience from a decade ago, when I was just sixteen, brings mixed emotions. At the time, the pain felt overwhelming, almost unbearable, yet looking back now, it seems like a distant memory. I’ve learned to forgive my younger self and accept that some lessons are best learned through experience.

      One crucial lesson from that time is the importance of moving on. It's possible to give too much love and affection to those who may not reciprocate in the way we hope. This isn't to say they are bad people; it simply means that not everyone can match the intensity of our feelings. Realizing this has taught me not to force relationships.

      Fast forward ten years, I find myself in a much happier place. I have not only grown personally and professionally but also found true love. Recently, I got engaged to the love of my life, marking a new, joyous chapter in my journey.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you so much for sharing your story and the lessons. It's great perspective and will surely help our readers.

  • Victoria

    hey Kevin,
    my Ex and I met our freshman year of high school, we became best friends instantly, and talked on and off until our junior year, we became even more close. We started dating May of our Junior year and everything was absolutely fantastic. A couple months down the line, I would get upset over silly little things and call him and make an attempt to repair things. The little arguments would build up over time, and eventually it was clear they were upsetting him. At the end of January of this year, he was done. He first tried to break up with me on my 18th birthday which was the 19th of January; then officially ended things on the 28th. He said he still wanted to be friends. Things were awful in school because I have 3 classes with him. When I regained my sanity in the middle of Febuary, I started to give myself space. (I was constantly "accidentally" bumping into him in the halls, texting him first and even chasing after him in the hallway). The end of Febuary he tells be he wants to be friends again, a couple days after that he curses me out for no good reason. I tell him I want space. It's been 11 days. I don't message him on any form of social media, but i do talk to him in school. is that a good idea? should i ignore him in person even though i have three classes with him? i've read almost all your articles but i'm still not sure what to do. He's a great guy, even though he has been a jerk and flirts with other girls in front of my face (I'm convinced he does this just to bother me). But I would really appreciate some advice, because I'm pretty lost on what to do.

    P.S.- I don't mean to sound like a whiny teenage girl here, but I never believed in love until I met my Ex which is why the breakup really tore me up. please help, thank you so much!

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Victoria,

      Yes, you should apply no contact. Don't ignore him completely when you see him in class. Just treat him like an acquaintance and try not to have any personal conversation with him.

    • Victoria

      [10 Years Update]

      lol… I wrote that in high school when I was 17! Cannot even explain the level of cringe I felt reading that, considering that was certainly not true love!

      Currently in the happiest relationship of my life with the love of my life that I met in college. Have never looked back and I can’t imagine myself with anyone other than my current boyfriend.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you so much for updating and sharing your situation. Your update will be helpful to readers who are going through a similar situation.

        Can I ask a couple of additional questions?

        What helped you move on from him? Did you ever try to win him back?

      • Victoria


        Well I grew up, my brain matured, and I went to college. I grew into myself and if I even remember correctly, was actually kind of embarrassed I was pining after a guy who didn’t deserve me when I was COMPLETELY out of his league! High school doesn’t last forever, it shouldn’t be taken so seriously, and I’m glad I moved on as quickly as I fell in “love” with him. I do not remember the details as it was over 10 years ago, but it’s funny to look back and see how far I’ve come in terms of maturity. Like I said, the fact that I even wrote that message made my skin crawl!

  • Laura

    I tried all these steps before and I should say that they actually work. My (now) ex-bf broke up last October. Our relationship started us good friends though when we met, it was very clear that we were very attracted to each other. We are very good friends (up to this point I think). We talked about not being in a relationship because he moved and we would be doing a long distance relationship if we decided to move forward. After months of talking, we decided to be bf-gf. And then things changed for him. He started to freak out and he told me he was not ready for a serious relationship, that I deserve someone better, that he loves me but he is unsure (you know, like the common blabber). I agreed on the break up and I followed everything on this plan. I did that no contact thing for 3 months, I enjoyed my life and I went out on multiple dates.

    I must admit it was difficult and I missed him so after 3 months, I sent him a text message. I told him I need to talk to him about something. I wanted a clear closure for both of us. My plan of talking to him was to really tell him he was right about the fact that yes, I deserve someone better. But things didn't work out as planned.

    He said he missed me. He was wondering how I was doing. He said he didn't call or text me because he was scared that I'll nag at him or I'll just ignore him. And then after 1 month of talking again, we decided to try again. We are very open about our feelings. We trust each other. We talk almost anything. We say we love each other. We were talking about the future.

    And then when everything seems right, he decided to say the same blabber. He said he was not ready. He was wondering why do we get along so easily (he even wondered if it was platonic) and he was not 100% about us (he is on 95% ). He said our relationship is something new to him and he is scared to dip into it. He doesn't like change that much and being with me is totally life changing.

    Now....I am very confused! What should I do about him? Is it time to leave him alone for good? Should I wait for him and hope that he'll realize what's he's missing? He kept saying he never understands why I understand him so well. Is he just scared? Please help!!

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Laura,

      It seems he is just scared. It's for you to decide whether you should move on or try to get him back once again. But whatever you decide, I'll recommend you do no contact again for at least 3 months.

    • Paris

      He's scared and or playing a game. I've been there before and even had it happen to me. You may want to think long and hard before getting back in a relationship with him.

    • Laura

      [10 Years Update] I honestly don’t remember making this post on some blog or some sort. If I am correct about this person, then I was talking about my now husband.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Hi Laura,

        Thank you so much for replying. Do you remember what happened after he got doubts again? Did you guys break up a second time or did he just come to his senses?

      • Laura


        We broke up 2 more times after that, then I started dating someone else I liked more than him (at that time) so I chose the other guy over him.

        But I guess I was really meant to be with my husband because when the other relationship didn’t work out, he came to his senses and pursued me again with the intention of getting married. We are now on our 10th wedding anniversary this year.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you for replying. Congrats on the 10th wedding anniversary.

  • Adam

    Hey Kevin,

    I came to an extremely busy time in my life these past few months and I took my ex for granted. I was tired, distant, and unaffectionate. She found someone that was very sweet to her and it gave her the strength to walk away after dating me for 2 years. She was obviously so in love with me up until the end and always talked about getting married and whatnot. Her leaving stunned me. Before our relationship began I was aware that the longest she had gone without a relationship was 2 months. She hangs out with this guy a lot because I think it helps her not miss me so much. He asked her to be his gf and she said no and informed me about it.

    We've both struggled to stay true to no contact, especially me. Has periodically texting her and pouring my heart out over this last week or 2 been a deal breaker? Can I start now and have it work? She claims to be very confused but knows that she felt like she got to a point where she felt stuck. Do I stand a chance? Also, we are both going back to our same home town this summer and staying very busy with work while her new distraction lives 2 hours away. What is my % chance of her reaching out to me?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Yes, you do have a chance if you start right now.

    • Adam

      [10 Years Update]

      Hey Kevin,

      I think it’s awesome that you’re following up on old messages like this. Reading my note gave me the opportunity to reflect on how grateful I am for where my life is now and I’m excited to be able to hopefully help someone who is going through a similar situation to the one I experienced when I wrote that message 10 (TEN!!!) years ago.

      My ex and I did not get back together. Wherever she is in the world and in her life’s journey, I hope she is as happy as she can possibly be.

      She was my first love and, as often happens with young couples, our relationship ran into the buzzsaw that is college, temptation, and the inevitability of evolving into different people….We held on a little too long through it all and both got hurt more than was necessary. My only regret from the whole ordeal is not having been confident and strong enough to say goodbye quicker. The wisdom to walk away would have saved us both (and me especially) a lot of wounded pride and heartache.

      But after taking that lump, getting humbled, and getting back on my feet, my life has been a complete blessing ever since. I’ve had so much fun, I’ve travelled, I’m healthy, my career is in a fantastic place, and a year and 2 days ago I got married to the most incredible woman I could ever imagine. She’s gorgeous, kind, empathetic, successful, driven….i just can’t say enough great things about her. This first year or marriage FLEW by and I look forward to many, many more.

      So I think my message would be something like this: embrace the pain and desperation you’re feeling right now and understand that it’s normal. Don’t fight against it…life isn’t a Disney movie and when the ship has sailed, let it go. Instead, take that pain and improve yourself. Reflect on the things you did to help end the relationship and try not to ever repeat them again.

      And if you’re young like I was, go out and have some fun! Date lots of girls and make tons of memories.

      It takes time, more than you’d probably like to hear, but eventually you do stop thinking about her, the things you could have done better, etc., and then one day you realize the pain is gone entirely. THEN you’ll be ready for the next woman that will make you feel that strongly again to come into your life and hopefully this time you’ll be ready.

      If you’ve read this far, I really do wish you the best and I promise things will work out. I wish you could see and experience how incredible my life is now, but you’ll just have to take my word for it and wait to experience it for yourself!

      You’re gonna make it, and 10 years from now you’ll look back and smile.

      P.S. Kevin - can you see the exact date I sent you that message? If it was May 12 (my wedding day 10 years later) that would really be something special


      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for replying and sharing your insights. Very helpful. Congrats on the wedding and I wish you a lifetime of happiness and success in everything you do.

        Your original comment date was May 2, 2014. So you are off by just 10 days. But it's still the same month so that must mean something. :P

  • D.F

    So myself and this girl got together beginning of this year, she is 23 and I will be next month.

    We had a few emotional rollercoasters, due to not knowing how the other feels about the situation.

    I eventually asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes.

    We had a arguement in the week.I repremanded her on something she did..

    long story short, it lead to her telling me that she is not planning on giving me false hope in this relationship.

    And that she has been the heart broken girl before and she is not going down that road again.

    She said she does not know what to do from here.I eventually got her apologise,I accepted the apology and said thank you.

    she said you welcome.

    I did not reply after two days.I greeted her and like wise.I said I though about what we spoke about and whether she did too?

    She still hasn't reply since.

    I've decided to ignore her from here on in?.we not that long together, would ignoring her now, be a smart move?.

    Cause I'm confuse about it all.Is she insecure or just playing me??.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      She is afraid of commitment. Apply no contact rule and focus on yourself. If she contacts you, tell her you both need space and time and continue with the plan.

    • D.F

      [10 Years Update]

      Lol, wow, I have completely forgotten about this comment.

      So just an update, I have moved on from that moment in my life, and went on to date other people.

      I have been in an exclusive relationship with my current girlfriend for 7 years now, and we are still very much inlove with each other.

      During that time of my comment, I later realized how I was very needy and insecure at the time, and if anything that very situation was a hard time in my life and I put myself through so much turmoil, I however eventually grew stronger, wiser and really put in work on myself.

      A key lesson I took from that was to learn to love yourself first, become a complete person first , and do not rush anyone into relationships. Specifically to men , always give the lady time for her feelings to grow and develop, and when you do enough things right while dating and courting her over time, she will let you know exactly how she feels about you. Be patient, be assertive and never move off your centre as a man.

      Women love a man, who is going about his business and allows her to come to him at her own pace, the difference is definitely that little indifference.

      What I have learnt, love is like a game of tennis, when you hit the ball over the net, you have to wait for the other person to hit the ball back, lol.

      Word of advice, never blow your girl's phone, be secure inself, that when you call or message and she doesn't respond right away, she will get back to you when she is available to do so. A woman with high interest in you will never not make it easy to speak to her.

      Was good of you to reach out, I actually enjoy the topic these days, and always encourage people to be the best version of themselves.

  • Roland

    Hey Kevin,

    My situation is a little more complicated (btw sorry if my English sounds strange, I'm from Hungary) but I will try to keep it short - I would really like to hear Your opinion and advice.

    So, we've been very good friends with a girl since 2008, not seeing each other too much, maybe 5-6 times a year, but always flirting. I am 31, she is 30. We had many chances to get together, but we didn't, for 5 years. Somehow we were afraid of rejection, therefore we didn't even touch each other, although we've been sleeping in the same rooms after parties... In the meantime she got married (in 2011) and I did also, in 2012.

    Somehow (maybe due to the "secure feeling" of being married, and having some weaknesses in our marriages), in June 2013 we made it happen. The idea was to have fun once.

    This "fun" repeated in August, but we went too far: we started to have strong emotions that we didn't expect. Sex was so perfect and chemicals started to work so strong that we both fell in love, so deeply that we totally ignored everything else (marriages, work, families, friends, etc.) for months. Of course we played it in secret, but after a while we simply recognized that we can't live like this, and decided to get divorced.

    Since October we've been waiting for the right moment, all the way in secret. We decided to survive Christmas with our husband/wife, and proceed in January/February with moving away. We both treated our partners poorly, having no sex, etc. to give them a clear warning about what will happen. Yes, it was disgusting, but we had no better idea. As a last resort, we would have told them the truth, just to let us go.

    After many months of suffering, the girl's husband discovered our secret. Not even a small amount, but basically everything, which is simply too much for anyone to accept. I felt even sorry for him, I never wanted to hurt anyone - the same way we didn't want to hurt my wife either. They just didn't deserve it - but they didn't deserve us playing our roles anymore either.

    So, after few days they decided to divorce. In the meantime (due to our empty marriage) I agreed with my wife as well about getting divorced. She never discovered what really went down, but she agreed anyway, as she didn't enjoy the "new me".

    But something bad happened: the husband started to play with the emotions of the girl, making big dramas, when he was sick (he had a heart condition!) he refused to go to the doctor, etc. so he was doing pretty childish stuff just to keep the girl with himself. As a very last solution, he offered her that he will forgive everything if she stays with him.

    Guess what. The girl accepted his offer.

    She was really in love with me, we had the best time of our lives together. I moved away, rented a flat for both of us, but she moved here for a day only, then moved back to her husband, saying that she simply can not leave him. She is still attached somehow to him, and she can't let him go. (her decision is not influenced by financials, etc. only feelings for sure).

    Although my friends try to cheer me up, they all agree that she is doing a mistake. The guy is famous of being a good manipulator, and he actually emotionally tortured his previous girlfriend before leaving her (she cheated on him too). Now my love is simply put OFFLINE: her facebook account is deactivated (she loved to use FB), she blocked my phone numbers so I can't call or text her, she is not reading her personal emails. She is not answering to the calls of our common friends either, although we know that they are important for her, she loved our team.

    Her brother is calling me sometimes, saying that he really wanted me to save her from our marriage. He is the only one that could talk to her, but actually she said that she doesn't even want to talk to me, she decided to leave me, go back to her husband and she has nothing else to say. In the meantime she doesn't seem to be honestly happy.

    When she broke up with me I saw that her eyes and her lips are not telling the same. She was cold and tough while we moved out her stuff from the flat, but still, I got some oral sex in the last minute...

    She seems to be definitely confused. I am afraid she is even terrorized at home. Still, her brother recommended me the same as You Kevin: no contact. Let her clean her thoughts up.

    What do you think? Can their 3 year old relationship survive such a hit? Especially knowing that the guy knows EVERYTHING (he hacked her phone and read all the nasty messages, all the love confessions, our future plans, etc.)? Or is it possible that he is only playing with her to make her suffer?

    To be honest, I just want her to be safe and happy, that's my primary goal. Secondary is to get her back (I can't fix my marriage anyway).

    What do you think I should do? Really remain silent and wait? She seemed to be pissed off, even frustrated when I called her after our break-up. She said she is 100% concentrating on fixing her marriage. This sounds very strange as 2 days earlier she said she was the happiest on Earth to finally move in a flat together with me... Although she plays tough, she seems to me totally confused.

    We are 2 weeks after the break-up, and my last email I sent to her 2 days ago. Then I read this article and decided to stop looking for her... but am I doing this right?

    Your help is highly appreciated.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      I think she is just feeling guilty for hurting her husband and is trying to make up for it. His drama is just adding to her guilt. I don't think it will work out in the end. Perhaps, when his health gets better, she will realize she can leave him again. You are right, you need to give her time. In my opinion, she can not find happiness in this guilt-ridden relationship no matter how hard she tries. And if she doesn't find happiness, she will eventually get tired and start looking for it elsewhere.

      • Roland

        Thank You Kevin!

        Actually You have just confirmed what I thought so far - although it doesn't mean that she'll find her way back to me. She is exactly the type who is influenced by feeling guilty. But where has the LOVE gone? Does she still have the feeling? Or can the guilt be so strong that it kills her feelings towards me?

        • Kevin

          I can almost guarantee that she still has feelings for you. That's why she is avoiding talking to you. And I don't think her feelings will go away easily, even if she tries.

          • Roland

            Thank You!

            You are helping me incredibly lot.

            Writing, talking about this crisis seems to help me to digest it, so I actually collected all out nicest moments in a letter. I'm planning to send it to her, as a kind of goodbye letter. I rewrote it several times and removed all negative thoughts, actually I think it will make her smile and of course, desire me a little more. She is pretty sentimental and has a rich emotional life.

            Do you think this is a good idea Kevin? Just to keep her interested?

            At the end I am actually saying goodbye and really feel myself ad a closure - but I secretly hope for the opposite :-)

          • Kevin Thompson


            I don't think an emotional letter is going to help you get her back. In most cases, it even pushes the ex further away. However, if you are ready to end this chapter of your life and you really mean to send this letter as a goodbye, then go ahead. In your case, it might even help since you are left with no other choice but to wait it out.

    • Roland

      [10 Years Update]

      Hello Kevin!

      Woah, 10 years passed already!

      Lots of things have happened in the meantime which I will try to sum up in few sentences.

      2014-2015: I could not forget my ex, but your advices and my friends listening and keeping me company helped a lot to survive that period.
      end of 2015: I accidentally met her at a distant town where she told me that she was not doing fine, she's not happy and always missed me. Very carefully and slowly but we started dating again, but I always knew I was playing with fire. I was holding myself back and tried not to show her how crazy and desperate I was before.
      2016: actually I stepped out of the relationship for a while because I still remembered the scars I got in 2014 and was afraid to get into it fully. At the end of that year I learnt that she got divorced and started to live alone. She contacted me and we spent the Christmas together - it was the first really merry Christmas after 3 years.
      2017: we got together and even if it was a rough start, love helped us resolve the minor conflicts. By the end of the year we moved together and decided to give a it a try, even if it won't last.
      2018 September: we got married.
      2019-2020: we travelled a lot around the world and covid lock down got us even closer than ever before.
      2021: our daughter was born
      2022-2024: we are happy and we don't know why we wasted so many years, but now we do our best to enjoy life. Our relationship will probably last, no matter what happens.

      I'm grateful for the support. I was a good idea to never let go but it was also a good idea to ask for help when I was at the bottom.

      Thank you Kevin.
      Me 🙂

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for the update. I appreciate it. Congrats on the marriage and the birth of your daughter. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

  • Tiease

    Hey Kevin, so me and my ex-boyfriend had been dating for about 3 years, and we broke up a week after valentine’s day over something stupid that i did. me and my friends got a ride home from a guy that my ex doesn't like. now when i got the ride from him i didn’t know that my ex still didn’t like him. and my ex was nowhere to be found. so when i got home, he texted me and asked me where i was. i told him that i was home, he asked me how and i told him that my friend Sayquan drove me and my friends home. my ex was pissed. he said i was wrong, and i wanted to avoid an argument so i just replied back with an “ok”. the next day, he doesn’t really talk to me, i’m thinking “ok, he’s still mad it’s cool he will get over it.” but no we got into a text-fight and i was confused as why he was so angry, it was all innocent, and he told me that he didn’t like the guy but wouldn't give me a reason why. i said “but Sayquan likes you, so why don’t you like him?” and he replies with “i don’t care, if i got into a car with a girl that you don’t like it would be like world war 3”. so, me being angry, me and my friends got a ride home again. and my ex broke up with me saying that i didn’t respect him. he was trying explain to me that it was a big deal, while me and a lot of other people don’t think so. so i saw how he felt and how much i hurt him and apologized a lot to him. and a week after we broke up i hear that he has a new girlfriend.

    i ask him about it, crying because he told me that we were just taking a break and he never told me that he wanted to move on. he told me no, he didn't have a girlfriend and he’s not ready to move on. well he told me to stop crying and to come to his house later so we could talk. when we talked i explained to him why i did it and how it was innocent it was just a ride home, and he told me how i disrespected him, and he told me that we were going to get back together but just not right now, he said he needed time to get his mind right. so i was a little sad but i accepted what he wanted, and after that, we had sex… the day after that i found out that it is true that he has a new girlfriend and i asked him why did he lie to me, and why he didn't tell me he was ready to move on, and he said it wasn't the right time to tell me. so i was just a mess i didn't know how to feel or what to do. and we talked again, last Friday and he told me that he just can’t break up with her because that’s mean, and i know it’s a rebound relationship like who gets a new girlfriend a week after you've been in a relationship with someone else for about 3 years?? and last Friday we had sex, again, yes it’s terrible, and he was texting me all weekend and i spent the whole day with him monday and then tuesday he acts like i don’t even exist like does he feel guilty for keep cheating on her with me? and i told him that i will not be his side chick and he said he knows and we keep having sex, twice monday, so a total of 5 times since they've been dating, they've been dating for 2 weeks now. And today he texted me and i told him to leave me alone, he asked me why and i said “because i’m tired of you playing mind games with me.” he replies “i’m really not i’m not playing games with you.” And so i told him that it feels like he used me for sex and he said it’s not going to happen again. And i told him how it was wrong how he keeps having sex with me and he’s dating her.

    He told me that it’s not going to happen again and that me and him will just remain as friends. He thought that i hated him and i told him i didn’t i just wanted him to grow up and make up his mind, he flat out told me that he wants to date other people, i asked him if he was choosing her over me, he replied yes and i replied “ok good”. He asked me if everything is really good, and i said, “yeah, i just wanted you to tell me the truth and you did.” so he said ok, and for confirmation i asked him “so you made up your mind, it’s her right?” and he said yes. and then i asked him why would he choose a new girl over a girl that has stuck by his side for the longest, and he said that she respects him, i said i always respected him, and he said no i didn't, and i told him that he didn't always respect me either, and he told me that i was right. and so basically after that i told him that im happy that i can move on now that i know that we probably won’t be getting back together, and i told him that everything is all good because we’re both happy, and he said “right”. but i know i lied and he lied too. we’re both not 100% happy. i’m upset but trying to cover it up as best as i can especially when i see him. I mean i want him back but then i don’t know because this situation really hurts and i don’t know what goes on in a man’s head i’m just still a little confused.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin Thompson

      I have a feeling he just used that incident as an excuse to end the relationship. Perhaps he was already dissatisfied and it had been on his mind for some time to breakup. I think you should apply no contact for a couple of months and then contact him again.

    • Tiease

      [10 Years Update] Hello, I’ve wrote that comment when I was a junior in high school… I am now 27 years old. But to answer your questions yes we did end up getting back together but I left that relationship after graduating in 2015.

      My advice would be to not go on websites trying to figure out how to win an ex back, it’s better to just let things be and to let whatever happens in life to just happen.

      I am doing well in life I’m currently living with my partner whom I’ve been with for quite some time now. Thank you!

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you for the update and the advice. It certainly makes a lot of sense if you are young.

  • john Sykes

    I'll tell you now. Every single word of this site is 100 % correct.
    No girl ever goes back to a cry baby but everyone forgets their ex's weakness with time ad remembers the real them.
    I cried and begged to get her back for 6 months, but as soon as I gave up and moved on and became once again, the boy she fell in love with in the first place, she chased me.
    We've now been married ten years.
    Believe me, I made every mistake described above.
    I was first guy she slept with and was sure I'd never see her again.
    Every day of that 6 month was hell.
    If you're the one being left. Tell them you'll miss them forever and then never call them again.
    I was told that by a clever pal, every day for 6 months but ignored and got to the stage when my (now wife and at the time girlfiend of 5 years) started to hate me.
    2 months later she found out I was happy with someone else and she took me down and told me she loved me.
    This is not shallow, its part of growing up. Realising you are with the right one.
    Be strong. Never call them.
    They left you. Pity will never win them back.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey John,

      Thank you for your comment. It's great to hear from someone who has reconciled and has been with his ex for 10 years.

  • Danielle

    Great site you have here!!! I wish I would have seen this a year ago. My bf of 7 years and I broke up last June. Since then, we have had brief contact in October, November and February. Each of these times has always ended up with me crying and being needy and we don't talk for months. This last time, I initiated contact after 7 weeks of NC. He immediately asked me to dinner and I was happy and pleasant and we had good conversation and the dinner went great. Until dessert rolled around, when he suggested that we talk about our relationship. I immediately started crying (I was slightly drunk after 3 drinks with dinner) and started getting needy. He told me not to have any expectations of him....and he literally couldn't get me home fast enough. I thought for sure we weren't gonna talk again for a while, but he stopped by last Thursday to say hi and I just acted super cool like nothing happened and we had great conversation and it was upbeat. No neediness. He told me he would text me Friday and we would get together. Well, no text that night. He did call me today to say hi and happy mothers day but he sounded cool and distant. I really tried sound upbeat when I talked to him. I didn't mention anything about how rude I thought it was that he blew me off Friday night. (which is how I would usually react, but I bit my tongue!) I know you say not to act like a doormat, so what advice would you give in this case?

    I have been dating and excercising and I got a dog and all the stuff you outline in your plan during this last period of NC and I basically compare everyone Ive dated to my ex. I know he still loves me, shoot he still stores my car at his warehouse and hasn't asked me to move it. I want it to work, but should I go back into NC since it got awkward?

    Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      I think a week of no contact should be enough right now. I think you are handling everything fine. You should continue like this for a while. Don't show any signs of neediness. I don't think you are being a doormat if you don't by not reacting to him blowing you off. By not mentioning it, you are conveying the message that it was not so important for you that he calls you and you really weren't waiting for him. That shows that you are not needy.

      • Danielle

        I cant thank you enough for what you are doing here. Your daily emails are helping me immensely! I will let you know what happens. As it is turning out, he texted me Monday morning. We went to breakfast, held hands and it felt great. I texted him today to say hi and it went well. I am learning that patience and a smile work wonders. Thanks again.

        • Kevin

          Thanks for your comment Danielle. I feel blessed to be able to affect so many people's lives through a website. Internet is truly a great thing. :)

          • Danielle

            I am happy to report that as of yesterday, my bf and I made it official again! After a year of being apart, he told me to put my (gorgeous) ring back on and change my FB status! I strongly feel that changing my insecure behavior, acting cool (even though I was not feeling very cool), journaling/doing positive stuff for myself is the reason why. And if I hadn't found this site and your real life approach, I would still be acting a fool.
            Thank you again. It actually worked, and so quickly!

            P.S. I want to continue to receive your emails, to keep me in a positive mindset and not fall back into the insecure girlfriend syndrome.

          • Kevin

            That is so awesome Danielle. Congrats. :)

  • Amy

    Hi! Ok, so this is complicated. I don't think my ex and I are very typical. Basically we moved in together right from the beginning and were a couple for 1 year and 3 months. A couple months before she ended it, things were getting a little rocky, but we seriously never would argue or fight before that. We had complete lack of space during our whole relationship, but didn't realize it until it caught up with us. We were insanely crazy about each other for at least 12 months, but later we got too comfortable and stopped taking care of our relationship. I know now that’s what I did anyways, but never stopped loving her. We just started drifting through it. So a couple months ago, she said she needed a break for space and thought she should move out. I freaked, of course, but eventually told her I supported her, especially when she said break not break up. Then we'd argue and I couldn't understand why she didn't want to work on our relationship. She just wanted space. We would go back and forth, letting our emotions get the best of us. So she moved in with a friend and twice we had two bad text arguments, no holds barred. It wasn't until that last one that it hit me between the eyes. She didn't just give up; I screwed up big time towards the end of our relationship and reacted out of fear. She had to stop by yesterday to give me something after not seeing each other for 6 weeks and I sat her down and told her what I realized and accepted and genuinely apologized for what I did wrong. I explained that anything mean I said over texts was completely fueled by emotion and she agreed. I told her how I've learned from my mistakes and hope one day maybe she'll be ready to try again. The thing is, she told me she really didn't want to come see me that night (anxiety), and she wouldn't even give me a hug after my apology. I would send her a text picture every now and then and tell her it reminded me of her, but it would just get ignored. I just wanted her to know I was thinking of her. She told me when I did those little things; it would just stab her heart. I know for her and I this will be a slow process. She is currently experiencing a low in life and feels SOOO unstable. She says she’s tired of always getting shit on and is still trying to get over other hurts in her past. I guess what I’m afraid of is that she said she forgives me for what I did, but she’s just covering and will hold on to my mistakes forever. Not that I was the only problem in our relationship.. She said she can’t be around me, can’t talk to me, basically wants complete isolation, and says it’s going to take her a long time. Basically, I have no choice but to start your no contact plan and now I see how that’s the best thing to do, but after a couple months of intense emotional exhaustion between us, do you think time could still pull her back? It seems right now; she can only remember the last 3 months of knowing me and can’t connect with the first wonderful 14 months of knowing each other. Time? Another thing to add is she is moving an hour away for college in 4 months, but we have experience long distance together before. Distance makes the heart grow fonder? I hope this all made sense! haha

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin


      I do think no contact will benefit you, even after 3 months of emotional exhaustion. In fact, I think no contact is the only thing that can increase your chances of getting back together at this point.

    • Amy

      Hi Kevin,

      What if your girlfriend broke up with you, due to her depression? We broke up 2 months ago, would have contact every now and then, mostly by text, but it would always go back to an emotional argument. Then I realized my mistakes in the relationship and told her that and appologized. I was caught up in my own stresses that I didn't realize I wasn't paying enough attention to her and so I think her feeling neglected is what triggered her depression. Then everything else in her life was suddenly wrong, she can't handle being near me, she now has insomnia, basically her mind is completely messing with her., making her question everything. She feels numb and so unsure of everything. We were great for about 14 months of living together and not so great for 3 months. She struggled to end it with me, first saying she needs space, then a break, then a break up. She moved in with a friend 2 months ago. She refuses to see a doctor about her depression, but even I have suffered from it, so I know over time she will come out of this episode naturally. Does the plan apply to a relationship that suffered because of this?? I can't logically imagine spending so many great months making memories with someone to be something they couldn't realize after the depression lifts. She says she needs zero contact and isolation, basically from everyone, so I know I don't have a choice, but do you think it could still work for someone like her?

      [Original Comment]

      • Kevin

        Yes, I think there is a chance it will work. Although, you really can't do anything unless she feels better.

    • Amy

      [3 Months Update]

      Hi! So I wrote on here a couple months ago about my girlfriend and how she left very suddenly after over a year and I originally freaked out for 2 months. Then you advised I do no contact. I listened. Well, 2 months later, SHE CAME BACK TO ME. After going through a 4 1/2 month break up, we both learned, matured, grew, and have a MUCH healthier view on what a relationship should be!! Happier than ever!!!

      [Original Comment]

  • Dupin086

    Hello, been reading through the posts and I would be very thankful for some insight on my situation.

    My ex(27f) and I (31M) had avery intense but short relationship (3 months, even though we liked each other for longer than that). At the time of the breakup she started having a lot on her plate, studying something new, working on a project and starting work practices all at the same time, and then it was me, being afraid of losing her and showing it sometimes, I was making her stressed in a time where she needed space and support and ended up breaking up with me. I got into an emotional mess and during the break up day I tried everything, text, mails...She got fed up and blocked me.

    So she did the break up and the no contact...After 3 weeks I sent a text saying that I was sorry for things went and that I would really like to talk with her, I also said that I missed my best friend (refering to her), it's not like I want to friend zone myself but we started out being best friends and I know that's an important thing for her.

    She said that once she finishes everything she was doing we would talk, that she needed space for herself...And the same day she did finish I noticed that she did unblock me. I didn't initiate that day, but the day after and late like 8 or 9pm, being casual, asking how the studies and the project went. She was very short and I congratulated and she replied with a simple "thanks"...Then she asked me about my day an hour later. We did talk for a bit and she was talkative, I was able to say that I was doing therapy to overcome my fears, that I knew the origin of them now and afterwards I just said sorry to her for what hapenned between us and she was like "it is ok now, things happen for a reason, you have to look forward now and be happy with yourself", things like that...I did leave it for a bit but I told her that there were a thousand things I wanted to tell her but that I knew I had to shut up, and she said "I told you, once I finish up we could talk, if you are going to feel better do tell me", and I told her that I would like to meet in person to talk and she agreed.

    Now I'm keeping LC.

    Yesterday I sent her a joke in the morning and she just replied with smily emotes.

    Today she initiated to say that "confirmed, we can meet on Sunday if you are available", we did some small chat that I kept light and that's it, I'm meeting her in 2 days...

    I'm a bit nervous about how to approach this, I know I have to be light, to look like I'm making changes (which I am), to look positive and happy even though I'm not always like that. But there is a part of me that really wants to be serious and tell her to bet for me, not to take me back (I know I don't have to be pushy at all) but to allow me to show her how I'm overcoming things? Is it a bad idea to be a bit intense with a person which I had a lot of intense talks? I want to tell her my true intentions, that I do want her back, but that I'm willing to wait and for her to see that I have changed...I guess my question is, it is ok to voice the real intentions in this manner? To even say, look in this time alone I did realize I do truly love you, and that it is not coming from a place of fear?

    Thanks a lot for any answer!

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since she may honestly be expecting you to come across as intense and want to have a serious conversation, perhaps it might be better to do the opposite and start by being light hearted and while addressing some of the issues during the breakup may be needed, at least ensure that she has a good time and that stress isn't added onto her plate now or she wouldn't even want to consider the idea of getting back together. By letting her enjoy the weekend (and date with you so to speak), you at least 'show' her with your actions that you're capable of change and that you understand how stressed she is and you just wanted to help her unwind - which could work a lot more positively in your favor than having a serious talk.

      • Dupin086

        Well she did say she came ready to have a hard time and so at first it was difficult for both of us, we ended up laughing and she grabbed my arm and everything at the end of the day so I guess she ended up relaxing and enjoying herself, said she was glad to have seen me...She said she won't have a relationship with me but agreed to continue to meet up and that after I expressed my true intentions and feelings, that I was commited to change, that I loved her and that I didn't gave up that dream, so we did have an intense talk first thing and then we just enjoyed each other's company. So I guess...There's hope there. In my opinion now I have to continue improving myself, being a friend for her like when we started and just be trully patient. While I wasn't expecting to get back together right there and then it went well I think, now I can see her again and continue to show her that I'm committed to real change and that I'm there.

        Thanks for your answer!

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          All the best. As long as you remain patient, and avoid putting pressure on her, while continuing to build a positive connection with her bit by bit, the chances of winning her back eventually is definitely there.

    • Dupin086

      [6 Years Update]
      Sure! So we did end up getting back together even though we did break up later, so instead of 3 months we got a good 4 years together. I remember your website did help me a lot to present myself in a good way after the breakup and keep it cool and collected.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you so much for replying. If you don't mind sharing, what was the reason you both broke up later? And was the second breakup as hard as the first one?

        • Dupin086

          The reason had to do with mental health issues which made it difficult to have a stable and healthy relationship.

          I would say the second time around it was a bit easier because deep down I felt it was for the best if I ever wanted to find peace, which I did. To me the hard part always is the loneliness after living with someone what I find the hardest to deal with.

          • Kylie - EBP Team

            Thank you for the explanation. I wish you best moving on and finding the right partner for yourself.

  • Griselda

    Hello, I am 27 and my ex is also 27 we broke up about 3 weeks ago. The reason we broke up was because I felt like he took me for granted and I kept trying for him to be more loving and caring towards me but one day he just told me that if I wasn’t happy or comfortable that we could just end things and I didn’t want to but he kept telling me that he didn’t think we were okay anymore and that things wouldn’t work out anymore. I feel like he got annoyed and so I went ahead and told him that if that’s what he wanted we could end things and he kept saying it was for the best. I didn’t think so I wanted to keep trying to make the relationship work out but apparently he gave up on us. So after the break up I didn’t text him for about a week and then I decided to text him back last week I wanted to see if there was the possibility of us getting back together someday and he replied that he didnt think so and, didnt know if we would get back together someday. I didnt reply back to that I just stopped texting him but I think that maybe if I give him time he’ll miss me and want me back. I don’t know if I should wait and then text him and see if we could try it again. He never told me he didn’t have feelings for me so I don’t know if that might be a reason to just give him time and then look for him. Would that be the right thing to do? He could be a bit prideful and not be the one to come look for me , most of my friends tell me to just move on and forget him and that if he did care or loved me he would be the one coming after me. I don’t know what the best thing to do would be?

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If you felt unsatisfied with the way he was treating you then, which led to the relationship ending, by you taking the first step to reach out to him, don't you think that the situation would remain the same even if you succeeded in getting him back and he'd still take you for granted after?

      • Giselle

        I just thought that maybe with time apart he can miss me and things will better.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. It's really subjective to each relationship, and would depend on how the relationship ended and how things were handled after.

    • Griselda

      [6 Years Update]

      It has been quite some time from this.

      I hope I could be of some help.

      In the moment when I was going through all this I was really heartbroken and all I wanted was to find ways for my ex and I to get back together. that’s how i ended up here trying to find advice or anything that would help with this situation. I was desperate you could say. I was going through this for several months and I didn’t know how I was going to get through it. I didnt text him back or looked for him and he didn’t either so I moved on and as the days went by i started to realize that I deserved better and that perhaps he wasn’t the right person for me . I started to tell myself that there would be someone that would love me and not give up on us like he did. And sure thing I found someone else like 2 years after this.

      If I could give anyone going through something similar an advice it would be this. i know in the moment when one goes through a break up we don’t see it and it really hurts alot and we want to do anything possible to be with that person. But sometimes we have to stop and think that maybe it’s for the best not to be with that person as much as it hurts us, things always happen for a reason. As days go by you will start to feel better just have to take it day by day and soon the hurt will slowly disappear. I know sounds easier said than done but these moments are what shape us and help us grow. I know for me this situation really helped me grow and know what I deserve. I really hope that my experience will help anyone.

      Thank you for reaching out to me. And let me know if there are any other questions.

      • Kevin

        Hi Griselda,

        Thank you so much for replying and sharing those insights. They will be very helpful for someone going through a similar situation. I do have a few other questions.

        Do you remember how long it took you to realize that he was not the right person for you? For a lot of our readers who go through a tough breakup, they start feeling much better after the 3 months mark. Would you agree to that timeline?

        In what way would you say your current relationship is better than the previous one? Do you both communicate better? Do you understand each other better? Do you both prioritize each other more?

        Thank you again for replying and sharing your insights.

        • Griselda

          Hello Kevin,

          I realized I never replied back to this. My apologies.
          To answer some of your questions. I agree I realized he wasn’t the right person for me, around 3 months or so later. Of course I still had feelings for him but after I didn’t text him back he never reached out or tried to work things out with me. so I told by self that it was best if I moved on and forgot about him.

          In my current relationship , I feel like it’s the opposite of what I had with my ex. The communication is way better ,if there is something we disagree on we’ll talk it through. I know he won’t get upset or ignore me . He is always there supporting me and motivating me and cares about me and shows it. We both spend time together but we also have time apart to hangout with friends or family and we both are okay with that. These are some of the things that were lacking with my ex ,he would get upset if I asked anything about our relationship and he would make me feel at fault for questioning things ,it was just very toxic looking back.

          Let me know if you may have any further questions.

          • Kevin

            Hi Griselda,

            Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate you taking the time to explain further. These are very helpful insights.

  • Jerry

    Hey Kevin and everyone else.
    My fiance broke up with me almost 10 months ago.
    We had been together for almost 9 years and it was first relationship for both of us. Im 29 and she will be 30 in 2 months.

    Problem started 1 year before the breakup, due to new work we didnt get to spend much time together since she started early and i usually got home late and needed to work weekends and sleep away. During this time a guy at her work got friends with her and he started flirting with her. I did point this out to her and said it made me uncomfortable and asked her to distance herself a little from him. She said they were only friends and i do believe she was honest abouth that at first but he filled a void that was created due to the fact we got so little time together. Then one night i did something wrong by checking her text messages since that had been no problem before that we checked each others phones out of curiosity.

    But lately she had been protective about her phone and i wanted some answers. Turned out she had started flirting back with him so i asked her what was going on and if something had happened between the two of them. She denied it and said they had hugged and only hang out a little. I left the home and got back later that night and asked her how she felt and that she had to choose between me and him. She said she was confused but anted to be with me and asked me to forgive her.

    I tried give it another go but 10 months later she dumped me. She said i had been on edge since we talked about it and that her feelings for me had changed.

    Needless to say i was a wreck and did all the mistakes.
    What makes my situation a little special is that we both wanted to have each other in our lifes and didn't wanna ruin our friendship to.

    We lived together at the time and we kept living together for almost 6 months during which time she looked for a new place to live.

    During those 6 months we both had emotional breakdowns on which we would comfort each other. I didn't bring up the fact that we should try again.

    The last 2 months major changes have happened. One problem in our relationship was financial, we were both unemployed for periods so we had problem with money and being able to do things.

    Luckily i have gotten a full time good paying job now, one that forces me to be away during the weeks. She is back at her old job where she works with the guy she was flirting with, he however didnt dare to stand up against me for her when i called him up on the phone and told him to back of, so i think he wont be a problem if not for the fact that her subconscious will remember that as a weak move from his side.

    Finding your site 2 weeks ago and starting getting the email helps me put things in perspective. I have had regular contact with her but for the last 2 weeks i have minimized it and focusing on improving myself, if she calls me i might pick up but keeps conversation to a minimum and holds a distance to her.

    What i wounder is if i should carry on and go into full No Contact and then proceed with the letter or if it can be a possibility to skip NC and go straight for the letter, being that we had good contact after the breakup it does seems like a risk losing that then try get it back after no contact.

    I know this got long and i didn't intended it to be, but i sincerely would need the help i can get and would like to give as much information that i can.

    Id like to add to this that all our mutual friends have allways viewed us like a "perfect" couple and think we are silly and that we still function together like we were a couple and they hope and think we will work this out.

    For last i wanna thanks you for the help you provide to everyone that writes or reads your articles.
    Thanks Kevin

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Jerry,

      I think minimum contact is going to work better for you. If you think you need a little bit of no contact, you can inform her beforehand that you need some time and space.

    • Jerry

      [10 Years Update]
      No worries it doesn't stir any bad feelings in me that chapter of my life is something i have dealt with completely.

      I have no problem to share more of my experience in the hope it may help others, as i do like to help people and be supportive.

      First of did i move on from my ex?

      The answer here is yes i did move on and it took me some time. She is still together with the guy she left me for and they are now having a family and seems to be happy as far as i know. My ex and i do exchange pleasentry every now and then and id say we are on good terms with one another but its not like we hang together like friends or something.

      And what happened to me?

      Well after me responses in the comments i did basically what i said i would do with the stepping back, and avoiding contact etc. This was a hard time and looking back at it now its clear that i was in a bad denial about the situation, she had clearly moved on as it was her initiative and i was left behind with my world shattered.

      Now one part to this story that i never did mentioned is that after i went radio silence my ex and her family and i went on a vacation together at the end of the summer, something that had been planned for a while before the breakup, she hadn't told her family yet and i was hopping we could patch things up so that why i still went.

      I had made the decision if we couldn't seem to patch it up during this trip then i would give it up this trip was in September the same year.

      After i went radio silence i did make a couple of decisions that helped me, first of i had friends and family to talk to and vent and that helped me and they did give me their opinions that wasn't always what i wanted to hear but was something that i needed to hear and think about.

      The second thing was that my self image is that I'm a happy guy so i decided i should stop being sad and depressed as that state of mind is non constructive and will not help me so i took a quote i heard from a TED talk to heart and lived by it.

      "Fake it till you become it".

      What i did was i decided to do things that i thought was fun or something that i would have thought was fun until i had fun, basically trying to enjoy life, so for me that meant i went skydiving, i went to the movie, i took a roadtrip with my brother across the country to go to a music concert, i went to the amusement park, i hanged with friends and to big one i started to talk to other girls.

      So where did this take me after that vacation trip?

      Well clearly me and my ex didn't patch things up there, the trip was fine and during it i was talking with a girl online back home and we decided to hookup when i got home (yes this meeting was intended like a one night stand thing) this was not in my character and out of my comfort zone but i decided "hey what the harm and why not take a chance and enjoy life". After i dropped my ex and her family of i went straight to this date no need for details but we had a great night and morning, we decided to meet again, she was not looking for anything serious and i said i honestly didn't know what i was looking for.

      Long story short this was 9 years ago we have now been an couple for 8.5 years, been married for soon 5 years and have 2 beautiful kids and I'm so happy.

      What did i learn and what lessons can i give to others?

      1. Its not the end of the world and it will get better if you let it.
      2. Unless there are kids in the picture the most important person is you so have respect enough for yourself to understand once its time to cut the cord to avoid hurting yourself more by dragging out on it like i did.
      3. Depression takes on many forms and can be treated in different ways, do whatever you can to be happy ( Fake it till you become it).
      4. Don't be afraid to be alone, sometimes thats something you need to land on your feet and find out where in life you are.
      5. Never let your happiness be bound to someone else. Whatever happens in life make sure you can be happy alone and don't need to have someone there to be happy. Let other people be there to enrich your life and happiness but not be the only source of it.

      Its been some rambling from me here and i hope i do make some sense and hopefully can help someone else.

      As for my advice well i did all those mistakes.

      My happiness was conditioned on my ex being in my life, i was miserable without her and was convinced the world was ending and i would never be happy again, i dragged out on letting her go since i was afraid of being alone and in that process all i did was increase my suffering.

      Today i can think of my ex and our time and see thats a totally different life and a totally different me, i have grown as a man and I'm happier today, if there was a way for me to go back and change things i wouldn't. Don't let the things that hurt you in the past be what drags you down today, let that be the things you use to build a better future for you.

      To whomever it may concern
      I wish you all well.

      • Kevin

        Hi Jerry,

        Thank you so much for sharing your experience and the words of wisdom. This is surely one of my favorite updates.

  • Heather

    I have been dating a guy for a little over 7 months and we have been absolutely great together and so happy. I have no doubt in my mind that he likes me a great deal. However he just got out of a 20 year marraige that initially had been over the last 2 years of their time. So he broke it off with me because he says he is not ready to commit and doesn't want to be unfair to me but that he does really like me its "just him not me". So I have started the NC rule and actually the only time I did try to contact him was when he initially text me this news and I said I'd rather talk in person over this disicion, only because I feel like texts have no emotions and its easier to say whatever you want rather in person you can say one thing but your reaction will tell me another (for example I would be able to tell if he was hiding his feelings over his words) but after he agreed to meet the following day to talk I just never text him to follow up and neither did he. It has only been 2 days but in 30 there is a wedding both of us will be at. What do you think?

    Original Comment

    • Kevin Thompson

      Apply no contact for 30 days. Make positive changes in your life. Get a new look. Meet him at the wedding. Blow his mind away.

    • Heather

      [10 Years Update]

      Wow haha totally random.

      We are now been together 10 years and married 3 with kids!
      We went to that wedding together and we did a whole lot of traveling and had so much fun before our children.
      Between covid, kids and a New career path, traveling slowed down.

      I cannot tell you how we got back together, knowing myself I probably took initiative, it's always been hard for me to do the no contact thing.

      He is 17 years older than me so that was a harder than usual decision to make for both of us, it was all new territory and difficult to navigate with society, family and friends. So I'm not sure what help I'll be lol

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Wow. I am so happy for you. I am glad it worked out. Thank you so much for replying.

  • jake

    Dear Kevin ,

    I've posted a comment earlier but it's not showing up on the website ...

    Since then my situation has changed , i applied no contact for about a week and my ex instant messaged (whatsapp) me saying : i love you . It's so hard not to talk to you . I hope you're having a good weekend . I replied , saying i love her too but i jokingly said : you couldn't just say how are you , in an effort to lighten up the conversation .We talked for a bit and it was fun she made some references to the future :when i see you again then blabla . But the only serious statement she made was : i want to be with you but there's too much going on in my head .

    I know this statement usually means that she still can't commit herself and it's likely she still misses me and just can't go cold turkey with me when it comes to no contact . Or she just wanted her ego to be stroked .

    The funny thing is that i follow her on tumblr (she doesn't know this) and i could just tell how much she was hurting the past week , posting things like : can i tell you a secret i still love you , missing you comes in waves tonight i'm drowning , i'm sorry i pushed you away , i'm scared of you breaking my heart etc .

    I really don't know what to do , i really wanna play it cool and just keep it light and build attraction . But i'm scared she ' s gonna string me along again , like the past 2 months before no contact . But if i say i need more space , i'm scared she'll really move on this time .

    Because essentially nothing has changed , she loves me but she has too many issues . She has been depressed for the past 2 months , barely leaving her house , not really talking to friends , let alone meeting them . Not your typical :i need space and then goes out to flirt with tons of guys to see if there's anybody better out there.

    Should i initiate a friendly meeting later this week and in the meanwhile keep talking and building attraction or say :nothing has changed , let's give eachother some more time to think .

    Thanks in advance !

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin


      Since you've been trying the same thing for the past 2 months, I think it'll be a better idea to tell her you need space and time and do no contact.

    • jake

      [10 Years Update]


      It's a surprise to get this email for sure . I remember looking forward to emails from you. They were very helpful during that time of my life.

      As for what happened with this ex, we got back together around six months after this comment . After this, we didn't talk to each other for like 2-3 months .

      But once we started talking again after those 2-3 months, things were much better . I was in calm mental space and she was also much more stable . We got back together after a few months and have been together since then . There have been ups and down but that period apart made our bond stronger because we both know that we are for each other .

      Thank you again for your help during that time of my life.

      • Kevin

        Hi Jake,

        Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it. In your initial comment, you were wondering if you should ask her to give you space. Did you ever do that? Also, after the 2-3 months of not talking to each other, who reached out first?

        I am asking these questions because our readers will be interested in knowing that. If you can't answer them, I completely understand.

        • jake

          I don't think I ever told her to stop contacting me . But I remember we both just stopped talking for a while . We didn't talk to each other for like 2-3 months . And then one day we just started talking . I don't remember who reached out first . It was probably her because she was the one who stopped contacting me . But I spoke to her after getting your email and she says I was the one who reached out first . So I am not sure who it was .

          I hope that helps .

  • Kaye

    Me and my exboyfriend have been dating for 10 months, but we had a lot of argument the past 2 months and he basically broke up with me stating that he couldn't get over the fact i wouldn't give up a relationship with a friend i spent a trip with (which nothing happened between us) and that i never loved him back the same way he did nor he felt loved or complete, saying i was unconsidered and ignorant about his feelings. After many discussions on how we could fix our relationship, he decided to give up although i refused to let him go and i insisted to work on us. At the end i couldn't convince him.

    So, after breaking up i stupidly offered myself to became FWB in which he refused so i told him to exchange the stuff we have from each other. He didnt reply back to that, so i decided from there to start the 'no contact rule'. He replied to me after but i haven't yet because i started the challenge.

    My question is, should i keep on the 'no contact rule' or should i make the exchange of stuff and start no contact rule from the top? Or wait till no contact rule ends and bring the exchange as an excuse to start conversation?


    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      This would be entirely up to you, but personally I would recommend completing NC before exchanging your belongings.

      • Kaye

        Alright, its been already over more than 30 days of no contact rule. None of us talked to each other since we broke up. And we actually saw each other on the street once, and we exchanged a warmth smile. Im still thinking about the excuse of my getting my stuff back from him, to see him. I thought of something like this " Hey, I'm sorry i couldn't contact you earlier about my stuff (because our last convo ended in which he wanted to know which things i needed that he would send them over to mine). Do you think we can meet to get them back? Or if you don't wanna see me, i'll give you my address."

        Im not sure about my idea, sounds more like i really moved on or wanna move on. I read your suggestions of texting but i really have no clue what to say, i feel like id look stupid to contact him again, idk, i don't want him to think something like "why is she texting me now?"

    • Kaye

      [6 Years Update]
      Hi Kevin,

      I will gladly answer your questions.

      First of all, it didn't bring any painful memories. In fact, looking back now it wasn't so bad compared to the next 2 heartbreaks I had after the one from this story haha I guess I have to say that this whole "get back with your ex" thing doesn't work for me and it has never worked (I have tried each time in every relationship, somehow)

      What happened with your ex? Did you move on? Did you get back together?

      We literally just lost contact. I didn't even remember that he ever texted me to give me back my stuff but I remember now that I never replied back to him. We saw each other once with the girl he cheated on me with in the streets and we ignored each other, no eye contact at all. Of course I've had moved on. It took me some time to realize that he was a narcissist manipulator and I am happy for the lessons I have learned throughout this relationship and most importantly, how much I have grown.

      Can you share any valuable lessons you learned?

      I do recommend anyone interested in trying to get their exes - to actually try to get them back. I believe no contact rule is the best thing you can do to actually process the breakup and work on yourself. Luckily to me, each time i went through that stage, I have only realized how better off I was without them.

      What advice would you give someone going through a similar situation?

      You should never chase anyone. Love is free. If you truly love someone, you would let them go - for what love is to let that person be happy, even if it means not having you in their lives. Specially if you are a woman, remember: ovums don't chase sperms. So follow the rules of nature. A man that truly loves you will be the one chasing you. Regardless of gender, if you find yourself trying to chase somebody, know that is a sign of lack of self love and you shall work on that first. The biggest form of love is the one you give to yourself.

      PS: I know my answers might be contradictory to the philosophy of your business but these is what I have learnt after trying to "get my ex back" in 4 different relationships 🙂 If i ever get back to any of these exes in the future tho, i will let you know haha in the end, you never know what might happen 😋

      • Kevin Thompson

        Thank you so much for the reply and your insights. They are very helpful. Our business philosophy is to empower people going through a breakup who want their ex back. And your answer fits right in with our philosophy. Thank you again.

        Also, in your original comment you didn't mention that he cheated on you with that girl. Is that something you found out later?

        It also seemed like he was the one who was accusing you of cheating and being unfaithful. It's interesting that he was the one who cheated and you think he was a Narcissist manipulator. I guess cheating and hypocrisy goes hand in hand. I would love to hear more about this.

      • Kaye

        Hi Kevin,

        Im happy to share (or gossip about it haha)

        Yeah my friends at the time kept warning me that guys who ask their partners to stop seeing male friends are most likely to cheat on them first. So they were right. The worst was that he made me the villain.

        He cheated on me with a coworker of his that i have previously met. When he told me he wanted to meet with her alone because "they had so much in common and shes so fun" i expressed my insecurity and did not approve of them meeting alone. Like, u can meet with the whole working team but why do you have to meet her alone?

        2 weeks after our breakup i caught them together a few times (its funny how life makes you witness those situations in such a short time in a row). First a saw them walking together around 1 am, then i saw them on a morning coming out from a hotel spa, then in 2 months he started posting her on social media (not to mention he never posted me).

        But im glad i found out this only after our breakup and not while were together. Since we werent together anymore i couldnt care less. I have a good reaction towards cheating anyways - i can only feel disgust. So seeing the person he actually was helped me to move on very quickly hehe

        Hope it was interesting? Haha

      • Kevin Thompson

        Very interesting. Thank you for sharing

  • Rosa

    Dear Kevin.

    I have been dating this guy for 3 years. Then about four months ago I started suspecting he was cheating on me with some girl he met in a whatsapp group we share. When I kept confronting him about his flirting with her, he denied it, till he eventually dumped me two weeks ago, saying he doesn't have feelings with me anymore.

    It's clear he is dating her, am not being paranoid. I have not texted him since the breakup, which was through a chat. Do you think there is a chance it could be serious? Did I lose him a long time ago and should just move on? Please advise.

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Hi Rosa,

      Speculation may not give you any closure or information. If you guys have been dating for 3 years, it's highly likely that he truly loved you but something may have happened along the way. Firstly, give yourself some space and adopt the no contact rule. At the end of it, if you still feel that you want him back, I suggest you have an honest conversation with him about it.

    • Rosa

      [7 Years Update]


      As it turns out, he was seeing another woman and she was pregnant with his child. He did brake up with me, and I did not fuss about it. The breakup was via messaging, and I acknowledged it and cut off contact. It went something like: "I am no longer interested in you or this relationship. So am ending it. Please don't contact me again." I replied with "This is noted. Thanks for the good times we had. I wish you the best."

      Two weeks into the breakup he sent me a very long message. The message was significantly, and I mean really significantly long. And in it he was explaining to me how he never meant to hurt me and how he will always love me and will never forget me and I was the best thing that ever happened to him and he wishes things were different, bla bla bla. I never replied to the message, but it gave me a sense of satisfaction, a journey to acceptance and healing for me. I had spent those two weeks crying nonstop. The message brought that to an end. It was very therapeutic. I was later told by a mutual friend he wrote it while at the airport waiting for his flight.

      Never once did he mention the other relationship or the child. A few months into the breakup, we met at a mutual friend's wedding, and we we were amicably nice to each other, and we indeed ended up having quite a good time together. We spoke about everything minus our private lives. Our friends said we looked like we weren't broken up. About seven months into the breakup, he reached out asking me how I am doing. He also reached out on my birthday with a birthday message and a present through his brother. Now years down the road, I can say, we are not friends. We are not strangers either. But every couple of months he does message me, and I do reply. And that's it. And yes, I got over him, but healing took me about two years honestly.

      What advice I would have for someone going through a similar situation?

      My advice would be, let it go. Just let it go. Don't push it. Don't push for answers. All you will get are lies. I truly think letting it go, which is an equivalent of silence treatment in a way is the best way to go. Otherwise if they come back on your begging or whatever it is you do, they will not respect you in that relationship, and it will not necessarily be a fulfilling one.

      I hope this provides some of the feedback you were hoping for.

      • Kevin Thompson

        hank you so much. This is great feedback and I am happy that you got over him. Two years to fully heal surely feels like a lot of time. But I guess some breakups are just not easy to heal from. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to ask you a couple more questions.

        In hindsight, could you have done something to heal faster from him?
        Now that you have healed, are you dating someone new? Have you found a new relationship or rather a better relationship?

        • Rosa

          Hi Kevin,

          Honestly, I was not sure whether to reply or not. But anyway, here I am…

          Two years to fully heal surely feels like a lot of time..
          I totally agree with you. 2 years was a long time. During that period a male friend of mine said to me, “Rosey Rose, the first time is a bitch. But as you keep dating, eventually you get to a point where it takes you just a few days to get over someone, and you gather yourself and get back out there and get into another one. You will be okay after this one.”

          So, yes. 2 years is a very long time when I think back. Way toooooo long. I don’t want to justify it in any way, but I will try to maybe give you an understanding as to why it could have taken me that long: I grew up a tomboy. Even with a lot of interested parties around me, I somehow stayed unexplored. Big mistake. I went through it much later, when I was way wiser and calculative. My ex was my first. And he was extremely amazing the way he went about it. Probably why it took me long to get over him.

          In hindsight, could you have done something to heal faster from him?

          Maybe. Maybe not. But I would not have it any other way. I did not lose my dignity, empathy, humility or humanity. Neither did I lose my interest in or respect for men in general, nor hope in love. I still believe in it. Strongly in fact. But I learnt that it is so easy to move from lovers to strangers in a blink of an eye. And it made me more protective of myself. I However got to appreciate how strong I am, and I got to realise how worthy I am.

          Now that you have healed, are you dating someone new?

          You make it sound like it was only yesterday. It feels like it was decades ago!!! Anyway, at the moment, no. Dating is emotionally exhausting. I have tried to but unsuccessfully, due to a lot of factors... I am single and don’t mind being single.

          Have you found a new relationship or rather a better relationship?

          Not yet. But I believe as long as men live, I will. I am an amazing girl (from what I hear 😎), and there are amazing men out there also looking and hoping for someone out there, something different, something worth the trouble. Not something perfect, but something different.

          I hope your questions are fully answered.


          • Kevin

            Hi Rosa,

            Your reply is very insightful. More than I could have ever hoped for. I apologize if my questions were insensitive or intrusive. My intentions were to provide insights for our readers who are going through a hard time. And you delivered. So thank you. And just from this email alone, I agree, you are an amazing girl. :)

            Good luck with everything, and I wish you all the best in life.

          • Rosa

            Thanks Kevin.

            And no need to apologize, the questions were fine, just unexpected.
            Good luck with your work, I hope it helps others get luckier in their relationships.

  • Juliet

    I have done everything possible to mess up in this break up and now he has me blocked from everything and says never again. How do you repair that? Is it possible?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Start no contact for 60 days. Hopefully, he'll unblock you after that.

    • Juliet

      [10 Years Update]

      Interesting. No we did not get back together. It was brutal and destroyed me for a long time. I realized i am attracted to narcissists even maybe sociopaths. It was my need to be loved and valued but with time i found that within myself

      • Kevin

        I appreciate you replying very much. I am sorry you had to go through that pain. But I am happy to hear that you have reached acceptance within yourself.

  • Mike

    The ex is 21 and i'm 27

    Basically the girl i dated ended things with me to go back to her ex. I'm very confused because I dont know if i was the rebound or is he? they dated on and off for a few months but she dated me for a year and gave me her virginity but i didn't make her my gf because i didnt feel comfortable being in a relationship yet but we were exclusive the whole time. She dated me in july 2017 after breaking up with her ex in april 2017.

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It's a little hard to tell for certain and it would depend on who she feels more connected to at the end of the day. Based on the situation though, there's a possibility that you were the rebound, because even though she gave more to you, she still felt connected enough to her ex to end up leaving the relationship to be with him.

    • Mike

      [5.5 Years Update]
      Basically I followed the programme for as much as I could even writing the letter. But she wasn’t really budging and I went on a trip to the Caribbean and met another girl there who had a fling with but that ended. My ex called me maybe a week after the fling ended to reconcile things after breaking it off with her ex.

      We got back together but while in the relationship I realised that this wasn’t for me as she was very toxic at the time and unloading emotions onto me as well as attacks on my character so I broke it off with her. She phoned me a year later trying to reconcile again but I was seeing someone else at the time. I tell from the phone call she had really worked hard to change herself and get back with me but she had only done it in the effort to get back with me which didn’t feel right to me. I told her she should do these things for herself and love herself first. She told me she just wanted me to be happy and hung up. She tried to call back after but I let the call ring out. She blocked my number after. I haven’t heard from her since.

      Though I learned a lot from that situation it seems I’ve found myself back in another break up with another woman but this time where the dating was short just over two months but the emotions were strong at least for me. So I’m hoping this time around I get a better outcome or resolution like last time.

      Thanks Kevin for the help all those years ago. It took me out of a sunken place. Life wasn’t the best at the time but those exercises did help bring up at least from that relationship.

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for replying and giving an update on your situation. It's very helpful and I wish you the best in getting your ex back and keeping her in a healthy relationship this time.

  • Brad Woody

    My ex and I somewhat mutually decided that we would break up and that, after a major life event on January 15th passed, we would chat again.

    Assuming she was serious and not just placating me, I agreed that there would be no contact for 6 weeks.

    But I am cracking. I am desperate to reach out, to know if she still loves me, thinks about me misses me, or even gives a shit?

    The silence is killing me and everyday that I wait feels like a day that she slips farther away and forgets me a little more. We have only been separated 7 days and I really just want to reach out and say hi. I feel compelled to tell her I still love her and that I miss her...I don't want to beg and I am sure it will still sound needy but I cant fight it.

    [Original Comment]

    • Brad Woody

      [4.5 Years Update]

      Hey there.

      Your timing is perfect, if not a bit odd. My ex and I eventually drifted apart. There a couple hard months after that. Cut to now; I’ve not heard from or, to be honest, really even thought about her for nearly four years until last week. I’ve since gotten married, bought a house, and moved away to a place my ex and I always loved visiting. Any way, last week as my wife and I were shopping, who should show up in that same store but my ex. At first I was a bit disoriented.

      Then I recalled all the long anxious, sad, depressed nights I spent missing her…then I looked at my beautiful wife and the life I had built with her over the last four years and suddenly this ex, this person I would have killed to run into four years prior, was just another stranger in a grocery store.

      • Kevin Thompson

        Thank you so much for sharing the story. It's inspiring and will be a beacon of hope for men in similar situations. Can I ask one more question? You said in your initial comment that you wanted to reach out and tell her that you love her and miss her. Did you ever do that? Or did you implement strict no contact?

        I ask because this is the stuff most people going through similar situations obsess about. I understand that right now it may seem trivial to you. But for someone going through the same thing, this information can be very helpful.

      • Brad Woody

        I did not reach out. I respected our agreement.

        Thanks a lot.

        Be well

  • Ben

    My girlfriend of 5 1/2 years requested a break out of the blue. Two weeks later she wanted to break up. We live together and have a dog. She suffers from severe anxiety occasionally. We both work from home and it is a small space. In the interest of respect for her request for space, I volunteered to move out. I crashed at my sisters spot for a couple months. In that time, I've made every mistake you outlined in your five step program and driven her further away from me. We attempted a couple dates over the last couple months but she canceled our last date telling me she was seeing someone else. It should also be said that we had discussed engagement, children, home ownership. We have a joint bank account, dual ownership in vehicles, both names on our lease and a dog together. She and I went ring shopping with my grandmother.

    I am having a hard time accepting her move away from this relationship as anything but a rash one. I was sick of not living at home so I moved back and she is moving out. She is coming by tmrw to pick up her remaining things. I don't want to beg but I am going to encourage couples counseling sessions and try to get her to see the positives in the relationship but ultimately I am emotionally drained from fighting for this union. She is baby crazy and really wants marriage. I fear if I don't intervene, she will run into this other man's arms and rush into a marriage and children. She and I Spent so many years building a proper foundation and I feel that time and commitment isn't being respected. Do you have any advice for how I should handle seeing her tmrw? Is it wrong that I demand ownership of the dog? I don't want to appear manipulative.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hi Ben,

      I am sorry you are going through this. I am late to reply to your comment and I hope the meeting went well. I think you should do at least a month of no contact. I know you are afraid of her moving on, but not giving her space is just going to push her further away. By giving her space, you will make her miss you and second guess her decision. You need to heal, both emotionally, physically and mentally before you contact her again. And to attract her again, you need to be the best version of yourself.

    • Ben

      [7 Years Update]
      Its funny you should reach out when you did.

      Happy to give update

      We never got back together.

      The breakup was hard and traumatizing in a lot of ways. What came to light after the post I made on your site, is that she had already been seeing someone else. What felt sudden to me, was not sudden to her. She broke up with me and moved to a new city within a couple weeks. She ended up marrying her new boyfriend and now have two children together. All my hopes of counseling and relationship repair was a lost cause and wasted energy. Though, at the time I had no way of knowing that. There are things about how I handled the break up that I would do differently. But I only say that now, in hindsight. In the moment, I don't think I could have handled the break up any other way than I did. Everyone copes differently. Everyone processes at their own pace.

      When dealing with traumatic interpersonal changes, there are no right or wrong answers. There is no one answer that works for everyone. The important thing to remember is that there are two people involved, neither of whom are able to read minds. The thoughts need to be said directly or they will likely go unnoticed.

      There is no way around the hurt. I had to walk straight through it. The sooner I faced it head on, the sooner I began to move past it.

      We share a lot of very close mutual friends, so I've been kept up to date with the changes in her life and she with the changes in mine.

      Since our breakup - I refocused on work, picked up some new accounts and expanded my company to a national footprint. Prior to the pandemic I relocated temporarily to Hawaii to explore more contracts and ended up staying on Kaua'i through the pandemic, where I currently still reside. I have moved on with a girlfriend, new dogs, house, etc.

      It is funny that you should reach out now because one of our very close mutual friends that was a support system for both of us through our break up recently passed away unexpectedly. April 26th - the day prior to the funeral - was the first time my ex and I were in the same room together since the break up and the first time I had met her new boyfriend, now husband.

      Any hard feelings or awkwardness is long gone from my side of the coin. I cannot speak to her situation of course. The occasion felt like a bit of closure from that time of life.

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for sharing the update and the insights. Your advice will be very helpful to someone going through a similar situation. I appreciate it very much.

  • Carol

    Hi Kevin,

    Firstly, thank you for this – I loved reading it and it has given me a lot of perspective. I wanted to share my story and hear your thoughts.

    Until recently (2 weeks actually) I had been with my husband for almost four and a half years. We have been married for almost two and a half years. We never argued and were perfect until earlier this year when he showed signs of depression – which we later realised that it was because he was going through bereavement for losing his mum end of 2012. I was waiting for it to hit and it took more than a year. He was really struggling to deal with it – said he was unhappy and didn’t know why. Anyway, I couldn’t believe it and did every single thing that I think I wasn’t supposed to (email, messages, calls, endless talking) and basically made myself unattractive, needy and desperate. It was the panic of losing him that pretty much turned me into a nut job!

    Ok, so two Sundays ago, he said he wants to end it – said he loved me and was attracted to me but did not want ‘us’ anymore. He said he wanted us to be friends and hang out – to which I totally agreed because I was still in that panic state. But great advice from friends put some wisdom in me. I seized all communication. I didn’t even tell him. I am close to his sister – so she told me that she had to explain to him that I needed space. And he kept saying ‘but she said it was ok to hangout’. The first week he sent a text saying that he is coming over and I said I had plans. Later on that week he sent another text saying ‘how about we hang out on Friday’ and I said ‘I will let you know when I am ready to hang out’. Didn’t stop him from sending another text on Saturday – that I ignored. He has stopped texting so that’s good. But he keeps asking his sis for updates on me. I met up with her on Saturday and we had a lovely long chat (not all about him, mostly fun stuff and old relationships). She said she cannot make head or tail of what’s going on with him. But he just keeps to himself (he, the sis, her bf and dad live in the same house up the street from our flat).

    Anyway, first week was tough, first weekend was kinda worse, second week it got better, the weekend was worse than the first weekend. This is the third week and I am feeling better. Still a bit empty and lonely but I am dealing with it.

    Now this is interesting. Before the break up, I ordered him something that he wanted. It is a soft toy that he was trying to get in the arcades because he is obsessed with this cartoon (he works in a school so gets influenced by the kids sometimes). Anyway, I gave it to the sis to take it over to him and he wanted to call me to thank me or send a text and was asking her advice... then he asked her if he sent a text, would I reply and she said ‘probably not’. And he went ‘oh..’ not the happy ‘oh’.

    The other thing that I offered is as I am working and it is term break, I have offered for him to spend a couple of week days in the flat (which I have super cleaned! It was getting really messy towards the end of our relationship). His dad’s place is quite small and the dad and sis’ bf works from home – so I thought that would give him a bit of space. As long as I don’t see him or interact with him, that’s fine. I have my own routine when I get back anyway. Anyway, I was hoping that this will help give him some perspective in terms of what he can have.

    I am going to keep this up for over the 30 day period. Because firstly, this will go on till after term break and after that, his sis and bf are on holiday for three weeks. This will leave him alone with his dad – who is accustomed to the sis doing everything in the household. So that might give him more perspective when he is expected to pick up the slack. He kinda had the good life with me because I did everything and looked after him really well. Pampered him too much maybe.

    But you are absolutely right! The cutting off communications has worked for me – meaning me getting over the panic stage and thinking about things that make me happy, catching up with friends and finding myself.

    Bereavement when a son loses his mother can be a life changing event. He was not seeing clearly and I was not helping. I am hoping (along with the rest of the family) that he comes to his senses and see that he is giving up on the best thing that happened to him..

    Do you think, with the right distance and space, he will come to his senses?

    Thanks Kevin!

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Yes, there is a chance he will. I think you are handling everything very well. All the best.

    • Carol

      [10 Years Update]
      I completely forgot that I wrote this. I suppose I didn’t want to have a failed marriage and wanted to some how make it work. It’s been over 10 years and I’ve moved on. I actually moved on not too long after writing that – 26 April 2014 to be exact! I joined MeetUp groups to get away from people I know asking after me. I just wanted to have normal conversations with people who didn’t know that my husband walked out on me and everything I was dealing with.

      On one of those meetings I met my current boyfriend, moved in with him 10 months after and we’ve been together since.

      I did move on too quickly and there were other guys interested in me and I was starting to feel confused. I decided to sign up for a divorce course held at a church not too far from where I lived and attended those sessions to try and deal with all of it, the rejection and the fear of being rejected again. It helped. And being in a room where everyone felt the same… you can explain it to people but unless they are going through it or have gone through it… it’s just not the same.

      We did have a rocky period during lockdown and things almost ended but we managed to weather through it and recently made it to 10 years together.

      Here’s what I have to share for the points below.

      Any new developments or changes in your perspective regarding the breakup and getting back together.

      I learnt very quickly that it wasn’t for us and there was no use trying to hold on to something that didn’t exist anymore

      When someone has lost the love they once had for you, you need to think about yourself and your happiness and try your best to move on

      Key lessons learned since the last comment.

      I was lucky that I realised quickly that it was time to sever ties and move on and taking that 30 day break was the start of making that happen

      I should have taken time to properly grieve before jumping into a new relationship. I learnt that even if you’re dating someone new, and it’s all nice and happy, that underlying pain is still there and needs to be dealt with

      Advice you might share with someone facing similar circumstances.

      When my husband wanted to leave me, I was in denial, and I kept sending him messages that he sent me when we first started dating. He did not feel that way anymore. You need to understand that it can happen. People fall out of love and there isn’t anything the other person can do

      If someone wants to leave or take a break, just let them. It gives you a chance to think about what you want and how you want to be treated by a life partner. If they still want to end it then it’s time to let them go

      If that happens, allow yourself time to grieve and feel sad – you need to get this out of your system before starting something new with someone else.

      Every relationship and person is different so don’t expect someone new to be like your ex – accept them for who they are and how they are

      Hope this helps?

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        This helps a lot. It's very insightful and helpful for someone going through a similar situation. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Pam

    I don't understand why he is so angry and mean to me. He lost his temper over nothing. Then I found out about another girl (many years ago and we where in a different phase) plus drug use. I haven't said anything awful just that I wanted to be left alone. He had already told me he hates me and to burn in hell (seriously? ) but keeps contacting me. He is angry every time he texts. I told him how destroyed I was feeling and nothing. Just anger. So I said it was all too much and I just wanted to be left alone. (Which BTW is one of his signature phrases so I thought it was good to put it that way). And he keeps saying hurtful things. He is so angry. I cannot believe the lack of empathy in him. Like I told him the new info broke my heart. And he ends with "leave me alone too then I didn't really want to see you anyway". (I have been leaving him alone. Although not ignoring him when he messages. ). I'm so confused. Why is he being mean to me ??

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Pam,

      Ignore him when he messages. He will go through phases of anger, neediness, desperation and perhaps will go overboard to try to make you jealous and hurt you more. But he will eventually calm down.

      If you want, you can warn him beforehand that you will be doing this. Tell him that you need space and time and if he messages or contacts you again, you will ignore him. And if you feel the need to do so, you are free to block him as well.

    • Pam

      [8 Years Update]
      Hi the guy is an epic asshole. Danced around for another 2 years while he hid another PREGNANT girlfriend from me.

      My advice would be to any woman - **** that guy and move on. I met the complete opposite and fell in love and married someone else and moved to Europe. The only pain I feel reading that is for myself and the time wasted but it brought me to where I am. So all sensational! AND I STILL GET TEXT MESSAGES!! 🤣 all friendly now. He’s broken up with the baby mamma, moved in with someone else and now broke up again.

      You need to make a page about identifying malignant narcissists or just plain assholes if you really want to help people. My biggest advice is watch how a man gets along with his mother and an intact or happy family usually makes a better man.

      Anyway thanks for that look back! My life couldn’t be any different now. Blissfully happy.

      • Kevin

        Yup, I was already planning on updating the page and including information on identifying a toxic relationship and narcissists. Thank you so much for sharing. [Note to readers: Information on identifying a Toxic Relationship or a Narcissist is now one of the first thing on this page]

        Do you mind sharing any additional advice on what helped you move on from him? Did you implement strict no contact once you realized he had been lying to you again? Did you do any self-improvement work that helped give you the confidence to move on? Did you gather support from friends and family?

        Thanks again for sharing. I appreciate it and it will help a lot of readers going through similar situations.

        • Pam

          Yes a commitment to personal development. I started a business and was wildly successful earning trips etc. Eventually started feeling pity for him lol. Once you no longer have someone on a pedestal it really shifts. Women need to find their own inner validation and trauma bonds are real.

      • Kevin

        About watching how a man gets along with his mother, I just remembered an anecdote. When my wife and I started dating, she was about to call it off because she thought I was just playing. However, before she made that decision, she overheard a phone conversation between my mom and me. She thought I was very respectful to her (which I always am) and it made her reconsider. She decided to give our relationship more time and we eventually got happily married.

        So, your advice definitely has some weight. Thanks again for sharing.

  • Kellie

    THIS SYSTEM WORKS. This is an excellent step-by-step guide to regaining your ex and your confidence. I found this site a year ago after a pitiful "How do I get my ex back?" Google search.
    For everyone out there in the NC Zone, I want to add one thing: DO NOT, FOR ANY REASON, LOOK AT THE EX'S FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, TWITTER, TUMBLER, VINE, ETC. If they haven't deleted you, delete & block them. Checking out the ex's FaceBook page is certain to end with you feeling depressed, hurt, and hopeless. To some, the idea of deleting and blocking the ex from your social media may sound harsh. Remember, this is the person that broke your heart and walked away from everything you shared. Right now, they don't care. Besides, this is FOR YOUR benefit, not theirs.

    While in the NC Zone, give your FaceBook/Instagram a makeover. You're eating healthy, working out, you changed your hairstyle and got highlights, you've reconnected with old friends, maybe made a few new ones, and you've gone on a few casual dates. You look amazing! You've risen above the self-pity and taken control of your life! Be proud of that! Take tons of selfies, take pics with your friends, take a pic with a hot guy/girl you met. Post those babies proudly! Post inspirational quotes. Spend a weekend in Vegas with your best friend, take a zillion pics, & create a new album.
    Once you've successfully graduated from the NC Zone, unblock the ex from all your social media. Set everything you want them to see to "public." DO NOT send the ex add requests or friend requests; believe me, you'll get ones from them. The ex will be blown away when you suddenly reappear on FaceBook, looking gorgeous, fit, and healthy, and, if your ex is anything like mine was, stunned that you didn't curl up and die.

    This system worked for me. My ex-boyfriend, who had quite cruelly dumped me because he "needed to go in a different direction." I had no idea the break-up was coming; it was devastating. We'd been together for 3 years, lived together for 2. Yes, he came back to me. But I didn't want need him anymore. You see, during the NC Zone, which was 60 days for me, I worked out like a fiend (it was the only thing that took the pain away,) started seeing a therapist, and reached out to the friends I had previously neglected- my relationship with my ex was very codependent- and several close friends had been nearly lost as a result. I visited my best friend in Hawaii, and spent a week lying on the beach and hiking the amazing waterfalls of Hawi. I went to Vegas with 3 of my girlfriends, and we'd so much fun. That was the thing- I had previously made my boyfriend the center of my life. I had forgotten about me. And I had a huge surge in confidence after losing 15 lbs and realizing I had a better body at 27 then I did at 17.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Kellie,

      Thanks a lot for your comment and sharing your story. I appreciate it.

  • Rob

    Hey I really need some advice, my girlfriend of 2.5 years suddenly decided to end it just after university started. She said she had to focus more on herself and grow up on her own than put energy into our relationship. I think the reason is that I was too insecure and controlling, I would help her with everything and hardly have her any breathing room. I let myself go and wasn't the man I could have been too her and she lost attraction. The first couple of days were really tough but I really started to work on myself. I'm doing no contact for 30 days then I'm going to figure out how to win her back. Do you have any personalised advice to help me?

    [Original Comment]

    • Rob

      [4.5 Years Update]

      Crazy way to wake up in the morning lol. [on reading my old comment]

      I eventually was able to move on from my ex after taking responsibility for all of my actions and understanding how lacking as a person I was.

      My best advice to people going through a similar situation to me is to not look at all of the things the other person did wrong as you cannot change them. Take sometime with yourself, go for long walks and hikes and really think of all of the areas you are lacking in, then go to improve them. Join a gym, confide in your friends for advice, start meditating and reading philosophy.

      Nowadays I am doing fantastic, I am in the best shape I have even been in, I have my dream job, and I have my fair share of women to choose from. Building myself up and taking responsibility for my actions while letting her go was the best thing I could have ever done with my life.

      I hope this helps Kylie



      • Kevin

        Hi Rob,

        Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate the update and the advice. It will give someone going through something similar hope.

        In your original comment, you wanted to try to win her back after doing 30 days of no contact. Did you ever try? Did you reach out to her? Any details of what happened at that time would be immensely helpful to your readers.

        • Rob

          Hey Kevin,

          I did try to win her back after. We met up a few times to have coffee and run some errands together. I realized how much I needed to grow and work on myself in those 30 days and realized I wasn't ready for a relationship. At the time I wanted nothing else than to get back together but I knew that wasn't the right decision. Best idea I have ever had was to realize this, step back, and improve myself.

          • Kevin

            Hi Rob,

            Thank you for sharing. It must have taken a lot of will power to let go of your ex. I am glad you were able to step back and realize this. Appreciate the reply.

  • Kim

    My ex and I were in a long distance relationship for a year+ before he said he needed space (note it's a relationship of years) I initiated no contact for a month before he reached out to me.....after which we stopped talking for few days until it was my birthday, he contacted me again...even sent a cake, after then we've had casual conversations and even discussed about few personal issues recently but when I asked if he would like to give us another try, he said to put that on hold for now... I don't know what to do next. Am I to go no contact again?I don't want to be friend zoned. What do I do?

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Remember that you have to take things slow and work on rebuilding attraction and trust first before you bring up the topic of starting a relationship again

      • Kim

        Thanks for the reply,am willing to, but am afraid I might end up in the friend confused, i feel being friendly will make him friend zone me

    • Kim

      [Five and a half Year Update]

      I understand the need for the update and how it can help others in similar situations. I am glad to update you that I am currently married to the love of my life and even though I go back with my ex for a while after then I am happy it didn’t work out because he was taking other things and person over me.

      I eventually walked away from the situation after he broke my heart again and I met my husband along the line after I had done some inner work and was over the pain to a large extent. Ultimately, I will always tell anyone going through such a phase to put themselves first in every way and make self love priority at all times. Don’t be an option!

  • sana

    Hey Kevin,

    This really seems silly and would be the last thing I'd ever thought I'd do, but anyway.. Umm.. Me and My guy broke up because he found someone he feels "that's closest he has felt towards love" and funnily its hardly been 2 months of them meeting up.

    He made out with me even after being in relationship with this girl. He wants me to stay friends with him. Tells me about the problems he has with her. Shows that he loves her. But tells me and her that I am the only person he's closest to and he trusts! Whatever does that mean? :@ I am not an egomaniac but I wouldn't go begging for him. Nor would I ever say I am miserable without him or bull shit. I do love him though (sigh!)

    I told him I don't want to be "friends" with you. Because obviously I can't change my love with whom I've been kissing and god knows what into OMG my Bestie.. lets just hang around and discuss your life issues! that's ridiculous.

    I feel sad about it though. I know I am hurting him (and yes I know he did it too!) AAAAAaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh... 23 days of knowing it. 14 days of kissing him for the last time. 1 day of telling him that things won't work the way you want to.

    Please help! i have no idea what I am doing. AND I FEEL ANGRY ALL THE TIME. (Almost like I am really carrying all the Voldemort horcruxes with me!)

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Follow the plan Sana.

      • sana

        so this guy doesn't look bothered :/ Can I ask some of my personal stuff that he has back?? Though I gave them as a gift! (I know asking a gift back is rude :P) I doubt if he misses me a tad bit.

        • Kevin

          Unless you really need that stuff, I would advise you don't contact him until you have healed from the breakup.

    • sana

      [9.5 Years Update]


      I was so surprised to see this mail. Your emails really helped me heal and move on. I took a long time to heal and I used to feel calm after reading your emails.
      Almost a year later I met the guy I married eventually and now I feel so silly worrying about this guy who never respected me forget about loving me.
      I realized it’s better to take the broken pieces of your heart, fix them and become someone with high value. I worked on myself, read more, exercised, spent a lot of time building my people.

      I am much happier now. And that time of me building myself made me so much more confident! In hindsight that was a very good thing to happen with me. After 10 years now I think all that pain that I allowed him to cause, I wish I could go back and tell myself that this guy is not worth it. I am very happy in my life now.
      I really thank you for your emails during those testing times.

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for replying and sharing your story. I appreciate it very much.

  • di

    My girlfriend and I are separated for almost 2 months now. At first she says its just a cool off kinda thing and that she only needs time but then I found out that shes already dating another guy. The odd thing is that during those 2 months we still constantly text and see each other which often results to me bursting out to her whenever the conversation gets heated. But then last night she decided that its time for us to go our separate ways. It really broke my heart and I was begging for her to not leave me. But then I realized that it will be better for me to move on. However, she still owes me some amount of money and we are paying some payments monthly that is still due to end for 2 more years. I think it will really be difficult for me to move on since we will still be seeing each other when she gives me the payment and even if she could just use money transfers, I even don’t want to see her name. What should I do? But I still want to get her back thou. And after im done with the no contact thing, what if shes already in a relationship? Can I still ask her to go out with me?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin


      Moving on isn't really about forgetting a person. Moving on is about accepting that the relationship didn't work out.

      Oh, and if you want to win her back, you should contact her after no contact regardless of her relationship status.

    • di

      [10 Years Update] Wow that was 10 years ago haha! We did get back together for a couple of months. But then I can feel that there is really a big change on her side. Eventually I found out that she is still in love with the other guy. I did break up with her this time but im still secretly hoping that she will eventually return to me. Then after several months I found out that she is already pregnant. Thats the time that totally feel that it is about time to fully let her go and that I just got no other choice but to move on. I also realized that im just using the money she owns me as an excuse for her to stay or choose me but then because I already know that she is already getting a baby I decided to forget about the money as well. Now they are already married and have 2 kids.

      Lesson learned is that there is no point in exerting so much effort in trying to get back the person that has already decided to leave you. Just let them. If she decides to go back and you still want her then great but to be desperate in getting her back will just eventually backfire on you.

      While moving on I was able to enjoy other things alone or with friends such as travelling to different places and countries. Gain the courage to change workplace and got lucky since the new workplace i found gave me a lot of wonderful opportunities. I dont have any feelings of hatred towards her anymore and wishing her all the best in life. I learn that it is better by thinking of our good memories together and not relaying on the bad ones. Life is short. Theres more to Life than love.

      • Kevin Thompson

        Thank you so much for the update. That's a very good perspective.

  • Ana

    This website has been so helpful for me and I wanted to say thank you. I've been receiving the emails and they really help with my focus. I've worked really hard on my own progress and I'm trying to heal after relationship broke down. We were together 5 years and its HARD. Basically my insecurities really caused a toxic vibe throughout the relationship and I've done a lot of self esteem work to try and sort this for myself.

    I sent the elephant in the room text explaining my personal growth, basically saying I know I'm strong enough to deal with anything life throws at me and explaining the therapy and self esteem work I'm doing. Made no mention of getting back together, kept it very much that I was apologising for my actions and how I was working on myself and focusing on improving myself for me. Said that I hoped things were good for him, asked about the dog and left it at that.
    His response was
    "you have nothing to be sorry for I'm glad you're working on your confidence. Hope everything goes well for you because you deserve it. Dog is still crazy and I'm ok"

    I responded few hours later with lighthearted
    "I'm glad dog is still crazy because he wouldn't be him otherwise lol. Thanks I do deserve to do well I know. Hope things are going well for you "

    Now what ? Does his message sound hopeful? I was going to wait 7 days and then send memory text ?

    Any advice would be very much appreciated we were together a long time and I feel as though I have the right mindset to achieve a good relationship with him, but also that I'd be absolutely fine if it didnt work out.

    Thank you !!

    [Original Comment]

    • Ana

      [4 Years Update] Hi Kevin,

      Thank your for your email.

      I'd like to say that your site was invaluable during such a difficult period of my life.

      My ex and I did end up getting back together for a short period but we ultimately ended for good a short time later.

      This was a good result for me though as I now have the most wonderful partner who has been alongside me who treats me in the way I have always longed for.

      Our relationship is one that I have always dreamt of and based on a mutual respect and deep love for one another and I am truly happy and secure.

      I believe the growth work I did with yourself helped tremendously in recognising my own emotions and being confident of who I am as a person and validating my own needs, which ultimately led me to the relationship I have now.

      It is 2 years together and counting and we are tremendously happy together so thank you for your help Kevin it really helped me find a happy healthy secure sense of wellbeing and a wonderful relationship with my new partner.

  • Jack

    So I've been dating online, and it's just a long distance relationship(different country), Ik you gonna say it's stupid to be in it but I really want it. Sorry but yeah I really want. So we have been friends for 2 years (2017)and at the start she said she loves me and it was a joke then and since then I've liked her or maybe inlove. Idk why but I've had a really strong feelings for her since then and I still doo.. later. Then a month after had a fight and blocked me, never spoke but after 2months she texted me if "hi" and then had little talk for weeks and then no talk and again. A month later a talk and it happened for long time but this year she texted me and I had a really good talk then and she fell in love with me and we have been together for 5months but now in December she said she doesn't sees a future with me and maybe it will never work between us( maybe BC we used to argue and had lot of fights) and she said that we are different but she was the one to say she will love me till the day she dies and all she wants is me in her life and wishes to live with me forever and all. Like I am sure it wasn't a joke. She really loved me we've been together but we've had lot of fights and we argued alot just bc I was mad over a guy she talked on the internet and she was not giving me enough time ,she used to tell me he's just a friend and nothing more and one day she was ignoring me bad and I was sure she was talking to that guy and so I had a fight and we broke up that day .and so I didn't used my social media for 2 days and in those 2 days she has been texting me to get back and telling sorry and all but I didn't read and later when I was back she asked if we were over I told her if she wants then sure and she broke up with me saying she doesn't wants us together anymore but wants to be just friends and still loves me but I don't want to be just friend. And I don't know what to do. I'm going for no contact rule and as we used to talk daily so I read on the page to tell her that I need time and so won't be talking and so I did and had a nice talk and a farewell and since then I'm on a no contact.amd it's the 4th day. I was just wondering that what do you think about my situation? I really want her and I really hope it will work between us we we both want . And I want her back. I am going to grow and change my self in these days but just looking for your opinion too on it cause I really want her to be my life partner in future. I hope you understand and please tell me how to get her back?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin Thompson

      Hey Jack,

      You do have a chance but you need to work on your confidence and your communication skills. I talk about it in this article.

    • Jack

      [4 Years Update]
      Hey sorry for taking so long to respond .

      So happy to hear from you and thanks for reminding me about my old comments on your website. Read my comments and laughed at my old self.

      Well, alot has changed for me over the years. It has been so many years and now I don't even remember much about that person. I have completely moven on . Following the no contact helped me so much ,i swear people take this very casually but that the only thing that would work for someone dealing with a breakup. It teaches you to focus on yourself and when you are close to 30th day of no contact you have self realisation and start to see the reality about the dead relationship that you couldn't see while you were blindly in love with that person .

      I have changed and grown so much . I did no contact for 1 months and then it continued for longer but my ex came back and thought i gave her another chance i was aware of what will happen again but this time the pain of breakup wasn't new and after second breakup i was totally okay losing the person i felt nothing. I started to get along with new people and dated a few people .

      My current situation is I don't fall in love . I don't catch feelings for anyone. I have self love. But it's sad that now I can't fall in love ,i lost my innocence ,i lost the love in me. I have become a tough man now and it's okay, that's how life has built me and maybe that was the purpose after all love is not everything. We have a life and love is just a part of it.

      Love yourself, make yourself happy , do what makes you happy , have fun , smile . Sadness and permanent, happiness is temporary , so find happiness in the little and enjoy life .
      And my small advice , remember everything in life happens for a reason. You can't control everything in life.

      A few things are controlled by the universe and it's for your betterment. So have faith and just accept all the pain and tough time in life. Just know everything will be fine . Just give yourself some time.


      • Kevin

        Thank you for sharing. I am happy to hear that you are doing well in life and have grown so much. Although, it's sad to hear that you feel you can't fall in love. Perhaps it's only because the right person hasn't come along yet. Maybe if you give yourself some time and allow it to happen, it will.

  • Chris

    Hi, I did sexual activities on a really drunken night out with a girl and my girlfriend has found out, she says she’s done with me and has blocked me on all social media, ive begged pleaded and stated how sorry I am and it shouldn’t of happened and that I can’t change the past if only I could. This happened 48 hours ago I want her back more than anything and I do love her, just made a terrible mistake which has cost us and I do want her back, I know she still loves me, I don’t know what to do right now, I can’t speak as I’m blocked, but she also said that she could never be the same as I’ve broken her trust and she couldn’t work it out I need help.

    [Original Comment]

    • Chris

      [4 Years Update]

      Wow such a long time ago now. From what I remember we got back in contact not long after and we tried to fix the bridges and we have it another go for 6 months then our relationship wasn’t the same. Just as Covid hit we went our separate ways, I moved on and so did she.

      I’ve had a number of partners since but my current partner I have been with for 3 years now and we are madly in love and happy.

      I was with the wrong person and I did silly things with the wrong person. Someone always gets hurt when your souls do not align. My advice to anyone who has felt the same or going through the same as I was, is that time heals all. When you think life is over it’s just something you need to learn from and move on. If you make a mistake then learn and move on from it, do not dwell in it.

      Kind regards

      • Kevin

        Hi Chris,

        Thank you so much for replying and sharing your wisdom. And congrats on your new relationship. It sure seems like you have found your person.

        When you both got back in contact, do you remember who reached out first? Was it her or was it you? I ask because there is a lot of debate on the internet these days about who should reach out and your perspective can help a lot.

        • Chris

          Hi there,

          Thank you

          It was a mutual thing. I think after these things happen I think there needs to be a cool off period to gather thoughts and process emotions.

          Personally I think it depends on the person and circumstances on who reaches out to

          Kindest regards

  • M

    Thanks for the study, it's really interesting.
    I find myself currently in the middle of the break up progress. I'm curious where I'll stand, let's say in 6 month.

    Original Comment

    • M

      [1 Year Update]

      Well, long story short...

      So, the break-up was 09/2022, the comment was probably 03/04-2023? Back then, I still had contact with my ex and tried to continue on a friendship basis. But honestly, my intentions were clearly on getting back together.

      We've planned a trip to see our mutual friends on 05/2023 which hapenned at that time. The communication was ok, but of course colder towards me. It was three/fours days of being together and our friends. I did mention the day before departure my clear intentions with all respect and honesty. It was very emotional and after these words came out of my mind I felt better and our communication got better as well right at that time. I felt a sparkle of understanding and empathy....But it was all just a pity behavior. When I dropped my ex back home that next day. I said that I don't want to lose him and hope he reconsiders giving it a try with new servings on the table. He said, yes I'll think of it and we gave goodbye with a hug.

      That was the last time I saw him, just two weeks later I texted with words if he had time to think things throught. His answer was " I'm sorry for the late answer, I've been busy and I have it on my agenda and spoke with few friends but I really haven't decided yet, I promise to get back to you" Two weeks later, after no communication, I blocked him on all social medias (yes I did check on him afterwards anyway).

      I did leave a letter in his postbox with few words but never got an answer back. On my bdays, his whole family said their wishes, was very lovely, especially his grandmothers heart breaking letter, but never from him. Ending summer '23 I heard he met someone, and at the end of 2023 I noticed some pictures on social medias of him being happy with someone else. Since that, it got easier for me but it sure was a painful year.

      Now I feel like 90% cured. I haven't met anyone catching my eyes and mostly end up refusing meeting someone else (not feeling the vibes) or sometimes being refused as well by others. Of course, the pain is still there, but now I feel much better then year ago. However, it was my biggest love and until I meet my true new one, hes not "completely" leaving my mind.

      I'm aware of my mistakes and I´m not afraid to say, that I was very commited and fixated on him. He basically not only gave me love that I was in lack for, but family as well as mine's broken. That made it even harder. There are many question marks in my head I wish I knew the answers to. But all this quietness kinda answers them as well, its just hard to "take it" after seeing / knowing / idealizing the other one for 4,5y and losing him completely in your life.

      Other then that, he seems happy and I wish him the best. I think he has no reason for me to wish the opposite and hopes the best for me as well.

      Take care mr. Thompson

  • Kevin D

    She blocked my phone and social media. She had owed me money for some things and she kept saying she would pay me back so I one day asked "When do you intend on paying me back?" She sent me half on Venmo and blocked me everywhere afterwards without even questioning how I got to the amount. The dilemma here is I had a gift for a person we looked at as a daughter figure I met through her. It was for the kid's graduation and birthday. I promised the kid I would give her the gift. What do I do with it? I admit I was getting frustrated as well because she kept flaking on me and picking hanging out with other friends over me. I feel I know where I went wrong but don't know the best course of action from here

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin D

      [2 Years Update]
      I somehow ran into her at the mall about a year later randomly we talked for a good bit. I could also tell that there was some regret when I got home an hour later that evening she sent me a text saying that it was good seeing me and slowly started talking. We didn’t get back together and granted I do want to get married, but I have my reasons for reservation.

  • Mariana F

    My ex and I broke up 2.5 yrs ago and i was totally devastated. We just started talking again and i want him back im aware that he still needs to grow and so do i. Im just not sure how to proceed to make him grow fond for me again, should i wait for him to talk to me? Should i just text him? How often should i text him? And how do i ask him out obviously to build a friendship and then hopefully proceed into a a get back together path.

    [Original Comment]

    • Mariana F

      [3 Years Update]
      We ended up sleeping with each other again but realized he was not ready to get into another relationship again. I felt like i wasnt respecting myself or giving myself the time to heal so i told him we cant do it anymore. We have stayed friends i have now moved on to another relationship - and have learned valuable lessons no matter how much you want your ex back if you feel like you are not respecting yourself then no matter what happens will not feel right, even if it is what you wanted.

      Kind Regards
      Mariana F.

  • Emil

    My gf broke up with me for a month ago, I've been doin limited contact as we still live together and have a child. Im moving out in 2 weeks. However, I'm suspecting she's seeing someone else and trying to hide it from me. Judge yourself: she's going out "for a walk" at 7 pm on weekends and is gone for about 4 hours. I mean, it's dark and quite cold in the area we live in. When I express that I'm anxious that something would happen to her when she waks in the dark at this time, she does not say anything. I mean, I give her a chance to tell me that she is not alone. I suspect that she broke u with me not only because we had our problems but because she met someone new. How do I get her to confess? I mean, I feel hurt that even though she broke up with me, she does not tell me the truth even though we have been together for a very long time. Don't I deserve honesty at least?

    [Original Comment]

    • Emil

      [3.5 Years Update]
      Hi Kevin!

      As i feared, she monkey branched to a guy who had a family with 2 kids. They met each other in secret for some time until his wife filed for divorce.

      After I moved out, I went through a deep depression , went on pills for about half a year. Then I stumbled upon the red pill movement, Pearl Davis, fresh n fit: they dragged me out of the shithole.

      I managed to pull myself together, learned a lot about male female interaction rules, realised that women cannot love unconditionally like us men. I finished college and started working. I didn't have any gf since then which bothered me at first but I got used to it and value the piece in my life.
      Our son lives half the time at my place. He's 11, I haven't told him what she did But still, he doesn't get along with his mom and I couldn't care less. I dont see her at all although we live a couple hundred meters apart; we have a very limited communicaton (messaging).

      The advice I would give : don't chase women, build up yourself instead; make women qualify for ur attention bc ur are the price, not them. If it doesn't happen, like in my case, ur piece and comfort are of utmost importance regardless of the presence of a woman in ur life.

  • Poppy

    Texted my ex on his birthday after two weeks of no contact. Just a simple "Happy bday". He replied with "Thanks **** :)" (**** is my nickname lol. He never called me that when we were dating, so I wonder why he used it now?). I think that's pretty encouraging, though. I was psyching myself up for a "Thanks" or "Thank u" or even "Thx". I'm glad he at least included my name and a smiley, even if it was just a tiny gesture. What do you guys think about that?
    Thinking about asking him for music recommendations from his favourite band in a couple weeks time. Something like "Hey, do you still listen to [band]?". Then maybe when he replies I'll ask for his favourite songs or albums or something.

    I think I'm pretty solid on the motivation part of wanting to text him. I've really been trying to work hard on myself during our no-contact period (we officially broke up a month ago). I miss talking to him and we had a connection I don't want to lose. Hopefully everything goes alright for me. Good luck to anyone else reading this page! <3 We can do it...

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      That's great Poppy. It's definitely a positive sign (no matter how small) if he called you by your nickname, since it shows that he does not harbor negative emotions towards you. Hang in there and we hope that you succeed!

    • Poppy

      [6 Years Update]

      Thanks for reaching out. I really do not remember using your service unfortunately but my ex did end up asking me out about a month after I had moved on. I had met my current boyfriend (we’ve been together 6 years) and I took great pleasure in rejecting him hahaha.

  • Yoyo

    Hi~ So i broke up with my ex 5 months ago after being together for a bit more than a year... coz back then i didn't feel i love him (i liked him, but not love)... He loved me very much and he was very hurt and confused. During these few months, we had a few mutual friends events, then a month and half of NC.

    I've been thinking about him and if i pulled the trigger too early too fast?? I reached out to him last Dec and was hoping to have a chat but he wanted to have closure and some time apart. We bumped into each other accidentally at another event not long ago, after a month and half NC... and we managed to talk n clear up a few things.

    I finally decided to have a conversation of the possibility of getting back together but he said he was ready to move on, and now is very confused and unsure that i'm serious of getting back. He said he really likes me and can see us going out for dates and see how things go.. but not getting back right away! When i asked him if he wants to go out dates, he said it's too soon for him and he's not ready! he needs more time to think!

    I'm confused! i thought he loved me and wanted things to work?? Shall i give him more time or just move on??
    thanks for any advice! :)

    [Original Comment]

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If you're really serious about him, I suggest giving him a little more time, but not cutting off contact entirely. You could always stay in touch through texts or social media, and when he's ready to go out, take things slow, and go for several dates before seeing how things progress. He's not sure if you're serious about him or not, which is why he is confused. Also, the fact that he doesn't feel ready to meet you yet means you must have hurt him when you ended things last time.

      • Yoyo

        Thanks Ryan! so i should reach out and txt him to say hiii n how things are going? or i should ask him out again for dates? i know i hurt him a lot... at the moment i'm just not sure if he just wanna be left along and do this thinking and i should just let him be... it has been a week since i asked for getting back. I did call him last Sunday and asked him to go on dates and he said it's too soon for him to meet. :(

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Take things slow, and just start by breaking ice and being friendly with him. Don't ask him out so soon unless the response you get from him is extremely positive.

    • Yoyo

      [6 Years Update]
      Wow, that was a long time ago. I didn't even remember that I wrote those thoughts!
      Time really heals. I have moved on, moved back to my own city, and have been living a wonderful life. I don't have any contact with my ex, but I do know from mutual friends that he got married and had a son. I was happy to hear that, and I'm very happy with how things turned out in my own life!
      Thank you for following up. I hope that all the men and women out there going through breakups will make the right decision and let time heal them!

  • Roxanne

    Hi thanks for the article it was much needed. I have a question, my ex is quick on calling as in when he receives a text that will lead to a conversation he calls. He spends hours on the phone often having 2 3 lines at the same time in business hours

    Should I keep to texting first or should I use this to my advantage ?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Definitely use this to your advantage. Speaking on the phone is more intimate than texting.

    • Roxanne

      [7 Years Update]
      He was abusive. We did get back together but I left him. I now have a family of my own with someone that is truly worth it.

  • lindsay

    My boyfriend split up from me last night where supposed to be getting married. he split from me because I deleted a message of a male knowing he'd kick off if he saw it was only a male mate. he then thought I'd split from him I went to his kicking off then went back n apoligised now he doesn't want to know me.I want him back I love him so much but he doesn't believe me, what can I do iv tried showing him.I've left him alone I can't loose him

    [Original Comment]

    • lindsay

      [8 Years Update]
      No, we didn't get back together. I realised that I was in a very toxic relationship and left him for good

  • Toni Djakic

    I was her rebound guy... Now she is in new relationship... She broke my heart in 10000 peaces... And now 4 months later im still in shit and she is in love with him...
    Life sucks man...

    [Original Comment]

    • Toni Djakic

      [8 Years Update]
      She is single mother now, still f**ing around with guys, she's little bit fat. I calculated - I missed 4-5 months for that child to be mine. Thanks God!
      I am what now... 8 years single, I f*** what I can, if I can't, it doesn't matter anymore. I found Rollo Tomassi and the rational male, it changed my life. I'm living for myself now. Only thing that I regret is I'm 34 without son's. But still I don't give a f. Thanks for asking

      • Kevin Thompson

        Thank you for replying. I appreciate your honesty.

        [Edit: To anyone tempted by such mindset, I recommend reading this article and this reddit post to help you understand the harmful effect of an extreme mindset regarding gender and relationships.]

  • Ruth

    My ex boyfriend and I were in 3 years and 7 months relationship. He helped me to have an scholarship to be part of his college. I was very excited but suddenly after 1 and 1/2 months we had a small fight and he said he was tired and broke up with me. He asked me if we can still be friends so I agreed. After 2 weeks I realized that I looked stupid, and I decided to move away from him, he look shocked and unfriended me on facebook. Until now, I feel sad about it, I don't want to walk away from him but I think it will make him think about his decision.I wish someday we'll get back together and be mature enough to understand our differences. It's very hard to move on but I will trust God's decisions in my life.

    [Original Comment]

    • Ruth

      [8 Years Update]
      Hi Kevin,

      No worries, I'm glad to help and share my experience. After the breakup, I met some of my ex's classmates since I was an irregular student. One of them, let's call him A, became close to me and gave me advice. While my ex was the first to get a new girlfriend from the same campus, I became closer to A and my classmates as well. Eventually, I became A's girlfriend.

      I stopped going to college due to personal circumstances, but our relationship continued. After A graduated, I continued working, and A became a policeman. We struggled a bit with the long-distance relationship, but we managed. I also learned from our friends that my ex's girlfriend cheated on him, but he moved on quickly with another college classmate, and they're still together.

      As for me, I married A last December and am currently pregnant with our first son. Our relationship may not be perfect, but I'm happy and content with what we have. We are still working and growing for our future. I don't have any news about my ex, but my life goes on without it. I learned to focus on myself, my own life, and the people who choose to be with me.

      You cannot lose who is meant for you, and let it be. Also, if you do not move on, you will bleed on the people who did not cut you. Love yourself in order to be able to love others. Everything will be okay. ☺️

  • R

    Hi, my ex broke up with me a week ago after being on a month long break. Would the 30 day no contact rule still apply to me? He broke up with me because he was unhappy that we fought too much, since then I have realized I never want to fight with him again. He told me he still loves me and is in love with me..

    But is sure he doesn't want to be together "for now".. What does this mean? Also, we work together, how would the 30 day no contact rule work? He also texts me from time to time and I don't know how to initiate the no contact rule. I do love him and I still want to be with him, and I'm freaking out on how to go about doing so. Thank you for your help.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hi R,

      You can initiate no contact by telling him you need some space and time to deal with the breakup and you'll appreciate it if he doesn't contact you for a while. As for the work thing, read this article.

      • R

        Hello Kevin,

        It's really hard to not have contact at work because he's always touching my hair, throwing me hand written notes, talking to me, etc. I don't know what to do because I do want to be with him but I know it's too soon to get back together.

        • Kevin


          Just tell him that you need some space and time and you will appreciate it if he limits contact in office to only professional matters.

    • R

      [8 Years Update]

      Honestly it is more embarrassing than painful to see what I wrote and what state I was in at the time lol. We are currently happily married for 3 years now with a 10 month old! 😊

      Thanks for checking in,

  • Sharon

    Am glad your so helpful,made me feel relief

    [Original Comment]

    • Sharon

      [8 years update]
      Hello Kevin, I hope you are well.
      First i do not know what to say because I can not remember honestly... When you experiencing heart break honestly you go through posts and stuff, I'm sorry if I won't be of any help to you.

      The break up actually did turn out in my favor and I ended up dating again broke up again lol... this is funny but I'm actually single now.
      I have been for awhile now...

      I do not know how to advice anyone going through similar experience because every break up is different honestly.... When it comes to me breakups do hit me hard because I love very deeply well especially that break up.... so I decided to stop and just focus on myself, this time if loves knocks on my door I do not want to make same mistakes of ignoring red flags... Also I'm a very cautious person now.

      I think when you love yourself enough like I do now, wont let or accept something's....

      I think that's all I can say.
      I'm sorry if I was not helpful.


      • Kevin Thompson

        Hi Sharon,

        Thank you so much for replying. Your reply was very helpful. It shows that loving yourself first is very important and that you should not ignore any red flags before committing to a relationship. I appreciate you sharing your experience. And I wish you the best in everything.

  • Varni

    Hi Kevin,
    It's almost 2 years since I broke up with my ex. And after reading your post I just realized I made every single mistake that you've mentioned including going in a rebound relation (I was a fool). I used to wonder where I was going wrong, but now I know.
    So now from today onwards I'll be following your NO CONTACT rule. Wish me luck.
    Love your post btw.. :)
    Happy new year 2016... Hope this year turns out good..

    [Original Comment]

    • Varni

      [8 Years Update]

      What a pleasant surprise to hear from you. I do remember about your daily mails that I used to get back in the days. You really did help me through my painful journey of getting over my ex.

      I want to let you know that I successfully did move over my then ex. It was hard at times, but your constant support and guidance was a great help in keeping me sane. He did reach me out several times, especially on special occasions like my birthday.. but I never fell for him again after that even he did beg me to come back. Last time it was in 2018. We never got in contact after that since then. I reached you out in year 2015.. so overall it took three long years for all this to come to an end.

      I did move in and out of another relationships; right now I'm going through my third break up and this guy is very stubborn and reaching me out despite of me telling him that I'm looking for only serious relationship and not some time pass. But no worries, I know what to do and how to keep myself sane. Never going back to him, once it's over!
      Wish me luck that I find someone compatible for myself in the near future. Can't wait to settle down and start a family.

      Thank you once again for your kind help!


      • Kevin

        Hi Varni,

        Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate you sharing the update. You have the right mindset for a healthy relationship. You deserve to be a priority of your partner. You deserve commitment. It's only a matter of time before you find someone. Good luck. I would love to hear an update when you do.

  • Tina

    I'm 20, he is 21 and we have been childhood friends. We dated back when I was 17 for about two months. Recently we have started talking on snapchat, tumblr, and facebook. He has a girlfriend now and it has been a long time since I've seen him. He seems happy with his relationship and I haven't made any moves. I've changed since my immature teen years and I feel like we have chemistry. Should I give it a try?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Yes, there's no harm in trying.

    • Tina

      [10 Years Update]
      Thank you for reaching out Kevin!

      What ended up happening was he broke up with his girlfriend at the time and we started dating again. We definitely were in love with each other, but our families did not approve. It was a beautiful almost four year relationship. I was still immature and unwilling to settle or communicate. I ended up self sabotaging the relationship. We ended up never talking again

      What learned was that an ex is an ex for a reason. It was almost 4 years since the last time we dated, we had different problems, but it was the same foundational issues. I still had so many problems with communicating, I was never in a good place to be with someone.

      I also learned, be grateful for what you have. Otherwise you’ll spend years yearning for someone like them. I spent so many years searching for him in someone else, when it was too late for me. I dated other men but always compared them to my electric and loving relationship with him. The girlfriend he dated before me, we ended up becoming friends and we talked about him. It made me realize I had rose colored lens on. He was manipulative and a judgmental liar. I spent all these years thinking I was the sole reason, I was the person that ruined the relationship. When I found out the truth, I realized I was glad I left when I did.

  • allyjo

    Ok, my situation has been similar to a lot of people here. My relationship literally ended last night. Its been a back n forth 10 months. A lot of her reasons for this have been to an extent justifiable as this was the first time she had ever had a relationship with another woman, that aside though, it still caused me pain each time she had a meltdown and finished with me. But this is were her justifiable behaviour ends.

    Anything and everything was always more important than making time to spend with me. She would say she was too tired or the kids were playing up and putting her in a bad mood, and yet she would message me constantly all night anyway. On occasions were she would have a child free evening or weekend, she would make arrangements to go out with friends but never me, but insist on asking my opinion on what to wear, then message me throughout the night then want a booty call when she got home. I got to the point were I told her I wasn't interested in what she wore for nights out that didn't involve me. So it went on.

    On one of her meltdowns, and finishing me episodes, we talked it through for days until we got back together. On this occasion I told her that if she did this to me again there would be no contact ever, we would not be friends (which she always said she wanted if we were not together). This shocked her, and the next few months were fantastic until she started planning her birthday party and began to have less and less contact with me. She then said that once the party was over she would a month later want a holiday........yep without me. I got upset and tried to talk about my frustrations at being not considered and not valued. Her reaction being to treat me with increasing indifference. Her messages became less and less frequent, she would never want to see me until I straight out and said "do you actually love me anymore?" Her response being, "I dunno", " maybe I don't feel the same", "My head is up my arse".."but can we be friends?" To which I said no, explained my reasons, said goodbye, and deleted her from social networks and instant messaging. I fully intend to implement NO CONTACT!! How do you think she will react?

    Many thanks


    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Ally,

      It's good that you started no contact. I think she will start contacting you after a while when she misses you and she might even promise to change just to have you back. But don't give in so easily this time. Take your time with no contact and only get back with her if you are absolutely sure she will change for good.

    • allyjo

      [10 Years Update]
      My word, I had completely forgotten about this. Hell no, we didn't get back together. Thankfully. Very much one of those "what the hell was I thinking?" situations 🤣

      My next two relationships weren't much better. I think someone is trying to tell me something.

      • Kevin

        Hi Ally,

        Thank you for replying. If you don't mind me asking, were there any common themes between this relationship (the one you commented for) and the next two relationships? Human beings tend to follow a familiar pattern in our relationships (even if it's unhealthy) unless we acknowledge it and make a conscious effort to change it.

      • allyjo

        Significant age gaps. I didn't do it deliberately, but they were all younger than me. They all cheated. Maybe it was me. I probably expected to much. Something that a younger generation doesn't have the capacity for, or maybe I'm just not meant to be in a relationship. I've asked myself so many questions, but you can't make people fit into an ideal I've created in my head.
        I'm 54 now and I think real love has passed me by now. It's my own fault for wanting a dream that doesn't exist.

      • Kevin

        Hi Ally,

        I encourage you to keep your heart open to the possibility of love. Don't give up on your dreams and desires. The right person might come into your life when you least expect it, and they will appreciate you for who you are, with all your experiences and stories you have to share. I think you have a lot to offer in a relationship. And when the right person comes, they will appreciate you for who you are. And I think it will just be better to not have a lot of expectations when they come. Because doing so may make you push the right person away.

        I think exploring the details of what type of ideal you have created and why you have created such an ideal in therapy can help a lot. So if you have not done that yet, I recommend you consider exploring this in therapy.

        I apologize for giving unsolicited advice in case you didn't want it. Thank you so much for sharing.

      • allyjo

        You are very kind, and I appreciate it.

  • Sandy

    Kevin, will try and make this as short as possible.
    I am 48 my ex is 38. We were together for 5 1/2 years. After saying for several years that he was ok with never having children, he changed his mind. He decided that he wanted wife/kids and I am too old to give him that. The break-up was amicable because I can understand the deep desire to have children. We both agreed to try and be friends (our relationship pretty much felt like a great friendship anyway)

    Breakup was 4 months ago and I couldn't get through the NC (I reached out to him once a week..argh) he now has a new girlfriend (they both want kids and seem to be getting along).

    Since the breakup I have lost weight, stopped smoking and gone out and met new friends, I am still in so much pain. I think I need to go NC again (this time stick to it) so that I can heal. How do I stick through the NC to move on??

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey Sandy,

      That's a big topic and I can't really cover it in just a comment. But I'll recommend you give yourself some time to grieve and at the same time balance out the sadness by doing something to make yourself feel better. Writing in a journal helps as well.

    • Sandy

      [10 Years Update]
      Well, I didn't take other people's advice to block him on all social media which delayed my moving on (kind of like ripping a band aid off, over and over again) took me too long to get over it. He ended up marrying the first girl he dated and they now l have 3 or 4 kids. It's been almost 10 years now.. as for me, I has several unwilling relationships but finally learned to be ok with being alone... then my 1st husband came back into the picture after being divorced for 18 years.. we remarried and are living happily ever after.

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for sharing the update. It's very interesting that when you learned to be ok being alone, your 1st husband came back into the picture. Like they say, you find love when you are not looking for it. Weird how many times that saying comes true.

  • P-cool

    Hi Kevin,

    I was in a 2 years long distance relationship with a gal and distance has never been our issue and we stayed in touch everyday and talking like other couples pretty much about everything and she was supposed to come to me after completing her law but then she was having hard time on getting passport and at the same time she was stressing out about her career and family pressure for not focusing on career. It was too much of stress for her to deal and after taking one week off from me she texted me saying that she couldn't deal with anymore and lost feelings for me and cant come to me and broke up. I didn't even know it's coming because she was all normal beside stress for her career. We decided to continue talking as friends but i still love her and want her back but talking to her making things worst because she is always busy and dont have time to message or call and it's me who initiates to maintain contact.

    I have done 1 week of NC with her but then ended up calling her because i was missing her badly and she was irritated about me calling her over and over again on that day so first she told me that we should keep it this way only it will help both of us in moving on but then asked me to call her back later and then she was all normal and said we will still talk. Please advise what should i do with my situation because sometimes she gets irritated and say stuff to hurt me.

    Please help :-(

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      I think you should tell her you need space and time and start no contact again. This time try your best to stick to it.

    • P-cool

      [10 Years Update] Well! It's been a while and later I got to know she was already married to someone and was using me just to move to Canada. I never looked back after that

  • Dale

    Can this plan work if your ex left you for cheating? I made a mistake. I thought she didn't love me anymore and I ended up making a horrible mistake then she found out and left me. I tried telling her it was a mistake and how sorry I was. Begged, pleaded and all those other things that apparently don't work. I love her but she said she can't get past it. Should I try this plan or just give up?

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin Thompson

      Yes, it can work. Make sure you apologize sincerely.

    • Dale

      [10 Years Update]

      Wow. Hello. I am responding to this cause I don’t see why not. The plan did work. I got her back. But… in retrospect it may have been better if I didn’t. We spent many more years together in a real half ass relationship where eventually the amount of time we were together was like once a week. Things were never quite the same and in the long run it ended up feeling like a lot of wasted years.

      Strangely enough the relationship I ended up in after was extremely toxic with several break ups and severe damage to me in just about every way possible. But I’d probably still take her back.. maybe love just isn’t for me.

      • Kevin Thompson

        Thank you so much for sharing. I am sorry that you had to go through such a toxic relationship. Can you share if you have taken any steps to heal from it? Things like therapy, or life coaching?

      • Dale

        No man. The only thing that’s healed me has been time but she reached out to me about a week ago drunk at 630 in the morning after a good four months of silence. Since then I have started to move backwards and even texted her a bunch of drunken nonsense the other day. Not that I didn’t mean every word but still probably a terrible decision on my behalf. I don’t know. It’s not easy. I still love her and I always will. I’m doing my best but it’s not easy. Not easy at all

      • Kevin Thompson

        I understand. I urge you to follow strict no contact and kind of go hard on self-development. If you are not going to the gym, start as soon as you can. If possible go to therapy or speak to a coach.

        You deserve better. Even if she wants to get back together, don't get back together until you are sure it can be a healthy relationship.
        I hope you find the courage and motivation to work on yourself. You deserve better. And it is achievable. Don't give up. Don't settle for another toxic relationship. Love yourself and start believing that you deserve better.

        I have been speaking to a lot of people after many years of being in the same situation as you, and a lot of them say that after doing some inner work, they found peace. Some of them got into a healthy relationship, some of them are happy being single.

      • Dale

        I appreciate your words. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I know you are probably right. I’ll try to keep moving forward and stop settling for terrible treatment but I know I can’t guarantee it. I’ll try.

  • Lina

    My ex is a very sensitive guy. He also has a great passion for playing music (he thinks he is very good at it but still looking for a lot of approval). English is my second language, so sometimes I say things about his singing like 'yes, it is very good'...' very nice...', 'this one is not too bad...' When I said 'this one is not too bad' for the third time... (sorry this prase doesn't sound bad in my language at all), he broke up with me , saying that i am mean and killing his spirit.

    Should I call and explain ? Any other suggestions?
    Appreciate your help

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin Thompson

      Hey Lina,

      Yes, you should explain. But don't force him to get back together. Just let him know what you meant, and apologize. End with something like "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or kill your spirit. I apologize if I did. I support you 100% and I just wanted to clear things with you."

      If he doesn't want to talk to you, just send him a message and leave it at that.

    • Lina

      [10 Years Update] I moved on. Also I didn't contact him.
      Sometimes it just not meant to be.
      Thank you.

  • leen

    Hey Kevin my fiancé and I broke up in June of last year (2013). Since then she had 2 of what seem to be rebound relationships when she finally broke it off with the last one. Her and I got involved again, it wasn't official things were just happening. During that time I didn't approach her about getting back together because didn't want to seem as if I was rushing. Our quick reconciliation lasted for about 3 weeks.After that she began acting strange and to make the story short I found out she made it official with someone else in January . unlike the other women she was dating, she's actually exposing this one on her social media and praising her and saying how great she is and how she's so happy that she has found true love. Now my issue next to that fact that I feel my life is coming to an end, is that my ex still lives with me. I've told her she has to go as much as it kills me.she refuses to go just yet. When we first broke up she left the house for 2 months and I allowed her to come back, once again I didn't say anything about us because I didn't want her to think I was rushing to get back with her. The reason why I'm really stressing is because the person she is dating now she had known for 7 yrs.but then again my ex refers to me as the most amazing person she has ever been with. So why isn't she with me?every time I ask why we broke up she has A different response. She treats me like a complete stranger at times and is extremely cold towards me at times. And if I don't call her all day as long as she is not with her new gf she calls me or texts me.

    I don't know what to do anymore I'm so in love with her still and I genuinely care for her.We were together for 3 years and we were each others everything. We had trust, respect, and communication until she decided to begin hiding feelings and issues. Help me

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Hey leen,

      You need to apply no contact. IF you are living together, you need to apply limited contact. Tell her you need some space and she should not contact you for a while.

      • leen

        Dear kevin

        Thank u so much, I'm just praying that i didn't mess up my chances with her being that when i found out she made it official with this new girl i panicked a i was trying to talk to her about how great we were together and try to convince her to give us another shot.but I will begin to do the no contact the way keep up to good work your website has helped me tremendously.

    • leen

      [10 Years Update]

      Hi, wow it's definitely been quite a while. My ex and I never got back together again, however her family and I are still very close. I definitely focused on self growth and self love, and took my time to heal properly. My ex recently moved to Wisconsin with her new partner. Her and I are not close friends but there's definitely no hard feeling between us. I wish her well. Im currently in a 6 year relationship, so far so good. Only complication is that I am her first lesbian relationship amd she's the preacher's daughter. Just my luck huh? Lol she can't quite come out to her parents, she's afraid that her family will reject her. The only family members that know about us is her sister and cousins.

      • Kylie - EBP Team

        Thank you for replying. I wish you the best in navigating this situation with your new partner. I am sure things will work out in your favor if both of you communicate with each other and support each other through everything. Best of luck!

  • ann

    hi, love the article, but i do need some advice. here is my situation.
    my boyfriend is in the military and stationed overseas, we have been together for two years and i just got back home from visiting him over christmas and new years.

    last weekend we skyped for a few hours and everything was ok, he even asked me to come visit him next month and that he would take me camping. four days later i get a text from him saying 'i have feelings for someone else' i texted back just saying what?? cause that was my first reaction. i did not try to get him to explain anything yet and he has not texted me back. is that still considered a rebound? how can he go from 'come visit me next month' to 'hey i replaced you' within the short amount of only 4 days???

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      It's entirely possible he cheated on you and was lying to you when he asked you to visit him. It's hard to say if it's a rebound. I guess the best course of action is to stay no contact and wait for him to contact you. Give him some time, and if he doesn't contact you, you can choose to contact him and ask him if he cheated on you.

    • ann

      [10 Years Update] sorry I have not reponded to your email yet but I was too busy but now I took some time to think back on the sitaution and give you an update.

      Geez, that was a long time ago and a lot has happened since, however our story does not include a happy end.
      So my original comment was from 02/2014 and I had woken up to a text from my then boyfriend saying he had feelings for someone else. Mind you, at the time we were doing long distance as he was in the military. I simply responded with "What?" but did not get a reply. I didn't bother sending more text messages but instead went no contact, which looking back was definitely the right choice. I cannot say how long we did not speak as I no longer have those text messages but after some time he reached out to me and we sort of went back to talking as if nothing had ever happened. During the summer I flew out to spend time with him in Colorado and everything was great. Even after I had returned home things were going well between me and him. Until I randomly met someone else at a Starbucks in October 2014.

      The relationship then ended as I started a new relationship with the Starbucks guy. Turns out that was a big mistake but I had no idea what was to come back then. My ex boyfriend and I kept in touch every once in a while, we were both checking in with the other person, not really as friends but also not really as a romantic partner. My other relationship ended in spring of 2016 when I got pregnant but my then boyfriend (Starbucks guy) no longer liked the idea of us being together, let alone have a child together. So he left me.

      Fast forward, my son is 7 years old now and I was still talking to my ex boyfriend (military one) every now and then, most times even being flirty but that all stopped as he is now married. I do think he got married to someone so quickly because he thought it was convenient and perhaps thought he was running out of time (he is 39).

      As for me, I have stayed single ever since my last relationship with my baby daddy.

      Advice I would give someone who might be in a similar situation would defintely be to distance yourself and to go absolutely No Contact. I know that part can be very challenging but I believe it is crucial.

      Would I continue the relationship now if I were in that sitaution now? Definitely not. I would not let a guy treat me like that again but back then I was naive and young and simply did not know better as I thought we would get married and potentially stay together forever.

      Hope this helps.

      wishing you a wonderful day Kevin!

      Greetings from Germany,

  • Nora

    I wondered if you had any thoughts for me.
    I was with my bf for 2 years. We broke up (my choice) about 6 months after I moved to another part of the country for work. I found long distance very difficult as we had previously been living together. We were friends for a year after that, and on-off no commitment lovers. I found this really upsetting but seemed unable to stop it. I didn’t want to get back together as It wasn’t practically possible to be in the same part of the country, and I didn’t want to be as miserable as I had been. I also didn’t want to cut him out of my life as I guess I still had feelings for him. In the end I went abroad for 6 months in order to clear my head and force myself to move on and not see him. He said he still loved me and he wanted to talk about us getting back together when I returned, that he would wait for me. I never asked him to do this, it came from him.
    So I trumped the 30 day no speaking rule and did 6 months! Over the time I was away I’ve become a much stronger and happier person, but I also realise I want him back, wherever in the country we are. I thought about him constantly through all the amazing experiences I had. I spoke to him for the first time yesterday and he has a new girlfriend, of a few months, who he seems fairly keen on. That hurt like hell. I suggested that we meet and we are seeing each other in a few days for drinks.
    I’m not sure how to play this one. I feel betrayed that he didn’t wait for me after saying he would, which is probably unreasonable. I’m not sure if I should put my heart on my sleeve or try to play it cool.
    Any advice really welcome.

    [Original Comment]

    • Kevin

      Definitely play it cool.

      [Edit: My view and my advice has changed since this comment was posted. Right now, I would recommend an honest conversation over playing it cool.]

    • Nora

      [10 Years Update]

      Wow, that seems a very long time ago!!

      No, we didn't get back together! I met someone else very soon after I wrote this who was very clear that he was really keen on me, and I realised the ex just wasn't that bothered. I am now engaged to this person, we have two young children, run our joint business together and he is the love of my life. I'm infinitely glad I did not get back together with this ex!!

      • Kevin

        Thank you so much for the update. I am happy to hear that you were able to find a great relationship.

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About Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson is a breakup expert and coach with more than 11 years of experience of helping people recover from a breakup and get back in a healthy relationship.

Read Full Profile.


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