Winning your ex back isn’t really the hard part. The hard part is keeping them.

After all, they left you once, what is to stop them from leaving you again?

What is the point of getting your ex back if you can’t keep them PERMANENTLY?

When you get your ex back, you want them committed to making it work this time. This article will teach you how.

My name is Kevin, and I am here to help you through this painful breakup and hopefully get your ex back. I say hopefully because I can’t guarantee you that you will get your ex back. No one can guarantee that. If they say they can, they are lying.

I can, however, guarantee that if you follow this plan, your chances of getting your ex back will increase significantly.

Who this article is for?

This article is for anyone looking to get an ex back. May it be your ex girlfriend, ex boyfriend, ex wife, ex husband or an ex fiancé. May it be a straight relationship or a gay relationship. If you just broke up, and are thinking about winning your ex back, you will find this article helpful and enlightening.

However, if you are looking to get your ex girlfriend back or your ex wife back, I recommend you check out this article with a game plan more focused on winning a girl back.

What This Article Is About?

This article is divided into 5 Steps. I have done so because this way you have a step by step plan that you can follow to get your ex back.

It’s important to have a plan to follow, because after a breakup you are hurt, emotionally drained and most of all, confused. And during this state of confusion, you are bound to make a lot of mistakes that will actually hurt your chances of getting back together.

I have seen people make these mistakes over and over again (in my two three four five years of experience helping people with breakups).

Having a plan gives you a sense of direction and removes all the confusion. A plan will give you something to look forward to when you are feeling down and unsure about yourself. A plan will give you hope. This article is that plan.

UPDATE: I’ve updated this article in 2018 to include case studies and more details about specific situations. To read the case studies, just click on them to expand.

This article is quite long. I highly recommend you read the entire article because it will not only help you understand what you should do but also why you should do it.


But what are these mistakes you keep talking about?

I am glad you asked because the first part of this guide is precisely about these mistakes.

Let’s begin. Here’s how to get your ex back.

STEP 1 – Stop Screwing Up Your Chances with Neediness, Insecurity and Desperation by Avoiding These Deadly Mistakes (aka The Instincts)

I call this part “The Instincts” because all these mistakes are a direct result of people following their instincts.

Most of the advice in this 5 Step Plan is counter-intuitive, but it works.

When you read it, you will understand why and it will all start to make sense.

So let’s start by going over the deadly mistakes that you should avoid at any cost.

Deadly Mistake #1: Calling And Texting Them All The Time

Kevin, we broke up 8 days ago. Since then, I have messaged him everyday constantly and he barely replies. I have to text him a hundred times before he replies just once. I really love him and want to be with him, but I don’t understand why he is acting like this. He said he loved me and then suddenly this.

That’s the story of around 80% of the people who are desperate to get their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend back. It’s a huge mistake to text and call your ex all the time. In fact, it’s a huge mistake to call them even once. Your instincts tell you that if you stay in contact with your ex, they will not forget about you and hopefully come back.

But it doesn’t really work that way. In fact, every time you call or text your ex, you are showing them you are a needy person and you are miserable without them. This neediness is unattractive and pushes your ex further away.

Your instinct fool you into thinking that your interaction with your ex will go something like this.

But in reality, it goes something like this.

You should be extremely careful whenever you go out drinking. You might end up calling your ex and making a fool of yourself. So whenever you go out drinking, have a friend with you who can stop you from making this mistake.

But if I don’t call or text my ex, how can I get them back?

You should contact them in a certain way that will make them feel attracted to you again. I explain exactly how to do this below in Step 4.

Deadly Mistake #2: Begging And Trying To Use Pity

If begging worked after a breakup, no one will ever break up with anybody. They decided to leave you and they are prepared to go through your begging and pleading.

Whatever the reason for breakup was, it’s not going to change with your begging. The only thing that begging will do is make you look like a weak and insecure person.

cat begging

Unfortunately, humans don’t look as cute as cats while begging.

Similarly, your instincts will also make you believe that if you just show your ex that you can’t live without them, they will take you back.

Your thought pattern becomes something like

  1. If he knows how miserable I am without him, he will come back.
  2. If only he knows that I can’t continue my life without him, he’ll take me back.

Again, your instincts are screwing with you.

Trust me, no one takes their ex back out of pity. No one is attracted to someone who is miserable.

And even if your ex came back because of this, do you really want your ex to be with you out of pity?

Or do you want them to respect and love you?

Deadly Mistake #3: Let Them Walk All Over You

Your instincts will tell you that if you just agree to everything your ex wants, they will come back. Your instincts will tell you that your needs, your values, your desires, your goals don’t matter.

Your instincts will tell you that the only thing that matters is to get your ex back. And for that, you can sacrifice everything.

You let your ex walk all over you. You become a doormat. You agree to the most ridiculous demands your ex has. But your instincts tell you, it’s OK. Because having your ex in your life is the only thing that matters.

doormat in relationships

Well, guess what?

Agreeing to everything your ex says is not going to bring them back. In fact, it’s only going to make your ex respect you less.

How can they respect you if you don’t respect yourself?

Nobody wants to be with someone they don’t respect. And even if they do come back, they will leave shortly realizing they have no respect for you as a person.

Deadly Mistake #4: Showering Them with Affection

Your instincts tell you that if your ex just realizes how much you love them and how much you care about them, they will come back. You just need to make them believe that no one in the world will ever love them the way you do.

How can they reject you once they realize how much you love them, Right?

smothering your ex

The truth is, they already know that you love them, how much you adore them and how much you care about them. But they still decided to breakup. Showering them with affection is not going to help you.

In fact, the more you smother them, the more trapped they’ll feel. And that will just make them want to get away from you as soon as possible.

Deadly Mistake #5: Freaking Out When Your Ex Starts Dating

The thought of your ex being with someone else is a gut wrenching one. But in reality, it’s not as bad as we make it out to be. We will get into that later, but first, let’s take a look at how your instincts react when you find out your ex is dating someone else.

If I don’t do anything right now, they’ll fall in love with this new person and forget about me forever. I better go over there and do everything that this article has told me not to do.

I will try everything, including begging, using pity, telling them how much I love them, agreeing to all their conditions (be a doormat). And if they don’t open the door, I’ll just stand outside and call and text them all day.

I need to tell my ex how this new person is totally wrong for them and what a big mistake they are making by being in a relationship with this _______(INSERT DEROGATORY REMARK).

If you didn’t realize it by now, your instincts and your mind go into panic mode when you find out your ex is dating someone new. In most cases, you freak out and make all the mistakes mentioned above.

The truth is, your ex is most probably in a rebound relationship (Read: Is Your Ex In a Rebound Relationship? Find Out With These Telltale Signs).

And almost all of the rebound relationships end sooner rather than later. It sucks, but rebound relationships are a way for many people to deal with breakups. Fortunately for you, it’s one of the most ineffective way to move on. So, just because they are in a rebound relationship doesn’t mean they will forget about you and move on.

In fact, it just means the opposite. It means that they are having a hard time moving on and as long as they are in this rebound relationship, they are avoiding grief. And that means it will take them longer to get over you.

rebound relationship

A rebound relationship is like a cigarette. It’s unhealthy. It provides a false sense of calmness. And it ends when the flame is over. (the faster you smoke the faster it ends)

The most important thing for you to do while your ex is in a rebound relationship is be cool about it.

Whatever happens, do not tell your ex to break up with their rebound partners. Let it be their idea.

They have a huge hole in their life after breaking up with you which they are trying to fill with someone new.

They will soon realize that a rebound relationship can not fill the emptiness and they will end the relationship. (Do you think his relationship is not just a rebound? Read How To Get Your Ex Back When He Has Moved On To a New Girlfriend. or Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Has Moved On To a New Boyfriend)

Deadly Mistake Number 6: Name Calling and Anger

Name-calling your ex out of anger or frustration is a common reaction for people who were used to name-calling their ex while fighting. It’s also common if you both threatened each other to breakup constantly.

It’s pretty obvious that doing this will only make your ex feel less attracted to you. But it’s not very obvious to your instincts.

If you used to abuse each other or get very angry while fighting or arguing, there’s a good chance your instinct will want you to do that again when you are broken up.

Your instinct wants to believe that this is just another fight or argument. And if you just show your ex that you are angry, they will calm down and tell you they want to get back together.

The same way it happened when you both fought.

This rarely ever works. If your ex is serious about the breakup, then getting angry will only make them think that breaking up with you was the right decision.

Getting angry will remind them of all the bad fights and arguments that slowly and surely ate away the foundation of your relationship.

It will remind them that you both don’t understand each other and make them feel that you are not the right person for them.

Case Study 1: A Toxic Relationship Ended, A Healthy Relationship was Reborn

Terry and Amanda fought bad. So bad that the neighbors had to knock on their doors at least once a month.

Threatening to leave each other was a very common occurrence in their fights.

But one day, Amanda decided to leave Terry for good. She was tired of the toxic relationship. She was embarrassed in front of her neighbors and was ashamed of herself and her partner. She was tired of the relationship pattern.

The good that was always followed by the bad. And the bad kept on getting worse while the good remained the same.

At first Terry was in denial. But soon he realized this wasn’t like before.

She was serious, and she wasn’t just doing this to make him feel guilty. She really wanted to breakup.

He was devastated. He wanted to get her back but didn’t know how. He felt like he had no hope.

Everyone blamed him for all the negativity in the relationship. Amanda’s friends and parents were against him.

It felt like his entire world came crumbling down.

He preferred it when she was angry at him. At least that meant she cared.

Terry followed this plan. But he had to do a lot of soul searching to figure out what went wrong.

The toxicity in the relationship was caused by insecurity, lack of trust and lack of communication. Both of them had no idea how to communicate with each other. Even though they loved each other,
they just couldn’t find a way to stop fighting and live happily for more than a week.

Terry wanted to make sure that this never happened again if they get back together. He went to counseling. He started an anger management program. And he read books on communication.

The last time I heard from him, they were talking about getting back together after two months of no contact.

“She noticed that I have been taking steps to improve myself. She said that she wants to get back together but is not sure if we will repeat the same mistakes. She felt that she was also responsible for the bad arguments and she wants to improve herself as well. We are planning to meet up and discuss it soon. Maybe we will go for couples counseling.” – Terry

Deadly Mistake Number 7: The Obsession and Misinterpretation

The obsession that comes after a bad breakup is probably the worst part of it.

Your mind keeps racing trying to figure out the best way to get your ex back as soon as possible.
Your mind wants a fool proof plan. It wants a guarantee that things will work out with your ex in the future.

It will ask questions like,

  • “Is my ex missing me?”
  • “Does he still love me?”
  • “What can I do to get him back instantly?”
  • “Will she start dating someone already?”
  • “She went on a date, does this mean it’s over?”
  • “He looked happy in a picture he posted on Instagram, does this mean he is over me?”
  • “My ex added me on snapchat. Does this mean he wants to get back? Does he want me to reach out?”

If you write down all these questions that keep popping up in your mind, you will realize that these questions are pretty much useless.

I say this because it’s impossible to know the correct answers to these questions. You or anyone else can only guess the answers to these questions.

They are all about what’s going on in your ex’s head. There is no way for anyone to know exactly what’s going on in your ex’s head or what will happen in the future, unless they are the oracle.

It’s true. Your ex wants you to win them back the right way. They just don’t believe you can.

These questions are a result of your mind trying to do an impossible task. A task, that your instinct has given your mind.

Imagine your mind is like a computer that will try to find a solution to whatever problem you give it. Now imagine your instincts tell your mind to do the following

“Find a way that 100% guarantees me that I will get my ex back. Make sure that I do not lose my ex at any cost. Figure out this way as soon as possible because my ex may move on. If you don’t, then it’s going to be very hard for me (and by extension YOU) to survive.”

Do you see the problem here?

Your instincts want your mind to find a way to change someone’s free will. And it doesn’t even have enough time to do so. On top of that, your instincts are threatening your survival.

No wonder your mind is working on overdrive.

These questions don’t push your ex away by themselves. But when your mind is working on overdrive, it is likely to make mistakes.

In fact, most of the mistakes mentioned above are a result of bad judgement that comes with not thinking things through.

They are a result of panicked mind that is trying to do an impossible task.

Moreover, when you are trying to interpret your ex’s action and social media activity, you will probably misinterpret them and do something to push them away.

For example,

  • If your ex calls you, you might take it as a sign that they want to get back together and start talking about how you still love them.
  • If your ex tells you they still have feelings for you, you might feel the urge to drive to their house with flowers and chocolate thinking that this is the type of reconciliation story they show in the movies.
  • If your ex posts a picture on social media with someone of the opposite sex, you might assume that they are dating and start freaking out and make every mistake I mentioned above.
  • If you find out they liked a picture of someone on Instagram, your mind might conclude that they want to sleep with them. This will probably make you freak out, call them and act controlling and borderline crazy.

The best way to avoid making any misinterpretation is to just not take any action for a while. Not until your mind has calmed down and is not panicking hard.

It’s also advisable to not listen to your friends and family at this time. Even though they mean well, most people are not equipped to analyze a breakup and figure out the best course of action that will lead to getting your love back.

What If I’ve Already Made These Mistakes?

Chances are, you’ve already made at least one of these mistakes after the breakup. Don’t worry, even the wisest monks in the Himalayas and masters of psychology from Harvard usually end up making these mistakes after a breakup.

It’s just in the nature of human beings to try and hold on to something that is precious to them. So don’t beat yourself over it.

The most important thing for you to do right now is to realize that these mistakes will not help you get him back and stop doing them right away. Move on to the next step of the plan which is going to repair all the damage you’ve caused till now.

Case Study 2: Jenny made all the mistakes. Her ex was in a rebound. But she still managed to get him back

The first thing that Jenny noticed when she came to our website was the deadly mistakes mentioned in this article. She made all the mistakes mentioned in the article and then some.

She constantly called her ex, constantly texted him, and even went to his house once because he didn’t reply.

She begged him to take her back. Told her that she can’t live without him. And she totally freaked out when she found out her ex went on a date. She repeated all the mistakes and even threatened to tell her new girlfriend that he should not be trusted. She even became borderline abusive and said some nasty things to him.

But all she could get from her ex was this line.

“I am sorry Jenny. I don’t see a future with you.”

She was a mess when she read this article. But she decided to do no contact and figure out a way to fix herself before trying to get him back.

She did manage to get him back by following this exact plan.

The real reason this plan worked for Jenny because she worked on her self-esteem and confidence. It took her a total of 3 months, but it was worth it.

When she contacted her ex, he had already broken up with his rebound and was glad to hear from her. It wasn’t just the right timing, it was also the right words that she used in her first contact message. Her message conveyed honesty and confidence.

“I realized the reason he broke up with me was because I lost myself in the relationship. I lost my confidence, my self-worth and my individuality. I followed the process and regained my confidence before contacting him. Things were surprisingly easy after that.

I knew exactly what I wanted in a relationship and what we both needed to do to make it work this time.” – Jenny


STEP 2 – Stop Contact with Your Ex. Give Yourself Some Time and Space and Give Your Ex What They Asked For. A Breakup.

If you’ve been searching about breakups and getting your ex back online, you’d know that there is a thing called no contact rule.

It’s simple and very effective.

All you have to do is stop all the communication with your ex for a short period of time. This includes

  • No Calling
  • No Texting
  • No Facebook Messaging
  • No Online Contact Of Any Kind (IM, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat)
  • No “accidentally” bumping into him (you know what that means)
  • No hanging out with common friends in hopes of meeting your ex
  • No keeping tabs on them via friends.

Why do no contact?

For three reasons

Reason 1 : Your ex needs some space and time to remove all the negative associations from the breakup and start missing you.

People have a common misconception that if you don’t contact your ex, they will forget about you.

But in reality, if you don’t contact your ex, you will give him time to miss you more and he will be wondering all the time why you are not contacting him.

Remember all the mistakes in Part #1 of this guide. Every one of them made your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend think of you as a needy person. By not contacting him, you immediately become not needy in his mind.

Moreover, your ex asked you for a breakup. And unless you give them a breakup, they will never truly know what it feels like to lose you.

Reason 2: You also need some space and time.

You need to get a hold of yourself and gain some perspective.

The fact is, you are a mess after the breakup. And you need to calm down and analyze your relationship thoroughly to realize whether or not being with your ex is in your best interest.

It could be that you are just missing your ex because you are used to being with them.

Before you try to get your ex back, you need to learn to enjoy your life without your ex. You need to prove to yourself that you can be happy without your ex.

You will eventually realize that you DON’T NEED YOUR EX to be happy.

Maybe you’ll still WANT them, but there is a big difference between needing something and wanting something.

happiness comes from inside

Reason 3: You must become confident before you can get him/her back.

You must become an attractive, happy person during this time. You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. You should make a lot of positive changes in your life.

When you meet your ex after the no contact period, you want them to be attracted to you. And the best way to do it is to start enjoying life and becoming an overall happy person.

Don’t take this point lightly. This could be the difference between getting your ex back or losing them forever. (If you’d like to read more about why you should do this, read this article.)

How long is the no contact period?

stay no contact for 30 days

Basically, the no contact period should be as long as it takes you to get yourself together and feel great about your life without your ex. In my experience, it can take up to 30 days.

However, in some cases, it could be anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months.

Your ex during No Contact Period

At this point, you might start wondering how no contact is going to effect your ex and what you should do about it. This section covers most of the doubts you may have regarding no contact. If you still need more information, read this article.

Should I tell my ex that I am doing no contact?

Ideally no. You want them to wonder what happened to you and why you are not contacting them. You want to be on your ex’s mind as much as you can. And telling them you are not contacting for some time will defeat this purpose.

However, if your ex is currently calling you everyday or texting you everyday, then yes you should let them know that you don’t want them to contact you for a short period of time. Don’t give them any specifics. Just tell them to not contact you until you decide to contact them. Let them know you need some space and time right now.

Wouldn’t it be rude if I don’t contact my ex?

Wasn’t it rude of your ex to break your heart and leave you begging them to take you back? And yet, you’ll still do anything to be with them. Sometimes, rudeness is not as bad as you think it is.

Besides, you are doing no contact for your own mental peace and well-being. There is nothing rude about taking care of yourself.

Should I answer my ex’s text during no contact?

NO. Absolutely not. Whatever happens, don’t answer their text.

Should I answer my ex’s call during no contact?

No. You shouldn’t answer your ex’s call. The only exception to this is if you are close to ending your no contact and you are already feeling great about your life. If you think that talking to your ex will have you obsessing about them again, don’t answer their call.

  • What if my ex moves on during no contact?
  • What if my ex meets someone and get married during no contact?
  • What if my ex forgets about me during no contact?

Good questions. And the answer to all of them is NO, THEY WON’T.

If you and your ex were in any type of serious relationship, then they will not be able to move on so quickly. In fact, no contact is only going to make them miss you more and remember the good things about you. You have to take a leap of faith over here. The alternative to no contact is being a creep and texting and stalking your ex all the time, which will probably lead to a restraining order against you. You really don’t have much of an option.

Can’t I make the no contact shorter? Like a week or a few days?

So, you want to give your ex a couple days break from your avalanche of texts and then bombard them again after a couple of days?


It takes time for people to remove negative association after a breakup and start missing their ex.

You have to give it to them. Besides, you have to prove to yourself that you can live without your ex for at least 30 days.

And more importantly, you have to work on yourself and become a more confident and happy person.

Unless you make a positive change in yourself, your ex will not be able to convince themselves to get back together with you.

What if My ex and I have Children?

If you have children, then you must do limited contact. That means you only speak to your ex when necessary.

You only speak to them about your children or about the topics that are important.

You don’t speak about anything personal. If your ex asks you personal question, you tell them something like,

“I am not ready to speak about my personal life with you at the moment. I hope you understand and keep the conversation only related to our child (or children) for the time being.”

What if my ex and I live together?

If you both live together, it’s going to be tough to do no contact and get some space. This is why I highly recommend you find a way to move out. At least for the time being.

Explain to your ex that living with them is hard for you right now and you would like to temporarily move out. Tell them you would decide about the living arrangements later when you are thinking clearly.

If it’s not possible to move out, then you should do limited contact. Only speak to your ex if it’s important and don’t talk about anything personal. Make a space for yourself in the house and only stay in that space.

My ex thought I didn’t pay them enough attention and I wasn’t committed enough. Wouldn’t no contact make them feel like I don’t care and make them want to move on?

That’s a huge concern for people who didn’t put enough effort in making the relationship work. But they want to put the effort after the breakup.

If you are reading this article, then that means you have already tried to convince them that things will be different this time. That you will put in more effort and will be committed. That you will care.

And it didn’t work.

The reason it didn’t work is because your ex thinks you are doing all of this because you are afraid of losing them. You are showing that you care because you are needy and desperate. And keeping in touch with them confirms that belief.

Your ex thinks that you will go back to your old ways if once you get them back.

And the best way to help them overcome this belief is to show them you are no longer needy and desperate by doing no contact.

You can let them know beforehand that you are doing no contact to heal and to think things through. That this does not mean you don’t care about them and you are moving on. That it just means that you are taking some space to figure out what your issues are and what you can do to overcome them.

This sincere move to introspect and figure out a solution to your issues will work wonders in trying to convince them after you’ve finished no contact.

What will my ex think if I don’t contact them for 30 or 60 days?

That’s a good question.

Actually, no, that’s not a good question.

In fact, it’s one of the question that your panicked mind is likely to ask.

Like I said earlier, we can never know what is going on inside another person’s head. Not unless we are mind readers.

But I can tell you what usually happens to an ex when their ex stops contacting them after a breakup.

You see, if you have been in constant touch after a breakup, your ex never really had to face the breakup. Sure, they made the decision to breakup with you and they probably think breaking up was the right decision.

But they never actually faced the breakup because you kept acting like they still have you.

A breakup means losing someone you love. And if they never really felt like they lost you, they never truly went through the breakup.

They never grieved, and they never felt that feeling of having a black hole from hell in the pit of your stomach.

There’s a good chance your ex will start facing grief when you start no contact. How they react to that grief is a whole different topic.

  • They might start contacting you every day.
  • They might get angry.
  • They might shut down and start ignoring you completely. (In majority of cases, this is only temporary. So, don’t worry. Ask your panicked mind to calm down)
  • They might start stalking you on social media or through common friends.
  • They might even decide to do no contact themselves and heal from the breakup.
  • The might contact you casually to see what you are upto and act like they are interested in you. In other words, they will throw you a bone. And if you grab it, they will know you are still their pet and they have all the power over you.

I’ll soon write an article in detail about everything that your ex might do during no contact and how you should react to it. Check back on this space later to read that article. For now, let’s move on to what your focus should be during no contact. (Read more about the no contact rule here.)

Case Study 3: No Contact made her ex crazy for her. But not in a good way.

Jennifer wasn’t as desperate as some of my other clients. But she still loved her ex and wanted to get him back. She felt they had a strong connection and a future together.

Her ex broke up with her because he wasn’t sure he wanted to get married and have children. The two things that were very important to Jennifer. It was a classic case of fear of commitment.

When she started no contact, she was not sure if it will work. It worked, but not in the way she wanted.

Her ex called her after 2 days of no contact. He asked her how she was. She replied and told him that she doesn’t want to speak to him for a while because she wants to heal from the breakup.

He was a bit taken back, but he agreed and hung up.

A couple days later, he started texting her late at night. He was obviously drunk. He started telling her how he loved her and how much she meant to him.

Jennifer thought it best not to reply to him. He said those things before while drinking and went back to being cold when he was sober.

The next day, however, her ex wasn’t cold. He was angry. He became abusive. Calling her names, you would be ashamed to say in front of your mother. Accusing her of being with a new guy and forgetting him so soon after the breakup.

She was heartbroken, but her perspective and her thoughts about her ex changed. She continued no contact.

Her ex didn’t quit though, he showed up at her doorstep. Asked her if the guy she was dating is in her bed now.

She explained that she wasn’t dating anyone and she just needs some space to deal with the breakup.

He brought up issues from the relationship to try to get a rise out of her.

“You were always like this. I could never trust you. That time you went partying with your girlfriends, I am sure you cheated on me.”

This wasn’t what she expected, but she was not surprised. Her ex always had trust issues even though she was honest with him and never gave him a reason to doubt her. He brought up that night again and again during fights. The one night she came home late.

He eventually left. But his behavior made her realize that he was not the right person for her. She decided to continue no contact indefinitely and move on.

Her ex continued this behavior for a couple months. He even asked her to get back together many times. But she was determined to move on.

“I never realized I was with a controlling and emotionally abusive guy until I started no contact.” – Jennifer

STEP 3 – During No Contact, Strive to Become a Person You Can Be Proud Of. Someone Your Ex Won’t Be Able To Resist.

This is the part where most people screw up. No contact will be of no use unless you try to make a positive change in your life during this time.

If you just want to stay at home and just be miserable for the next one month, things are not going to change even after no contact period.

Yes, you need to grieve after a breakup and yes, there’s some benefit in spending some time alone, grieving and analyzing your relationship.

But you must balance it out with things that bring you joy. You must go out and enjoy life. You must figure out what makes you happy and do it. You must learn to be happy without your ex.

You must get your individuality back before you can get your ex back.


are you happy?

Positive Changes In Your Appearance

Making a positive change in your physical appearance is going to give you a fresh look. You are going to feel new and you are going to feel better.

And when your ex sees you after the no contact period, they are going to see a new you.

Here are a few things you can do.

  • Get a haircut. Just go to a hairstylists and find out what is in fashion these days.
  • Get your teeth cleaned. A beautiful smile is very attractive.
  • Get in the best shape of your life. Go to the gym and sweat it out. This is also great for your mental health as working out releases endorphins which make you happy.
  • Get new clothes. They will definitely make you feel better about yourself.

Whatever you do, don’t do anything drastic right now. You don’t want to make any physical changes right now that you might regret for the rest of your life (like getting a tattoo of a broken heart).

Positive changes in your mentality

Being a happy and confident person is probably the most important thing when it comes to getting your ex back.

You need to realize that happiness and confidence is something that you can get by working on yourself.

Here are a few ideas that will help you gain more confidence and become a happier person.

learn to be happy without your ex

Instead of sitting at home eating ice cream and watching TV, go out and do something to make yourself feel better.

1. Give yourself some time to grieve. I know how hard it is to be happy after a breakup. I remember I was a complete mess for at least two weeks. I didn’t sleep properly, didn’t eat properly, and I was just thinking about my ex all day. In a way, this period is necessary for you. You give yourself some time to grieve every day. If you want to feel sad and sorry for yourself, go ahead and do it. But make sure you also do something to make yourself feel good about yourself.

2. Write in a journal. Write your thoughts and your feelings down. Writing is therapeutic and it’s probably going to help you release all those emotions that have been building up inside.

3. Go out with friends. Spend time with your loved ones. Your friends and family are the people who are always there for you and who always love to spend time with you. Go out and have a good time with them.

4. Do some meditation. Be aware of yourself. Know your weaknesses and strengths. Be proud of yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. That’s what confidence is all about. Neediness (which is very unattractive) comes from doubts within yourself. Whereas confidence comes from awareness and accepting yourself.

5. Go out on a date. This is absolutely essential and if you are reading this, then I will recommend that you definitely go out on a few dates before ending no contact with your ex. It’s imperative for you to get some perspective right now and meeting new people is the best way to do it.

Positive Changes in Your Behavior and Habits

In a lot of cases, it’s your habits or behavior that pushed your ex to the point of breakup. If you suffer from issues that you believe might have led to the breakup, this is the time to work on them. Some examples of these issues are.

  • Controlling Nature
  • Extreme Jealousy
  • Insecurity
  • Lack of Passion
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Lack of Personal Hygiene
  • Lack of Motivation in Life
  • Lack of Communication Skills
  • Lack of Social Skills
  • Inability to Trust
  • Inability to Commit

If you think any of these things resonate with you, it’s time to start working on them. If you don’t know how to work on these issues, speak to a counselor or therapist.

I also talk about fixing these issues in my email series that you can subscribe to by taking this quiz.

Analyzing Your Relationship

You have to ask yourself this question, why do you want to get back with your ex? If you answered something like

  1. I love my ex.
  2. I can’t live without my ex.
  3. I am miserable without my ex.
  4. He/She was the only one for me.
  5. I can’t imagine a life without my ex.

Then you are still suffering from post-breakup denial and bargaining. Denial and bargaining are two of the many stages of grief after a breakup.

It’s extremely common for people to want to get their ex back after a breakup.

However, it’s not always the right choice.

For example, even if your relationship with your ex was abusive, you might want to rekindle it just because you are missing them.

Our mind often confuses the act of missing someone with “love”. It’s normal to miss someone after you’ve been with them for a long time.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean you still love them.

Look at it like this, every relationship has problems, fights, and disagreements. But if you two broke up, then there was something very wrong with your relationship.

You need to analyze what went wrong and realize whether or not it’s a good idea to get back together.

pros and cos of your relationship

Are you sure your ex didn’t have any cons?

If you listen to your heart, all you will hear is that you love your ex and you want them back. Instead, try to think with your mind. Be logical.

Analyze the pros and cons of your relationship.

Analyze the pros and cons of your ex.

Analyze what your goals in life are and whether or not a relationship with your ex aligns with those goals.(Read: Should You Get Your Ex Back?)

Remember, your ex will not make you happy, only you can make yourself happy.

And the only way you can do it is by understanding yourself, loving yourself, appreciating what you have, understanding your purpose in life and pursuing it.

Do you really think you can have a happy and long lasting relationship with your ex?

Do you really think that the reason you broke up is no big deal?

You are making a huge decision right now.

So you better make sure that it is the right one. You have 30 days to do it, so don’t rush into it.

Take your time. Relax and do things that make you feel better. When you start being happy in life without your ex, you will realize whether or not getting your ex back is the right decision.

And if you are sure it’s the right decision, then you must figure how to fix whatever was broken in your relationship.

Figure out What Was Broken and How to Fix It

Almost every success story I have come across has one thing in common. They all understood exactly what went wrong in the relationship and exactly how to fix it.

There are so many reasons for a relationship can fail that it’s impossible to list them all over here. Moreover, every situation is unique and the solution to each situation is also unique.

But in most cases, the reason for breakup can be boiled down to the loss of one of the following.

  • Attraction
  • Connection
  • Or Trust

For example,

  • You fought too much? You had communication problems that lead to loss of connection.
  • You were controlling and insecure? You had self-esteem issues that led to loss of attraction.
  • Your ex didn’t want to commit? He didn’t feel a strong enough connection with you.
  • You cheated, or your ex cheated? Your relationship ended because the trust was broken.
  • Your relationship was stressful? You didn’t spend enough quality time together that led to loss of attraction.
  • Your relationship got monotonous? You lost attraction and sexual connection.

You must figure out the real reason for the breakup. Not just what they said to you while breaking up with you. Try to figure out what happened in the relationship that pushed them to the point of breaking up with you.

There is a good chance that your ex loved you deeply and breaking up with you was a hard decision for them as well.

Your ex boyfriend is equally sad and miserable because of this breakup

If you truly love them, you owe it to them and yourself to figure out the root cause of the breakup and how to fix it.

If you don’t know how to fix what was broken, you will never be able to get them back. And even if you do manage to get them back, you will break up again because of the same reasons.

And the second time around, it’s going to be even more painful. For both of you.

It’s important you do this if you want to get your ex lover back permanently. When you are sure that you can fix whatever was broken in your relationship, move on to the next step, which is contacting your ex.

Case Study 4: He Came Back, but it Was No Happy Ending

Margarete’s ex broke up with her and went on a trip abroad for almost a month. She started no contact before she came to us. But no contact didn’t really work for the way I hoped it would.

If I had to describe her during no contact in four words, I would say

“Obsessed with her ex.”

She couldn’t get her ex out of her mind. All she could think about was what he was doing, what could happen if he comes back. What she should say to him if he contacts? She kept repeating what happened during the relationship and the breakup over and over again in her mind.

She was in, what I would call, a threaded toxic relationship. Her ex wouldn’t commit to her and wouldn’t leave her. They were together for almost 5 years. And she was fully committed to him. But he couldn’t give her what she wanted. A marriage and kids.

Whenever they came close to a commitment, he would freak out and make excuses.

Even when he left her, he gave her a bit of hope. That they might get back together in the future.

She started no contact, but she couldn’t really see how unhealthy this relationship was for her. She was obsessed with everything that happened. She was hurt and couldn’t get herself to entertain the thought of living without him.

That’s right, she couldn’t even imagine living without him. He had crossed every boundary she set for herself. Even cheated on her twice. But she still convinced herself that she loves him and will forgive him if he came back and commits.

Margarete was in a toxic relationship. And it was her fault more than anyone else. Her low self esteem made her feel worthless. And it kept her mind in a toxic state of obsessiveness. Even after her ex left her.

A couple of months after no contact, her ex came back. He was even impressed that she didn’t call him for two months. He felt attracted to this display of confidence and self-control.

They talked and got back together. Hoping to fix the relationship.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go the way Margarete hoped. Her ex had not changed a bit. He was still a bit immature and terrified of commitment. Unfortunately, Margarete was equally terrified of losing him.

The last time I spoke to her, they were on a temporary break, 2 years after getting back together. The relationship was pretty much the same as before. She was unhappy, exhausted and constantly frustrated. Her ex cheated on her again. And she still couldn’t get the courage to leave him.

This was not the type of relationship I had hoped she started with her ex. And I truly believe it’s because Margarete skipped this step. She did no contact. But she never grieved and regained her individuality. In my opinion, she should have extended no contact until she regained her self-confidence. But the idea of getting back together was too tempting for her to listen.

Thankfully, she is getting therapy now. And I hope that she gains the strength to leave him and put her own well being over the idea of being with him.

STEP 4 – Contact Your Ex at the Right Time with The Right Message to Reset Your Image and Make Them Attracted to You Again




About Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson is a breakup expert and coach with more than 11 years of experience of helping people recover from a breakup and get back in a healthy relationship.

Read Full Profile.


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  • Suja

    Hello! My ex boyfriend broke up with me over 2 months ago. We are 24 years old. Dated for over 1,5 years. We had a quarrel which I have begun because of something I felt he did wrong. We did not see each other for 2 weeks because he went for a trip with friends, but we kept the issue through messages. He broke up with me after he came back. He said he was tired with this relationship and that he does not want to be in a relationship now (though he said that even if he will be it will not be serious). We didnt fight, I tried to convince him a little, but he did not change the decision so i had to accept. We were even laughing at each other for crying in public. We agreed on staying friends and kept contact for 5 days, then we met up and had a good time talking about general matters. When we were parting i said we should not contact for some time and he said he will wait for me to contact him when i am ready. I did no contact for 50 days, i followed the guides on improving myself. He replied to my message positively but he does not keep conversation or ignore some messages. What should i do next? I wanted to meet up to exchange our things which we still have. But i guess i should wait?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since it has been 50 days of no contact, naturally things would be a little awkward at first, as he isn't used to talking to you again so frequently. I suggest being patient and taking it slow to let him get more comfortable with talking to you again (without you coming across as desperate or overbearing).

  • Abc

    To follow no contact rule should I block him from everywhere like WhatsApp and all so that he can't see me online

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You don't have to. Instead, keep him unblocked and perhaps become active on those platforms so that your presence becomes felt more prominently as this might cause him to begin missing you.

  • Phil

    Hey guys,

    Ex girlfriend broke up with me almost 7 weeks ago. I tried slow contact after 2 and a half weeks but didn't really work/I got too needy. Now, its almost been 3 weeks since I have contacted her. My relationship ended, I believe, because I was insecure, immature, and would lie. Not a lot, but lie nonetheless. A week before the breakup, she said "It scares me how easily you can lie". I want to apologize for that without looking needy, but I don't know if I should now, or after a month of no contact has passed. Im worried she's going to have a negative image of me in her head and move on more easily because of it. Also, should it be a letter or a text? Thanks.

  • Mirna

    My ex boyfreind broke up with me in about 2 week I send him a message telling him bad things because he leave me we were in a relationship of 6 month we were really good and dream about our future together and suddenly I travelled abroad alone when I come back he broke up with me only the reason of travelling and because I posted something in facebook that I were with someone but this someone is married and he just help me in my travel time my ex told me I know this persone he is bad so we stop here I really want him back and till now is 2 week without contact

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Try completing NC for another 2-3 weeks to give him some time to cool off first. This might have been a misunderstanding and he have been jealous and acted irrationally.

  • Matthew

    Hi. My ex broke up with me about a month ago after 7 months of dating. She said she didn't love me anymore but I feel like that's not why because she never acted different towards me. When we were dating, she said she never felt this way with anyone, she trusted me more than anybody (but I broke that trust by telling our mutual friends a secret she had), and we talked about the future together. The last couple weeks before she broke up with me I started to act really distant towards her - ignored her whenever I was near her and barely responded on Snapchat and iMessage (when I did, I came off as like I didn't want to talk to her). She felt "alone and that I was done with her" but in reality I wasn't and was angry at something with my family but never told her. I told her that was why I was acting the way I did but she said she's still worried that I'm going to do that if we do get back together. Is it possible the reason she broke up with me was because she didn't love me anymore or because I was too distant and I broke her trust? About 3 weeks after we broke up, I started doing no contact and I told her that I was giving her the time she needed (which is what she asked for but I didn't listen) and also apologized for my behavior (I begged and pleader her to take me back). It's been 10 days since I last texted her and I see her with this new guy but she told a mutual friend that they were just friends (her friends, my friends, and our mutual friends all say he is a complete downgrade to me) but they act all secretive. Could this be to get me jealous (she knows I get jealous because I got mad at her for wearing another guy's shirt)? Also, she told our mutual friend that there was a chance we would get back together before I begged and pleaded but after I begged and pleaded with her there wasn't. Is that a bad sign or was she just saying that because I bothered her?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Her negative emotions towards you at this point could still be relatively fresh, which was why she said there was no chance with you to her friend. I suggest not overthinking the situation with her and the other guy in your head because it would cause you to feel negative at the end of the day. Since you are in no contact officially, work on yourself first and foremost before contacting her again in the future as an improved person so that she sees you in a different light. Even if she says there's no chance, you could always create that chance if your improvements are prominent enough.

      • Matthew

        Thanks. I forgot to mention this but when we broke up she said she wanted to be friends and that she liked me as a friend. Is that a bad sign?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Most exes would typically say that during the breakup to make the other party feel better and its very common. It doesn't usually mean anything - in both positive or negative light. You should continue with your plans for positive change and try not to be phased by whatever she said back then.

  • Anne

    Hi, I dated a guy for 3 months, we started really well, and strong. He’s a hopeless romantic type of man. He made lots of effort to see me on his free time, sends me sweet messages when he wakes up, he was very open about his family to me, especially bout his kids. (He’s divorced and he sees his kids every week). There were also times that I stay in his place for few days because he wanted me to stay. My fault was I asked too soon about our relationship, like I was asking for a “label”. He told me that why don’t I just let things happen naturally. (I felt I have pressured him). Things started to change when I said to him that I am leaving for few months then will be back later this year. After few days, he replied to me and said that he doesn’t want to commit to me and we can just be friends. I replied and apologized if maybe I pressured him or what. I also asked him if there’s another woman, he said no. I told him that I’m fine in taking things slowly. He agreed to that and he said he’ll continue seeing me then. After a month, I felt that there’s more gap. Less communication from him, he’s not as sweet as before. There was even a time that when I visited his place, he said that I have to leave at a specific time because he said he has something to do after that. I really felt something wrong. After few days , i asked him the truth and there, He said he started seeing another woman. He said that he lost hope in us because I am leaving. He didn’t want to be alone, and that I deserve someone else because He’s an emotional wreck and a mess. I told him that he should not say that and I accept him and all his flaws. I asked him if he loves the woman, he just told me that I care for her , but I love you. He said that Our connection is really different compared to her, he connects to me deeply. He said that He can’t stop seeing me but he has to stop so that i won’t get hurt anymore. I am confused because, He said he loves me but he’s rushing to meet someone else and commit to her. I don’t even know if I should believe him that really loves me or just saying it for the sake of being nice to me. Is still there a chance for me to see him again when I am back , or will he easily forget me when i do no contact. and What if I am back and he’s still dating, is there no hope anymore? I love him and I am giving him space and doing the no contacf for few days now. It’s really hard , and I want to do the correct steps.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If he says that there's a connection with you different from the other person, when you're back, you'll only be able to know for certain then. I would honestly suggest moving on with your life since you'll be gone regardless for a couple of months and he's already expressed not wanting a LDR in that duration, so getting back together now would only lead to a possible second breakup when you're away.

  • lora

    Hello. Well, smth like 12 days after I started no contact after 3 discursions by phone but just by business, my boy - friend texted me asking some personal questions about how my business was going. I answered that very well, but couldn't talk to him as a friend right now, because needed some more time and space. He tried to joke and then said that talking or not he was remembering about me and my son. Then he changed his watsup foto for a more smily one and from our common journey to skiing. He also put a like on my fotos from last journey in fcbk.
    I really haven't ever asked him to come back or looked needy. But smth like a week after separation and no contact by my own will (before starting with this couching) we met. He cried and was saying that his feelings were not gone. So I like in a way of calming him down said: so would you like me to go with to your home town?? Because this was the issue during the relation ship and there he went when left me. He answered: I should think about it, 4 months ago I wouldn't doubt, but now I should think. During that meeting I also said I thought he was right to go and I had committed many mistakes in the relation ship. He said it was a pity to hear that now and no before. So my question is basically : should I continue no contact now??

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Yes, continue with NC in the meantime and he does not seem to really know what he wants right now. He may have lost attraction for you back then, but still has feelings for you. If you allow him to get back with you right now just because he misses the times, there's a likelihood of him repeating the same thing down the road again.

  • Nick

    So my ex and I recently split up. Well. She said she wanted a break. same thing though right? Before reading all of this stuff and how texts can be useful, I told her I'd delete her number so I wouldn't feel tempted to contact her, she asked me not to, but I did anyway. But our text thread still exists and I cannot bring myself to delete it. I did slide it into the archive section though so I don't have to see it. Should I go through with the deletion? If I don't, and I eventually text her even after the NC time is up, I feel like I'll come off as weak and needy since I told her I was going to delete everything but didnt..?
    We also both have the WhatsApp, and her number is in there and we haven't used it in several months. So I could use that and just act like I happened to come across it, which technically I did just that. Thoughts?

    She also owes me a few hundred dollars, has a key to my house, and my kayak is at her house... I could probably just go get the kayak without breaking the NC rule, but that might be risky and sort of creepy and I don't want to cross that line. Should I ask for these things back? Again, that would be breaking the NC rule.. or should I just forget about it all until the NC time has passed and I'm into further stage?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Normally we would encourage you to get your stuff back first before starting NC. However, if that is unavoidable, a brief meeting to exchange items does not count as breaking NC unless you start acting needy or desperate when meeting her. It really depends on the motive behind the contact and whether it's necessary or not. You don't have to delete her texts if you don't want to since only you would know.

  • Coop

    Hi there,
    My girlfriend broke up with me three days ago. I am still in substantial pain, but I fully understand why she broke up with me even if she does not. I was needy and jealous during the relationship and every time she wanted to hang out with a guy friend I would get upset or passive aggressive. Some other things added up and she decided to end things the other day. She said she needed time to think and she always talked about needing more time to herself. I was selfish and not understanding but I fully realize now what she wanted. I immediately initiated no contact after she broke up with me not wanting to make similar mistakes and wanting to show her that I can give her space and that I am truly not a needy man. My question is am I wasting my time in trying to get her back? I want her back because I still see a future with her and I now see this breakup as an opportunity for us to fix both of our problems and work on each other. She was crying in the break up for a whole hour saying she wanted to love me again but just did not feel the same way. I feel deep down she still has feelings but my controlling nature hid them from her. I am working on that immediately and will fix it by the time I contact her. Just want to know if I am on the right track or if I should contact her sooner because of how the breakup went. Thank you.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You're on the right track. Contacting her earlier may result in reverting back to your old self because not enough time has been given for you to make the positive changes permanent. Also, she may not be ready to face you yet either, so you'll want enough time to pass before trying to win her back.

      • Coop

        Thank you for your response. So she contacted me last week and we actually got dinner and went to Target and had a great time. But she saw it only as us being friends. She was really flirty and touchy all night. She talked to me all last week before the meetup, but now after the fact she does not talk to me barely at all. I think she sees that I really do want her back and not just be friends with yet. But the catcher is that I think she is with a guy who I had worries about in our relationship. She is definitely always hanging out with him late at night. Although he might be a friend I have my doubts about it. Should I initiate no contact and keep it or should I try and be friends with her again and win her back that way. I know I should not want her back at this point but like I said, I know deep down this girl is my future. I messed up and I am determined to fix it.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If there are changes you know you should be making in your life, perhaps it might be better to focus on them first instead of half trying to chase her back, and half trying to make changes. She may see you as a friend mentally, but there are still habits ingrained into her behavior after being together with you. However, if you want to win her back, you're only going to succeed by winning her emotionally, which may require the space and for her to be able to see you in a different light, hence the no contact period.

  • Jay

    Hello! After NC I went out with my ex-gf a couple of times. She was friendly and we had a great time. Our meetings gave her second thoughts but she was determined to stick to her decision (there weren't serious reasons for our breakup and things ended really well). She saw through my plan so she told me we can't keep going out "as friends". She's not a huge fan of texting and I'm a bit afraid to propose another meet-up. Any advice? Thanks!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps give it some time before trying to call her up since she doesn't like texts. You don't necessarily have to ask her out at that point. Even having a positive conversation over the phone may do you some good in how she responds to and views you.

  • Nuo

    My boyfriend and I were in a long distance relationship for 6 years. We made it a habit to at least visit every other month. Whenever we would argue I would threaten to leave him. Growing up, when things got rough, I have always been told you could leave the situation. We never broke up; we always talked it out. This past March I went to visit him for a week. He proposed. At first, I was hesitant, I was never one to think of myself as being married. Some days past and the idea really grew on me; especially with him. On April first we got into another argument and I made the same mistake again; this time he did not take me back. He would not talk to me (texts, phone, etc) I gave him space for a week before reaching out to apologize. However, since I was so quick to ask for forgiveness he thinks I use breakups as a weapon (looking back, I totally did). I asked if it was something that we could work on and he said he did not know; that he just did not want to talk to me right now. After another week and a half of silence, I caved. I told him I loved him but I couldn't live with the ghost of him. That I want the opportunity to show how I could fix my mistakes but how it seemed like I would not get that chance. He responded shortly after saying his heart wants to take me back but his head believes I would just make the same mistake. I told him I want to prove it to him but in the end I just want him to be happy. That it breaks my heart but I just want him to be happy. He said it broke his heart too and I replied I wouldn't know. He thought I was trying to be hurtful so he responded, "Fine, say what you have to to hurt me. Goodbye." After that, I made all of the wrong moves. I cried, begged, made promises (I am embarrassed to admit I did this during our post break up conversations). I tried to explain that I haven't heard from him in almost two weeks; that I had no idea what was going through his mind. This happened April 15th. It's May 5th. I have not reached out to him. Every time I get the urge to I write my message on a notepad. I have had time to reflect on myself and the situation and I have come up with action steps to take when the feeling of fight or flight arises. I have accepted the break-up and I understand why it happened. However, I do not know where to go from here. I want us to be together. We have been together for 6 years and he just proposed. I do not know how to reach out to him and I do not know what to say? Do I send a casual text or is it more of an elephant in the room scenario? Thank you for taking the time to read; I hope to hear from....anyone soon.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      This would require more of an elephant in the room scenario, especially since the relationship ended on a bad note with several issues that have not been addressed. Show him that you are sincere and apologetic about how you acted in the past.

  • B.C

    Hey everyone,
    No Contact was a success for a month. Sent the elephant text/apology for my actions after and it was well received. I was planning on waiting five days, but she texted me one day after apologizing for hurting me. It's been a day since I read it, and I'm not sure if I should break that 5 day rule or not by responding to her. Ideas? If I stay quiet, how do i explain myself at the end of the 5 days? Thanks

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If things are going positively, I recommend going along with the flow but using our timeline as more of a guideline rather than a rule.

  • Anna


    My ex boyfriend and I dated for 4 months and we were great! We were so in love and had a good time together. About a week before we broke up, he was concerned about me moving away and forgetting about me, though I will only be an extra 30 minutes away. We talked it through and we both said we wanted to get through it thick and thin. The night before we broke up, I went up to the church he performs at and it seemed like we didn’t have any problems. We hugged and kissed and I didn’t think that would be the last time I would. The next day we broke up because he said God was calling him to singleness for a while. It hurt so bad because we are both Christians and the fact God did this hurt so bad. A week later, I asked if I could call him to ask him some questions to try to figure out what this all means for us. He said he didn’t really know why but God called him to he single. He said he was happier being single but I really don’t believe it. He says he still wants me but he doesn’t want to be in a relationship. I told him to give it a month to make sure it was the right decision. My question is what do I do after this month has ended? Do I contact him? Do I wait for him to contact me? Will he lose interest in me after one month? Did I even do the right thing in telling him to wait and see? I’m kinda worried because I do love him so much and I don’t think our relationship needs to be forgotten so soon. I’ve prayed about it, and now I just need some really helpful advice. Thanks!


    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Hey Anna, you can use this article to serve as a guideline on what to do after NC has ended. Keep in mind that while as disrespectful as this may sound to the religion, ensure that his reasoning of God calling him for singlehood is not actually just a convenient excuse to use instead of saying that he lost feelings for you.

      • Anna

        I think his feelings are honest because we talked about it and he said he felt that we were “unequally yoked” and “not on the same path spiritually”. I might be just oblivious to it and he might be lying to me, so what if he has lost interest in me? What do I do then?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If he has lost interest in you, follow the guidelines in our website on how you could go about rebuilding attraction, but if he genuinely ended the relationship due to differences in both party's spiritual paths, then it might be harder to convince him otherwise.

  • Charlie


    My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me 2 weeks ago because she said she needed more independence and wanted to live her life and grow on her own. We go to different colleges about 3 hours apart so the entire breakup happened over the phone. It took me about a week to stop texting her after the breakup but have been on no contact for about a week now. We had agreed that we were going to meet up in person when we both got home after exams in a little over a week. I had told her she owed it to me to break up with me to my face and she agreed. After reading this article it sounds like that might be too soon to meet up. My plan right now is to wait for her to initiate contact about the details of the in-person meeting. When/if she reaches out, should I tell her I don't have time to meet? I'm leaving on a trip the day after so I could get away with saying I need to pack.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It depends on the situation, but generally yes, it is still too soon to meet her. I don't think you should enforce that face-to-face breakup as it would only serve to strengthen the reality of it and may even lower your chances.

  • Phil


    Girlfriend and I dated for about 6 months, and to cut things short, things ended because she felt like we just didn't "connect" anymore. After 2 and a half weeks of no contact (by 2 weeks she sent a drunk FaceTime call, which I didn't respond to), I sent her a elephant in the room letter, apologizing for how I acted so needy and desperate during the breakup. After I started rebuilding attraction via text messages, slowly. I started to notice this new guy on her snapchat story. She always posted pictures of them together in friend groups, rather than just the two of them. I never thought anything of it. When I would message her, she would always reply but she wouldn't do so very enthusiastically. Her behavior changed a lot after I sent that letter. I started to notice that guy was on her story just about every weekend. Something to note, we are in college together. Anyways, just now I saw she went to Boston on a boat with some random people and this guy too. It was on her snapchat story again. My friend tells me she was walking with him, just the two of them, to his car so he could drive them there. It's been 5 and a half weeks, and she started hanging out with this kid only 3 weeks after the breakup. Finals end next week, and they are from two different states, hours apart. The kid looks nothing like me, and my friend tells me his ex used to date him and that he is a total douchebag and not a nice person. She has been with douchebags in the past and used to always tell me when we were together that I was so nice to her and she hated that all the people she was ever with were dicks to her. I haven't spoken to her in 9 days, when I sent her a memory text and talked about my past insecurities and how I've worked on them. Anyways, does this seem like a rebound? And does it work in my favor that this kid is a total dick, something that she has dealt with in the past and has no problem ending things with? Also, what should my move be now? Just no contact again during the summer? When will I know when to reach out? Thanks,


  • Icho

    Hi,my girlfriend and I got back together in November.But recently,she spends more time watching tv and movies,than she does talking to me.I go all day and half the night without hearing from her. She claims that her house has bad cellphone reception,except in her living room,where she watches movies at.I feel she can make the effort,if her phone reception is good there.We used to talk all the time and I'm starting to wonder if it's something I'm doing wrong?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It could be that she's getting bored of the relationship, or losing interest in you. You're going to have to find a way to re-create the spark and new memories with her if you don't want her to pull away further.

  • Mark

    Hi.. I had been in relationships with one girl since last 3 years, although she and me both had rough time in between. Last August we decided to get marry, but because of some serious family problems I had to stay away from her for two months.. In which she started having new new problems, eventually she broke up with me in November 2017. However we used to talk on phone on n off rarely, met few times in last 5-6 months. Then suddenly before few days she again started talking to me and u realised that she was seeing some guy since we broke up. Right away. And now they had very very ugly situation so she broke up with him. She is kinda miserable n so she came back to me to talk.. I wasn't seeing anyone in these months. I really loved her and was concentrating to move on.. Now we both still are single. What I should do, how I should behave and what shoul be my behavior with her and my own emotions??

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Keep things casual and don't act desperate or needy but be there for her and slowly re-build attraction from there.

  • ***

    Hi. My bf and I dated for 13 months though the last month he was really distant and we only hung out once and barely texted. I knew he was really stressed since he was switching jobs and had some important presentations coming up so I tried to just give him some space. I texted about once a week that I was upset at the distance and missed him during this time. Finally, he said we needed to meet to talk. That’s when he ended it by saying he just wanted friends in his life, nothing more. I didn’t say much and after a few minutes of just sitting there I left in tears. I texted him once that night saying that I was angry and disappointed and I wished he had just talked to me. Then I wished him good luck on the new job. That was a few days ago. I’ve told myself to keep all my appointments and plans and so far it has been really helpful but I have one problem. An event in a little over a week, a work happy hour, that I always go to has been turned into a goodbye happy hour for him (we used to be at the same company). My original plan was to go for a hour and then keep an appointment at the gym. But now I don’t know what to do. If I don’t go it will seem like I’m avoiding him and not ok (I’m sad and miss him terribly but I am ok), because I always go, but if I do then I’m breaking NC and maybe it looks like I’m trying to see him. What do I do? We have some mutual work friends and his new office is in my neighborhood so I know eventually we’ll run into each other but is this too soon?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could use this article as a guideline on how to handle events where meeting your ex becomes unavoidable.

  • Will

    I had a question about after no contact. If they ask you about any women you've seen since the break up would it be best to be very vague and not really tell them much, or to tell them everything to make yourself look more available.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It would really depend on the type of person your ex is, but generally I would advice on not to play too many mind games because it may easily backfire where she gets jealous or on the opposite end think you are trying to show off and win the break up.

  • Frankie D

    What is a realistic time frame to keep in mind or to let me know when to call it quits and move on?

    I am on reconnecting right now. After a month of no contact back in January.

    During no contact, she messaged me that she missed me but I successfully proceeded with no contact and I even talked to someone else and went out on a date with them until no conact was over and then reached out with the elephant in the room text and received a positive reaction. We have been texting and talking on the phone and hanging out maybe once a week, sometimes twice, ever since but JUST AS FRIENDS.

    Reconnect started the beginning of February so it has been almost 3 months since we’ve started hanging out and talking again and getting along fairly well. We talk pretty much every day. Sometimes she’ll initiate and sometimes I do.

    Sometimes I feel as if she wants to take it further than friends again, and sometimes I feel as if she doesn’t. Sometimes I feel there is someone else she is talking to, sometimes I feel she is not. I take it this is normal.

    I want to keep rebuilding the attraction but some days it just feels as if I should move on.

    My question then is, is there some sort of time frame say for example 6 months and if she hasn’t said anything, move on? Or 8 months? Or is there no deadline, if you will. How should I proceed?

    - Thanks.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      To be honest, there isn't a real guideline on this matter because different people would adhere to different speeds and success levels. Usually, it's up to your own personal stamina on this, and if it's taking a toll on your emotional well-being. Perhaps have a conversation with her soon regarding this matter and where she stands.

  • Jade

    Hey. So I was quite far into no contact with my ex until I got quite ill this weekend and contacted him about it. He came to see me in hospital and has been texting me a little bit. Do I need to start no contact again with him? Thank you

  • kokoro

    Im in a very delicate situation, we have been together for 2 years and half.
    But so 2 weeks ago i asked him a time break, and that was when things got really messy, the morning after i said i didnt want the break time, but i thought he needed, and he accepted! During that week since i was feeling depressed, i was totally broken down to the core, i was having panic attacks and calling him when i knew all he wanted was space and time to deal with the stuff, i was sending him messages saying that he didnt care and if he was having thoughts of breaking up he just should do it. Summarizing i was the fuel for him to break up with me.
    I didnt want us to break up, from that day i asked him to pick his stuff at my place and up until now things are still in my place. I have broken the no contact rule and spoken to him 2 times already one 4 days after the break up, and another after 3 days.
    We talked like friends and the 1st time i only asked why he lefted me because on the day we broken up i wasnt myself, and i apologized to him for that. He also said things could have been different if he talked more to me at certain times, but things were done and we could only move on. Which i agreed because i want to turn the page and start anew but with him present, that time we spoke in fb but we kinda laughed at some things too. The other time was 2 days ago, i said if he agreed to stay as friends he should fb me more and he shouldnt ghost out of my life, and he said he would send more msgs, and we also talked for 1h and we spoke a bit and was kinda forced but we had a good talk, there wasnt bad memories from it. I said in the end that i liked to talk to him and i didnt know if he felt the same and he said that he liked to talk to me too and to not worry about it.
    After our break up my friends that see him in classes say that he looks like he havent slept he looks sad, and he started smoking again (he quitted this year by himself i never asked that of him).
    I know im an atomic bomb and i have a lot of trust issues and we broke up because of miscommunication and because of the bad mood i was causing due to my depression, we are still friends but and i know my hapiness is not defined by him, but what i loved the most was i could share my hapiness with him and see what made him happy. Can you help me what ca i do?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As you've mentioned, he probably just needs some space and time to deal with all this, so it might be a good idea to let him breathe a little while you spend some time picking yourself up and building upon positive changes in your life. Find a way to deal with the emotions and insecurities because if you don't, getting back together may result in a similar outcome down the road if your emotions get the better of you.

  • K

    Hi Kevin,

    I had been with my ex for 6 years and he broke up with me suddenly claiming that he does not love me anymore. His only explanation was that we had many fights in our relationship and it was very tiring for him to compromise. He was not willing to give me another chance to fix things because he doesnt want to give me any false hope that he will fall in love with me again. He felt that we will still be fighting over the same thing in the end if we get back together. We agreed to remain as friends but he claimed that it is still quite awkward and weird for him to become close friends again. He said that he needed time to sort things out but is not interested in pursuing a relationship currently.
    As I have always initiated contact with him after the breakup, he always replies but never tried to initiate a conversation with me. I have just started my no contact period but should I be posting my everyday life on social media or should i block him so that he doesnt know what is happening in my life? Please advice!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Keep him on social media and post on the positive changes you're making to your life. Ultimately, you want him to see that you're making changes and reconsider the relationship.

  • Zante

    First of all, thank you very much for this comprehensive and detailed plan. I was not expecting to find Information of this quality.
    I would like to pick your brain about my Situation - My gf of a year and a half and I went on a break 2 days ago - she initiated this move which was very surprising and out of the blue. We are in a LDR, are seeing each other quite regularly and for Extended periods of time. The relationship has been far from perfect - she is severly depressed and has a hard time to get her life back on track. I have not been reacting quite insecure and codependent throughout the relationship because she is not the most loving Person at all times due to her Depression. Now that I know more about this illness I can see how my behavior drove her away and was not the most supporting behavior - even though I have been very supportive of her in general.
    She said that she couldn't handle the pressure of a romantic relationship at the Moment because she can't even handle herself and my insecure behavior has also been a lot as I already mentioned. She said that she loves me very much but my behavior has driven her away a Little bit. I was very understanding and calm throughout the whole talk and supported her in her decision, knowing that I also needed to work on my codependency. We agreed on no contact until we both felt better - however she texted me yesterday morning saying that she was thinking of me and the she hopes that I have a good day. And hoping that she wasn't intruding. I answered short but nice and I called her in the evening and we had a nice and short phone call where we shared quite some laughters.

    My codepedent mind is freaking out at the thought of not contacting her and basically treating this like a break up so that there would be a clean slate. But I know it's the only way.

    Do you see any chance in this going somewhere again?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As long as you had a meaningful relationship with her, it's unlikely that she would move on so quickly. However, avoid letting the codependent mind as you put it get the better of you because she clearly felt stressed out by the emotional aspects of the relationship, and by acting on your emotions may end up pushing her further away. You want to remain strong and someone she can seem to depend on when she needs to, instead of having to pick up because of insecurities.

  • sb5293

    I ended things with my boyfriend, thinking I wanted to and that it was the right thing. It has been 4 weeks and I still want him back. The problem is that he already has a new girl. The week after I ended things he posted pictures of her on snap chat captioning it date night with hearts and other things like bae. I didn't know he could already be with someone after a week. We were long distance and it makes me feel like he may have been cheating on me, or that this is just a rebound. 2 weeks after breaking up even after posting those pictures of her, he drunk texted me and I should have left it at that, but I replied in the morning with this long text saying something along the lines of "while you're with a new girl, I am still heart broken and that your actions have been immature and that maybe it was right for me to end things." I never heard a response and the week after he posted a picture with the same girl at a concert on instagram that I was supposed to go to with him. Did I ruin my chances by that text? I want to get him back, but don't know how serious he is with her, and don't know if me calling him immature made him not want to be with me even more. I want to work harder on the long distance relationship this time around and need to know what to do to go about it from here. I feel like he may be doing this to get back at me, but he also is the guy that jumps into a relationship. Please help me what to do. Thanks

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I don't think you ruined your chances by replying, but if he is someone who jumps so easily to new relationships, it might be something to be wary of because he may have been talking to her even before the breakup as you've mentioned. At this point, while he's still together with someone else, there's not a lot you can do either way, so it might be a better idea to focus on yourself for the time being.

  • Julia

    The TL;DR: I'd love your advice on what to text my ex who abruptly ended things because he's moving for a job. Background is that we were dating exclusively for several months with so much in common, both were taking it seriously but slowly, no games, so I really saw it going somewhere.

    Although I knew he was interviewing, I didn't know his goal was to move to a different market within Europe. The second he got this job, which doesn't start for another 3 months and is an hour away by plane, 3 by train, he ended things, telling me that i was the “total package,” but that “for now, long distance seemed too difficult…”

    I responded saying that I had considered him to be the total package, that I have no expectations, but that I would like to continue seeing him, at least while he’s still in town. He never responded, which shocked me because what we had was really great, so no reason to just throw me away.

    The no contact period is over so my question is what can I text him to get him back, to get him to at least open the lines of communication and try to be open to having me in his life? I know a new job is a new life, (& I also understand his decision!) but I’m heart-broken and can’t believe that I’ll never talk to or see him again, especially since he’s still here and what we had was really great.. During the relationship, I wasn’t clingy at all, gave him a lot of space, time, etc, but I did cry when he ended things.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There was probably a reason why he didn't hesitate to end things with you the moment he found out that he was going to move cities for a new job. It could be entirely no fault of yours, and he just wasn't serious enough about you, or felt that he still wasn't ready to settle down, etc. I suggest you try to figure out what that reason is before you consider trying anything again because if he wasn't serious about you from the start, then it may be better not to waste your time any further.

      • Julia

        The reason was that he'd been having quite a few conversations with this company, so already was in the mind space of leaving the current city & life behind. In addition, from the time he got the offer and we talked on the phone, to the time we met in person & there was still hope, and then to the time he ended it a few days later, it was clear that he'd talked to a lot of people who told him LTRs fail, and had really given it thought. When we talked Thursday, he said we'd talk about it together Sunday, made what sounded like normal plans on Sunday. On Sunday, it was clear he'd talked to people who were against LTRs, and had thought about it, BUT was still open because he said he'd never expected to meet me, and also said he didn't know what to do. And on Wednesday he texted to end it.

        I understand him being career-driven and doing what's best for his career, and I support that, which I told him, and also made it clear I had zero expectations. I don't understand completely cutting off all communication.

        I've been thinking of sending a few different texts. He's extremely goal-oriented, able to separate from emotions/can be "cold", so I don't know what to tap into to get a connection:
        1. that I was at place X we'd been to in the winter, that it made me think of him, and ask how he is/write "hope you're well
        2. same as above, but say how difference place X was in the spring, and either a. say "hope you get a chance to go before you leave" OR actually ask him if he would want to go
        3. Tell him i got back into sport X, ask about that place where he played, with a "hope you're well"
        4. be honest and say that I know he's got a lot going on as he's prepping for the move, just wanted to know he's on my mind, let him know that I'm always here for him (though I know this won't elicit anything), and that I'd like to be part of his life (though said in a more chill way)
        5. other option?

        To your point, I think he was starting to separate emotions for me/distance himself emotionally, from his career goals, so I'm stuck.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If that is the case, to be honest there isn't much you can do to change his mind because a guy who puts his career first may very well be someone who isn't afraid to cut things off from his life to achieve his goals. If he genuinely is like that, perhaps you might want to consider being fair to yourself and moving on instead.

      • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

        If you can't find your comment around, it may not have met the guidelines for posting and was not accepted.

  • Ms. Jonez

    I tried this.
    And yes it worked. Me and my ex are back together. I did not call text and when I saw him I treated him with respect and smiled. I held no unnecessary conversations. I concentrated on me and made some very positive moves. He had to realize for himself what he had. Even though we are back I am still following these guidelines to keep him on his toes. I am still making moves too! I'm unstoppable! Thank you!

  • Lunian

    Hello, I have been dating a guy for 1 year, we were even planning to get married. Without a notice, he asked for a break beore valentine without giving me any reason. I tried to bare it for 2 weeks before i decided to contact him for us to talk, which he didn't do. After 4 months of been on a break with , i told him i couldn't continue like this . He then asks us to break up. i wish to get back with him but it has been 10 months since that we have broken up. Can it be possible for us to get back given this long time frame and also during this 10 months , every 4 months i was tryong to text him to get back together

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It sounds like he may have lost feelings for you and even possibly someone else, if he decided to break up so suddenly with no explanations and still refuses to entertain you even up till now. You could try contacting him again but if the outcome remains unchanged, perhaps you might want to considering walking away.

  • Simon

    I'm 25 and she's 21, we have been together for about 1 and a half years. We broke up 3 months ago. During 2 of those months, I've done most of the things you're not supposed to do, such as beg, plead, sent roses, gifts and a hand written letter. She said she wanted to hang out but wasn't ready for a relationship, silly me said no I couldn't do that. So fast forward 1 month later with no contact, she has since then unfriended me on Facebook and Instagram. Updated her profile picture, and rejected my offer to go hang out to go to one of her favourite places. Myself I have started to get fit and active again, posting food pictures and things. So after rejecting my offer, I said ok no worries, hope one day we can hang out as friends. She said "dont think so" and "take care".

    Where do I go from here? I mean we were a good couple together, everyone said so and we both believed that too. At the start I had lied to her about my situation because I believed she wouldn't like me as I was then (I know I was wrong), but she confronted me 4 months into the relationship and I apologised and she said she would try to trust me again but it would be hard and slow.

    Do I still have a shot of getting back with her? I think she has moved on...

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There may be a chance that she's moved on, but also a slight chance that she still cares about you, but feels negative towards you over the actions you made after the breakup and hasn't fully gotten over it yet. If you're willing to wait, perhaps give her some more time before initiating contact again and for now just focus on your own life and try to be happy.

  • Chris

    Hi Ryan, my simple question is....How should I handle my situation if i made every mistake in the book and now i pushed it so far that I am blocked. I do not get the choice to initiate "No Contact Rule" on my terms. Does it still work/apply? Is my situation even salvageable?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If it has come to that extent, then no contact becomes the next necessary action because of your lack of other available options. It may still work, but may take longer than the stated time frame and there's still no guarantee that you'll get your ex back. It would really depend on how ugly the situation turned out and how mad/angry your ex is towards you.

  • Jc

    Me and my ex have been together for a solid 5 years but before this we were on and off for 5 years as we were teenagers, I am 25 and he is 26. First of all a month ago he asks for space/a break as he was unhappy and needed time to miss me. I said ok but I said I would wait on him because I love him! We stayed in his mum and dads house confined to one room so which obviously isn’t healthy for any relationship so I think we started taking each other for granted etc and he was desperate to move out but I had quit my job a few months before and started working part time which I think he kind of resents me for and I think that’s where the unhappiness comes from.
    I gave him space for 2 weeks till I found out he had been messaging another girl. I went mad at him for this and he told me that nothing has happened he was only talking to her and he wasn’t interested in having a relationship with anyone else. He eventually said he thinks we should call it a day if I can’t give him the space that he needed. So we broke up. He said he couldn’t help how he felt and that the spark was gone. I gave him 2 weeks of no contact till he messaged me asking to meet up and talk about the break up for closure because he hated that it ended on bad terms, I said yes at first but then said I wasn’t ready.. I kind of let him know that I get why we broke up and I’m focusing on myself etc etc, so that I didn’t come across needy!
    he said he wishes it could be the way it was in the beginning because he still loves me and it’s killing him everyday to know that I’m hurting and he knows how much of an amazing person I am, he wants me to be happy and he’s rooting for me in life! This was 2 days ago and I haven’t spoken to him since, he has sent the last message because I thought that would be best if I ignored a txt message to start no contact with.
    I know we are meant to be together we are soulmates and he is a really great guy! We had a great relationship up until a few months ago. I’m just wondering if it’s salvageable and if I can make him change his mind about me because I know that I can do things differently next time around. Thank you!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There's still a chance that he has feelings for you and cares about you, but just needed breathing room and probably for some changes to be made in order to see the relationship and you in a different light. He says he lost the spark for you, so perhaps it might be a good idea to figure out how best to gain it back with him during this time.

  • Molly

    Hi Kevin, me and my boyfriend were together for about 3 weeks and he told me he loved me, and that I was the first girl he ever properly loved, it made me feel really special, however we split last Thursday because of my jealousy towards his friend, they have no history of any kind but I felt insecure, to which point he said he needed time to which I gave him, however by Sunday he had already messaged me saying he missed me and he needs me in his life, so we started talking again but it was very awkward and Tuesday this week he got angry and said that there was no way back for us and that we were over for good, but I love him so much, so I'm going along with the no contact rule to give him space and time to calm down, do you have any other advice for me?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Keep in mind that your relationship with him was only for 3 weeks and there has not been enough time for a meaningful relationship to build up yet. I would suggest that instead of going with 30 days of no contact to give him a couple of days before trying to work out the issues between the two of you.

  • Nessa

    So how do you do no contact if you still need to communicate regarding the kids and business stuff that we have to communicate on?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Keep the conversation strictly on a 'need to' basis, and only about the kids. Avoid small talk and personal topics.

  • B

    Hi , I met a guy three months ago at a bar and we immediately clicked . He came home with me that night and all we did was talk for hours and hours ... ever since that night we had been inseparable . My friend was with me and met his friend and now they are dating as well . Everything was perfect and I quickly began spending almost every night and weekend at his place ... we had so much fun together and both shared so many things about our lives with each other that we have not shared with anyone else in a long time . We both got out of horrible relationships and clearly have trust issues . Due to anxiety and trust issues I decided to end it but quickly tried to take it back and he called my bluff . I’ve definitley committed the deadly mistakes and I don’t know if there is coming back from my craziness . I just know that he truly was falling in love with me and I don’t want to lose him . P.s my best friend is still dating his best friend so I see him all the time .what should I do ?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Give him some space for now. IF you say that both of you have trust issues, he may be feeling upset or betrayed by your actions so you might have to give it some time before you try talking to him again.

  • Brandy

    My boyfriend ended it on Sunday, we have been together 9 months, he’s still married and living with his wife and kids but they are serparated. She doesn’t know about me, he wanted an amicable divorce with no names mentioned. We had a life planned together and were so very in love. He decides Sunday he can’t handle the double life anymore and ends it. Blocks me, I get angry and send the wife a message of our relationship. I immediately regret it as I know I have hurt other people now just becuase I’m hurting. I sent him a message after saying how sorry I was, all I got back was “never ever contact me again”
    Is it even worth me trying to get him back? we were so in love and I know it was all getting to him. I’m completely devestated and sorry.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Given the context of this situation, it may be a long while before he forgives you if not at all, especially if your text to his wife causes his life to fall apart. It might honestly be better to focus on moving on instead.

  • Sayo

    Hey Ryan. I have dated my ex for two months and things we're great til he has to back to France. We had 3 months of long distance relationship and things became less good and we broke up ( we broke up few times in the middle but he always texts me and tell me he doesn't want to so we never really broke up). But this time we did broke up. He still texts me since Christmas or randomly snow pics. After I didn't reply him he asked " do you care about me?" Then I got mad because he was the one who got distance first. But then he still texts me each festival. It has been four months since we broke up and I did the 30 days no contact rule and improved myself. I started talk with him this week and he responds positively or neutrally. I wish he will like me again. What should I do ???

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      People have very different behaviors when in a close distance relationship and LDR because of the lack of physical contact, but it may not mean that he lost interest in you or stopped caring back then. Perhaps start by trying to build up a level of familiarity again in texting him, but just keep in mind that trying to get back together without actually meeting may be a little tough because of the lack of actual reconciliation.

  • ***Anonymous***

    Hi Kevin, I once posted here about my boyfriend and was advised to do NC which I did and when I later messaged him he was like "shey you've forgotten about me ". We spoke casually but not as normal.. And since then we haven't talked again... It seems he has deleted my contact. Just figured one way or the other. And it makes me feel like he wants to delete me totally from his life.. What do you advice I do.. Thanks

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There would probably be bits of awkwardness again at the start of contact, but you should continue to try building a comfortable level of communication with him so that any hint of awkwardness or animosity goes away.

      • ***Anonymous***

        Hi, how do I do that because, I'm the one who has to do the contacting first.. So how do I get to build communication when it feels like I'm the only one interested... Thanks.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          It certainly has to be a both ways thing in the long run, but perhaps for the start if the other party isn't as interested, build on mutual or familiar topics that can keep the conversation going.

  • Emiley

    Hi. My ex boyfriend broke up with me about a month ago and we spoke last two weeks ago. But we live in the same building, so I bump into him quite a lot and I feel so bad after seeing him. And we have a lot of mutual friends. So this weekend, I have a party at a friend and I´ll know he is going to be there. Is it best to avoid it? I want him back so bad and I’m trying the no contact rule, so I don’t know what I should do in this situation.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could go to the party if you feel confident enough, but avoid contact with your ex and hang out with other friends instead. However, if you think that the situation may get too awkward, it would be better to avoid such events until you're more okay seeing your ex but without the emotional downturns.

  • Kris S

    Hi Ryan just a up date ... she has been very wish washy lately.. I found out yesterday her ex sent her roses and she never mentioned it to me.. I told her she was a tease.. I went to her house last night to watch tv and she acted like she was getting ready to kiss me then walked off.. it’s like she is playing with me.. last night we talked and she said if she is offered the job (which I hope she’s not) she will be moving in 3 weeks! She was looking for apartments yesterday in another city.. we talked about it last night and I told her I supported her moving like you suggested.. then I asked about a long distance relationship with me.. at first she said she wanted to focus on her self and her new position but then when I asked again she said yes and would like to... girl doesn’t know what she wants and seems like she will start ignoring me when she’s moves.. fresh start as she calls it.. help Ryan I don’t want to loose her.. also she will be working in same office as the jerk that constantly flirts with her at work.. and I won’t be there if she goes.. what do I do to win her and keep her?! Also Rryan please I need answer soon. Also please read my question from April 9th below Kris S.. you didn’t respond. We are together now but she feels distant or like I annoy her.

  • Peyton

    My BF and I broke up 3 days ago. We began dating about 5 months ago and became extremely serious very quickly. We lived 2 hours apart from each other, and only got to see each other a limited number of times each week. For the first few months of the relationship, we could not be broken apart by anything. We would constantly talk throughout the day and we always video chatted at night for hours. We had an occasional argument every now and then, but nothing that we did not work through. He always told me plans of his future and how amazing it would be, and I was always included in these plans. After approximately 4 months, things started to become different. When we would go out, things just did not seem as special, and we did not have that original "connection" that we once had. We would get along, but then one of us would say something that would trigger a negative response in the other, which would escalate into an argument. I began to feel as though he was putting other things in place of me and that I was moving down his priority list, day by day. Finally, one day after a pretty hefty argument that ended in making up, he told me that he had planned work events for the next several months during our regular times of meeting. I responded with fear and voiced my concerns to him; however, he found my response to be condescending and took it in a way that made it sound like I was being selfish for worrying about when I would get to see him and how the distance would affect us as a couple. After a few days of arguing and going back and forth, we decided to end things before they became any worse. He now claims to be happy and is moving forward with his life. We still talk on a daily basis just as "friends", but the occasional affectionate comment is made, which confuses me. I am very confused as to what to do at this point. I love him, and I can truly see us having an amazing life together in the long run, and I feel like this is a mutual feeling. I just feel as though he needs to get his priorities straight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      This is common for most relationships. After the initial honeymoon stage, and the novelty of the relationship wears off, couples start to get more impatient with each other, less tolerant, and generally feel a loss of spark or passion. Talking with him on a daily basis may have helped him avoid dealing with the breakup thus far, and isn't going to help you win him back. The best advice I can give is to read our articles and follow the guidelines on winning him. This includes applying no contact to give him an opportunity to miss you and let the breakup sink in for him so that he may end up regretting his decision.

  • Jimothy H

    Hey there I had a question, how long or how many months before one should cut our losses and walk away? I’ve been rebuilding attraction for about 2-3 months and I’ve tried escalating and so far she has responded positively, i suppose. It seems she has gotten used to the idea of talking to me every day again and often times she’ll seem upset that i dont reply or if she calls and say im at the gym, she’ll say “call me when u leave” and sometimes i dont just to test the waters and she’ll tell me “why didnt you call” or “i didnt hear from you anymore”. From time to time she’ll bring up things from our relationship that she didnt like (things i wasnt even aware of) and then she’ll say lets drop it and she’ll seem upset. Kind of a mood killer. It wont be out of the blue though, for example this last time she brought it up because we brought up a particular event we went to and then she said something about that event that i did that she didn’t like (which she never told me at all).. She doesn’t respond negatively to physical touch either. I know this is all good news i guess but there are often times when it seems she doesn’t want to get back together or it seems she doesnt have feelings for me. It’s odd but sometimes it feels this way. So idk if i should bring something up or just keep it going???

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It would seem that she isn't responding negatively to you which is a positive sign. However, it does feel that she has communication issues, and you would have to learn how to get around it and find an effective way to get her to tell you about what she feels. Her feelings towards you right now may not have increased from the last time perhaps because something is stopping her from doing so, and she isn't telling you about it. You could try to talk to her about it to understand how she feels towards you, and decide again from there.

  • Leah

    My ex of 5 years and I broke up 6 months ago. We had just lost the spark in our relationship and felt more like best friends. I initiated the conversation more than him but it was a mutual decision. We shared a home and had to move out and it’s all been very painful. We continued to speak everyday up until recently when I noticed him become slightly more distant. I knew he had been speaking to another woman a couple of months ago but he kept promising me that this had stopped and that he was unsure of his feelings and whether there was a future for us. In the last couple of months I have started to regret the break up a lot. I wish we had put more time and effort into things instead of giving up. A couple of weeks ago after a conversation, it came to light that he had been on a couple of dates with someone else and told me he had slept with her and there was were the start of some feelings towards her. He said he didn’t want to tell me because he still loves me and cared about my feelings and hurting me. Luckily the girl has now moved to another country so it was a short lived thing but really hurtful as he was still speaking to me everyday. Although I am still worried they will keep up contact and maybe they may have a future! He has said now that he is sorry but he thinks there is no going back for me and him. To me it only feels like the break up has started now and not 6 months ago due to the fact we were still speaking all the time. I started no contact 3 days ago and today I had a message from him basically summarising our conversation from the other day saying how he feels and he still loves me and hopes I can be happy. I didn’t respond which has been really difficult as he sent another message asking if I had received the previous and that it had been hard for him to send and he hopes I’m ok. Do you think with continued no contact this could be salvageable?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps, down the road but you'll have to figure out what went wrong with the relationship exactly and if the spark can be re-created again with him. It works both ways, and if you think that by going through NC properly you'll be able to make clear positive changes in your life, the chances of you attracting him back would still exist. However, it might not be immediate and even then, there's no guarantee that he would become attracted to you again so you will have to mentally prepare for that as well.

  • Kris s

    Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team
    Apr 9th, 2018 at 04:20 am
    To be frank, you're going to have to act supportive of her decision if you still want a chance at making things work. I understand that you don't want to see her leave, but if you start begging or losing control of your emotions, you're only going to push her further away. Right now because the relationship is over until you win her back, she does not have a longing reason to stay and whatever obvious actions you make will only make her think you're trying to win her back because you want her to stay.**************************************************To: -Ryan sorry dude I had to put you last message on here because it would not let me reply down below.. I’m not sure how often you get on here but I truly wish I had gotten this advance sooner be I already did this by begging her to stay and it pushed her away even more.. she s kept saying it’s a good move for her.. yesterday we went on a date to see if we can make it back to that point of relationship and I gave her a promise ring saying I wanted to marry her and I promise to do what it takes to makes things right between us.. she was so happy and said she would marry if I had proposed with a ring however she would still move to another city for her job.. I said that would put a strain on our relationship and wouldn’t work.. I said how cane we be engaged or married living in different cities? She said if we both make the necessary adjustements and work at it , it could work.. also she use to flirt and went on a date with a ex Co worker and is also moving to that same city.. she doesn’t have any family out there and doesn’t know anyone except the person who has been actively trying to her her attention and to have sex with her.. that pissed me off.. that’s one of the main reasons I didn’t want her to go.. I won be there and this other person will be around her 24/7.. the last night we had a argument because even though we are not together now she has been talking late night with her ex (child father) she spent the night at my house last night and he called after hours.. she admitted to talking with her and flirting and staying up in phone with him.. I got angry because I asked her how can we have a marriage if you’re still doing same things that broke with up so many times.. her excuse was we are just friends and I get from him what I don’t get from you.. however she doesn’t want me talking or being friends with any of my ex’s or even opposite sex. DOUBLE STANDARD! So since I just read your message now to supporting her she’s already mad at me and said she no longer attracted to me ..that she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore... that we will never have same intense love relationship we once had.. keep in my just yesterday she was onboard with marriage before our argument to today I don’t like you at all and she wants me completely out her life and wants zero contact. Doesn’t make sense.. I sill love her and want her back and know we can work... her attitude changed when I brought up get communication with ex recently and me feeling she will cheat if she moves.. Help Ryan! Below is my last text to her .....Ok.. I still love you and will never fully understand you or the way you do things.. truth is I was real with you at the end of the day.. never wanted anything more than a healthy relationship from beginning.. I've given you a part of my heart no one has had in a long time.. always wanted better for you's crazy we can't even maintain a friendship... I still care about you.. good luck with your new endeavors. ..Also one last thing.. I support you making a better move for yourself.. not saying so that would change anything at this point.. I'm honestly saying that.. put that on my nieces who I love to death.. I always wanted and like to see you doing better and making moves.. same reason why I supported you going back to school.. which I still support. I was being selfish yeah before because I wanted to marry you. So for that I apologize, however it still stands that I truly support growth. Hope you get the job you want or need no matter where it's located. Fr....Lol ok I'll stoping texting you now. Hope you get the job you want or need no matter where it's located. Fr....Lol ok I'll stoping texting you now. Hope you get the job you want or need no matter where it's located. Fr....Lol ok I'll stoping texting you now. ... by the way she ignored all messages.

    • Kris S

      Hi Ryan just a up date ... she has been very wish washy lately.. I found out yesterday her ex sent her roses and she never mentioned it to me.. I told her she was a tease.. I went to her house last night to watch tv and she acted like she was getting ready to kiss me then walked off.. it’s like she is playing with me.. last night we talked and she said if she is offered the job (which I hope she’s not) she will be moving in 3 weeks! She was looking for apartments yesterday in another city.. we talked about it last night and I told her I supported her moving like you suggested.. then I asked about a long distance relationship with me.. at first she said she wanted to focus on her self and her new position but then when I asked again she said yes and would like to... girl doesn’t know what she wants and seems like she will start ignoring me when she’s moves.. fresh start as she calls it.. help Ryan I don’t want to loose her.. also she will be working in same office as the jerk that constantly flirts with her at work.. and I won’t be there if she goes.. what do I do to win her and keep her?!

  • Sandy

    Thank you so much for your quick response. So since then he has been replying, some positive messages but when I said - let me know if you want to meet for a coffee or something be replied saying he misses me and us but is worrying if it’s the right thing to do. I left it and then a few days later wished him a happy Easter.

    He’s been replying but with mostly neutrally to my positive good memory texts and I just don’t know what to do now. Please advise how on how to get him to want to meet with me/ attract him back?? I read somewhere you are supposed to text for a week those kinds of messages to open the lines of communication up and build rapport but I just feel like he’s not interested.

    It’s been 2months since the break up.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It would be best to simply build upon casual topics right now to to build a level of comfort and habit between the two of you talking again. Get him used to that idea, until his trust in you and familiarity comes back, and he may then respond more positively towards your sweet messages.

      • Sandy

        Thank you so much for your rapid response again. He’s been replying more positively. Your advice is working and he has now asked to meet with me this weekend. Very thankful. Will let you know how it goes!!! :)

  • Aaron

    Hi. My girlfriend and i were a good couple. At least i thought so. We would quarrel but usually quick to resolve the issue and make up. We were together for around 3 months. During the 3 months, she loved me crazily, and i did the same. 1 month ago, i had to move overseas to study. At the start she was okay with it, she still loved me the same. But the past 2-3 weeks, she started making excuses for being too tired to text, or other reasons for not being able to video call. I could sense that the emotional connection between us slowly becoming distant. Last week, we called for short break in the relationship, we reconciled 2 days after. She said she wants to continue being together. Yesterday, she said she still has feelings for me, but it is lesser now, and she felt like her feelings were forced, which i didn't quite agree with because i believe that there is more to a relationship that just feelings; such as communication, trust, faith, effort etc. Nevertheless, i reluctantly agreed to break up. According to her, her love language is Quality time and Physical touch. Do you think it may be the lack of quality time together and lack of physical touch that could have caused her feelings to fade?
    Anything you can recommend to help? As of now i haven't had any communication with her except through following each other on instagram

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Long distance is definitely not easy for any relationship. It brings up the aspects we otherwise take for granted, and one being physical contact and time in your ex's case. Those factors can definitely cause someone to feel more distant from their partners. Depending on how strongly your ex needs contact and time in order to maintain her feelings for you, it may not be possible to find a permanent solution because the situation will still remain present as long as you're overseas. If you're only going to be away for a short period, perhaps it might still be possible to convince her to pull through until you return.

  • Ben

    My gf broke up with me about 7 months ago. The first 4 months were just trying to patch things up but it didn't work. So I started NC last 3 months I messed up the first NC so i decided to do the second one. Next week would be the end of the second one. However my gf had a convo with my mum and she agreed to give me a 2nd chance. She told my mum I should call her. But I'm kindna like a phone call would be too confrontational. I forgot to say the main reason why we broke up was she accused me of not calling or showing enough care she just hate me texting all the time. Since she requested a phone call from me, do u think it is a good idea to text her and if I have to text or call her what would I say?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since she hates texting and has requested for you to call, texting her may end up getting her angry again and reminding her why things ended the first time. I would recommend that you follow her suggestion, and give her a call. You could apologize for not showing her enough care or calling enough, and if she really has given you a second chance, work to change those aspects if you haven't already done so.

      • Ben

        I think I have messed up again. I did text her and I had no reply and it has been 2 days since I sent her the message.this was what I sent her
        Hello, Good afternoon. How have you been? I would loved to hear your voice but since we haven't talked for a while now. I think a call would be too confrontational. I had a convo with my mum and she adores you 😊. I decided to initiate contact. I hope youve been doing well and you're loving your new job. 😊😊

        Now I dnt know what to do. I'm wondering she won't pick up my calls but why would she tell my mum she would give me a second chance, does she really mean it? I would call her and try to apologize that I should have call when my mum told me to call. What do you think. Thanks for your reply earlier on.

    • Ben

      I think I messed up again. I messaged her instead of calling her this was what I sent her
      Hello, Good afternoon. How have you been? I would loved to hear your voice but since we haven't talked for a while now. I think a call would be too confrontational. I had a convo with my mum and she adores you 😊. I decided to initiate contact. I hope youve been doing well and you're loving your new job. 😊😊

      I had no reply. I dnt know how to approach her now. It has been 2 days since I sent the letter. Should i tell my mum to call her or i should call and apologize, would that look like I am desperate? What should I do?? Cos i have a feeling she might not pick up my call.


    Me and my girlfriend have a 6 months relationship, our family are conservatives and due to that I ended the relationship last month.
    But after 3 days we are back together.
    But now today she decided to end it.
    I said that you are on the same phase as I was last month, so I will wait for you for come back.
    I don't know what to do next.
    After my breakup last month I am more committed in the relationship than ever before.
    So what do I do to get her back. She is my classmate and I have to see her after 2 days

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could refer to this article on tips to deal with your ex if you have to face her on a daily basis. I would suggest going into No Contact for now, and giving her some space to decide what she wants to do.

  • pam

    so after 2.5yrs together, my fiance of 6mnths has ended it. he was my 1st relationship in all sense of the phrase, i had only ever had 1st dates before him. although we are the same religion, our backgrounds were different, my family being far stricter, and this was always a problem in the relationship as we didn't have the freedom he felt we needed in order to confirm we belonged together. despite that, he did propose on what was the best day of my life, however 1 week later, a fight about the usual, freedom in our relationship, really burst the happiness bubble. we struggled through the next 4mnths, always about lack of freedom, how i needed to be honest to family about what i wanted etc. wedding planning was not good. i bought a dress on a weekend we fought, the venue deposit was paid through bad feelings, no dj/cake/decorator/honeymoon got confirmed. just always me researching and suggesting ideas and him telling me this isn't the engagement that he wanted. he did order save the dates off his own back, so there was something in him that showed he wanted to get married, but no best man was confirmed, no stag, no grooms outfit, nothing. all we had was me crying that married life would be better than dating/ engagement as we would have the freedom he craved so much. eventually i gave in and found ways to lie to family; id stay over but even those nights often got ruined as his whole attitude was harsh and sad. he was never abusive physically or verbally. but he was unkind for sure. its confusing for me now as i want to live happily ever after with him and get the wedding back on a track. but even typing this i realise how awful a relationship it was, because of him. if he really loved me, freedom would not have been the end of the world, but it was. so he just didn't love me enough. i hate to admit it. i think i coerced him to propose and stay together as long as we did. i hate that i played myself for so long. worse, i hate that the limits to a full relationship in his eyes made a really fun exciting man into a sad and hurtful one. he was a great guy, i was so excited to be the woman in his life as he always wanted to do fun things and he was clever and smart. i just wish it had worked out. i'm not angry that he was so unkind to me, i wish he just had more patience and understanding of the limits i had. id love a happy ending to this but my hope is finally starting to fade

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Hang in there Pam. These things happen, and we do hope that you'll have a happily ever after, but it was clear that he didn't seem ready to get married because of whatever reservations he had. The relationship had also probably tired him out and caused him to change over time, which in turn made you very unhappy. Give it some time and space, and see how things go again, but if it was genuinely not a healthy relationship, you are better off considering the alternative of walking away to find happiness elsewhere.

  • oraytt

    Hi there, My ex is dating with someone. though we still talk because were classmates. we still do the things we do. but im having a hard time with the new guy. and i cant make the no contact because we meet everyday

  • Jade


    So my ex broke up with me less than a week ago and I have tried to initiate NC, however he has text me and we are seeing each other to sort through out stuff. I have told him I need space to process this however, he still checks up on me to check if im okay even though he doesnt say much back to me. I am thinking of giving him about four weeks to have space as I know I need that too. What would you recommend the best way to contact my ex? He knows I like to write letters but has never written one to me and I don't want to scare him off and would like to get a response from him. This may sound weird but planning out my next moves for myself and even contacting him is helping me accept the break up. Thanks!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could follow the guidelines found in our article on what you should do. Alternatively, this article might help specifically for your game plan after no contact ends.

  • Excalibur6

    I reconnected with my ex after 3 weeks no contact. Went good she suggested meeting for dinner, she bought I Did all the right things night went great.

    After she said she didn't want to jump back into relationship. Knowing her I took this as her stringing me along. I panicked and wanted to rush the makeup talk, because she ending things really badly with me, she faked cheating to push me away. For sure she didn't after having a honest talk.

    Anyways after I asked her to come to a club after a week. She comes we have a great dinner and night. She did say she felt she needed to date others to know if I'm the one casually during dinner.

    We had great time she got too drunk. I took care of her brought her home after vomiting everywhere, cleaned her etc.

    In the morning she's all over me affectionate and we were kissing etc. I haven't experienced this in months

    We were going to meet up for dinner at my place and she was going to take me out to dinner It was going great.

    Anyways few days later I get paranoid that she's maybe seeing that guy because I don't fully trust her after the breakup and still have doubts to whether she was cheating for real or not from before the relationship ended. Anyways I Caught her in a lie about where she was one night because I didn't want to continue if she was lying to me.

    Anyways she pulled away said we weren't right for one another said she remembers why she broke up when I annoyed her trying to explain my rational for confronting her lie. And I pleaded to try and keep her dating me.

    I said fine I'm cutting you out for good. Dot want you as a friend or a crutch while you date others. Or I'm a plan b. Your being mean etc. I said I'll. Give you a week to change your mind, she liked that idea and said she might contact me. I said I won't initiate ever again.

    Should I go nc again? 30 days? Let her cool off for a few or give up?

    She did says she was about to start seeing a guy off Tinder.

    She seems to have feelings but knows we aren't right for one another.


    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Let her cool off for now, and perhaps go about NC anywhere between 2-4 weeks depending on the severity of the incident. Keep in mind that you should learn to control your emotions better and not jump to irrational thoughts or get overly possessive because you are not yet officially back together with her. I think that if you want a chance at winning her back, you would have to make some changes to your mindset and emotions, as the possessiveness and insecurities were probably what pushed her away this time.

  • Kris S.

    Hi Ryan I need you help again. I got my girl back in January after completely the 30 day no contact.. it absolutely worked! Here’s the problem now. She recently broke up with me again a few days ago and this is the 3 rd time we have broken up. First time I broke up with her and last two times she broke up with me. After the 30 day no contact I was able to improve myself and heal somewhat. We got back together even tho she was hesitant at first. She broke up with me recently because she said I kept bringing up the past situations we fought about (she hooked up with her ex more than I once). We would argue about how she hooked up with him multiple times when we broke up and I said it was shady because if she loved me she would not have done that. Also same day we broke up , she hooked up with her ex , which is why I said shady.. didn’t make sense to just happen out of nowhere.. also she said I don’t care about her anymore or the relationship because of my nonchalant attitude.. this is not the case I care and love her but she sometimes takes me for granted so I purposely would be act nonchalant.. of course this just made things worse. She said we don’t work and never will because of this also she was upset we don’t have sex a lot.. she wants more sex but I was somewhat turned off by her hooking up with other people in the past.. I want her back and for us to work properly. Yesterday I asked her out to dinner and she made arrangements to meet me however we ended up arguing.. she says she feels she can never open herself back up to me again. She has a history of saying she wants me to chase after her then turn around and tell me not to chase her heart. What should I do to get her back and keep her? We don’t want to be stagnant relationship. I asked her yesterday if she wanted me to stop chasing her and she said yes , but then when I asked if she would allow me to show her I care and we can work with my actions, would she allow me to show her exp take her out or hang out.. she said yes she was willing to allow that.. I’m so confused dude about what this girl really wants . If she’s really done with me or if she just want me to try harder. Please please help Ryan

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It's not only about what she wants at this point, but also the communication breakdown that you both seem to have. You'll have to learn to let go of the negative past events if you ever want anything to work out. You'll also both have to communicate your needs, and try to reach a compromise, and to avoid bringing up the past whenever you get into an argument. For the time being, going back into NC again might be the best solution as you give her some time to cool off before trying to reach out once again.

      • Kris s

        Thanks Ryan.. I have another dilemma now. She just told me today she has a job interview Monday for a position in another city. I love her and don’t want her to go. She says it’sore money and she would have stayed if we were together or engaged.. I asked her to be my gf again and she said no it’s too soon and I’m just saying that to get her back or to stay.. this isn’t true.. I was trying to do the N.C. rule again and give her space otherwise I would have asked her son time ago.. what do I do dude?! I can’t loose my girl.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          To be frank, you're going to have to act supportive of her decision if you still want a chance at making things work. I understand that you don't want to see her leave, but if you start begging or losing control of your emotions, you're only going to push her further away. Right now because the relationship is over until you win her back, she does not have a longing reason to stay and whatever obvious actions you make will only make her think you're trying to win her back because you want her to stay.

  • Pls Help

    My ex and I were together for almost 4 years, had a dog, lived together for the last one. It was a bad idea to move in together, we were at 2 completely different places in our lives. We started fighting more often than not in our last year, intense, hurtful fights. He broke up with me a month before Christmas when we were going away with his family- I was devastated. Although we didn't bombard each other with texts or calls we still didn't do NC and continuing arguing about everything in our usual fashion for about 3 months. We then did NC for a month, he reached out to me after we matched on a dating app asking to see me and the dog. We got together, it went ok, we didn't fight but we still had a bit of a heated discussion (on his end, I was calm in explaining how I understood we needed time to heal and get over our negative feelings). His issue is that he doesn't want to talk about things anymore, understandably so, because it's exhausting however we haven't actually resolved any issues.
    We didn't speak for a week- he called me at 4am which I didn't answer. He then started texting me quite frequently, said he thought about me and our relationship a lot and although he wasn't completely fine he recognized some issues and was open for a discussion. We hung out, it was great, ended up sleeping together, but knowing he is on a dating app obviously I felt vulnerable and wanted to talk to him about it. Bad idea, for 3 days we had yet another one of our blow out fights with him yelling and swearing at me, calling me names, being downright disrespectful, because my bringing up my feelings were a reminder of why we broke up in the first place, it took him right back to square 1 because he remembered all the bad things he was feeling from before, saw that nothing had changed and needed to take a step back again (and the guy has a temper so this was not said in a nice way whatsoever).
    So we are now back to NC which I intend not to break, it's been a little over 4 months since we broke up and I guess I'm wondering if we think he is going to reach out again, and if he does if it's simply because he misses me or because he's hoping to reconcile? Or if you even think we have a chance at reconciling at this point? His birthday is coming up and I'm wondering if I should text him (because he texted me on mine)- it will be in the 3rd week of no contact?
    I guess I'm just struggling with the whole idea of other girls in the picture because despite being a confident person, I think someone should be committed to working things out with you, not keeping other options open...

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It seems to me that unless you ex decides to change his way of dealing with conflict and negative emotions, even if you do reconcile with him, the same issues would occur as communication constantly becomes a major issue for both parties. His activities on the dating app may be a result of breaking up, in which you shouldn't overthink since everyone has their ways of coping which could stop once things settle down with him. You could drop him a text on his birthday but if NC has not ended yet, perhaps try to limit the amount of small talk for awhile longer, but use the birthday text to get a sense of how he responds towards you.

  • Raegan

    So my boyfriend broke up with me today. We broke up once before over a silly little thing which he admitted was a stupid reason. But this time I messed up. I lied about something pretty big and lied about it for a while. He found out from a friend that it wasn’t true. He asked me about it and I admitted to it. I lost his trust and he broke up with me. Idk if there’s still a chance or not.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You'll probably have to give him some space for now to cool off, and apply no contact first before attempting to re-gain his trust again and getting him to open up to you once more. It definitely depends on how badly he took it and whether he's a person who can forgive easily or not.

  • Albert

    My gf broke up with me with a message WhatsApp, she texted that she was not comfortable with me anymore. that really hurt me a lot, i never expected that, yeah, we had some troubles before, she was so irritated all the time that i was with her. Everytime i tried to be nice and calm down the situation, but she always found a reason to be upset with me. We have been together for almost 4 years. I give her space, and then 2 weeks without see each other she texted me that she was done, and i asked her if at least can the break up could be face to face, i want to see her a last time to say goodbye and thank her for everything, and she agreed. that happened sunday, im gonna see her this saturday, but we dont set up it "formal" i only asked if saturday can we see us to talk ,but we didnt set time, and no place where can we meet up.. what can i do? i havent texted since that day, should i text her that day? Please help. i want her back

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Yes you could, or the night before to schedule a timing to meet. You might have to understand in greater detail why she could so easily lose feelings for you from 2 weeks of not contacting her, and if it's genuinely on her part that she requires patience and lots of physical contact in order to sustain an emotional connection, you might have a tough time following our guidelines on no contact.

  • Jin

    Hi ,i were in a long distance mix culture relationship with my british ex bf.we have been together for one and half year,we visited each other or went to another country together. one month ago he broke up.with me.then he flew to Portugal to try to sleep with another chinese girl.and he made it.after that i started no contact.3 days ago i contacted him .he gave quite positive response .today he wanted to call me. i agreed.then he told me he was in the airport .going to fly to china to meet her new chinese gf which he slept with in Portugal.we talked only 8mins,then i hang up,he wanted to talk longer because he is bored waiting in the i am so frustrated,dont know what i should do during his visit this time.please help me.thank you.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If he is already dating someone new, perhaps it might a better idea to walk away from him and move on. It seems like because of his new partner, that he no longer displays romantic affection towards you and trying to re-ignite it while he is dating someone else is inadvisable.

  • James

    I did all the necessary steps and it was working for a bit. After NC I rebuilt communication with her through texting. We went out on 2 "friendly dates" and we both had the time of our lives. She was giving me some vague signs that things were going well but that could be because we had a great 2-year relationship and things never got ugly during our breakup. However, when I asked her for another meeting she said "we can't keep going out like friends". I finally convinced her to meet once more so I explained that I don't see her as a friend, that I learnt from my mistakes, our past relationship ended for a reason and I wanted to start something new with her. She got a bit emotional and did some blaming on both of us. She told me she doesn't want to try again because she wants to move forward and put herself first. We then spent the rest of the night hugging and laughing to our stupid inside jokes before saying goodbye, seemingly forever.
    I now fully know the reasons to our breakup and it's definitely not something irreconcilable, more like bad timing and everyday life that led to losing the flame. We both know we can have a good time together, she still loves me and doesn't want anybody else at this time. She's affected by this but tries not to give me anything to hope for and wants to stay true to her decision because "not looking back" and "the best is yet to come". Seems like all hope for getting back together is lost. Is there anything I can still do?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      The best thing left to do at this point is to give some time between the both of you. She feels this way now because ultimately, she may not have let go of all the negative emotions she felt back then. If you feel that bad timing and loss of spark was the key issues, if you really do want her back, perhaps address those issues by giving enough time to pass and both of you start to align more again in frequency. However, this time frame is not definite and it would probably require a lot of patience from you as you continue being her friend for now. If you think that you're unable to do so, moving on might be the easier thing to do instead.

      • James

        Thank you for your response! It makes sense to think she hasn't let go of all the negativity. I'm all for being her friend for now but she isn't gonna let me be around because like I said it still affects her and makes her feel conflicted. So yeah, I'm not sure what to do next.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Continue giving her space for now since it's clear that she hasn't reached a stage where she's okay talking to you normally again. Continue with no contact and let more time pass before attempting again.

  • Ness

    Hi Ryan, my 8months boyfriend broke up one month ago now. He confess me afterwards that he was going through a depression since 2 months (as he might loose his business) and that our relationship was stressing him out as I was often complaining. That he still loved me but he wanted to be single and focus on himself to sort out his life. I should have respect his wishes but instead I did everything I should not have done. Asking him to reconsider his decision many times, hookup maybe 3 times since then to keep contact, and sending him a lot of messages asking insecurity questions. I came at his without no warning to talk face to face 2 days ago around 11PM and he literally lost his temper saying I was weird, I was sending too many massages which distracted him, that I had too many red flags to be together again.. He asking me to leave and that he didn’t want to hear about me again. The next day I deleted everything phone number, messages, and unfollowed him to start to move on as I didn’t think I would hear from him again. But he eventually send me a text to apologize and explained me that he had a stressful day and was literally fed up with everything. So I am wondering do you think I have a chance to get him back with the NC period ? What shall I do ? Thanks a lot

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since he is feeling stressed out and is facing many issues, perhaps NC might do both of you some good since it gives him space to deal with his issues and let go of the pent up frustrations he might be feeling towards you. At the same time, it would be good for you to take some time to change any negative aspects of yourself so that when you initiate contact again, he would see you in a different light.

  • Cory


    My boyfriend (33) and I (29), a same-sex couple, were together for one year and four months. We would see each other every weekend and we would stay at either of our places since we live about 1.5 hours away from each other. During our relationship we texted daily, we travelled, I met and became friends with his friends, I would cook for us, everything was going great. About 6 months into the relationship there was a decrease in sex/fooling around, but I attributed it to him taking Adderall after we became a couple. I calmly brought it up twice throughout the relationship. We talked about it and he said he thought it was the medicine. We never really argued or fought at all. I felt that we communicated fairly well.

    About a month ago, we met up in the city for dinner with a friend and we had a great time. The next evening, he drove up to my apartment and was shaking when he walked in. He said, "Babe, I think we need to break up." I felt shocked and said, "Ok, but can you tell me why?" he gave me answers that he wants to move to a new city and start a new life. That he wouldn't feel right asking me to move and what if he failed or decided to move back. He did say I could text him if I had any questions and he said he would answer them. I texted him a few times and he later said, he wasn't sure there was anything to bring the spark back. About a week post break up, he defriended me from Facebook, where I had only posted twice, but would "like" comments and other posts. I will admit that I went to his Facebook page and saw that some guy tagged him on a post. I had never heard of this guy before, and now I'm coming up with all sorts of thoughts and scenarios in my head. I'm trying my best to believe they're just friends.

    I did no contact and finally sent him an email a couple days ago. It was formatted like Kevin suggests and puts no pressure on him to reply, and I'm not expecting a response. I know him well enough to know that he's a determined guy and will want to stick to his decision. I was blindsided by the breakup, but now that I've had the chance to look back on our relationship, I can see where we each could have done better. I wish I could have realized this earlier. I'll be waiting a week or two to send him a text message. My question is, would it be wrong to send a photo too? He always had the perfect meme or image for any situation and I'm wondering if sending one might help lighten the mood.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If it's a picture relating to the relationship that might lighten the mood as you say or bring back familiar memories, by all means include it within the next message you send him.

  • Mohammed SB

    My ex gf broke up with me on 4th of Feb 2018, we were together for 8 months things were going so good we loved each so much other until our last month, things changed and she got busy and we stopped communicating like we used to but i used to ask her whats going on and why she changed, she kept saying that shes busy moving to her new house but suddenly one day she told me that she cant continue this relationship because she got tired and shes afraid that nothing will happen between us in the future i tried to ask why whats wrong then she told me about this guy she met on the last month of our relationship and that she wants to be with him, at first i was shocked and really upset and i stopped communicating (NC) for 17 days then i initiated contact with her on day 18 but never showed a sign of weakness and i kept the conversation brief i made her laugh and everything was good but at the end of that week i couldn't hold myself about her and the new guy and i told her how i missed her and that we can sort things out and i tried to meet her but she refused and said she cant and refused to get back, she said its hard for her to be back together with me i felt so bad and That's when i stopped contacting her and used NC again but this time I'm doing it the right way and its my 27th day on NC but she didn't contact me and she didn't show any signs of missing me but 2 days ago she started posting pic of her new bf on Whats-app (we are friends on Whats app) and saying how much she loves him and she's happy with him she kept that post for about half a day then she changed it, I started to panic and I don't want to lose her,I love her so much and I'm sure that we can sort things out, so should i initiate contact with her? so that she doesn't move on with her new bf and forget about me or should i stay in NC ??

    PS: she started to show her new relationship on snap chat and Instagram with this guy, she didn't use to do this stuff with me but i unfollowed her on snap chat and Instagram since the day we got broke...... so Why showing!!!!! ( we are apart for more than 1 month)

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There might be a possibility that she may have moved on since the break up, but there's also a chance that he is simply a rebound, since people who get into rebound relationships tend to amplify their feelings of affection towards their new partner in order to escape the negative emotions of the breakup with you. Unfortunately, while she is still together with the new guy, there isn't much you can do (or should) because your actions would be met with hostility or negativity, and things may only end up getting worse. Right now, you can either decide to continue with NC further and observe what happens down the road, or consider moving on from her if you're unable to wait it out.

  • Anakaren

    So I was only able to stop texting my ex fiancé for 2 weeks. When i messaged him he was being really cool. I asked him if he wanted to work things out and he said he didn’t know that we had to talk in person first. Well he was taking hours to reply to me but I saw on the app he was texting and talking to someone on the phone constantly. I called private and it was a girl. Well long story short I made a huge deal I texted her and told her whatever she could keep him. He wasn’t mad that I went through his privacy. I ended up apologizing to both because I obviously did wrong but things in a way for better for my ex and I. He said he still loves me but he doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now. He told me to do myself and go out on dates. I’m really confused because he said he’s not going to be dating or sleeping with other girls but he is going to go out and socialize. He said we can be friends with benefits if there isn’t any strings attached. But we both love eachother so this is so confusing

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Not to be negative, but it honestly sounds as if he has emotionally given up on the relationship with you for whatever reasons. The fact that he was nonchalant to your actions, wanting to continue going out to socialize and even suggesting to become friends with benefits does make it seem like he doesn't care. However, I may not know the full situation, and if you feel otherwise and want to win him back, perhaps give both parties some space and apply no contact. Definitely do not agree to becoming friends with benefits in the meantime.

  • Sandy

    Please help me...I was with my boyfriend for 6months, he is 45 and I’m was a very good relationship but last month was bad due to arguments because his ex gf harassing him all the time causing insecurities. We broke up 6weeks ago now -he said he needed space. I did 1week no contact then messaged to see how he is and then we communicated briefly and then he ignored me.

    I sent him a hand written letter agreeing with his decision to split even though that’s not how I felt. I heard from him next day but then replied and he ignored me. I finished 2weeks of no contact a few days ago and initiated a good memory text and he replied with a polite formal message. I asked if he wants to meet for a coffee but he hasn’t responded. What do I do? I really need to see him and desperately want a chance to rebuild our relationship.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If he still continues to ignore you, it would best to properly finish No contact and give him more space since he has expressed it. You should be spending time within this period to make positive changes to yourself as well, so that when you do make contact after NC, he would see you in new light as a changed person.

  • Anne Klein

    My boyfriend broke up with me very suddenly about 4 days ago. He said he just didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore and wanted to explore more things. We are supposed to talk again in several weeks. I am trying to go through the no contact period, however I go to school with my ex and I am unable to avoid him. I recently texted him that I wanted him to keep his distance so I could have time to think and heal from the breakup. He agreed to this, but hasn’t really been sticking to those conditions. How do I get him to miss me if I have to see him everyday? I am trying to act nonchalant around him but I’d rather us not have any contact at all. He is also not acting like himself around others and is trying to get attention and be outspoken as if to look like he is fine without me. He’s never acted like this before, what does it mean? I’d love to get back together in the future but I don’t know how to go about the no contact period if I have to see him every day.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could refer to this article on ways to deal with an ex that you have to meet frequently. Additionally, his outspoken and unusual behavior may be the result of him still having feelings for you but unsure of how to process them, therefore actively trying to convince himself that he's fine.

  • Niles


    my long-distance ex broke up with me very recently, just a week ago. It was pretty weird because the first evening she didn't even say "It's over" or anything along those lines, and also she gave me a variety of reasons, a lot of which did not make sense. E.g. saying that we wouldn't fit together, although we have mutual hobbies and the same sense of humor and more (which is also why I think the relationship is worth fighting for).
    She also said she just didn't love me anymore, but if so she was hiding it pretty well for the last few weeks and also made some odd decisions, like booking holidays with me not even a week before breaking up, or having me buy her a birthday present not even 2 days before the breakup (I know she doesn't give too much damns about birthdays so she could have easily said she didn't want anything).
    In the last few weeks we did have some arguments, but I could not have imagined her breaking up just because of that, at least not before trying to talk calmly about it first.
    So right now I am confused as to why exactly she broke up, and if she actually just does not love me anymore (since she really was not acting accordingly, and also because she broke up after an argument). And if she still has romantic feelings towards me, is going no contact still the right choice?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      First figure out the reason why she broke up with you. She may have been confusing during the breakup and giving her reasons because she may not be good with confrontation. If the genuine reason was because she lost feelings and was continuing with her actions out of habit, it would be better to give NC a go first. If there is something that can be resolved, try to convince her to give you another shot to work things out.

      • Niles

        Hey, thanks for the quick response.

        How should you go about finding out those reasons? After reading and watching a lot about NC and that you shouldn't break it, and that you should not be talking to your ex about the break up anymore. So I don't know if asking her outright might annoy her, and if she can even give me genuine answers herself yet. Of course I have already thought about it myself, the problem is that there is just not one explanation that makes full sense.
        On the one hand she did start "distancing" herself from me, but her actions always had other reasonable explanations, and as far as I know up until then everything was fine (as I said she didn't really behave differently towards me and we did plan and even booked holidays together), we had seen each other over New Year and she seemed very much in love with me then, and in the meantime I didn't start doing anything differently that would explain her losing attraction.
        On the other hand, recently, we did have arguments which could have gotten too much for her to handle, and in my opinion that could be resolved (for once I could work on myself and the problems just occurred because it was long-distance but that would have changed pretty soon), but I am out of ideas how to convince her of that as well, all I could think of was to tell her I understand why she felt the way she did and sincerely apologize for my behavior. Then she might realize herself that the relationship can work and she can be happy in it.

        Sorry for the long texts, it's just a really dire and confusing situation right now.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          I understand how you might be feeling right now. Most often times, we end up losing ourselves in an attempt to get closure over the breakup, but in reality, not everyone gets that chance. If you have somewhat figured out the reason why things ended, it may be best to accept it at that, and focus on making those changes you've mentioned earlier. You don't have to convince her just yet since you're about to go into NC, nor should you be obsessing right now on how to win her back. Spend this time focusing on making positive improvements, so that when the opportunity presents itself down the road, your ex would see you in a different light.

  • Jim

    So my ex and I broke up 6 weeks ago. I only begged for about 24 hours then I went into complete NC. She messaged me after a week, asking me a few questions (as we had recently moved out of our home). Then she was sad I wasn’t responding, asking to help her because she was feeling lonely and didn’t know what to do. I responded with short but kind message and she responded with a very long message about how she has to let go of us and that she missed, I responded again (she begged me for a response) very kindly to that message and said I respected her decision to break up and I wish her well. I have worked on myself, I’ve lost 5kgs, I joined a running club, being on dates, rediscovered my confidence, got a new job, posting happy positive stuff on social media. So after 32 days of me not initiating contact, I sent an elephant in the room text (we had a rough few months with me losing my job and having to leave our house) because we had a big fight that lead to the break up, I got no response. So I left a week and sent a emotional text about an inside joke we had going and it’s being two days and no response, I did not say anything about the relationship or missing her or anything . Should I just leave it? Go no contact again? Try an advice text in a couple of weeks?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Go no contact again and wait a week or two before trying again. It could be that she's avoiding you for the time being, or trying to deal with her own issues right now.

  • Phillip

    I've sent some messages here a while back and it sort of helped me and thaks for that :). I was patiently waiting to contact my ex and after I finally did we started talking. Sometime we would talk for a few days then stop then talk again etc. I finally asked her for a coffee so that she could help me with some things for work. I kept it casual but we ended up talking for a lot of other things and it felt great we both had a great time. Now I am not sure that I should say how happy I was that we saw each other or not and I am not sure what to do next. I usually want to have a plan before doing something but more often than not that's too late.

    Thanks, Phillip

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Keep things casual, perhaps let her know it was nice meeting her and she looked really great. Continue with the casual conversations and work your way from there.

  • Daliah Brown

    Hey Ryan, I think I destroyed everything, I had to take your suggestion of talking things over with my ex after a week or some time and I being needy and hurt beyond limits, called him and it started with just asking him the reasons and went on to be the worst phone call of my life because I begged, I cried, I blamed him, Then I blamed myself.

    He said this is why I need this breakup, you could not be on your own for five days! Had you given me at least ten days time, I would have thought about starting it again but this call is making me feel I was right about the breakup. He said that I didn't mean I cannot take care of you financially, I meant I cannot take care of your emotional needs. I cannot deal with your complaints of not talking to you well, not giving you time when I don't get enough time for myself. Someone in his friend circle was talking about girls, objectifying them as baggage and he said he felt he could relate and this is when he realized he cannot do this anymore.

    I broke every rule, begged him to meet me once, Begged him to take me back and felt ashamed later to have stooped that low. In my opinion, I never felt I was doing anything wrong because I have never ended his call even when I have been busy and this opinion destroyed everything because I felt I was entitled to get his time back because he made a commitment to me to be there for me. Now I realize how caged he must have felt. I am shattered right now. I feel a void inside but I still want his happiness and I want him to realize at some point that there were more happy times than sad and frustrating times in our relationship. I am sure of this that it was happy four years since he was still discussing taking a flat together soon until around March 15th...but he gave up on me when I said that I cannot make it until April when I had promised him that I will take care of all health issues by 20th February.

    I feel like I have driven him away forever, a guy who when was breaking up said it will always be you and only you and if I ever get into a serious committed relationship like marriage it will only be with you. How could I be so foolish to do this to the guy I love so much.

    I even said this to him that I ruined it all by today's call and closed all doors? please don't hate me for that and he said I cannot ever hate you, no matter what you do.

    this is the note on which all his conversational abilities ended from his side and he said I cannot take more of this, it makes me feel like a monster, it's no better for me than it's for you but I need it now.

    I want to be better Ryan, I want to be happy on my own. Just the way I was when he met me, a strong woman who fought back with him when he said something hurtful instead of pleading for an apology. I haven't changed, I just was reacting to my surroundings and my insecurities and it is ultimately that which drove him away.

    I really want to know how to make myself better after this. I had attached everything I own with him and everything reminds me of him and I don't want to live a teary-eyed life all the time.

    I really really want him back for the simple reason that we were both happy with each other until I went back home due to medical issues, stopped working altogether, started complaining a lot, blaming him and others around too, I had become a whiny little kid. This was the best part of the relationship that we felt happy like kids when we were with each other but due to my insecurities i became the girl they warn men about before getting into a relationship.

    I want him back, not now, I want to take time, give both time to grow but I don't want to lose him, I know for sure he is the one for me and I know I have been the one for him till now. I don't want to lose him forever.

    Please guide me, I need it desperately...

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since the damage has already been done at this point, the best thing you can do is to mend at least a part of the situation, by first picking yourself up. Understand that you don't need a person in your life to become a strong and determined woman (although having a person helps on occasion). Right now, you know the issues that went wrong and hopefully you are beginning to understand the aspects that he could not take in the relationship that led to the breakup. Insecurities and emotional instability are issues that often break a relationship, but they aren't issues that can be worked on while you're together with someone.

      I suggest actually taking the opportunity now, to give him some space from the recent events and to spend the time working on these issues and learning to love yourself. If you aren't able to do so, it doesn't matter which relationship you get into, because the same issues would arise eventually. Understand what causes these insecurities (lack of self-confidence, trust, etc) and figure out how to go about in increasing these areas. Focus on positive changes in your life, and then when the time comes you could consider initiating contact with your ex once again if you still have feelings for him.

      • Daliah Brown

        Thank you for showing some confidence in me. I just want to be a better person for now and want a relationship only when i am sure that i will never love my partner more than how much i love myself. That is what leads to insecurities and although our partners often try to change us but we shouldn't change who we are because they like it for a time being but ultimately they feel they have lost the person they fell in love with. This forum, this team and Ryan you, Thank you. I want to focus on myself not because i want him back, I want to focus on myself now to be happy, with or without him or anybody.
        Thank You

  • Desmond Tiny

    So me and my ex broke up like a week and a half ago after being together for roughly one year and 4 months. 2 days after I started no contact. But she kept messaging me and telling me she misses me and wants to meet me. But today I fucked up (4th no contact day) and told her my feelings after I replied to her msg. Is my chance to get her back over? What should I do?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It depends on how she responded to your feelings. If she genuinely misses you and wants to meet you, I don't think you would have ruined your chances of getting her back.

  • Mari

    Hi. ex broke up with me after I texted him a million times. Short version of story - he cheated for some time, got caught. Then he wanted to work on us and save us. My emotions were everywhere. I love him and i believed him when he said he wanted to make it work. I thought that we were headed in the right direction. However, a family member got ill and I didn't listen when he said he needed to focus on family right now. I bombarded him with texts and calls because I was scared he was pulling away and didn't want me anymore. I don't know - maybe I'm still being naive. But I believe what we had was true love and we are still meant to be together. I begged and pleaded for him not to leave me and then he broke up with me and said he isn't coming back to me. Is this beyond repair, or can NC help in this case? I don't know if he did it because he is really done, or because it was an emotional decision and it was the only way to get me to stop texting, etc. Nothing feels right.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      NC might help to pick yourself up, and to give him some space for the time being since he needs to focus on his family. It's not wrong of you to feel insecure especially since he cheated before, but you have to ask yourself if you really want him back if you're willing to set that aside and trust him again.

  • Daliah Brown

    Hey Kevin, My boyfriend broke up with me four days ago after a happy relationship of four years, He said he doesn't want to do this but there is no other way since he is not sure about his future and his job growth and that he wouldn't be able to provide for me even when i argued that He need not provide for me, I can do it very well on my own, he said he has decided and there is no way we can get back together. Saying that he said, I love you very much but this is for you, You deserve better.

    When i had met him, I felt i have found love at last. It was all good till we were in college, as soon as he started working. He became angry and irritated all the time, went on days without sending a text till i texted him or called him. we used to fight but we started talking within the hour. I had to move back home due to illness and within that time of around eight months he asked me to come back, but i stated my reasons. It was as if he understood it all but then didn't want to understand.

    But things were never so bad that he would break up, He had brought up the issue of me coming back in the afternoon saying that i didn't need to. At night he called and said that he wants to end it for good stating an entirely different reason.

    Now i want him back but i feel so betrayed because he brought it on me out of blue, stating my happiness as the reason but didn't even ask me whether i was happy or not. I am angry but it has always so been that no matter how angry i am, i look at him, talk to him or hug him, I have a huge smile on my face. So, I want to know how to fix this... since he broke up saying that he loves me a lot but it is impossible for him to keep living on with the commitment of a future when he is not earning so well.

    I am so confused.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I suggest giving yourself some time to process everything and consider what actually happened, and what caused him to suddenly end things. You could try talking to him about it to get an honest answer, but perhaps wait a couple of days to even a week first. If he does not respond positively or you feel that he is dishonest, perhaps go into NC for awhile to let things cool off before attempting to talk to him once again down the road if you still want to be with him.

      • Daliah Brown

        I should have listened to you, I messed it all up. Please read the entire comment I wrote today

  • Iza

    Hello, my boyfriend of 3.5 years has just broken up with me. It came literally out of nowhere as we were very much in love, and had the most amazing, healthy, loving and fun relationship. We had the friendship, we had the companionship, lots of the same hobbies. We’ve created our own language for christ sake! We’ve lived together for almost 2 years, well still live together but he is currently in his country visiting his family. I am 42 and he is 35. When we first met he had some doubts because of the age difference but then he just forgot about them and just enjoyed our relationship. Recently his younger brother’s gf got pregnant. Another friend of his is trying for a baby, his best friend just got a serious girlfriend so everybody around him is settling down. That made him finally think about his life as he’s been a happy go lucky person without thinking about his future. He finally did and the doubts about me related to my age returned. He thinks is better to break up now because he is confident that we would break up sooner or later anyway. Because i am not necessarily the person he thought he would end up with. Neither does he want to waste my time as he is not ready to have kids now and when he might finally be ready, i may be too old. So basically, he loves me very much and cannot imagine his life without me but chooses to leave me because it’s for the better for both of us. He has a lot of preconceptions about his life that he hasn’t revisited for a long time. 2 weeks ago he asked for some time in order to think things through and revaluate his life but then he decided it’s better to break up. I dont understand how he can just give up on us like this. Surely if he really loved me we could work something out in order to postpone having kids, we live in the 21 century! There are options!
    Do you think there is a chance he comes to his senses and realises that he’s made a mistake by giving up on something so special? How to make him do that? Am I wasting my time on this guy? We’ve just said goodbye to each other at the airport and he cried like a baby. I know he loves me and I am not in a denial.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      He may be feeling the reality hit him as you've mentioned and decided to pull away as a result. I would recommend you trying to talk some sense into him, but perhaps give him a couple of days to deal with his own emotions first and calm down before telling him how you feel. If he still does not want to listen, then it might be wiser to consider walking away unless you're also not in a rush to settle down and wouldn't mind waiting for him to see if he ends up eventually coming to his senses or not.

      • Iza

        Hello Ryan, thank you for your advice. I started the no contact period and had the most difficult 3 days in my life. Today he got in touch and got my hopes up. I thought that maybe he missed me so much that he changed his mind. He didnt. He just wanted some news from me. And then he quickly retreated when I got angry. We only had a brief exchange but my peace is ruined, I am in pain again plus i am angry at myself for talking to him. Right now, it doesnt feel like is ever going to change his the way, we were discussing the whole situation for the last 2 weeks, since he told me he wanted to break up for the first time, so he knows exactly what i think, but he still chose to break up after 2 weeks of honest discussions and considering various options. Therefore, i dont see much chance that he will change his mind eventually.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          It's still worth a shot if you really want him back. However, NC isn't just meant to make him miss you. Ultimately, what NC advocates and attempts to do is to give you some space to distance yourself from all the emotional negativity you feel as well, while encouraging you to make positive changes in your life so that when recontact happens, your ex begins to see you in new light as a changed person. If there is no change to the situation or yourself, then there wouldn't be any motivation for him to change his mind either.

  • Happyin2018

    My ex and I broke up in December after 4 years dating and living together. Last March he had to move about 40 mins north of where we lived for a promotion at work. My career was 40 mins south so we agreed we would have 2 roofs for just one year. We started bickering because entertaining was now a part of his position. I felt he started using the excuse of work entertaining to go out every night he was up there. Up until that point I loved everything about our relationship.

    In November we put in an offer on a condo up there (terms couldn't be agreed to so it fell through) we were talking about having a baby in the next year and then in December we argued over something minor and his reaction (or what I felt was an overreaction) was we needed to take a break to reset. I felt he made all new friends in the new city, all in his industry and they went out all the time so I asked a lot of questions. He didn't like being questioned. After a week I went up to see him and found out he'd been texting a female co-worker and deleting it. He swore they were just friends, no attraction (she was not attractive) but he knew I wouldn't like it so he lied. We cried, we said how much we loved one another, he said it hurt his stomach to think of us apart but our relationship would never be the same - I'd never trust him again. We kissed, we cried and held each other as he walked me to my car. I asked why wasn't I worth fighting for - he said I was but it was "too soon," we said I love you again, he yelled it again one last time as I got into my car and that was The last time I saw him.

    The 1st week his texts were I love you, I'm so sorry I hurt you, the 2nd week was we probably shouldn't talk for a little, the 3rd week was an email letting me know he started to date - his tone is now cold and harsh.

    I started no contact, he had a 4-week rebound relationship in that time (a former high school classmate of his - they reconnected on fb "shortly after we broke up", not the text buddy. The rebound has already ended - I found out through mutual friends) More no contact and then I emailed the letter. I said how special i thought our love was, I was sorry for things in the last few months and ended it saying I knew we would always love one another, I understood how difficult the decision to end us was but I agreed it was for the best. He responded with just "I love you too and agree with everything you said."

    After 2 weeks, I emailed again. We started emailing on a fairly regular basis, every couple of days over 100 in about 2 weeks. He said to tell our dog he "loved and missed him so much," I invited him to join us at a dog park for an hour, he said it makes him cry to think of "our dog" and it would be to tough to see his face and leave him again. Another week goes by, more emails, more playful always initiated by me but he keeps them going. He sends our dog a new bed without telling me, I just came home to the box on the porch. I email to say thank you and I ask again if he'd like to see us and again he says its "too soon."

    We have been apart for 3-1/2 months. What do I do now? Do I continue to email every couple of days? Do I wait for him to initiate now? I feel we've made so much progress but I'm not sure if this is a case of grass is greener syndrome and he's not done figuring that out yet? Any advice on how to get him to see me? I feel like once he sees my face there'd be little to no resolve left.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps it really is too soon on his part to see you again, in which case continue to build the relationship up without too much pressure from you to meet up. You could always just put it out there for the time being as an open invitation whenever he's ready and see how he responds to that.

      • Happyin2018

        Too soon for what though...because it hurts? Because he's afraid seeing me will make him want to get back together? Or because he's waiting until he no longer feels that way in which case should I just move on? I don't want to hurt him further, nor do I want to continue to hurt without him. I don't know what would be the right thing to do.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          There could be various reasons, but until you know for certain it's all just speculation. It seems that there is still a level of connection between the two of you, and he may have feelings for you but isn't ready to deal with them by meeting up with you.

  • Rob

    5 months post break up. First month and a half I did all the wrong things begging crying pleading logical reasoning. I got her to see me before I go over seas she came. The convo went okay. She called that night in didn't answer. Called me again after a week we talked but I messed it up asking her out again then being mad I told her not to speak to me again. No contact from me for 2 and half months. I sent a upbeat fb message she responded soon and called me. I didn't respond. Also in the message she apologised for the way we broke up. She was being cold. I didn't pick up. Then she tried a week later i didn't pick up. I called her a few days later. Chatted for about 10 mins then she said she had to go. Then calls back a hour later. I told her I didn't have much time but we ended up talking for 30 minutes. I told her I'd call her back. She asked when I said when I get time and then went on to say you don't have to call me. I call her back 10 days later. She gets cold and ask me why I called. I said to finish the convo. She said she didn't have anything to say but if I did she call me back in a few and we'd talk. Calls back we talked for the first 10 mins serioiusly and last 15 minutes just joking around. Ended on a good note. How should I move forward? Been a week haven't spoke.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I suggest doing less push and pull at this point and working on building up the connection once more, perhaps by speaking more frequently.

      • Rob

        So I ended up calling. She always ask why I call first. She won't call me first. I apologized for my behaviour after break up. Then asked if we could be friends. She said in a year lol. She enjoys the convo. I get her to laugh a lot. Don't know what to do from this point forward. She answers everytime. I asked her for favor to help in person she declined. I insisted and told her to think about it she said she'll see. I know what that means. Any help?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If you've completed NC already, perhaps continue with the conversations on a casual basis and try working on rebuilding a friendship with her before anything more can be considered.

  • Darragh

    Hi. Me and my girlfriend broke up 3 days ago. She ended it because she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore and focus on herself for a while but wants to see in 5 months if she wants to start dating again or stay broken up. We’ve been doing long distance for almost 3 years now and have never went more than 3 weeks without seeing each other in that time. Do I stay with the no contact and let her have her space that she asked for for the whole 5 months? I really do love her and It physically hurts me to be apart from her. Do I have a chance at being with her again?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You don't have to go NC for 5 months, but rather complete NC and initiate contact with her again to slowly build up your connection and bond with her once again leading up the end of 5 months. Perhaps she might end up reconsidering sooner if things go well.

  • Ally

    Hello, my ex broke up with me yesterday but told me he still loves me. He’s a war veteran and suffers from undiagnosed PTSD. We lived together. He told me he wanted to marry me, have my child someday, and that I was his soulmate. The hardest part is he still tells me those things. But he also says he has to go get help for himself because something is wrong and he needs to get healthy for himself and his son (previois relationship). I want to be there for him so desperately, that’s the commitment I made to him, myself, and our relationship but he says he doesn’t want to drag me down with him. I love this man with all my heart and every fiber of my being. I truly believe he is my soulmate. He also told me I could stay at his house until I found someplace new however I could not do that. I packed up what I could and left I am getting the rest tomorrow. He’s deleted our photos off social media as well as blocked me and blocked my number. I am just so confused. Are all these contradictory actions his way of handling this? Or should I believe that he does love me and he does need to get help?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It could be his way of coping as it would be easier to focus on his personal recovery without the emotional influence of a relationship. It's like the saying goes, 'if you can't even take care of yourself, how can you expect to take care of others'. He might be feeling this way at the moment, hence his sudden decision to end things. I suggest giving him some space for now since you're already moving out, and contact him again perhaps in a week or 2 just to check in. Or you could apply the full NC period of 30 days and let him work on himself for the time being before you attempt to contact him again.

      • Ally

        I got the rest of my things. And we had a long talk. He again says he still loves me but that he’s going through a lot more than I even know and that he knows I would just go through all of it with him over and over. He doesn’t want to drag me down through that. He said he still wants me in his life? I’m confused as to wether or not I should do the NC? I truly love this man and this entire ordeal does not sit well in my heart.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Applying NC is entirely up to you under these circumstances, and there's a chance that by showing him that you're not going to be 'dragged down' just by sticking with him, he would be calm enough to get back together. However, there's also a slight chance that he may feel even more stress from you being around because he's constantly worried about how you feel or think.

  • K

    My ex boyfriend and I dated, long distance, for 2 years while I was in college. We then spent another 2 year together in the same city. I broke it off and moved to another city. For the next 2 years we spent time on and off together but I could never completely commit and was always looking for something better. I dated someone new for a year, but as soon as he broke up, my first ex was right back in the picture. Still, after his huge efforts and persistent plea to get back together, I was wanting something more. Months went by and we didn't speak, my mother passed away, and I found myself yearning for him. I would drunk dial him and confess my love for him, but deny the feelings to him the next morning, telling him I didn't and that I was just going through something. I did some soul searching and found myself thinking I might actually love him and wanted to reconnect, but found out he had been dating someone. Regardless, he pursued the opportunity to together and we spent an evening talking about our future and getting back together. Fast forward a week later, he called with news she was pregnant and he was going to stay with her. My heart shattered. Fast forward 2 years, I am still madly in love with him, haven't been able to move on even though I have dated a few different men, and he is with his on/off again girlfriend and 1 year old. What do I do.....

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As long as he's still thinking of working things out with his girlfriend, it isn't a relationship you should get involved in as you would only come across as the bad person. I would honestly suggest for you to try and move on from him, since things are always going to be complicated as long as there is no clean break between him and his girlfriend.

  • c.y

    good morning, I cheated on my boyfriend with someone I didn't know was his relation and now he wouldn't talk to be ave done a lot of begging n so on but he say he doesn't want me again, the other day he asked me to call him in a video I did n he was with a lady I was so heart broken I really love my boyfriend n don't think I could stay 30day without talking to him even tho he doesn't seem to be responding my calls, and messages please what do I do?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      He is definitely still angry at you, and has not forgiven you, which explains his expression of spite by the call. I suggest at this point you give both parties some space by applying no contact, before initiating anything further down the road when he has perhaps cooled off.

  • Sanaya

    Hi Kevin
    I would like to ask that,my ex was so rude with me we work together in a same place we meet not calling him or texting him. I gave back recently all the things he gave to me.he had blocked me from all social media contacts.w at I should do to follow no contact period even v have face each other not doing any eye contact nor speaking to him.if he talks to me on d matters f work also I'm.not answering him.suggest me some thing please

  • Aman

    Hope your feedback on my situation help me to get my ex back.
    I am 23 and she is 21.
    We both are different nationalities.I asked her to be with me or leave me after spending 3 weeks.Then she cried for one hour when we reach campus and I asked her to just give me 10 minutes every day from her schedule and if she can't do that she can delete me from everywhere because I just don't want to befriend and I gave her a daytime to think about us.Next night we met and she said "I need to focus on my career for next 2 years, so would you please wait for me.I can't be in a relationship now".She deleted my Wechat id and I deleted her as well.After few minutes, She sent me the request to be friends and I accepted it.Then I did all the mistakes that you mentioned in your article.I asked her for a meeting and she ignored me every time.She told me that she is in a relationship and I should not trouble her anymore and I wish her good future and then she deleted me.I didn't contact her since that time.Is there any way your team can help me to get her back.I am ready to follow each and every step your team is going to recommend me.I had 2 relationships, after her in order to forget her but I can't forget her.I don't even know why she left me.So please help me.I do go out with my friends and enjoy but still I have a wish to get that girl back into my life.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Apply the steps found in the article. Start off with no contact to give her the space she needs to erase any negative memories she may harbor towards you.

  • Paige

    My ex boyfriend broke up with me in about 6 months ago I haven’t heard from him yet. He block me and changed his cell number :( how long is no contact rule :(

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It's typically 30 days, if not more depending on how bad the breakup was. If he has yet to unblock you and you have no means of contacting him, it might be better to consider letting go of him and moving on.

  • Sun

    This was such a great read. You have such great advice and I can't wait to actually start using it at some point. Okay, so here's a bit of background about me and my ex:
    I was in a same sex relationship with a girl for more than 5 years. We lived together for almost 4 years. She was my first girlfriend and I was hers. A lot has happened in the 4 years that we were together. Stuff happened and I kept getting angrier and angrier. I couldn't control my anger. She broke it off a couple of weeks ago and at the moment everything is still fresh. She asked me to move out of our apartment, quit my job (because we were working together) and leave the country (because my visa was actually dependent on our relationship). She wanted a clean break from me. She did agree to throw away the no contact rule in a year. She said that if I contact her, she will respond. I've known people that have gotten back with their exes. One relationship actually took 3 years to mend. I believe that my ex is the one. I'm an idiot for letting her get away. I will respect her wishes and won't contact her for a year. Be honest, is there still a chance for me to get her back? I'm willing to follow all of your steps. I love her and I know that she's worth it. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder for me, since I live in a whole different country. Any advice from you would be greatly appreciated.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As you've mentioned, it's going to a be a lot tougher in your case (not impossible), especially since you basically have to leave the country and start life over before even considering taking another shot down the road. I believe at this point, it's more essential that you manage to pick yourself back up in your home country first, then start to work on your issues you had during the relationship. Only after everything has settled down should you try to initiate contact with her again. However, as all these would take time and effort, you should not get your hopes up as many things can change during the time you're apart.

      • Sun

        Hi Ryan,
        Thanks for getting back to me. I know that a lot can change in a year and to be honest, I’m gonna try to use the year as an opportunity to improve myself. Is a year of no contact too long? Am I gonna lose her because too much time has passed? When we both started dating, we used to spend months away from each other. We’d talk everyday of course, but because of the long distance, we spent loads of time apart. She’s my first girlfriend ever and I was hers. I don’t think I can move on and I don’t see myself dating other women. We were also engaged. She asked me to marry her. I still think she’s the one. How do I get her back in 11 months?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          As I mentioned, time can play a part in causing many things to change both for you and her. The immediate focus is still going to be on yourself and making positive changes, or there won't be motivation for her to return into your life if she sees you unchanged. The chance is definitely there, but you can't obsess over it and instead move forward with the one goal of changing yourself for the better.

  • zach

    my ex broke up with me because i was flirting with a girl, we have a trip in a week I really don't know what to do since i know i should follow the steps. FYI i really want to go to the trip since we both invested money.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps apologize for flirting and try to make it up to her, if she's the sort that can be appeased. You might have to consider letting go of your trip though since 1 week isn't much time to appease her with regards to the reason she broke up with you.

  • Alex

    Hi! My gf and meet on work. We work together even now. She decidet to leave me a month ago, the relationship lastet almost 2 years. We had a lots of fights for every small detail. When she leave me she said to me that she cares about me and wants to be friend. After a week i found out she had another guy. She even post photos with him on instagram. I ask her and she said nothing serious. I was afraid she cheated me before with him. She said didnt have sex or even kiss him. I was so mad. I even create an instagram account to spy on him. I pretend to be a female and ask him about her. She find out what i did. I am really sad now. Dont know what to do. I feel like i still love her but dont know if i really have any chance to get her back to me.

  • John

    I'm 28, my ex is 26. We were in a relationship for 3½ years and she broke up with me six days ago. Before that we were effectively on a break for a week or so, because she needed some time to think about our relationship. She says she still loves me, but feels we lost the spark (our sex life was almost nonexistent for some time) and lack intimacy. I agree with the points she made, the only difference is I wanted to start from the beginning and re-ignite the elusive "spark" while she felt this is an impossible task. Our breakup was civilized (or boring as she put it) because that's the kind of people we are, and we agreed we will continue to be friends after things settle down a bit. The thing is I want her to be my girlfriend, not just a friend: we have so much in common and never really had big fights. At one point she even said there are more reasons for us to be together than not, but she perceived the problems we had as unsolvable.
    Some background: she studied hard this year, and just before our breakup passed her last exam. She said she feels a bit lost in this transition phase between university and looking for a job. Also, she always feels more depressed during the winter months which may have contributed to her state of mind.
    Some of the things that were a turn off for her: I was often indecisive, not dominant enough, inexperienced (this was a first relationship for both of us and I could not guide her with my experience, which would make it easier for her), it exhausted her to point out some obvious things I should do and it made her feel like she was my mother sometimes (like cleaning my apartment or buying new shoes because my old shoes were full of holes, etc). It's not that I don't know what I want in life, but I am a laid back and mild mannered guy, dominant behaviour doesn't come naturally to me and I don't care much for fashion. I do think I can change and be more assertive.
    Anyway, I started with NC five days ago and yesterday she contacted me to ask if I was ok (when I logged to Facebook for literally three minutes). I briefly answered that I am and that I decided to take some time for myself. Today she contacted me again, via text message (I didn't log in to Facebook at all) with the same question. I repeated I need some time for myself and that I hope she understands. I plan to continue with the NC but I have two questions:
    1.) Does her behaviour indicate she is regretting her decision to break up with me on some level, or is she just concerned as a friend (we did agree to remain on speaking terms)
    2.) Am I going to push her away by continuing with NC? We did agree we'll keep in touch. I don't want her to think I'm not active on Fb because I'm in despair or behaving childishly.

    Thanks and best regards,

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      To answer your questions, firstly her behavior is too vague in nature to be determined as regret, but it does show her level of concern towards you, which means not all hope in winning her back is lost. Secondly, if she claims the relationship was a 'boring' one in nature, pushing her away might actually add to the mystery or interest she finds in you since this behavior becomes non-predictable. It's not being childish since you've mentioned to her that you needed some time to yourself already.

      • John

        Well she said the breakup was boring i.e. peaceful, not the whole relationship. But I agree, NC may be beneficial. I'm going to try following this guide and see where it gets me.

  • MP

    I told my ex after the break-up (when I was drunk..) that I wont have contact with him for a month. Is it ruined now? I also told him that I wanted that because I needed time and want to give him space to miss me.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Not necessarily, but it really depends on his characteristic (if he's stubborn about things), as that might lead him to actively deny his feelings of missing you (if he does) because of what you said.

  • Anakaren Pineda

    I was in a relationship with my ex for 2 years, we had been engaged for 6 months. I know he did really love me but I had a problem I’ll admit. I was really mean, I told him I hated his proposal and the ring when I was mad. I would break up with him daily because I wanted more attention. We only saw each other once a week and the way I got him to text me more was if we were arguing. I broke up with him on Valentine’s Day (not really meaning it, just like I always did, thinking we’d be back together later that day) and then he said no that he really didn’t want to be with me anymore. I know I hurt him cause he really genuinely loved me. I kept calling, texting him for 3 weeks. But like a 1.5 weeks ago I stopped messaging him. I haven’t talked to him since and I started going to the gym and I’ve been hanging out with my friends. But this isn’t getting any easier. Every night I cry because he told me he’s not in love with me anymore. I feel a big empty hole in my chest. What we had was great. I haven’t seen him in over a month. I really am sorry for everything I caused. I know if he gave me one last chance I would never do any of that again because I know that I never would want to loose him again. He deleted all of our pictures from social media and off his phone. I don’t know what to do, it’s driving me insane. I don’t know if I can go another 20 days without messaging him.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Right now, as his feelings of negativity may be overwhelming since he has distanced himself from the relationship, it might be best to give him some space to allow him to deal with it. Seeing or hearing from you might cause him to feel more negativity which is not what you want. Continue working on change and your method of communication for the time being and remember that you don't necessarily have to argue in order to receive attention from your partner.

  • Mehmet

    Hi Kevin, I'm Turkish and my English is bad for that I'm sorry.We've been talking to my ex for six months and we're dating.Our relationship lasted 3 months and left me.after I left, I stopped communication and I didn't text for 30 days.We talked at the end of 30 days, but he said he didn't want to talk the other day.My ex-boyfriend is far away, and we're gonna meet him in the same city in three months.Would it be better if I completely cut off contact with him in three months?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As the time frame for the relationship was 3 months, it might not be a good idea to completely cut contact since he might actually move on. Since it has been 30 days of no contact, perhaps you could initiate conversation with him once again to see how he's doing and start to slowly build a bond back up so that it's easier to initiate something when you visit his city in 3 months time.

      • Mehmet

        thanks for the reply,but our departure has been bad and I'm not ready to communicate.What am i supposed to do when we meet him in the same city?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          In that case, give it more time and continue with NC for now. It's best to build up some form of friendship first prior to your trip regardless, as it makes things easier if you want to meet him for coffee or lunch to catch up.

  • Ankit

    Is it possible to get an ex back even when she sent her brother to beat me up

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps you might want to give her more space to let go of her anger, or simply choose to walk away since it has come to that extent.

  • William

    Hi Kevin,

    [The reason why we broke up is "I cheated", and she got the news from one of the ladies]

    Me and my ex girlfriend have been in a relationship for 5 years and a month. For the first 3 years, we lived in together. For the next 2 years and a half, we had a long distance relationship (I went back to my home country for good. And then, she decided to study in Australia a year after because Australia is a very nice country in terms of economy and tourist and also to have better future for our family someday. She's currently there on a student visa, and just have one year left to finish her degree)

    My ex girlfriend and I broke up last February 17, 2018. Our last conversation was on February 25, 2018. It's been almost 3 weeks since we last exchange messages because she blocked me on all of her social media accounts (FB, IG, etc.)

    I really admit that it's my mistake why we broke up. Lust is the main reason why. She got the news from one of the ladies, someone made an anonymous account and sent proofs to her hat I am cheating on her. I did those things because got tempted and did a huge mistake in my life. And now I am facing the consequences because of my foolishness.

    she's so angry at me, since she knew about me cheating on her. Up to now, we are not talking to each other. With that, I came up to the ideas of talking to her parents and apologized to what happened between us and to what I did. And also I sent a delivery package containing an apology letter with a simple gift to Australia, I used her workplace as delivery address because I don't know the exact address to where she lives there exactly.

    I already stopped my foolishness after what happened between us. My first objective is for me to have a chance to speak to her, and to slowly show to her my sincerity in saying sorry for everything that I have done wrong.

    Because I really love her. And I already promised to myself to not to do the same mistake ever again. And I will make sure to make up to her to what happened between us. And to slowly get back her trust on me.

    By the way, she will be on her vacation leave
    in our home country this coming May 2018. Would I wait until she comes back home to talk to her in person or just let her have space and wait for her to contact me?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I would suggest you give her space for now, and when she arrives back in your home country you could try initiating contact to see if she responds negatively or not. If she still appears angry or does not respond, you would have to give her even more time to let go of the negative emotions she feels towards you before trying to talk to her again.

  • Lóránt

    I have a not too long, just a 3 months old relationship. I didn't realize something was going wrong. I was happy, but... At a random moment, at night when I was in her house and we wanted to sleep together because we had an anniversary, she asked me with a crying face "Do you love me?". I was very surprised. I said: "Yes, of course, I truly love you". Then she told me "I don't love you as much as you love me". I didn't understand that because I thought everything is fine. Maybe I was not so attractive as she knows me, and she wanted to be still so attractive after a couple months. I really don't know, she doesn't told me the reason. She said I have 0 unbearable habit, but she doesn't feel as she wants to feel. My heart is totally broken now. I want to take a no contact period, but I think I need to know the reason. I think the 30 days is too much in this case. What do think about it?
    Thanks for your advice

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could reduce the 30 days to around 2 weeks since the duration of your relationship wasn't that long. It's common for couples to lose physical attraction for one another after being together for awhile, it's similar to when someone raises the issue of their partner not doing the thoughtful things they once did while chasing/dating them.

  • Cata

    Hello , I really need some advice. My bf broke up with me yesterday and it was totally unexpected. I mean we were great or at least that’s what I thought . I’ve been here before and it took me almost 3 years to get better . When I meet him I was already ok and we’ve been in a relation for one year . He called me today just to check on me. The problem is that I don’t know if I should answer to he’s call or just tell him that I need some time by myself ( I did that already and I still got a call from him ). He is important , he truly is but I’m not even sure what went wrong . I didn’t begged him to stay as I’ve been here before and I know is not working . Should I try or just respect he’s decision ? I find it very strange than in the morning you tell me I love you and by night you want to break up. There is only one thing that I used to joke about and sometimes get a little jealous, the kissing part in he’s plays. And acting is really important to him. He told me that he was thinking about this for 2 weeks already . He didn’t cheated I never did it too , Even when we were upset with each other we will still call to say good night and I love you . He always respected me. I don’t want to let him go but I don’t want to see him unhappy .

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You might want to have a chat with him to find out the reason he decided to end things and if there were underlying factors affecting the relationship you were unaware of. If there are aspects you can change for the better, you could try to do so since it would benefit both of your happiness in the long run. I would recommend that if the reason isn't something that can be resolved overnight, to spend some time working on those issues, and initiate no contact to give him (and yourself) the space to work on those aspects.

  • josh

    I am Josh I have a serious problem with my relationship. my girl left me after six yrs of dating, due to my financial problem I really don't know what to do is really affecting me badly, I really don't know how it's so easy for her to 4get about six yrs just like that. for the past 2months I still can't get over it.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If she only sees you and values you based on your financial worth, and you aren't able to meet those expectations, it might be better to consider letting her go since it's not a solution that could be resolved easily. However, if there are more complicated circumstances regarding your situation, perhaps it might be possible to win her back, but you would probably require improving your situation at least by a little bit before trying something again.

  • Emma

    Hi, please help me, I need advice from an expert,

    My boyfriend and I broke up recently, it was a mutual agreement but I feel like he thinks that he was the one broke things off. We actually were on a break for a month prior to that, because he needed space. I did not respect that space and I am guessing that's why things ended. I was desperate during the break but started getting better with myself, maybe even moving on, I'm not sure. I was actually expecting the break-up since I have screwed no contact during the break up and as the one month-long break proceeded, I started feeling better as I said, but he didn't, he was angry with me, quite abusive actually but we ended things in a nice way, stating that we just couldn't work as a couple and both of us were very relieved. He did say that he thinks our romantic relationship has no future.

    Today I started thinking about him and I decided to give him a second chance, though I don't think he wants me anymore. Keeping no contact will be hard, especially since we are in the same group of friends, we will be attending a same party this weekend and in a little more than two weeks, we are going to travel abroad with this same group of friends. How can I get him back if no contact is not an option? I am also afraid that with us being around the same social group he will start to see me as a friend, thus pushing away from the idea of a relationship.
    What can I do?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since you feel that you have changed and picked yourself up since the break, no contact may not be as necessary for your case. In your following interactions with him in the group gatherings, perhaps try and make those changes visible and show him how well/happy you're doing, since that may spark a level of interest from him. Try to limit the amount of one-to-one interaction with him too, for this may make you easier to read since you want to keep your level of mystery there.

  • Bongo Hayibo

    I was in a relationship for 5 yrs. We love each other very much, she was my best friend and vice versa. At first when i met her she has low self esteem but i managed to boost her confidence. She is one hell of a happy lady i ever met. Just last year i got a job and i had to relocate eventho she was hurting she supported me through it and she was so happy for me that i got a job of my dream. At the early stage of my relocation things were going on well. Until last August we had our very first argument and i literally texted her let quit. And for the very first time in our 5 yrs we didnt call or text each other and that lasted for 6 days. When i finally did all she said was why did i take so long to call. I realised that i didnt treat her well so i quickly got a transfer back to her. But things werent the same since that day. She completely shut down, she isolated her self, tge sight of me irritates her, she doesnt eat but gained weight. She told me she lost feelings for me. Nothing excited her any more. She said she is unhappy and something inside her is broken. We do text everyday but she refuse to hang with me or see me. I asked her if she wanted to see a counsellor, she refused think about it and let me knoe if she is ready. I dnt want to loose her. The only person she hangs out with now is my sister.i started a NC rule for a month and I had a mini holiday she is not a social media freak but all of a sudden she starts to post photos and videos continously of herself and with friends at the pub. Last 2 days I messaged her that I wanted to talk to her and her mum and she replied me as saying there is no point I know me and her is not going to work. But I took things personally that I was like we had the best relationship ever why would she just throw it out of the window just because she lost feelings for me. I know through all this hurt n pains I would thrive and be a winner. Apparently she didn't take the word winner likely and she was complaining about it to my sister.but all this whilst she kept on saying we haven't spoken in ages why are all these coming from. And she also told me she got a job and she is feeling good without me asking. Currently I have pulled back a bit. I wanted to start the no NC rule again and perform the reconnection very well

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You should probably restart NC as you've mentioned and try to give her more space to let go of the negative emotions she feels. Perhaps ask your sister to find out why your ex is so against talking to you or meeting you, and what you did wrong specifically. At least that might give you a better idea on how to handle the situation.

      • Bongo

        This was the last message she sent me b4 the first NC Bongo please I'm fine. You can't be doing things like that for me when I don't have feelings for you. Just give it a rest. I appreciate the thought but just relax. You're my friend... allow me to come to you when I'm ready. Do you think I have chance??

      • Bongo

        I think the NC has make things worst. My gf has complained bitterly to my sister about my lack of contact. But she told me it's not gonna work out. I'm confused cos she says different things to my friends and do the opposite when I try. I dnt really know what she wants.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If she has complained about your lack of contact, it means that no contact is actually working since it has gotten to her. She is used to you pestering her, but at the same time also used to reacting negatively and angrily towards you whenever you try to talk to her. Give it some more time with no contact and observe how she behaves during this period. If it really is getting to her based on what your sister says, then you might want to consider asking your sister to ask her why she feels bitter about it.

  • Bou

    I have used 30 days no contact once with my ex. Is 30 days no contact a one time use only or will it work the second and third times as well?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      The NC is not a ticket to get back together with your ex, but rather a rule of thumb to adopt whenever a breakup happens, to give both parties enough breathing room to let go of negative emotions and to pick themselves up. Even if you've done NC once, you can always use it again if need be as long as the mindset is correct.

  • J

    Hi, my story is for all the hopeless cases out there. My ex of a couple years broke up with me, then moved to the other side of the country about a month and a half later. I did NC for about three months and followed every rule of the full-length guide and work sheets down to certain exact quotations. Today, we’re together again and our connection is so much stronger even though we’re on different coasts. I think this guide is the best kept secret in love and relationships and I thank everyone involved in its creation. Even if your ex splits for the coast, stay positive (=

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Thanks for the positive sharing J! We hope that others would be reminded of the positivity they stand to gain at the end of things by being strong, staying positive, and persevering in the guided steps.

  • Sarah

    Hey! I typed a comment before but I'm not sure if it submitted or not, but I really need advice.

    My boyfriend and I broke up 3 weeks ago after dating for over 4 years. We started having problems last year with our sex life. We weren't having sex as much as he liked, it was partly due to a medication I was on that lowered my libido and made me very dry. Anyways, that was our biggest problem. We tried to fix it by just agreeing to do it more but it was easier said than done since we still each live at home and its hard to find somewhere private.
    Back in January, we were still having sex issues and I was so confused and started to wonder whether or not I was still attracted to him. I started to also wonder what it would be like to be single and do things with other people, and i think thats normal to wonder for some people who have been dating for so long. Anyways in January i suggested a break as we had been having other issues like finding fun things to do and places to go out to. When I suggested a break on the phone I think it came as a total surprise to him and he was really confused and probably angry/upset. After a week I missed him and I didn't want to lose him, we met back up and he said I had to do the talking. I didn't have much time to come up with solutions since I had been so busy with school but basically I said that I'm still attracted to him, and that I will find more places for us to go to instead of putting all the pressure on him. He said this was my last chance, and we got on with it. Things were going really well and we were making progress in our sex life and communication and everything. We decided to go out one night to a bar which we never do but it was something new and fun. I had been up since 5am that day and was really moody and stubborn so we got into an argument. I guess that topped it off for him, and I apologized when we got home and told him I have fun with him when we go out, and it was okay, but he needed a day to cool off. He came over the next day and was all nice saying I looked pretty and everything. We went downstairs to talk and he kept saying how he thinks I don't have fun with him when we go out, etc, and we both started crying. He said he wasn't sure what else there is to do and that maybe its just not our time. He broke up with me but it didn't feel like he was 100% sure.

    The next day I went to his house and dropped of pictures of us, a 3 pages letter and a bear telling him how much I love him. About a week later her changed his relationship status on Facebook to single, and I felt to broken I drove to his house and had to talk to him. I told him my feelings and that I am sure we can fix this with more effort on my part. I made a huge list of activities we could do at home and going out both sexual and non sexual. I said I'm still attracted to him and still love sex we just don't take up the opportunities we have to do it enough. I said everything I needed to and he said he needs to focus on himself now and we aren't getting back together. :( a few days later his friend called me on the phone and said something that hurt my feelings so I texted him kinda angry saying I felt like he didn't communicate to me well enough, etc. He got angry and told me not to talk to him and i didn't. Its been about a week and a half now since that argument and he sent me a text saying that if I want I can meet up with him this week and he can explain why he did what he did and answer any questions I have.

    I'm not sure what to do cause it doesn't seem like a good thing to meet up but I really honestly think that I can fix this with more effort on my part. I just wasn't on the same page he was at the time. I love him so much and its not that I feel like I can't do anything by myself because I can but I miss him terribly, and talking to him, and seeing him everyday, and being in his company. Please help me :( I love him so so much. I don't want to lose him.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since you're trying once more to work things out, I suggest giving it your best effort to make things work this time around but remember that it's a relationship ultimately and there needs to be reciprocity or compromise when it comes to efforts in maintaining the relationship and working on issues. If it doesn't work out again, there's a likelihood that something is wrong with both your frequencies or communication methods, and it might be better to give both parties some space to work on those issues separately before trying anything out again in the future.

      • sarah

        So My ex and I met up at the park on Thursday night. And I got out the car and came across all like good and happy like “heyyy! How are you?” And you could tell he was down and was like “good 😞” and so we went in my car and talked. I basically started out asking “how did u get over a 4 year relationship so quick?” And he said like “ i think Ur thinking I’m over it because I have thick skin and I bottle up my emotions, but I’m not, I’m still upset and I still love u and care for u and think about u everyday and like right now it hurts me to see you” and stuff like that, and I asked like why he blocked me on stuff and he said that it’s hard to see me on social media. And I asked him like if he ever thinks about me and misses our constant texting and calling, and he said that he thinks about me everyday and it’s hard he tries to stay busy so he doesn’t and he misses me a lot cause I’m his best friend and he misses me driving in his car and being with me and everything so it’s like we r still so in love, and he got really emotional again and like started crying and I was holding myself together but seeing him cry and asking some questions made me cry. And he would hold me and cuddle me and he kept holding my hand, and it’s hard because I want to be with him still and seeing him made all my feelings come back. But idk how he’s feelings but he said he still loves me but I think he needs this time to focus on himself still. I told him I’m working on my insecurities and stuff and he’s happy about that. I told him that like I miss hanging with him and I am still attracted to him and I’m sorry about like not expressing that enough. I also asked how is it so easy for him to talk about me dating other guys in the future and he said it would kill him to see me and another guy but he would rather me be happy with someone than sleeping around because I deserve the best. But idk, I miss him so much. And like I felt he does too. It’s still hard for him to be around me with all his feelings so I said I hope one day we can be friends and I’ll wait for him to reach out. And in the car I tried to show him like how I’m still easy to talk to and made jokes and stuff at the end to just kinda cheer him up.I felt like out chat went well and I miss him so much, I’m just not sure what his take on this is. what do you think?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          I'm sure he feels similar, but may not actively express it towards you. As he mentioned, just because he doesn't express certain emotions, it doesn't mean he's over you yet. If you really want him back, perhaps you should try to maintain a level of friendship with him in order to slowly build up a level of trust and bond again for each other, while still working on both your issues of communication and frequencies.

  • Emma

    Hey Kevin,

    To be brief, my ex and I broke up on feburary 20th. Since that day, we haven’t been in any sort of contact. I’ve been through many difficult and questionning phases and I really wanted to get back with him but since two days, I’ve been feeling a lot better and I am not sure that getting back with my ex is really what I want now. But yet, I’m not quite sure and I’m just really confuse. This morning, after 21 days no contact, he texted me: « When can I come to your place to get my things? I had totally forgot. »
    But, the thing is that he doesn’t really have anything left at my place except the gifts he gave me.
    My question is: What should I answer, how should I act with him and espicially what do you think all of this means?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could ask him which things he wants to come by and collect, and gauge from there. If you're not entirely sure whether you want him back, perhaps it's better to figure that part out first before you take any action.

      • Emma

        He said he wanted to collect his hoodie, his bag and his socks but, the thing is that he gave them all to me when we were together. I don't want to be rude to him or do anything that could cause some other tensions between us , but should I accept , and give him the things he gave me back or should I just tell him that those were given and I am going to keep them, what exactly should I do?

        • T.A.E

          I'm not a part of the Team, just someone who read your comment, but I would text something like "I thought they were a gift, but if you really want them back, sure. Would xx work for you, my schedule is pretty full until then?" And choose a date a week or two away, just to show him that you are not eagerly awaiting. This will also give you more time to reflect on your feelings.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          You should accept it if he really wants them back because by being rude, like you say, you may cause tension and he might think of you differently. Just take it as a restart to things instead of the end of hope.

  • Gabriela Arreola

    I met my ex six months ago, since day one we liked each other, we were in a relationship for four months, things were pretty good, we fight from time to time but we always figure it out, we had a tough week by Monday he told me he was feeling a little weird but he didn’t wanted to loose me, that he loved me and couldn’t see himself without me, by Friday we were barely speaking, we met and he told me he just didn’t felt the same anymore, I was shocked because even though I knew we were struggling I didn’t think he would end things that fast, we kept talking because I heard rumors that I wanted to clear up with him, then we stoped talking for two days, then he texted me and we talked for five days and then I decided to stop texting, a week has gone through and he only replied to a pic I posted, but now I am suspecting that he is dating someone else and I just don’t know how to react, is there a way to get him back? I really miss him, I think our relationship had potencial and ended too soon. I love him and he made me very happy. I just don’t know what went wrong and how to make it right

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If he's capable of dating someone so soon, it could either mean the new relationship is a rebound or that he didn't see his relationship with you as significant enough. Either way, continue with NC for now and work on improving yourself and working on the areas you felt caused the breakup (on your part, at least). If it's true and he's dating someone else, you might even want to consider moving on from things, but if not - initiate contact again with him some time later and show him the changes you've made to your life.

  • someone!

    Hi there!

    I don't know if you'll respond to my comment, but I have nothing to lose at this point.

    If you would be so kind to give me your sincere advice I'd really appreciate it.

    So, 4 weeks ago, I had a last fight my ex-girlfriend. Then, she asked me for space to think 'cause she doesn't knew what she wants anymore. Out of fear, I tried to reach out to her for a period of 3 weeks by calling and texting, even pleading and begging her that this time will be different... but, of course, my words lost credibility in front of her, she saying "To be with you, for what, just to be happy for a period of time, a month, two or a year and then getting hurt again?" I reassured her several times, that I wouldn't dare to hurt her again, but she didn't believe in me. As I contacted her in those 3 weeks, asking for a last chance, I know that what I did was not okay, she gave me that chance many times, but she took it away from me after a day or two, before I could prove it to her that everything will be okay this time. This has happened repeatedly in those 3 weeks... one day she gave me that last chance, another day she took it away from me... just to give me again that chance to took it away again, saying that she doesn't want to see me again or stuff like that... She did that out of fear of not being hurt again... overthinking everything.

    A week ago, we had to go somewhere together with her car. She was really cold towards me all the way... when we arrived at the destination, I said to her that I have something to say, she was reluctant at first... When she stopped the car, I touched her hand, askin' to look me in the eye and I said that I do not want the break-up, but if that she really wants, I'll agree about leting her go... Then, when I get out of the car, she came to me, hugged me really tight and when I kissed her for the last time, the expression of her face changed, turning into her old happy self again. I felt her regret for leaving me, I felt her immense love towards me... And when I felt that, I knew that she still loves me despite stating that she doesn't want a relationship with me right now... after I felt that feeling that night, I just can't stop thinkin' about her and to just give up. After that day, she contacted me about her university grades, I replied politely, and that was it... I haven't had contact with her for a week now. It just hurts and I do not know what I should do, to be patient and wait or... ? I do love her sincerely, not because I feel lonely without her, but because she's really special to me...

    For the past week, I uploaded some love quotes to "My Day/ My Story" on Facebook, and I can see who saw them and she always check them out, but when I post something on my profile I do not receive likes from her, which don't really bothers me, but she checks every story I post (that's available 24 hours)... I do not know what this means, probably nothing...

    We were together 3 years and almost 5 months. University students. She's 21 years old...

    Best regards,

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      She definitely still loves you, but just isn't sure she can trust you yet. It's something you'll have to prove to her as you go along with your actions and not just your words. Bear in mind that you'll probably face resistance from time to time as she overthinks or even wonders when you'll hurt her again, but it's something you're just going to have to to overcome and be patient each time with her if you want her back in your life for good.

      • someone!

        Thank you for your quick reply! I really appreciat it!

        As I said in my previous comment, I haven't seen or spoken with her for a week now. I feel that if I do no contact her, she'll never initiate a conversation.

        She's someone really proud and the most difficult part is how to change her perspective about me...

        I'm thinking about what should I do? To give her more time and space? I do not know when is the right time to approach her. And if I approach her, what should I say? If I start a conversation apoligizing and dropping hints she would back off, I think...

  • J

    We live 1.5 hrs away, part of why we broke up. I have stuff to return, but should be in no contact after. Thing is, she called me drunk to say she wanted me to come over but didn't ask because I'm too far. I'm seeing her this week, and already told her I'd call her back tmrw.
    This whole nc thing is tricky because of our distance, and its easier for her to forget than to wonder, right? Should i just send in a spontaneous step 4 text every couple of days and kind of do a push back-pull in kind of approach after i see her?
    One last thing, i am an upcoming musician and made a song inspired by her, and want her to hear it. Thoughts? (Btw its all positive)

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps you could let her hear the song after you've completed NC. For the time being, return the stuff, and avoid any messy situations until you've given both parties some time to let go of the negative emotions relating to the break up before initiating contact with her again.

  • Josie

    Hey, it’s been a year and I still can’t get over my ex that I was together with for 3 years. For the past year we would meet up randomly, all by my own doing, sleep together, only to be told this can’t happen again. I feel rejected at every turn and it keeps weighing on me. He’s moved on but hasn’t been in any relationships. I would love to do the no contact rule but unfortunately we work together at the schools district office and he’s my boss so we have to communicate. Luckily I rarely have to to see him but I do have to email and talk to him very frequently about work. I just can’t get over this. He’s made it clear we will never get back together and I’m starting to lose hope. I thought he was the love of my life and he did at once say he wanted to marry me. There was no cheating yet we just bickered a lot due to us being too much a like. He said he fell out of love with me. I miss him so much and I just feel like he’s slipping further and further away. Is all hope

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      For now, keep all conversation at work with him professional and avoid small talk - this is how you practice NC with an ex that you work with. If he's fallen out of love with you, it simply means he lost attraction after all that fighting. Perhaps it's time to make some positive changes to your life that he may notice, and even ignite his interest again if you're really keen on wanting him back. The good thing is at least things didn't end ugly and on non-talking terms, so you definitely still have a chance.

  • Alizee

    My boyfriend broke up with me 5 months ago, we were 2 years together and before that 3 years best friends. He had a new relationship with a girl from his university after 2 months (he told me 1 month later). Now she broke up with him (she cheated) and he comes back to me. He wants the friendship back, he said he wanted to recontact me long before but his (ex) girlfriend has forbidden him to contact me. He asked our mutual friends how I was. Now I don't know if I am the rebound? If he comes back because of regret? Or does he really just want our friendship back? I don't know what to do because I still love him a lot!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It could be any of the 3 reasons, since you wouldn't know his intentions for wanting to come back to you. However, if he is bound by what his ex allows (and doesn't allow) - it means that he still probably has feelings for her and there's a strong chance that he's coming back to you out of comfort (regret) rather than genuinely wanting to be friends.

      • Alizee

        He still loves his ex, but wants a friendship with me and she will have to accept it no matter what. She is trying to gain his trust back, but he doesn't know if he wants her back, because the relationship will never be that deep like our relationship. He said he doesn't have feelings for me, but I'm still the one he wants kids with... How can he say that without having feelings? Do I have to make him fall in love with me again or do I have to just sit back and wait because "if its meant to be, it will be??" ??

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          It may be because he's confused about his feelings towards you at the moment. Usually under these circumstances, he probably have a stronger connection with you but a strong passion for his ex resulting in his confusion. You would probably have to try and re-create a spark if you want him back, in order to give yourself an advantage in terms of both connection and passion.

          • Alizee

            And how can I try to re-create this spark? He is going to give his exgirlfriend a second chance and I am going on a longterm vacation next year so maybe I should wait for it? He said over text he doesn’t feel anything for me at all..

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            If that's the case, then maybe even more time apart may do you good in order to create enough positive changes to your life so that it's obvious enough to peak his interest down the road if you ever cross paths again. However, under these circumstances, I would think that moving on might be the easier thing to do instead.

  • Katie

    Hi there,

    I really need advice. My ex and I were on and off again for a year and a half. He left me 4 times. This last tome he packed his stuff the day we broke up and i begged him for weeks to come back. He moved out of town for a job which is initially why he left me because I have a son and we couldn’t move with him and he didn’t even do distance. The last time I saw him like 3 weeks ago when I showed up at his job he had been telling me pretty much to have a good life. He had already removed me off all social media and he blocked my number before I saw him. We said our goodbyes since he was moving. We have been in no contact almost a month and he had told me to move on with my life. He isn’t dating anyone but I feel like he already moved on. He had always come back after begging but this time I haven’t heard from him at all. I want him back so badly. I’m not sure what to do anymore. Please help me. I feel like by him telling me not to just stay in my house all the time and focus on my son he was telling me he didn’t want to be with me. He has abandonment issues and couldn’t commit to being a family which is what we argued about when he left. He always told me he wanted marriage and kids but then just left me for this job and didn’t even try distance.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Even if you want him back, begging isn't the way to go about it since it will only get you blocked. You should focus on picking yourself up for the time being and also remaining strong for the sake of your son. Your son comes first, and since he's moved out of town for work and didn't want to do long distance, it might be best to move on from this, as there's not many opportunities for you to rekindle the relationship. If the chance presents itself in the future, and he moves back to town, you could always try again.

  • Leah

    Hey Kevin,
    My boyfriend and I recently broke up. We had been arguing quite a bit the past couple months but go through them and I he also felt I had lost attraction to him. We have been dating over 4 years and the past couple months I wondered maybe what it would be like to try other things and meet new people. In January I suggested a break which took him by surprise. A week went by and we agreed to meet up but he wanted me to do the talking and tell him why we should try again. He said he would give me one more chance, and we were making progress, and things were gradually improving. But a few weeks later we got into an argument and I think that topped it for him. We have been broke up officially for about 3 weeks now. During the first week I tried to get him back by writing him letters and going to his house but it was too soon. He told me we aren't getting back together. Its been 3 weeks now and we have only not been talking for about a week and a half. He texted me yesterday saying that we can meet up if I still have questions for him to answer. I'm wondering if I should go or not. I still have questions but I want him to contact me to possibly try again, and I want him to miss me and miss what we had. I know what we had was special, I was just always insecure, and we struggled on new activities to do, and our sex life. I have had some time to think of how to repair this but I think its still too soon for him to listen. Do you suggest I meet up with him or maybe hold off a little longer?
    Thank you! :)

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I suggest holding it off awhile longer as it may still be too soon, and meeting him may cause you to do something that you may regret later on - such as begging for him back, especially if he doesn't respond positively.

      • Leah

        Whats your take on this situation? Do you think that he will come around maybe even in a few months? or would you say there is no hope?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          I would say that there's always going to be a chance, depending on how you play your cards and make your moves. However, there's no guarantee on the time frame it would take, and it's more of questioning yourself whether you're able to hold on. If not, it might be easier to give up and walk away because things may not get easier for the immediate future.

          • Leah

            I feel like I can't NOT hold on though because I genuinely feel that he is the one for me, and I love him more than anything. No-one has ever mattered like him. This breakup has taught me so much and a lot of the lessons I have learnt late but I have learnt a lot and in the process of still learning. It's kind of hard to explain but I want him to know that. I received an email this week cause I signed up for the Kevin Thompson emails and it was subjected "And it's called...". It was the email about how once a guy has made a decision he has to stick to it. He needs to be consistent with his decision. And thats exactly how my ex is. I met up with my ex last week and he didn't want to tell himself or me this but he does see himself being with me again, and getting back together. But how do I show him that and make that real when he is dead set on his current decision like the email said? I just feel like when boys make a decision they are have to stick with it but how to you show them that by not sticking with that, it doesn't mean its wrong or all for nothing

          • Leah

            Also, since last week he has texted me saying things like "Hey! I hope you have a good day!" and if I don't reply but read it he will ask something else. I replied the first time but a few days later he sent another and I didn't reply. He is being friendly and showing her cares, but its hard only have a 5 text conversation vs. an all day conversation like we used to. Do you think I should just ignore them for now. I want him to miss me but I don't want it to work out the opposite effect.

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            It would be best if you could ignore the texts while going through NC, but if you're really worried that it results in the opposite effect, perhaps reply to him letting him know that you are working on yourself right now and trying to deal with everything that has happened, and request for some space with a date to catch up again.

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            As for whatever you're going through, stay strong and understand that when boys make a decision, as stubborn as they try to stick with it, they potentially waver just as quickly. You ultimately have to show him what he's missing out on, and by continuing with making changes in your life and improving yourself, that's what you'll be showing him at the end of the day.

  • Christy


    I lost my guy to circumstance. He has things to work on. He said he needs space, so should I contact him after the 30 days, or wait for him to contact me?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could always check in on him to see how he's doing after 30 days, but keep it casual.

  • Adrian

    Hey, there's this girl i was dating who ended things between us 5 days ago. She ended our relationship through text and when I went to approach her on that night, she chose to ignore me. I did text her following that night but she ignored all my texts. The last time i texted her was 4 days ago.

    We first met through Tinder and had a great 1.5 months together but all this came as a shock to me. It was very sudden without any real signs that suggested it was going to happen. After she ended things with me, she unfollowed me on Instagram the next day and made me unfollow her too (i guess it's through block and unblock). She unmatched me on Tinder either yesterday or today, although she didn't block me on the phone so i can still text her but i dont know what new developments are going to happen. I'm just curious whether the no contact rule will apply here, and if it does, how long should i do it for? If it's applicable, then how do I approach her while it ends - memory texts or the elephant? And does the fact that she didn't block me on the phone and Instagram mean that i still have a chance?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since it was only a short period of dating, perhaps you might want to give it around 2 weeks for the NC period. However, you should also keep in mind that winning her back is dependent on how she viewed the relationship with you, and you have to be mentally prepared that she might not have been as serious as you were.

  • John

    We’ve been engaged since September and out of the blue I was sat down and got told that my fiancé is leaving me. Concerned it was pre-marriage jitters, I told her that we can cancel the wedding and just work on us. She told me that I need to realise that this decision isn’t temporary and that she has considered it over a few months. I’m very confused at the moment as all I have as an answer is that she needs to be alone and work on herself. I want to start doing the no contact thing, but obviously logistics of staying together, wedding plans etc. needs to be worked out ASAP. Not sure what to do as I really want to do anything in my power to make things work again and want to follow the above to do so. How can I go about making sure all the arrangements have been finalised as well as starting with the no contact?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could still go ahead with no contact, even under these circumstances. Simply limit the small talk with her and keep any engagement purely on a necessary basis, relating to the logistics of your wedding and other arrangements. Try to get them sorted out as soon as possible, and from there fully focus on no contact after.

  • Christopher

    Hi im having problems with my ex gf, we broke up around a month ago, she told me that she wasnt ready for a reletionship, i been writing and calling her all the time, and asking why?dont you love me and stuff, and 4 days ago she called me and said she is prenant, and we been fight so much there pass 3 weeks, she started to lose feeling for me, and now i do not know how to get get back, and she is carrying my child, she still tells me that she doesnt want a reletionship, if you could contact me would be great, i still do love her, i want to be with her, we been fighting/writing so much together, that like i said she is losing feeling for me, i dont know what i have done to make her end the reletionship with me, everything was good, then she started to be distances/didnt wrote much, and one day she just said it, i dont wa t to be in a relationship right now, she saids she loved me but she wasnt ready, can you contact me and please help me win her back

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps you need to show her that you're capable of change if you want to win her back. You'll need to make some changes in your life, and show her that you love her not just by your words but also by your actions.

  • Jack

    Hi there,
    My gf of 8yrs broke up with me cause I've continously shown a lack of communication skills (i shut her out during fights) throughout our relationship. Issues were never resolved and were always repeating. At the end i gave her less attention and that was the last drop for her. She said she loves me and knows i love her too, but wants to move on as our relationship is too toxic for her and she's afraid to get hurt again.

    I'm already seeing a therapist to pick up on these issues, mostly were from my troubled childhood.
    But i'm a bit late to fix me.. We've tried to stay in contact, but i only pushed her away more. After 2 months of trying to get her attention (we did cuddle alot and still kiss a bit once in a while), i started NC, cause that's what she wants too. She wants to forget about me..
    She is now making arrangements to basically cut me out of her life.
    Is it too late for me? Is there anything else i can do?
    Thanks, Jack

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since there's so many negative emotions associated with you at the moment, it may be best to let her cut you out for the time being to at least let go of these negative emotions, while you make some changes to yourself. You'll be able to re-contact her again later on, and these changes you've made should have a bigger impact since she may not have a jaded view against you by then.

      • Jack

        After 1 month of NC, we had some contact (she contacted me) as we're separating our mortgage on our house since I've been living in another house a month after the break up. So she contacts me once in a while, she's already noticed some of the changes made.
        Should i ever contact her or always let her contact me? When she does contact me i try and be nice and sweet to her. I'm just unsure if i should try and keep the convo going or just give her a little and let her have the option to 'pull' if she really wants to keep the convo going, just so i don't put any pressure on her and maybe actually letting her wanting more.
        She's also going away on vacation soon.. unsure if i should wish her well or be completely silent. My gut is telling me to wish her well, my mind is telling me to steer clear

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          You could be the one to initiate from time to time, and see how she responds to it. At least you get a gauge of how she responds to you when you're the one who contacts her instead.

          • Jack

            It seems it's always me initiating the contact. Every 3/4 days. She's still being distant and i can tell she has her walls up and keeps talking about us in different lives and that we'll get used to it... Almost as if she's heartless. It's so confusing how much a person can change in so little time.

            Btw, my last email from you guys was "The Soap Opera Called Life". Was that the end? Aren't there any more e-mails?

            Thanks, Jack

          • Jack

            Need more advice please. And why aren't there any subscription emails from you guys with more advice??

  • white123

    I met my ex on holiday and at first I wasn't really interested it seem to be all him we kept in contact for 7 months and then he came on a work course up near me ( he lives 4 hours away). he spent every weekend at mine and we got on really well - still do - we have so much in common. He came and spent weekends with me and I went down to see him. but after 4 months or so he thought about it and decided a relationship isn't for him right now because of work as he is unsure what he is doing. he said he has feelings for me but obviously aren't as intense as mine but wants to keep in contact and meet up every now and then because he likes spending time with me and thinks im a great person. He hasn't really had a relationship before so has never had to commit and he also isn't one to get attached to people.
    im currently (successfully) on day 13 of no contact and he has pretty much made contact everyday by sending a instagram or facebook post but yesterday he messaged saying "even though you dont want any contact with me you need to see this picture" which was of a cat, so I didnt really need to see it. Im just really confused what to do or what is going on. By him saying that does that mean the NC is getting to him and that was his way of getting my attention and trying to get me to reply or am I in the friend zone?. Never mind his head being all over the place mine is!! I would love to try make us happen as we are so compatible but what do I do? will he commit? is he starting to miss me? he also did say it will take him a few months to sort out his work but doesn't want me to hang on to something that is 100% certain because of how strong I feel.

    Any advise would be great!
    thank you

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As you've mentioned, it's clear that he has feelings for you but isn't sure of them and being someone who hasn't had a serious relationship before, finds it easier to push you away than to accept and deal with those feelings. Your options now are to either convince him that it can work out and lead by experience, or let him continue chasing you in the hopes that he figures his feelings out someday and commits to you. Either way, it seems that NC is somewhat getting to him judging by the fact that he continues to maintain contact with you despite.

  • Ireme

    I am 20 years old while my ex boyfriend is 19 years old. He broke up with me saying that he's not ready for a commitment but we've been together for 2 years. 1 year of friendship and 1 year of being in a relationship. I just don't get it. I want him back but I think he fall out of love and is confused of his life. We are now friends but I don't talk to him anymore because he is just ignoring my message. What shall I do? Some of his guitar stuff are still in my place, when I asked him when will he pick up those stuff he just replied "standby".

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could apply NC for the time being to pick yourself back up, and distance yourself from the situation so as to not get affected by his actions. You'll also want to prove that your life doesn't revolve around him. Due to his age, he might genuinely not be ready to commit because of his maturity and still wants to explore his 'choices'.

  • Randy

    Okay, this has worked but it's been about 18 months and I contacted her about 4 months ago. Trust me, she's worth it. We're meeting this Friday night and I'm nervous. She's nervous too, I can tell. It didn't last long in our past relationship, it was quick and love really didn't have a chance to blossom, but recently I feel that either 1.) she's realized that she's falling in love with me and is afraid of how things in our current situations could change as we're both married and unhappy, or 2.) she has walls up because she's forgotten how to love and wants to keep me in the friend zone until she figures out what to do including giving me her heart. She has been opening up to me a lot over the last 30 days, like some kind of switch was instantly flipped and it's much different than our first relationship. We laugh a lot about everything and I feel like I'm now trusted which is extremely important but I don't want to blow it and have my heart broken again even though I'm already in love with her. She's an independent woman and I intend on not smothering her with love and affection even though she has told me that she is missing this. I want her to fall for me when she's ready, not try and force it, even though I can't wait to pull her close, stare into her eyes, touch her face and kiss her again. Any advice is surely appreciated. She really means the world to me and all I've ever wanted is to have her back. So here I am, only three days away from my second chance and my anxiety and excitement are very very high.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Normally, just being yourself is enough, especially if she's already started to fall for you but isn't sure of her feelings just yet. You could increase her confidence by assuring her of these feelings and letting things progress at her pace of comfort.

  • anonymous

    me and my ex broke up from 3 days ago and the reason was because his mom didn't approve for the relationship and he couldn't disobey her and so he dumped me so shall i start the no contact rule hoping we might get back together becuz i really love him ?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Your chances would depend why his mom disapproved of the relationship, and whether there are things that could be done to change that. Figure that out, and if the answer is no - his mom won't ever change her outlook, you might be better off moving on from the relationship since he is unlikely to change his mind about the breakup.

    • T.A.E

      Just someone who read your message here... if you think he feels bad for the breakup too and is genuinely hesitant only because of his mom, I would send him a text saying something like "Even though I feel it's a shame you let your mom's feelings override yours, I understand why you feel you must do this. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the relationship, I've learned a lot and know that this experience will help me in my next relationship. Best of luck to you!"
      Then go no contact.
      This might a) make him think of you in another relationship, which might make him fight harder for you and b) leave a fond memory; who knows, maybe you'll have another chance one day, when he is no longer quite so dependent on his mother.

  • John

    Hi Kevin,

    My girlfriend broke up with me about 4 weeks ago. We were together for a 4 years and she broke up with because of constant arguing. She had told me before and given me chances before but i never changed and she decided it was the final straw. The breakup was messy and angry and its only in the last week that we stopped talking. I had a realisation that my communication method had still not improved and therefore i have now sought professional help to improve which i feel is working. She called me by mistake so i rang her back and i apologised for being angry and tried to approach the conversation in a confident and calm manor, she started crying because she said it was hard to hear my voice. We had a nice chat then i left it on a positive note. She has however been pretty adamant we need to not speak to get over eachother and we certainly are never getting back together. It feels like i can never show her that things can change this time. What should i do?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps give her some space for now and apply No Contact in the meantime to continue working on your communication issues and yourself in general. Contact her again after and see how things go.

  • Alice

    Hey I wrote a message a while back - I'm 21, he's 24 and moved onto an 18 year old girl from his school less than a week after a big fight. We were talking for several months/in a relationship for around 3 months. At this point, he's been dating her for longer than we have but they only “clicked” after that fight (from what he's told me, idk) which was on December 1. We were trying to work things out after we broke up in mid November and he even said he loved me and that we have a lot to work on a couple days before that fight where we stopped talking for 2 weeks. That was the longest we didn't talk before it was like 1/2 days, we talked everyday almost all day. We started getting into fights more often before the breakup and I was surprised when he wanted to break up because I thought we were serious about each other because the fights were so silly. I focused on myself for those 2 weeks because we both had finals so I thought he was focused on that too. I found out he was with that girl 2 and a half weeks later and he said he had already been with her for 2 weeks. We got into a huge, ugly fight and I called him a cheater because his stories weren't adding up. I acted really needy, texting him a lot but then I stopped, did no contact, and worked on myself.
    He added me on snapchat randomly like 2 weeks after when he had blocked my number/all social media so I figured out he unblocked me. I didn't add back or anything and he unfollowed 5 days later after I posted pics looking like I was happy/with friends. So then a month later I sent an 'accidental heart' in instagram message and said sorry it was a mistake and he adds me on snapchat again. I ask him why and he said he "thought we could be friends but slowly" and I'm like okay. At this point, I thought maybe things weren't working out with the new girl because she hadn't posted pics of them in a month when they were posting many pics before. So then a couple days later is Valentine's day and she posts a pic with him carrying her on his back and I message him angrily that ‘I don't want to be friends, what did you think you'd get out of this’ and more long, angry texts that he didn’t respond to and he blocked me again on everything. Then I tried messaging I'm sorry but no response. I felt so stupid after. A couple days later, she posts 3 consecutive instagram posts with him like her arms around him, him around hers, seeming really happy. Under one of them I noticed he commented “so the worst pictures of me 🙄” and didn’t like the post and I saw the comment was deleted afterwords. I know I’m getting into the details but I just don’t know what to think. I messed up again and I’m hopeless at this point that I even have a chance. I’ve stopped contact again but I don’t know if it’ll work, I’ve messed up too much. Do you have any advice on what could be going on and what I could do from this point?

  • key

    My girlfriend left me one month ago.she prank on me and I had take it seriously and I call her again and again to talk to her but she ignored me all time.After that one day she clearly said to me on phone that she don't want me because of my behaviour.she was thinking I was getting psycho,possessive and doubt about her.Because this misunderstanding she avoid to talk with me.sometimes I only message her.I can give her time but she is very stubborn about her decision so what to do now?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If this past month hasn't been enough time for her to calm down and she's still upset with you, perhaps give her some more space to let go of the negative emotions she may still feel towards you. Depending on how you reacted to her prank, there are clear issues that both parties need to work on, in terms of respecting each other, boundaries, and the communicative skills to know when one party is joking. If you really want her back, you could let her know that you're sorry for reacting that way and it was a misunderstanding. Tell her you'd still like to be friends but would give her the space she needs before she's ready to talk to you again.

      • key

        She said all time you have same behaviour and I want to focus on carrier so stay away.
        I am ready for give her space but after my reaction she don't want me to accept again.
        What to do now

  • Lana

    Hi, this may be a really long and complicated story but I will keep it short.

    Two things I have to mention. First, we, in fact, were not a couple, because we did not date, but we acted like one. Second, I was serious with him and committed to this relationship. I did have feelings for him first since we rented the same place and he was always there when I needed him. I could say that I was emotionally attached to him. We were in the same house together for 4 months (around 7 months ago). All good things happened. We shared things, talked, went on trips, did things together. I did think he was the one for me, and I could feel he had feelings for me too. Then I had to go away. We kept in touch for 2 months at least (about 2 months ago?), and he told me wanted to be serious since he liked me a lot too. He asked me when I got back to the house if I wanted to date him and be in a serious relationship and something further. I had to say this was what I expected yet did not give him the answer at that time. But after that thing changed. He told me that I was so indecisive and could not sure what I wanted in life. He did not want to be with someone like that. That was 5 weeks ago. The reason was he was quite mature and he wanted to get married less than 3 years times. Then 3 weeks ago he told me that he was seeing someone else but he knew that relationship did not go anywhere, he did not have an attachment to her. Of course, I was in a total mess since he gave me hope and as I told you I was quite serious with him, and I did think we could be committed to each other. Things shifted too fast in just 5 weeks, how could I deal with it normally?. When I came back to the state a week ago (I moved all my stuff out when he said he was seeing someone so I am not with him now), I texted him a lot, called him a lot, and like most people here, got blocked too (just a few days ago). He told me he had moved on, so just take my time and do my thing, let it be for a while and should not disturb each other for a few months.

    Today I accidentally found your blog, I read some and realized a lot. I know 7-month knowing each other is not long, but we are both mature, and we were quite serious for a couple of months so I did think this worked out. I am still a mess now since things have happened quite recently, but I am picking up every piece and start to think straight. If I follow your 5-step, do you think if there is any chance we can get back together in a few months time? Or at least, just be friends without letting out past disturb our friendship (supposed we could both actually move on)
    Hope I can get the answer from you since this will mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for your time

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      The important thing for you in this scenario is to work towards building up a friendship with him again. Perhaps the distance had caused him to disassociate himself with you despite how he felt, and now it's easier to push you away than to work on continuing where things left off. There's definitely still a chance, but it's dependent on how strongly he felt towards you back then as well. Since he already knows it won't work out with his current date, he has not dismissed the idea of dating you, but he probably knows it won't happen anytime soon. I suggest that you give both parties some space for the time being and apply no contact. You could start talking to him again once things have settled down, and you are in a better place emotionally.

  • Kevin

    Last year i met a woman, she was very into me, you see Im the kind of guy who doesnt fall in love fast, after a while spending together she liked me very much and even told me first that she loved me, at that point i did not love her but i liked her very much, after a little longer a month we started a relationship and i started to really love her. In fact in the beginnings things were so great that we couldnt get enough of eachother, she even said that she loved me forever, at a few points i did some stupid things and made her very angry with me, after that i showed her how much she meant to me and started to do everything for her, everytime we had problems i tried very hard to make things better for her, we both live in different countries but she comes to my country to visit family, she has 2 children ( girls) her exhusband was no longer in the picture before i met her, 2 months ago the day when she left my country i spend the day with her and everything was great, before she go away she said i love you and i will text you next week, so one week later she texted me and sended me pictures of her and told me she missed me, i started to text her several times and she and i just got simpel messages back but still with a line like: (you are my heart).
    I was doing my own thing but missed her alot so i started to send her a few texts, just telling her how much i loved and miss her, i started to get stressed, after the last text she told me that she loved me too but doesnt like to text me all the time, she said not to stress about anything and that she comes next month, so i told her that i promise that i not stress, i waited one week and it was valentinesday so i texted her, she texted me back and said to me happy valentinesday my love i miss you, after that we havent talked since then, i dont know what her point of view is on us? Maybe she wants to be alone to miss me and stronger our relationship or Maybe she is seeing another guy, i have no idea? I had a special gift made for her and her children to show her how much i care and how much my heart feels for her, i want to give this gift to her when she comes again and i see her.
    Do you have any advice on what i should do when i see her? I know exactly how i feel and this is the woman i want to spend my life with.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      For the time being, try not to over think so much, and perhaps text her occasionally leading up to her visit. Wait until she comes to visit again, then give her the gift you've prepared. From there it would be easier to observe as well, whether she seems different emotionally towards you, or if you were thinking too much. If it is the former, you should definitely address the issue with her and let her know how you feel.

      • Kevin

        Thank you for the advice, i already decided to not overthink so much, so have been keeping myself bussy and its working great, the fact that she has 2 children means that she also is very bussy with taking care of them and i have to respect her space, i only texted her a few days ago to tell her how i have been and told her that i hoped that she and her children are well, she pretty much texted me right back and told me that she was happy that i am good and that she is also very good with her children she said she missed me and i texted her back and told her i missed her too, after that the conversation was ended because space is very important i decided to not overthink and did not text her, she wil come soon so Im just living my life and taking it one step at a time, when i see her i will give her the gift and see how things are just like you said, even whatever happens, her happiness is more important to me.

  • Sarah

    My girlfriend left me in January after being together for 4 years.
    She was jealous of my ex who is my business partner and my best friend. She found some messages on my phone which meant nothing I tried to explain everything, but she doesn't accept friendship between me and my ex. She is jealous of even "Hi Hun" message.#
    Well after finding the last message on my phone she decided to break up but she kept living with me another 20 days, we had a laugh, we had sex etc. But she kept saying we have to break up and after a big argument she left the house on 17th of January and took her stuff on 28th of January. I didn't contact her until the 13th of February but when we met up she invited me for a drink where we kissed and she said she loves me but we cant be together and we have to move on.And she was upset that i didnt contact her past 3 weeks and didnt care about her. on 14th she got drunk with her friends and texted "I love you too. Happy valentines". on 15th we met again we kissed, cried and she said she will block me on every social media and that we have to move on. This is driving me crazy. I applied no contact again but contacted her yesterday and again humiliated myself saying I love her and that we should get back together. She got pissed off and said that i didnt love her and that I chose to stay friends with my ex. she suggested me to date my ex again. She said even if we get together everything will remind her of my friendship with my ex and she will get angry and snap.So she suggested me to see the specialist and move on
    So about my ex: we work together. She has a girlfriend and getting married. She is the person I rely on, I trust.
    I never cheated on my girlfriend. I just don' know what else to do? I want her back. But I have this feeling she will not come back and no contact will push her further away from. Please advise

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You have to understand that it's normal for your partner to feel insecure and jealous over an ex being your best friend because they are worried that a relapse of feelings could happen at anytime and they feel threatened by it. It's clear that your partner still loves you, but as long as your relationship continues with your ex as best friends, it will be hard for her to accept it, and it's always going to be an issue. Ultimately, while I'm all for exes remaining friends, I've come to realize that boundaries still have to be drawn, especially when you enter a new relationship, because most people aren't going to be able to accept it. Perhaps you have to understand why your partner feels threatened by your ex, and what goes through her mind, so that you may be able to come to some compromise on the matter, without severing ties with your ex and still getting your current partner back.

      • sarah

        Hi Ryan,
        Thanks for the reply. Do you recommend I do the no contact?
        I am training someone at work already to leave that job where I work with my ex (friend)
        And my ex wrote my current gf an email saying that she doesn't want to be part of our break up and that we have to sort out ourselves. That she has her family and fiance and doesn't want to be blamed for the problems she hasn't created.
        I am going on holiday soon. I will be back in 45 days so all this period of time I want to do no contact.
        whats your advise.
        Many Thanks

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          If that's the case, I do suggest you follow through with NC since the opportunity is there and your ex has expressed herself already in not wanting to get involved in the process, so you should respect her decision and not 'involve' her until everything has cleared up.

  • rey

    Hi, I met my ex 3 years ago, I was and still are a college student. Im 35 now she is 29. At that time I was married and lived far from her. Eventually I divorced and everything started to go perfect with my girlfriend. Now, she was and is ridiculous jealous, I mean crazy ridiculous, even from her own family, it's like I'm a walking Brad Pitt. Not even 3 months into the relationship she told me she wanted kids, I talked to her and said it wasn't the best moment and she took it bad and even accused me of being sterile. Tired of that crap I said to myself, ok how bad can it be? At 5 months she got pregnant of twins. Since that moment it was even crazier. At some point I had really given up since she didn't trust me and was suffocating me, so we talked and kind of broke up. From that moment I felt happy and just kept a father relationship with her. Like 4 months later I found that she was talking to a guy. She actually looked for him and I got really upset. I tried to explain myself why, and just could understand she felt I wasn't giving her attention as a woman, so couple weeks later we sit down and talked and decided to give it a chance. We started again and everything was good. Now the problems in our relationship have always been her jealously and money. Even when I was a college student, I paid her bill until she got a job a year after the birth. When it came time for the taxes I let her get all the refunds, even though I have rights to claim one, and even more when she took me to court to pay child support. Eventually after 3 years she broke up with me again for money reasons. Her reason are that she thinks I won't ever change and have proved nothing to her, that I have no commitment. And I'm like, how can you say that? I always paid your bills, didn't claim my kids even when you made me pay child support, proposed you marriage and everything. My friends tell me I should move on, she is not worth it. I'm not perfect by any means, by im average handsome, good guy, no bad habits, never cheated on her, and even better parent than what she is. But for some reason I can't stop thinking about going back to her as bad as it looks. I wonder why someone like her that met bad men before me would be able to find someone good after me, even after all the crap she has put me through, how life can be so unfair. I see my kids everyday but wonder whether if I take them to my house for some days of the week will affect her and maybe make her realize a relationship is compromise and sacrifices, or if she would be happy she would have more time for dating a new guy. I miss my relationship as bad as it was and wonder why? Initially I screwed up and didn't do the no contact period, I begged her and humiliated myself, and now feel ashamed. Since the last argument we had there has been 10 days of no contact, only couple call regarding the kids, I'm holding on, but is extremely though. I have been working on myself but I find it hard to focus. I can't stop thinking or wishing that her next relationship is bad enough so she can value me. I even talked to a therapist and she told me she won't be able to put aside her own issues by simply dating a guy, but it hurts to even think she will. I can't stop thinking about the probabilities that some guy will be willing to date a single mother of 2 and be able to handle her craziness. I try to tell myself that the probabilities are low, but can't stop fearing for that one chance, as she is physically beautiful. I don't know, I can't stop asking questions, like did she really love me? why did she wanted to have kids with me when I was a broke student? Does she still love me somehow? After breakup in one of our discussions she mentioned I was doing everything to go back but I was doing it wrong, and was like why you tell me that when you said you didn't want to go back? Then things got worse as I didn't do the no contact. But for some reason she always tells me that she has lost hope of me changing, and everytime we comeback, but I'm afraid not this time.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It can be hard to accept the breakup, especially when your ex seems to be doing much better than you are, but you have to ask yourself honestly if this is the kind of life you want to lead. She seems unlikely to change anytime soon, and the only way things may work out now is by your compromise, which is emotionally exhausting. You'll have to figure out what it is you want, and why it is you want her back because ideally if you're going to attempt to win her, it should be a permanent thing and not some temporary moment of happiness with no change to the situation.

  • Haidiee

    Hey.. I've been dating him for 11months,i love him so much... But this year is too important for both of us (the last yr of high school).. We hardly communicated... Then he told me that he don't want to talk to me.. And gave no reasons ..just he had some problems and refused to explain,,,,. I told him that i love him he don't have to do that to me.. He just said that he loves me too..and asked me to remember him any way...
    now we don't talk any more.. I don't know or understand i single ?? What to do with him.. Also i know he is talking to other girls rn .. Not dating....and that makes me jealous and really angry... i miss him so much though

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You should have a talk with him about this, and figure out what it is he wants. There's a good chance that he wanted to break up but didn't know how to go about it, eventually deciding to keep things vague hoping you'll forget about the relationship.

      • Haidiee

        If so y did he told me that be loves me and misses me and promised that whatever happens he will love me... How could he be such a liar!! It's complicated... When he said he didn't want to talk to me he said that after finishing our study we could be together.. And refused to explain more..
        What if i talk to him !!!! And he pulls me away will hurt me.. Isn't there any other solution? <3

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Like I mentioned earlier, instead of overthinking and speculating of all the possible scenarios that may or may not be true, you might want to consider simply talking to him and asking him for an honest answer. If he doesn't want to give it to you, then you might be better off distancing yourself from him for the time being, until there's a better opportunity.

          • haidiee

            thank u for helping me ❤❤but i didn't talk to him.. yesterdays he texted me that he missed me so much and wants to be with me again.. i asked him for explanation he said he was sorry and told that he was depressed about his study, he said he wasn't doing well so decided to be away from me as he didn't deserve me.. he wanted to be successful in order to make a serious relationship... i believed him and i was so happy about his thoughts...but when i told that to my bestie.. she told me that he is lying.. in ordor not to lose me.. and it seems like he is playing.. knowing that i didn't talk to him since yesterday.. i don't know what to do.. ! is he really lying? should i support him? or leave him!!?

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            This is something you would know best and I cannot give you a definite answer since I do not know your ex and how he's like as person. You should consider carefully, and follow what you think is the best solution based on whether you think he's lying or not.

  • Rishty

    Me and my ex broke up 24days ago
    The reason behind the breakup was his family concern.It is necssary to mention that we belongs from different religion and his family would never accept me.But from the very begining of our relationship he said that we will not live with our family as he don't have any problem regarding my religion. To be really honest our relationship was the bestest one I have ever seen. He was so supporting, understating, loving, caring. I can't think my life without him. But as I was quite stubborn so he had to always pacify me that what made our realtionship a bit complicated. From last 2 months he was behaving quite weirdly as we weren't able to contact frequently due to some problems. Last day before we broke up we had a fight and stopped talking to each other. But at the end of the day I couldn't resist myself and called him. But he didn't talk to me properly. Later on he said that he wouldn't be able to continue this relationship. When I asked for reasons he said anyhow his mother got to know about our realtionship and he can't take the pain from his home.And also added he can't progress in his life because of me as he is fully obsessed with me. He said he can't concentrate in a single thing as he always think about me, ourself and our future. As a result he wont able to make a good result and wont able to make a future for us.So he said he can't continue the realtionship. My world was just ended right there. I was completely blank then.I begged him and cried out.But he didn't hear. He was sticked to his logic. Lastly I couldn't resist myself and said a lots of bad stuff about his family and him.Which made him more angry. He blocked me in all kind of social networking sites. He blocked my number too. I begged to him but he didn't pay a hid to it. I also tried to reach him through his friends but it didn't worked out. Intact last night also I called him more than 25times but he didn't picked.Am just driving crazy day by day.I've become completely depressed and my health got also affected by this. The next month I have a big exam to appear which will literally decide my future but for this I really can't concentrate.I've tried to suicide by taking pills and by hearing that he became more angry and thought am trying to distracting him. I know what I've done to him wasn't right. I shouldn't say those stuffs to him. And am really sorry from the core of my heart. He is the right one for me and no one could be better than him.I have no clue what I'll do the next day. I just can't live without him. I want him back the love of my life any how. I am getting destructed day by day
    Plz help me reagarding this
    I really love him and ready to apologise for all wrong things that I've done to him. But he is not even ready to listen.Plz help!!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Then you'll have to give him space first to let go of all the negative emotions he has towards you at the moment from the recent events. If you really feel unable to cope with your emotions and have suicide tendencies or thoughts, perhaps it may be better to consult a specialist for therapy before you try to contact your ex again. By being like this, you will only push him further away because you come across as desperate or needy, which would make him raise his guard against you.

  • Eric Hall

    Hey Kevin,

    about 2 weeks ago I broke up with my girlfriend because at the time it felt like the right thing to do. It was our first real relationship any of us had and we dated for about 5 months. about 2 hours after breaking up with her I realized how much of a mistake I made. we are both young and were each other's first love. We talked the day after and I told her how much of a mistake it was and everything, but she feels that we have grown apart and this is for the best. a few days went by and I gave her a valentines day letter, just talking about our good times and how ill always love her, she texted me that night saying how much that meant to her and everything but that was it. about a week went by and I heard from my friends that she honestly wants to keep things this way so I sent her a text explaining the only reason I did what I did was because I thought she was losing interest in me and was afraid she was going to end things with me.
    She said that she appreciated me telling her that but honestly thinks its best if we both move on, she said that people change and that's okay, difficult for sure but okay, she also said that maybe in a few years if everything works out that we could try things again but right now she cant. I told her I respect that and only asked for a second chance but was told: "I cant, I'm sorry".

    I've tried to get my head off her but I honestly believe I lost something truly special. I don't want to be needy but I also want her back. she says that she misses what we had and will always care about me and that the past week or so hasn't been easy but she keeps saying that this is best for us.

    am I in a hopeless situation?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You're not in a hopeless situation, but it's best if you give her some time to loosen her stand on not getting back together. She's currently adamant about it based on the current you, and if you want a shot with her, you might have to make some changes to your life to re-attract her back. You could follow this article for further guidance.

  • emmanuel

    my girlfriend broke up with me recently after 4years of the relationship,she says she doesnt trust me and love me anymore,i want to start the no contact rule,i dont know if it will work and she has started seeing another guy 3montgs before we broke up,what are my chances??

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Why would she not trust you if she's the one who started seeing another guy even before you broke up? You might want to consider the possibility of walking away and being fair to yourself. However, if you genuinely want to be with her again, it's most likely that this new guy is a rebound for you, and she probably ended the relationship because 4 years is a long enough time for couples to lose the passion or spark in the relationship. I suggest making changes to that aspect, and applying no contact before considering any action down the road.

  • Dipti Sharma

    Hi Kevin...
    I want to tell u that I was dating one guy ... We both were serious about each other n loyal too.. We dated for 5 months he always used to talk with me n he made commitment in front of everyone that he going to marry me... He said whatever happen I ll stay with her.. N Now I don't know what happen he brokeup n reason given that I irritate him n tortured him... I said sorry even I said I ll never do it again still he was like noo I don't want u... 20 days ago he brokeup with me n we having mutual friends they too tired for patchup but he is not ready at all Plzz tell me what to do??

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could consider applying No contact and spend some time figuring out what you could improve on with regards to your personal life, and if you still want to be with him after NC, try initiating contact then. This gives him some space to let go of negative emotions he may hold towards you.

  • Jared Malcom

    My ex girlfriend broke up with my almost two months ago. She gave me multitude of reasons but after reflecting I know she lost attraction for me and we were not successfuly communicating. She kissed a guy the day after we split (and maybe more). I begged her to stay and give me one more chance a week after the breakup when we met to talk and gain closure. She told me she has been in relationship after relationship and doesn’t know how to be happy in her own. She just couldn’t have me as her boyfriend anymore she said.

    It’s been super hard to do anything and I’ve read countless articles on how I should handle myself and what I should do. I still want her back for the right reasons. In the first month apart she sent me a gift, posted a pic on the one social media site that I didn’t block her on in a jacket of mine that she has, and txted me on my birthday that she missed me.

    I reached out about a month after going no contact to see the reason for these actions if there was any. She told me she wasn’t trying to confuse me but rather express her want to be on good terms. I never replied and I’m wondering what I should do.

    Thank you

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Since no contact is over, you can consider remaining on friendly terms with her first, and slowly work your way towards something more again. Even if she has lost attraction towards you, the fact that she once fell in love with you meant that there is a certain factor you possess that attracts her. You're just going to have to recall what it was, and implement it as part of your plan to attract her back once more.

  • Bridget

    I'm so dumb! It's really balffling how someone can love you deeply for over 3 years and suddenly, they have turned off all feelings. It's been 3 weeks since we have been officially broken up, and I have messaged him around once a week, to which he would politely reply. He's been out every night, and I am just freaking out inside because he's so good looking, I'm sure women are all over him. I talked to him yesterday, I had to call him at work. We talked about our finances and took care of some of those things, I told him I was doing well, and he said the same. Then I stupidly said "I miss you". The heartbreaking reply was, "yeah" Now I feel like I blew it. It's been 3 weeks, I feel like he is so done. Is it too late for no contact now?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could apply no contact now, but perhaps do it for 2 weeks before trying to initiate contact with him, especially if you're worried of him getting together with someone else. However, if you're able to do so, then complete NC for 4 weeks and spend this time focusing on yourself.

  • dwee

    i broke up with my bf about 11 days ago and currently doing no contact. however, i was unwell recently and he was helping me to get home from uni. we also have some classes together and he did texted me a couple of time during nc. the last contact i did was when he asked me how was i feeling after he sent me back. i only replied 'im okay and thanks for helping me,' and then i never replied any of his messages after that. after that we saw each other the next day and he started talking to me. i did my best to keep minimum contact while trying to not appear cold. i dont know what to do. this is harder than i thought. i miss him terribly but i also realised that we need space, well at least i do. i kind of disliked the fact that he is treating me as if i am a friend. i realised i cant be just friends with him, hence why i hope by doing nc and following these advises would help me get him back.

    we were in an on and off relationship for 2 years+. we are now 20 years old and we have been together since we were 18. all the times we broke up, it was his decision and all the time he was the one asking us to get back together. we broke up because he believe we have no future together due to different religious beliefs, and he also said that a small factor that pushed him to wanting the break up was to experience how his life would be without me. he felt like he would lose his 'youth and college life' if he stayed in the relationship without exploring the experience of being single.

    he did said that he doesnt know whats going to happen in the future and we may cross path again, although he thinks that we should not get back together again. i personally want him although i know i dont need him. i want him cause although he thinks we have no future, i realised that we both grew to be a better version of each other when we were together. we learned a lot together and we were compatible except for the fact that his parents would never approve his relationship with me due to the difference in religion.

    what should i do? am i doing the right thing? please help me

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It seems that he is experiencing a common effect many couples go through in slightly longer relationships, where he starts to think that the grass is greener on the other side and wants to see it for himself. Under these circumstances, there really isn't a right or wrong thing you can do, but more of where your heart lies. If you really want him back, you'll have to show him that the grass is better with you than elsewhere. If the relationship was a meaningful one as you said, when you begin no contact and work on improving yourself as intended during NC, he may start to realize that.

      • dwee

        thank you for your response Ryan. i really appreciate it. yesterday he texted me again asking about how am i feeling and i didnt reply at all. a few hours later, he texted me asking 'what happened to not avoiding?'. i guess he started wondering why didnt i reply back to him when he reached out to me. when i saw that message i was feeling a little guilty cause i never want to ignore him but i am currently doing nc, so i would naturally/unconsciously ignore him somewhat. i then asked my friend to helped me, which she was more than happy to do so, to indirectly talk to him on my behalf that i need time and space from everything that has been going on since i have other things that has been burdening me emotionally on top of the break up.

        he then replied to my friend saying that he is worried about me since he is aware that im going through a hard time and the fact that i am not replying to him made him even more worried. he told my friend to let him know if i am unwell/ or not feeling okay physically or emotionally, or if i ever need his help. he was telling my friend that it meant a lot to him that my friend was willing to tell him about me.

        i personally feel like he is treating me like a friend. and i understand that he felt weird that i am not replying to him since before we broke up, he told me each to give space but try to not ignore one another, cause he believe that we are still good friends of one another and we shall not let the break up ruin our friendship. i personally do not really like the fact that he is treating me as a friend cause i cant be just friends with him.

        was it wise for me to ask for my friend's help to talk to him indirectly? will it ruin the concept of no contact? will this make him wonder whether the break up was a good or a bad idea? what should i do next?

        thanks in advance :)

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          No it wouldn't ruin anything. When you're on NC, you can still reply him if necessary but keep the conversation short, and let him know that you're working on yourself. The fact that he's concerned shows that he still cares for you, which is a good sign as opposed to being cold towards you. It's just that he may not share feelings of passion towards you right now, like a lover would. You should continue with NC for the time being and focus on yourself. If he contacts again, you could always choose to reply if you want to, but as mentioned earlier, keep the exchange short.

          • dwee

            thank you for your reply Ryan. it means a lot to me. i have a question regarding whats happening recently between my ex and i. this is going to be quite a long post, i apologise in advance if i am troubling you with my problem.

            My ex and i are in the same classes for uni. On Monday, i went to see his friend who stayed in the same accommodation to return his shirt for me since he wasnt in the morning class. Few hours after, i was heading to my afternoon class and i was waiting for the lecture hall to be open. I recently had my blood taken for a general check up and sprained my wrist as i fell due to the slippery stormy weather. I guessed he saw my bandaged wrist and came up to me to asked what happened. As i cant runaway, i hesitated at first but i eventually told him what happened. i told him about it although i was a little panicky at that time since i wasnt expecting him to approach me after the 'no reply messages' incident. I just said 'i fell,'. And the he asked how i did fall. I just said it was slippery and i fell. Then he saw my bruised injection scar and asked me was it because they took my blood and i said yes. He started chuckling cause he knew im scared of needles and said how did it go? I just answered with 'i fainted'. then he was like because of the needles or anemia? And i answered 'both'.

            When i was in the middle of telling him, my class was opened and people rushed into it and i cant help that i have to get into the class with him. After im done answering, he was next to me still then started asking where am i gonna sit. I said idk because the class was starting to be filled by students and there were not many empty seats. He then said lets just sit here and we ended up sitting together.

            I was trying to create a space between us, i asked him dont you have anyone thats gonna sit next to you, like a friend you just met or something. Then he said, do i looked like i have a friend from this course? So i just answered him and said, 'i dont know, maybe you do'. Then after that we sat and he tried to make jokes and all. I responded only when he initiated any conversation, but never really asked him anything. I only asked him a question that's uni related. Then he asked if i can move my wrist around and all but i just said, 'i cant, it hurts when i try to move it'.

            He then started to google on his laptop about how to reduce the pain and swelling of sprained wrist. He typed 'sprained wrist :(' on the search bar.

            After googling, he gave me painkillers (idk why he has them). Throughout class, he was looking at me, stealing a few glances while i kept my head straight ahead. I realised before my lecture ends that i didnt know where my next class was and he saw that i was trying to locate the building. He then started showing me where to go and all. After class was done, we walked out and i was about to leave to my next class. He then said 'why are you going to your class so early? Besides you dont know where it is.' I just looked at him and kept quiet.

            Then he asked me if i have eaten or not. I took about 5 seconds before answering an unconvincing 'yes'. Then he was like, 'im gonna grab some food since i havent eaten at all, do you want to come with me? That is if you dont mind,'. I hesitate again before saying, 'what am i gonna do there? Im not gonna eat either way. And i have class,'. He then said i can just sit with him and i dont have to eat.

            I knew i was supposed to say no to that. And i knew that i shouldve just left. But stupid me was too happy that he asked me that and i eventually went with him to accompany him to eat. i know that i had to asked him some more questions about school work as well although i shouldve just say no to him and left but i couldnt.

            After he got his food, he asked about the morning class that he missed. He asked if the lecturer said anything important. I just told him there's nothing much as it was all in the lecture slides. He told me he was late and he didnt know who else to ask since i never reply to him. Impulsively, i apologised and i told him that i need space away from all of the things that has been happening. And i told him that 'i did that too to everyone,' and idk why did i say that and i felt so goddamn stupid for that.

            Then after a while asked me, 'hows life?'. And i didnt know what to answer. Then i answered with, 'its just like that', and to avoid him asking more, i asked him how about you, hows life, and he return my words; he also replied with, 'its just like that,'

            To avoid him asking me about how i am doing since he asked me that 2 times already, i just asked him about his new place. he decided to move into a student accommodation before our break up as he thinks that he could experience the most of student life by being in one. i think that it could be one of his way to achieve that 'college life' that he always wonder about. He said his new place is good and all. He also said i can come and see it before he realised that i have seen it already before, whne we inspected the place before we broke up. But he said i can still come if i want to. Then after he finished eating, i started to leave for my class and surprisingly, he wanted to send me to my class. I told him that he doesnt have to but he said he didnt mind and he wants to.

            Then i just looked down. Cause idk what im feeling. I was happy but i was sad as well. I miss him and was happy to see him talking to me but i also want some space so he can miss me more and wonder about me more. He looked at me and i could see him from my side that he was doing it. I told him to just look straight and not look at me. He then said if i cant then i wont look at you.

            Then after a couple of moment, i was sighing and he heard it. He asked me whats wrong and i said to him without me realising that i was saying outloud that i just simply dont know how to face him. He then asked, 'why would you feel like that? Its not like you did something that makes you guilty towards me or anything that makes you dont know how to face me. I mean idk, you may slept with someone after we broke up but if you dont then you shouldnt feel that way,'. Then i boldly asked him, 'what if i did then?' He paused for a while before asking me to repeat myself. And i did. I asked him 'what if i did?' He then just replied with, 'well if that really happened then i guess i would just spend another night drinking another glass of vodka and sleep it off,'.

            I shrugged it off, and say, 'sure,' sarcastically before he answered, 'i really did that, dont you know im a drunkard now?' We both fell silent before i joked it off and said, 'nah, those vodka may be there to serenade girls,' then he replied almost instantly saying that the only thing that he would serenade is his right hand.

            Then we reached my class and i said to myself i didnt want to go to class anymore since it looked like another strom was coming and he heard it. He told me to just tell my tutor that im feeling unwell and skipped class. But i said no and i told him i should go. Then he asked me what time will i be going to our class tomorrow. I just said earlt cause i have things to do then he was 'like how early? Morning or noon?' I just said 'dont know maybe noon idk yet,'. He then just said 'oh okay, i was just wondering since our class is at 3 and it'll be too long of a break if you come too early to uni and all,'.

            I just smiled and then he said that he will see me tomorrow and that he has been a good boy as he hasnt skipped class yet. I once again said 'sure' sarcastically since he just missed him class this morning before he smiled and said stop judging him and all. Then i bid him goodbye and he left to go home.

            One thing i realised is that he still called me by the name that he use to call when we were still together.

            Today, i met him on the bus on the way to uni and he once again asked me about my wrist. And i replied with 'its just like that,'. Then he asked which shirt was the one that i return and i answered that it was one of his long sleeved shirt. After that, i continued walking before he asked me some questions about my appointment with my lecturer and I replied with, 'no she cancelled it,' and then i kept quiet. Mainly, i kept quiet because i felt a little awkward since he is treating me nicely. but i cant tell if its because he thinks of me like a friend or because he genuinely still care for me like how he was when we were together back then. and i dont really like it because it makes me confused. I want him back and i dont want to be treated like a friend, he is being really nice and almost as caring as before but its confusing me a little.

            As i reached class and before i enter the room, he was next to me and asked if it was the right classroom. I just said 'im not sure,' and opened the door before choosing a seat. He looked at me, looked around the room before going to an empty seat far from me and said 'bye,'. I just smiled and then thats all.

            What should i do now? Does this mean that he is treating/only seeing me as a friend? Do i have any chance to ever get back with him again or should I just give up? Will continuing NC would give me better chance in getting him back?

            please please please help me.

          • dwee

            if you are wondering about the date, days or time i am referring in my post, I am in Australia so the time would be a little different from where you are.

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            It seems that he's showing you care and concern still, that is seemingly beyond what a friend would do. However, this is something you would know better than me since he's your ex and you know what he's like as a person. Continuing with NC may be good as it keeps a level of mystery which may keep him intrigued, but it may also end up backfiring in your case if he thinks you're being cold and decides to respect your decision and limit contact with you. Like I've mentioned, you would know best how he's like as a person, use that knowledge and make your decision on whether you think he's simply being friendly or may be showing something more.

  • anonymous

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for all the helpful advice on here. My ex broke up with me after a 3 year relationship about a month ago. I have followed all of your advice and didn't bother her after the breakup and told her I support her and want the best for her. 2 weeks after the breakup she came over and spent the night at my place and seemed surprised and confused by how nicely I had set it up. She pretty much told me she left because I had been weak and was leaning on her too hard. I reminded her that this breakup process was changing me into a much stronger person. Afterwards we continued no contact. I'm currently in the no contact/self improvement phase. My question to you is regarding how much time to spend here before I begin reaching out to her via text. I think more time, maybe another month is good because like you say it gives her time to have less negative feelings about me. I think the longer I wait the more likely the communication will seem sincere rather than just an effort to get back together. So overall I'm thinking 2 months after she initially broke up with me might be around the correct time to engage her again. Let me know what you think

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      That's great to hear. Yes you're right, you definitely want to give her time to let go of the negative emotions she may hold on to regarding the breakup/relationship, as well as allow her to see the changes you've made to yourself more clearly during re-contact. Depending on how ugly the breakup was and context of it, the time frame for NC would differ accordingly. Supposing it wasn't too messy considering that she spent the night 2 weeks after the break up, I think slightly over a month from when you started would be a better time frame.

  • arsene

    hi , my gf and i spoke last of last Friday after 3 weeks and half not seeing each other and she wanted to talk and she was telling she loves me but she want us to break up bkoz she tried to fix things so many times and i never listen to her and she is tired and she thinks that we lost each other and i did tell her that i do not want to lose her and promised that i was going to change.
    she said she was going to think again about her decision ... on valentine i had a gift for her that i bought since December and i paid for uber delivery to her work place and after she texted me saying that i did have to but thanks for the gift and when she got home she sent another text saying its beautiful and she loves it. and i tried to speak often and she said that we are not supposed to chat all the time because it doesn't help her or me so i stopped texting her since the 14 th of feb and she texted on sunday that she will let me know during this week when we will meet to talk but the tricky part is that my birthday is tomorrow and i am watching ...if she doesn't show up or meet me does it means its over or there is still hope?
    i love her and ready to change not for her but to fix myself first and have a happily relationship with her.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could use the point on whether she wishes you as a gauge on how she feels towards you, but I suggest not letting it get you down even if she doesn't. Simply focus on changing yourself in the meantime, since it's for you (first and foremost), and continue with no contact to give her the space she needs.

  • anonymous

    Hi.. I met up with my Ex after no contact, it went really well! I left it a couple of days before speaking to her again.. I can tell she was a little bit cold as her response time was a lot longer than usual and the reply was pretty weak. I responded but ended the convo, saying i was busy with work. Just wondering what you recommend I say next? I know in your email service you talk about giving her some space, should I follow that approach? any other tips would be much appreciated, thanks.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Yes, if she responds coldly, it could either mean that something reminded her of the past, and negative feelings towards you formed again, or that she's distracted with something else at that point. Either way, by pushing for replies, you would come across as needy or pushy, which may cause her to further raise her guard against you.

      • Anonymous

        I don’t want to push for replies I just messaged her on Sunday night, mainly to ask if she had a good weekend but she didn’t respond till this morning. So I ended the convo straight away. I’ve seen these traits before. I know it’ll be an emotional past memory. Would you recommend that I message her calmly saying I’m going to give her space or just leave her alone for a bit? I feel if I don’t address the issue it’ll lead towards the friend zone path, and I don’t want that to happen.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Yes you could send her that. At least if it isn't the case, she would reply you saying that she doesn't need the 'space or be left alone'.

  • Amie

    My girlfriend and I were together for 3 months, and the relationship was great. We had a very deep connection with each other. We had to break up because of some personal issues she was having. The personal issues caused her to become completely void of all emotions.

    We tried to be friends right after the breakup, but it was too much for both of us. Mostly due to us not giving each other a little bit of space after the breakup. We decided to go our separate ways, so she can work on getting herself better.

    I would like for us to get back together eventually, but first I want us to start talking again. I’m struggling with how long to do the no contact thing. I don’t want her to think I’m being needy, or that I have any ulterior motives.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      The best would be to apply no contact for at least 30 days. You can refer to this article for more details regarding No Contact.

  • Jin

    Hi exbf and i had a long distance cross culture relationship.we met in India when we both traveled there.then we went back to our countries,becoming gf and bf.we met in the third country or my country every two months averagely.most time he crossed 9000kms to see me.but we quarreled a lot .after being together For one and half year,he broke up with me.he started seeing another girl only 3days after.i know he still loved me,he just doesnt know what to do as i hurt him a lot when we were together.would you please tell me how to implement this plan especially step 3 and 4,as we Are so far away from each other now? Thank you very much.Best regards. Jin

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You can implement step 3 through the use of social media, by posting pictures of the changes you've made to yourself. Step 4 can be implemented by simply dropping him a message or email after NC is done.

      • Jin

        hi kevin.After he broke up with me.he started to talk to a lot girls,one of the girl invited him to meet her in he went to meet her.he told me he just want to sleep with someone,as i am the only person he has slept with,and i didnt fulfill his sexual fantasy when we were together.but we do have a lot othrr problems that i hurt him a lot.Today is the fifth day he has been there.when he was there i called him .we had few conversation,sometimes very good,sometimes end badly,but he said he loved me,he missed me,as the girl he is meeting is quite conservative and i showed some changes about sex problems to him.he was quite satisfied ,complaining about i should do this one year ago.i also said i gonna say yes to everything if he comes back,he said it was tempting.but he just got hurt too badly and doesnt believe me that i gonna change permanently.i read ur article on the third day,then i stopped contacting him since the last two days,he didnt contact me,so i know nothing about what was going on.i know i need to stay calm.He is going back to his country tomorrow, in this case,should i shorten NC?He gonna have a holiday at the end of march,i am afraid if they goes well,he might go to her country to meet her,he might book the tickets there anything else i could do about him in this case? thank you very much! Jin

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          As you've said, keep calm. I understand your fears but right now because you've broken up, there's nothing you can do about his actions and intentions, and you should focus on not letting it get to you, because it may ruin your chances if you do. You could shorten NC by a bit, to ask him where he's headed to, but you should not try to pressure him against going (especially if it's to where the girl lives), or he might get frustrated and ignore you instead.

  • Lovisa

    Hi, what does it mean if your ex visits your page on badoo (date app) and unblocks you on facebook? we broke up 2 weeks ago, he visited my page on badoo 2 days after break up, and for maybe 3 days ago he unblocked me on facebook, but is still blocking me on instagram and snapchat!

    Wer'e both 22 years old, we broke up because we had to, and i think this is just good for us because we (more from his side) broke up with eachother quite often these last months, but we got back to eachother every time since 'i like you more than anyone else, that's why i keep coming back' we had some issues with understanding eachother while fighting, but now when we broke up i can see both my part and his part of it all, and i'm working on myself right now. Our love was something i've never experienced before, and he said the same week we broke up, that he really believes that i'm 'the one' for him, in the relationship and even after, he told me he never felt this way before for anyone else, and he believes we got a chance later on if we let it all go and blablabla. We've been back and forth for almost 2 years and last year we broke up with each other from february- july.

    What do you guys think? i'm so insecure right now, all i want is being with him but i know for boths best we can't right now.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      He may have unblocked you because there was something he wanted to see you on your Facebook profile, hence. As to the relationship itself, since the breakup was relatively recent, I suggest giving it more time before you initiate contact with him again. In the meantime, focus on solving those issues you mentioned seeing after the breakup to better yourself.

      • Lovisa

        Hi Ryan, he blocked me on facebook again.. what do you think that means? yes i will wait atleast 1 month until taking any contact with him, i'm fully working on being the best version of myself right now, both with gym and taking good pics haha.. yes i'm working on my issues, it's hard, but hey! i want to fix them. Do you think we have a chance later on?

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          The fact that he blocked you again could simply mean that he still isn't ready to let go of the negative emotions and probably requires more time. There's definitely a chance as long as you make changes, but it also depends on when he may be ready again to face you. Keep distracted for now by focusing on yourself, and give it more time.

          • Lovisa

            Hi Ryan, it’s soon a month ago we broke up, and the last couple of month he broke up with me many times, due to the fights we had, and things i gave a promise about to change in fights (which i told him to i would change after every time he broke up with me but never did) so this time he broke up with me, he was very tired of repeated situations, should i really write to him next week? don’t you think maybe he needs more time? Or should i wait until he takes any signs of contact to me? :/

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            As mentioned, you should try to give him more time since he has not unblocked you anywhere else yet. Since he was upset that you promised to change each time during the fights but never got around to it, perhaps it's something you should look at in the meantime.

          • Lovisa

            Hi again, he actually wrote to me on Facebook 2hrs after my comment here, and added me on Snapchat, he snapchatted me without a response from me! He sent me a picture on Facebook and Said it still hurts looking at that, and just asked me how i feel and so on, i played it cool and answered him like a friend! I know i shouldn’t write back to him, but he’s really sensitive so i thought why not.. but what should i do now? i was the one who put an end to the conversation!

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            It's fine, since by not replying you may cause him to react in a negative manner. Continue with NC in the meantime, and if he does not contact you further, wait until the end of NC to initiate contact once again.

  • Lilly

    We were always in a distance relationship but not to far and in the same time zone so we could see each other often. Last December I decided to go abroad so I broke up with him. He didn’t want to break up and in the end we didn’t have a conclusion. He was sad when I left and we still kept in touch after I left. Then I complained a bit why he didn’t message me for a few days and we kinda had a fight. But he said he will be happy to message me often if that makes me happy and said I will be always in his heart. For some reason I came back after only 2 weeks and I wanted to meet him. He also said he hoped that he can see me even though he has been busy. I felt that he has been distant and I was so insecure. So I said I felt it’s gone between us. He said we kinda have to let it die because distance relationship like that is hard to sustain. We stopped talking for a week and then I contacted him again. He suddenly wanted to break up with me. I didn’t want to break up and asked him to meet me. He thought of meeting me again but didn’t reply my message..... So I sent him long text about not writing us off and we will be happy seeing each other.... He said he had kinda already set his mind on my leaving and asked me not to think about us and try to be happy. And then He stopped replying 2 weeks ago... We were always happy when we were together. I don’t know why he suddenly has changed a lot. Can I still get him back? Has he already moved on? I just think that we were always so happy together and we didn’t have any major problems. But he said he always wants to run away when relationship gets complicated.. Is there any chance that we can get back?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Sometimes the distance doesn't actually make the heart grow fonder like everyone thinks, but rather the opposite and causes a person to feel more distant or even lose feelings. Some people need physical contact to maintain their feelings towards one another, and your ex may have been the case, which resulted in him making his mind about leaving. You would best know if he still has any feelings for you or not, based on how the relationship was in the past before things went bad. It could also be the possibility that because of the distance, he's running away from the relationship now because it feels too complicated. I would suggest sending one more message to ask what made him decide to walk away, and from there you can decide if you still want to try and win him back, or to be fair to yourself and walk away.

  • Sarah

    Hey Kevin.
    So my boyfriend broke up with me 3 days ago and his reason was that he’s a workaholic. And due to work he can’t give me time. (Even though I’m understanding) but he was like what if down the line if it irritates you that I’m not able to give time and stuff. He’s basically over thinking a lot. I tried to explain him but nothing worked. So anyway I decided to do the no contact thing but the thing is that he works at the same gym that I go to. So he did try to talk to me but then I told him that I don’t want to talk to him at all. When I broke up I did blast on him saying that how you give up and blah blah. But anyway I need your help now. He really wants to be a friend and act all normal but I’m ignoring him. Tell me what to do? And I know for a fact that he still is madly in love with me

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Perhaps you have to understand his reason for wanting to end things, and what triggered him to overthink to such an extent. If you don't feel ready to be friends yet, I would suggest applying No Contact first in the mean time to give yourself some space to work on yourself, before trying again down the road.

  • Aly

    I broke up with my gf 4 month ago on some misunderstanding .i text her again and again to tell her that was not me that's was my first mistake.I saw her daily in uni with her friends daily and can't control my emotion and feelings because now we don't even look each other she ignore me all time.Her friends dislike me i don't know why but they did all to saying her aly is not good blah blah blah........i try to close them but that's does't work.3 days ago ask her to talk but she said i don't want to talk u and went.i want to get her back.4 months already wasted by me what should i do know?i do noting on valentine's day.Her birthday is on 21 feb should i wished her r not?
    I read your's article.I don't know where to start?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It depends on how long the relationship was, and whether it was a meaningful one. If it's been 4 months and she still is treating you negatively, you'll either need to give her more space to let go of her negative feelings towards you or consider walking away because it may not be worth it to hold on since you don't know when she will forgive you.

      • aly

        she has a boy (friend) or love her don't know but seem to be happy with her.i still in love with her.Time which spend with me now she spend with him.I saw both of them daily in university and can't control my feelings memories i want t move on but can't....what should i do???

  • Angana

    Hi, so me and my boyfriend broke up 2 days back after dating for 1 year and 3 months. The reason for break up was he was stressed about his life (work and everything) and he moved to Australia where he is all by himself. Sometimes i was very needy and needed his attention while he was busy with so much stuff. I hope you understand what am trying to say. So, then he wanted to break up because i was causing so much stress and we would argue over those stuff. And he said 'that we don't suit each other so we should move on with our lives and even if we try to change we cant' but, we didn't care about those before he moved to AUS because we learnt to adjust to the way each other is and we were fine regardless of the little fights we had. I was needy and begged him to come back to me like you mentioned on your post and he refused. We honestly had a strong deep emotional connection and he loved me so much thats why i'm willing to get back with him if he gives me a second chance. I want to start fresh. Any advice on what i should do? Please

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You should give him some space for now to avoid creating further negative emotions from forming. He thinks you're incapable of change now, and probably would not believe you even if you promised to change if he were to give things a second chance. Your best bet is to actually make those changes need first, then contact him again as an improved person in his eyes.

  • Mohammed

    My girlfriend break up with me before two weeks, i spent first 5 days crying and bigging then found your website and now i am applying no contact rule and every single tips you said .. after 5 days of NO CONTACT RULE and till this moment about 10 days she keeps calling me and i do not replay
    What should i do ?
    I am asking you because this situation is different, he old boyfriend was always trying to contact her trying her to come back and i was always make problems with her cuz she replaies and write to him now my fears is that she could back to him permanently if i did not answer her calls ? What do you think please
    Help .. let me you know that i am 25 and we have been together for about 1 year and she is my first girlfriend ever .. so losing her was so much painful
    Thank you

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If you're genuinely worried about her getting back together with her ex, then you could reply to her message or call but keep things short and to the point. You can even let her know that you're working on improving yourself now and try not to let things go back to square one or your efforts would be wasted.

  • Debby

    Hi,my situation is kind of very complicated, my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 4 years, at the beginning of last year, he started acting very difrently i didn't understand why, i tried to ask him and he said he was just tired of relationships, i told him that we should break up then but he refused and said he dint want me going far away from him, to cut the long story short, he wasn't talking to me then i started seeing him with this certain lady oftenly,when i cpnfronted him, he told me she's her friend. He started posting pictures of he and her everywhere and he still insisted that she is his friend , we still met up like usual but we were not talking much, recently,i find out that the supposedly "friend" of his is actually his girlfriend, they live together and even worse, she is expecting his child, so i confronted him about it and it is all true though he dint want to admit it, so we like broke up though he still dint want it and is still insisting i be his friend. i just don't know what to do i feel so hurt because i still love him but i just dont know if he'l ever be with me again. pliz help.. Thanks

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If that person is his girlfriend and is expecting his child, I'm sorry to say but there isn't much you can do at this point but walk away before things get too ugly. In this scenario, even though he lied to you, you'll still be seen as the bad person if you try to do anything to win him back.

  • Alyssa Carlson

    I recently got back with my ex and I've done a few of your steps but not in the right order. I just read your article and I feel I might have made a huge mistake. My ex and I broke up and he did try and move on and I was just starting to accept the break up and move on myself. Here is where the tricky part comes in. My ex and his rebound had sex and he still wanted to remain her friend even tho they dated for a week. He left her because he saw me in his ex. All good things. I had talked to him for about a week and went to spend the weekend with him to see how it went and we decided to get back together. Now I messaged his rebound because he was always hanging out with her but only as friends... And I tried to make things civil with her and tell her how I felt which I don't hate her I just was jealous that she lived near him and I lived two hours away. Now me and her worked everything out and are ok but he is mad and has threatened that I haven't change. She is a good friend and my intentions were only to keep her in his life without it effecting me or making me jealous. Did I make a terrible mistake? Have I lost him forever? He hasn't broken up with me but he asked me to leave him alone and I have given him his space. He had many qualities about him I adore and goals that I feel make him a great person to be with. If we do break up I know I'll be hurt but I won't be devastated as bad as before. I feel like that feeling is wrong and I'm not sure how to cope with that. Does that mean I'm not attracted to him? I know my life will go on without him but he is still bringing up the past and I'm ready to move on. He said I was different when we were together and I could tell he still loves me more now than back then and I've accepted my faults of the past relationship... No matter what I do he still believes I'm the same. Is there a way to show I'm different or will he have to realize that on his own?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Although you had the best intentions, your approach of contacting that ex of his probably came across as a breach of his personal space and offended him. I don't think you've lost him forever (as long as that ex does not have ill intentions and makes matters worse), and you'll have to apologize and acknowledge that you overstepped your boundaries but explain to him that you meant no harm and just wanted what was best for him.

      • Alyssa Carlson

        With the ex staying in his life.... Should I allow that if they were friends before and she was only his rebound? He has hung out with her every night since we got back together and his family and friends all know I'm his girlfriend but I don't think they should be hanging out every day all night and him not text me much while they are together. I don't know how to tell him how I feel without making it seem like I'm controlling him. Them being friends is ok in my life but you broke up with your rebound because you wanted me... We fix things and get back together but he talks to her more than he does me and I'm the girlfriend... I trust him around other women but I feel like it's too soon after the breakup to be spending every night hanging out with your rebound... What can I say to help him see how I feel without seeming controlling or am I just being overly complicated about the friendship?

        • Mandy

          Hey gurlie but the rebound gurl is not just his friend but it’s an ex. Once you cross that line then i be careful about the whole thing to be honest. If you say to much your come off controling and pushy about it. If you talk to the gurl you come off like a sycho lol. I would just have my own life out side of the relationship and look like the better option. If he going to hang out with her all the time, I would get some guy friends and start hanging out with them. Go out with your gurlies dancing on the weekends. Keep goals like school or your job proiorty and act like you have sometime for him but he’s not going to be what makes you happy. He would just add happiness to your already incredible life. Also work out and look good gurlie 😊. This should show him that your a strong 💪 independ person who has a lot to offer. Shine gurlie live the best life for yourself.

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          You should be honest with how you feel in this case. If he did break up with the rebound to work things out with you, it's a little unreasonable to be meeting her every night still, and to not assure you or reply whenever he is with her. That kind of defeats the purpose of reconciliation with you, and seems highly suspicious.

  • Mari

    My boyfriend and I technically broke up last August (I broke up with him because I was starting grad school and couldn't handle our constant fighting and not feeling valued, little did I know a lot of his behavior stemmed from his depression and not lack of love) He and I started talking again last October and he was really into it, even dropped a hint that he still loved me. We both had expectations of a relationship but I was really afraid of repeating past mistakes and anytime we got close to being anything serious again, I pushed him away. Anytime that happened, I would freak out because he would put up a wall. I just continued to confuse him through my actions but my feelings (and his) were genuine. I realized that I needed to be honest with him only too late. I had pushed him away too much and he couldn't handle the back and forth. He stopped talking to me, blocked my number even, for a month. I begged him to reach out, told him I loved him and wanted to either fix it or let it go but he couldn't just ghost me the way he had. At the end of it all, he gave me back my things last week but even admitted to me that we both messed up and that it was never lack of love, but lack of communication. He cried and said he would miss me (and had for the month we hadn't spoken) but was resolute in his decision. He said there was a difference between loving someone and caring for them but wanting to remove himself from the cycle. He said he would unblock me and that we could maybe hang out sometime and maybe be friends one day.

    Today is his birthday. Should I still wish him a happy birthday? I still want him back so badly. We planned a future together. He thought that I wanted to mess around while he wanted to settle down and that's why it wasn't working but I only gave off that impression because I was afraid. I genuinely love him and believe we have a beautiful connection. I also just went through the box of things he gave me back and realized he still has some of my items. What should I do?


    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If he is currently going through a mixture of emotions and has many negative thoughts, you might want to consider no contact as it might be better to give him some space to let go of them before you think of trying anything again. Since it is his birthday, you could always drop him a casual message to wish him, but try not to continue on with it too much after because it still seems too soon.

      • Mari

        Thank you for your response Ryan, I really appreciate it! What are your thoughts on his still having some of my items? It could be a mistake, he probably doesn't realize it but part of me wonders why hold on to my things for the month he wasn't speaking to me? Why not just end it? (When I asked him he said he didn't know) He must have put all of my belongings in the same place and if that's the case why not give it all to me? I know he's very busy right now with work and projects he's working on which could go to his not giving me those items as a mistake. Do you still think there's a chance for us here? Do you think there's still love there? He said he still cares (even though he made the comment I said in my earlier post about the difference between love and caring but wanting to remove himself from the cycle). He and I were involved for what would be three years in March (that's including two breaks: one for 2 months because he was in therapy but we were still in constant contact and acting like a couple and the other from when we broke up in August of last year).

        Thank you again for your input! Your advice is most appreciated!

        • Mari

          Also: I'm not sure if this helps, but during the conversation when he gave me back my things, we had two moments where it was like we were ourselves again. He was smiling, even let a laugh escape his lips at something I did. I saw the person I fell in love with even if only for a moment and then he went right back to his decision of it not working "right now". Is that any indication of something? Or just wishful thinking? Thanks again!

  • Nora

    Hi! My boyfriend for 4.5 years (whom I lived for 3 of them) suddenly broke up with me 5 weeks ago. In december we bid on a house together, and we spent christmas together with his family, and everything seemed fine. He was depressed this autumn, and he seemed to be getting worse again. This time around he blamed it on our relationship, and that it didn't feel the same anymore. He hadn't given me any reason to believe this, as he was as affectionat as always just days before. Now he wants to sell our apartment. We have only had contact a few times regarding that for 4 weeks, but tomorrow we are meeting up there to discuss the sale. I did not want this to happen, and I did NOT see it coming. He seems sad about the breakup, but I'm not shure if he would come back to me right now. I hope with all my heart that he will. I love him, and want it to be us forever. We have planned our life together openly for years, and I really, truly believe that we would have been good together.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You might want to try and figure him out, and whether there was an underlying reason for the break up and if it's something that can be fixed. Purely based on what you're saying, one possible reason for the break up was because things were progressing so seriously (the house), it started to scare/stress him so much so that he got cold feet and broke up with you. There may be other possible reasons, in which you may be best suited to figure out.

      • Nora

        Thanks for the answer. He is not scared of the serious stuff. We have already owned an apartment for almost 3 years. I think I may have been a bit negative lately, and pushed him a bit because of his depression. We have worked so well for so long, so this is so unexpected. He didn't seem as if he himself understood what was happening, only that it didn't feel the same anymore...

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          In that case, it might be better to spend some time to work on your negativity, and find out how to deal with it. If his depression is very serious, you might also want to advice him to seek professional help to assist him with coping.

          • Nora

            I have given him the number of some professionals. I don't know if he'll go... I am trying to be as positive as possible when in contact. Meeting him tonight. I have thought a lot about what I can do to be a better person around him too. I hope he will be wanting me back in time... I know we will work if we get the chanche to work on it together.

          • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

            There's definitely a chance still, but provided he decides to help himself and let you back into his life. Continue to be strong for yourself, and to be as positive as you can. However, keep in mind that this is NOT your responsibility at the end of the day, and if things become too draining, there is no obligation to drag on and continue trying to exhaust yourself further.

      • Mandy

        I am all about getting back together but in this case I would really think about moving on... if it were me because what if you guys did get back together and he does this again to you. I just think 🤔 going through something like this has to be horrible and I wouldn’t dewl I just get someone more stable gurlie. Sorry 😐 that your going through this at the moment.

  • H Y

    Hi Ryan,

    My boyfriend broke up with me 6 months ago. We have only dated for 6 months but hung out for a year or so before we start to date. It was not a smooth sail to begin with. We are very compatible when we were just friends. However, ever since we started dating, we always get into these small frustrations with each other. We never had any heated arguments but we would always talk about problems, logically. Towards the end, he was really stressed from work and his family and he wanted to go on a break after I threw a tantrum. After a week, he asked to meet up and broke up with me. I didn't contact him for awhile but lately we started to talking again but I can feel that he distanced himself. I want to give it a second try because I feel that either of us was trying hard enough. However, my friends are telling me to just move on, he is not the right guy for me. I am not sure what to do, any advice?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Whether he is the right one for you is something only you can decide for yourself. But you have to be aware that relationships are very different from friendships especially when it comes to expectations and patience. If you want to win your ex back, you'll have to work on that aspect about yourself first, and give him some time to deal with the negative emotions from the break up before considering anything.

  • Asmen

    I'm 50. I feel I need a serious support from you. We're having a wonderful relationship my girlfriend for last six years with high intimacy and enjoyed sex whenever possible. She is 45. I'm having a wonderful family with two kids and she also got her family with kids. But due to some doubts on me, she broke with me two to three times. But I'm able to manage her back to normal life. She is working in my company. I brought her to my company only after we started of our relationship. She is very capable and doing her job very successfully. We are able to spend a lot of time together.

    First, we broke because of her doubt on me with another lady. But it was a very fair relationship and I was almost like a mentor for her and she helped me in some financial troubles. I kept it hidden not to make her sad, for a long time and she caught us over phone red-handed. That became so serious and she resigned. But I beg pardon and I explained everything she forgave me. But so suspicious on every relationship even with my relatives. It happened once more when I kept hidden something not to worry her and broke again. Again managed to get her back but She asked me to cut all suspicious relationships and I accepted. I'm so sincere to her till this moment and never thought about any other dating relationship even before I met or after we fell in love. She is the second lady with whom I had the physical relationship in my life after my wife.

    I was keeping some financial or company things hidden only because not to make her sad on that. But on many occasions when she comes to know about it she will burst out and will become so violent and try to break from me and the relationship. I had given oath many times to her that I won't lie or hide anything from her. But on many occasions due to fear of losing her, I kept hidden and lied many times to her. In last December 17 one such thing happened and finally, she left me. nearly after 1 year, I managed to get her back as my employee in my company, on condition, i will not pressure her into the former relationship but only employee and max a normal friend but not intimate. We were had a lot of discussions apologies, but nothing worked out. She is not happy if i care her more and if showed much affection. But she is very normal to me now.

    But I'm undergoing a very stressful period and she is my first love. I'm 50 now and all I want to get her back permanently. But I fear, she had few earlier relationship which also broke but she never goes back to that what may happen. She is a person like, once broken is broken and she will never get back to it. What may happen I want her back. Her husband is not at all supporting her for her living and abuses her very much. He continues to do it from her marriage days itself. She had her marriage 20 years before and still together.

    She got a feeling that I cheated or betrayed her. But I haven't done anything wrong or insincere to her except hiding or telling lie. But that is most important to her but its normal to me. But I'm ready to change. My company is going thru a financial struggle and I need this relationship back to set right everything. I need her back at any cost for the rest of my life. We are meeting everyday at the office and having normal and official communications directly and over the phone also. But she shows no intimacy to any of these communications and she told that she is not even thinking about me when I'm away. Need your sincere help and advice to her back.

    I did a lot of mistakes before coming to your site like begging, pleading, apologizing, promising on future and bad things possible as you pointed out. Now i started the no contact as you suggested. But that can be limited as we are are meeting everyday in office and a lot of official communications. Please reply. Is your EBP advanced will work on this scenario? please reply on how to proceed.

  • Ruby

    Should I be posting on social media during no contact

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Yes you should. No contact with your ex doesn't mean no contact with the outside world.

  • Jason Egeland

    So my girlfriend broke up with me on Christmas night. Things had been building for awhile. We were together 5
    And a half yrs. It wasn't a pretty breakup. She recently asked me to stop contacting her because just a couple days before I had asked her if she was seeing someone new and she said " seeing someone but not while we were together. I was always 100 percent faithful to you. Hope this helps you move on." Prior to this I had over emailed her, texted and called twice
    . It's been about a month and two weeks since the breakup and guessing it's a rebound. Two days later I sent her a long email telling her how I feel about her and she sent me an email saying"please stop contacting me. You promised you wouldn't text or email me me if I said I was seeing someone else. You haven't kept your promise at all. Please keep your word (and dignity) and let me go." I sent her a text the next day..."You are right. I give you my word to not contact you again, I promise. I've been wrong and am sorry."
    She had told me prior to all this the last day I saw her when I was getting my stuff from the house that she feels like she is "losing me " and said "I don't like the thought of you being with someone else either." Reciprocated from what I told her but that "we just can't allow ourselves to dwell on it". So I'm in that last text I sent her I have officially promised not to contact her again so I will have to do the no contact permanently I'm guessing? I think it will only make her angry if I do. The breakup involved some shouting and I know it was caused from drinking which I've given up since. Her dad was an alcoholic. None of that would have happened had I not made a sarcastic comment after my friend went home and had I not lost control the way I did, i probably could've made up with her after she told me she was breaking up with me had I'd kissed her and apologized instead of throwing things in the kitchen and grabbing a kitchen knife and locking myself in the bathroom, in which case she called the cops and the rest is complicated. She took my door key and her dad came over when I got out of the hospital and told me she was upset and didn't want to see me right now. I went my dad's and later I had to meet up with her to have my name removed from the lease. She insisted we move on. I know she loved me and we had a valuable relationship but we had a lot of arguments that were caused from the drinking something she even mentioned later was one of the main reasons we had so many problems. So now I'm left with my promise to her of not contacting her again. Short of not contacting her, she doesn't use Facebook ever so there's nothing more I can do exceptif she makescontact with me at some point. Your thoughts?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Follow through with no contact, pick yourself up from the break up, and work on your anger and alcohol issues to create a better version of yourself. Since she is dating someone else, there isn't much you can do but to give her space and ensure that you are in a better place if the opportunity should ever present itself in the future.

  • James

    Hi EBP team! I really appreciate your effort.

    My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because she got tired of our (not so frequent) ups and downs. She was hurting bad afterwards and even admitted to missing me a lot but remained adamant to her decision, kept herself distracted and now she's getting better by the day. I sticked to no contact for a month (which helped me a great deal) and yesterday I sent her a memory text. She replied positively and we chatted about random stuff for a bit before I ended the conversation. I know her enough to know that she hasn't changed her mind and it's normal for her to be friendly since we had a civilized breakup. How slow should I take this? Should I wait a couple days and message her again or should I ask her out for a coffee and just be friendly and cool? Right now I feel there's a chance and I don't want to ruin it by acting too fast or waiting too long.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Observe how the exchange in texts go, and don't jump the gun on asking her out for coffee because it may raise her defenses if it comes across as forced.


    I broke up with my long distance Boyfriend yesterday.i am feeling so hurt and i can die without him.Our relationship had so many ups and downs but we rejoin and relove so many times within 1 yr of RS.Now he blocked me my number and on every social medias that i can't chat him. When i talk to him with my friend's acc, he said he will block my fri also. I beg him and cry so many times towards him. What should i do?? i really love him and cant live without him. And i also know he really loved me and still loves me though he said he dont love me now.In this article, duration of no contact is abt 4 weeks but he will come back in 2 wks to our country because of his school off. he will stay for 3 days and after that he will come back next 2 mths. What should i do. Can i do no contact for just 2 wks? Because i want to apologize for my serious mistakes when he is in town.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It depends on why he broke up with you in the first place. If he is arriving in 2 weeks, then you could always reduce no contact for now, as long as you think it's enough time for him to let go of any negative emotions or feelings he holds towards you.

  • S


    I'm sure you get hundreds of these so I'll try to be brief. I'm considering the EBP program. We've been apart for roughly two years [She tried to stay with me, but I could not let go of our previous past (she broke up with me in the first go and later slept with one of my good friends)]. It was supposed to be our fresh start but I muddied it up because of my inability to get over it. I lied to her when telling her I was. Another note, I did become intimate with another when we were in a huge fight, seemingly at the end of our rope. We decided I would move out and we would take it from there, but I selfishly took it as a "break-up" (Such a cop out, I know). Since then, I went through:

    - depression (antidepressants and anxiety meds)
    - suicide attempt (Unrelated to the relationship but important to disclose post relationship mindest)
    - A somewhat serious relationship in which the person loves me and I treat them more as a friend than a partner/best friend.(we are LDR and I am waiting to break up with them in person).
    - much growing and learning, haven't we all.

    It has been 9 months since my suicide attempt and feel I have become healthy both of mind and body. I feel the past were my emotional growing pains, and was my transition into adulthood.

    My question is, how do I attempt to contact her, if at all, after all this time? Last I heard, she wants NOTHING to do with me and out of respect for her wishes, I haven't contacted her since. I've heard she's moved on but that was a year ago and I have remained blocked on her social media so I'm not sure what her status is. I have no wish to disrupt her life/balance, but if she is single, I very much would like to make a go at maximizing the happiness of both our long-term futures. She was not my first love, but by far my most cherished.

    So much for being brief.


    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Hey there,

      Firstly, good job on dealing with all those issues you mentioned and still making it out positively. Since it has been a long time, you could consider checking up on how she's doing from a mutual friend if possible. If not, you could consider dropping her a casual text message, or even a letter - if you know where she lives. Acknowledge your faults in the relationship and apologize for them, in the hopes that one day you guys can still be friends. Never start off with your intention and patience level geared towards wanting her back, but simply as a long-time friend showing concern/checking in on her and how she's doing. The most important thing you have to find out is where she stands regarding her views towards you, and if she still harbors any ill feelings.

  • tony

    I've just checked this page and signed up to get the daily email. Love the content so far...

    I guess you get a lot of emails from people who think "their situation" is a little bit different than anybody else's. I'm one of them who believes even though your teachings offer insightful value, things may not apply to my relationship with Sarah.

    Or maybe they do.

    I really don't know if I want to buy your course or maybe hire you as my coach, I'm just desperate to get my baby back.

    I broke up with Sarah two years ago already. Yes, it's been a while. During this time we've tried to come back many times but I screwed up many of those times stepping back time after time again.

    In December 2016 I decided to take a permanent break. I couldnt deal with it anymore. So we barely spoke for 4 months. There were a few text messages back and forth during that time, but thats it.

    In April 2017 I called her. I had missed her so much the previous 4 months I couldn't live without here. We saw each other for 3 hours and told her I wanted to get her back. Unfortunately, she "wasn't ready" and didn't want to get hurt again. During last summer, we talked and saw each other a few times, but she's still full of resentment. She's not forgiven and everytime we see each other, she always tells me that " I dumped her"...

    In November last year I sent her a heart-felt letter. She liked it and we started to talking again. We even saw each other a few times, actually 5-6 times since December and even kissed. Everything was more or less going in the right direction until two weeks ago...

    We had a fight over the phone cause she wanted to see some of her friends instead of me and I told her I was second best, as always. She really got angry and me and things really escalated from there. She was hurt again and told me that I was selfish and that I wanted to do things my way not respecting her wishes....

    She says that I always FORCE things instead of letting things happen organically...

    I guess she's right. I just wanted to know if we are doing this makes sense as I don't want to wait another 8 months until she knows what she wants...

    I just wish I had read this guide before...I made all the mistakes...

    Anyway, last week I kept calling, I was desperate, needy..I told her if she wanted to break it up for good, she should tell me. But she still says "i don't know what I want". S

    Anyway, we had a bad fight last week, she said she needed some "space and time" to think. It's been almost a week.

    I'm really desperate as she's not called ever since - I haven't contacted either.

    What really gets me is, if she's so angry, resented and upset with me, why doesnt she break it off completely once and for all? I asked her that question and she said "because it's so damn hard.."

    Anyway, things were going well until two weeks ago and then I blew it. I think I lost my last shot with her. I'm just afraid next time she calls me it will be to tell me we are done.

    She knows "im waiting". I told her I was going to Im waiting...

    Do you think my situation is completely different? is there any hope?

    Thank you and looking forward your reply.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      For starters, she feels confused because she does still have feelings for you, but is afraid of the past incidents repeating itself, which has caused her to raise her guard with you. That recent incident where you got upset with her was one of those fears she had that probably came true. If you really want to get back together with her, ironically as it sounds, you're shift your mindset and remind yourself that you're not with her yet. As of now, you're simply a friend working your way up to something more and getting her to like you again. Never project your past expectations (when still in a relationship) onto her, and since you should have improved several aspects of your life since the break up, use this opportunity to 'show' it to her, instead of pressuring her to re-start the relationship. The bottom line of things is that you should treat her as though you were chasing someone for the very first time, with no expectations and to be patient.

  • R. Coop

    Hey me and my ex(18) I’m 20 just broke up 2 weeks ago. The relationship was well I actually thought we had something she would tell me a lot of secrets that she’s never told anyone not even her best friends of closets relatives and I would do that same. Then one day she tells me things don’t feel the same and that we should break up so we do we weren’t together for 2 days then we ran into each other at a party she later came over and we kind of talked things out she’s had a hard time being it her first yr college and has made a lot of mistakes.Fast forward a couple weeks and the same situation pops up this time we take a “break” but she was always popping up at my room and asking am I was. I knew things weren’t feeling right later one week I hear some bad news in my life and she comes over to check on me and see how I’m feeling I really loved that Ik she really cared. Until it came to the weekend she again popped up at my dorm and we hung out for a 1 hour or so and she started getting really comfortable I told her “ you know you shouldn’t be doing this” she said “ I know but I miss spending time with you”. At this moment my heart was racing because throughout this entire “break I’ve been trying to get us back together and nothing was trying so I tried to plan something later that day I text her and ask if she can come over she replies “ no we’re not talking no more I shouldn’t have come over it was a mistake” I asked why she came over she said “ I don’t know”. I was broken at this point so I went to confront her(which wasn’t a good idea) later that day and she’s still keeps telling me we’re not talking so I disappointly left and she eventually came over later and told me everything. Turns out we’re very much in common and are going through similar situations in our lives she again tells me a lot of very very personal stuff that is also going on and making her stressed and worried. I asked if she actually liked me she said I don’t know right now I think I liked the attention more and I was devastated and confused. She also told me some other personal things and reasons to why she’s having a hard time staying committed to us. It has been 3 days and I want to get her back we haven’t spoken since that day and she also blocked me on her Snapchat and hasn’t blocked me since but hasn’t blocked my number. Please help me

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Don't pressure her into anything right now. Give both parties some space and time to deal with your own issues and for her to let go of the negative emotions tied to your confrontation with her. You could consider applying no contact for the time being to focus on yourself.

  • Bradley

    My ex and I broke up about two weeks ago. We dated for 4 months and we’re both 22. I haven't reached out to her yet but, want nothing more to because there are so many questions that I have about what happened. We had a strong connection, I never blew up her phone, i would wait for her to text back before i sent another message. She would say I'm the best thing that's happened to her in a very long time, and that she is so lucky to have me in her life, and that she wants me in her life for a long time. I never mentioned making plans far in advance for later down the road, but she brought up me spending Christmas with her and her family next year, and spending new year’s together next year, and I told her that would be awesome and would love to. We only officially dated for a month before she went back home for 5 weeks.
    The Monday before the Saturday she broke up with me she started school and I noticed that she didn't say her usual goodnight. she usually says night babe with some hearts but that Monday I just got a night. I saw her for the first time since she left for a little bit that Wednesday and things seemed great. She was happy to see me, and we talked about getting a cabin for valentine’s day, and she seemed like she really wanted to get one. I saw her that Saturday morning before her job interview and she seemed fine. while I was hanging out with a friend and she was at her job interview I got a text out of nowhere saying that she needed space and time to think things over. That she has so many things going on right now and that she isn’t thinking straight because of her hormones, stress, and lack of sleep. I went over and talked to her that night and she said that I was a great boyfriend, an amazing guy and hadn't done anything wrong. She said that she needs to focus on graduating and had so much on her plate that she couldn't give me the time that she thinks I deserve. That she isn't sure she feels the same way about me that I feel about her, and that I stress her out. She said she isn't just going to disappear and never hear from her again and that she still wants me in her life. That she’s there if I want to talk.
    When we started dating she planned on staying in town for a little while after graduation and when she came back from home she said that she was moving back home at the end of this summer. I told her when she said that, that I care so much for her and if that was the case that I would move near her to be close to her. This girl was everything I have looked for in a girl. She seemed that she loved me by the things she said, and I'm just so confused what to do because it really came out of nowhere, and I love this girl.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      It could be that she's going through a really stressful period, and just needs time to figure out what she wants, as well as clear her priorities. I suggest giving her time to deal with what she needs to, and allow yourself some space to distance yourself emotionally from this. You could arrange to meet her again at a later date, when things are a little more settled.

  • Sidd

    Hey. It's been two years since my breakup. My ex is a great person and ever since I've been unable to connect with any other person the way I connected with him. I unintentionally start looking for him in every other person I meet. I dated this guy from university, one year after breakup, and it didn't work out. We kinda broke up after two months. I dont feel a thing about this university guy anyway. So, coming back to the ex, a few days ago I added my ex on Snapchat and have been uploading pretty pictures ever since. He views my stories but doesn't make a comment or something. I sound as happy and cheerful in my snaps as I can. I dont know for sure but chances are that he might have gotten engaged under familial pressure. In the two years period, my ex tried to contact me twice which I didn't respond to. And now that I have added him on Snapchat, I cant get him off my mind. I keep on tracking his location on SnapMap. And now I'm thinking about sending him a direct message. Please tell me if it's a good idea to drop a message for him ?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You should find out if he's officially engaged already or not. If he isn't then you could drop him a direct message to break ice since it's been a long time. However, if he's already engaged then it's best that you try to let go of him and move on since contacting him might bring about misunderstandings.

      • Sidd

        And any leads on how can I find out his relationship status?

      • Mandy

        I totally think sending him a message is a great idea but don’t get your hopes up because if he is engagged it could make things complicated.

  • Tess

    Hi Kevin,

    I love getting your emails daily by the way! Good information!

    I'm so confused as to what is happening and I would love to hear what you think!

    My ex broke up with me 3 weeks ago due to him not knowing what he wants in life and relationship. He is almost 30 and I guess he is having a kind of "mid life crisis". He just got out of a very stressful work period that lasted for months. During this time, I noticed he was getting less and less affectionate towards me. He is naturally a VERY romantic man and he used to shower me with little love gestures and words. So I first brought it up to him back in September and he had the same concern. We did not break up. He did not want to lose me so we said we would try and give each other space...which we didn't really. We lived together and we were too dependent on each least I was.

    I talked to him again in 3 weeks ago about this because I have been feeling something was off for months! At first we went on a "break" but that only lasted for two weeks. I broke up with him after that because I couldn't deal with pain of waiting around. Don't know where it came from but we spent that night together and had very passionate sex....but now here we are. I moved to a new place now but we would take turns to go to friends' to stay for the first two weeks. After the first week, we saw each other. He woke up from a dream one night and he held me and said he had a bad dream that he lost me. We went on two "dates" and we had a good time...he was romantic towards me and we had the most passionate sex both times. He was being his romantic self like how he always was. So I'm confused.... Yesterday I broke it off with him because I might hurt myself even more if we keep going with the ambiguity. He kept saying he's afraid of losing me and he doesn't know what he is doing. So confusing for both of us. So now I'm currently trying the NC. I have a gut feeling that he will come back....but how can one know? I really think he is the right person for me...should I fight for this or should I let him go?

    Sorry for the long text! I really hope I can get your opinions on this.


    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If you think that he is the one for you, then you should work towards something if possible. However, you need to convey it across to him that he needs to make a decision on what he wants because you can't wait around forever. If he wants things to work, he would probably make an effort to change. If not, you would do better to walk away from the relationship or risk going through this again in the future.

  • Heather

    Why are there no articles on what to do AFTER you meet your ex? I met with my ex yesterday and have no idea what to do now.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Hey Heather, that's because everyone's contact experience will be different, and from here on out, it's more about your own efforts to build up the connection with him once again by being you. As long as you stick to the general rules and principles back in no contact (don't be needy or desperate), you should be fine.

  • Dayana Amigo

    hi. first, sorry for my english. I was in a relationship of a month (and 2 months of flirts before this)( we dont even have sex :( ) My boyfriend broke with me because his friends hate me (many people) and I descovered him talking bad things about me. due to my impulses I broke the relationship but when I told him my regret -the next day- he told me that he wants to be quiet for a days and maybe if we still think each other something could happen. Well, im doing no contact but I have some doubts, I bloked him on facebook and I lost his number but I still having him on Instagram. I used to upload pictures, it could affect the no contact? my other question is that is really hard to me to write the hand letter (is really crazy) and I dont have his number or email, do you think it could be work if when I completed the month I start giving him likes and comments of his “stories”? its really hard to me find him because he take the desition. do you think that I can be sucess? thanks .

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You could continue to upload pictures on IG, so that your presence remains visible to him despite no contact. As for the letter, when no contact is over, you could decide again what you want to do, but instead of liking his pictures or stories, you could always start with a simple message to his Instagram asking him how he's been.

  • Cita

    Hi EBP team,
    My ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago after he said he needed space. He said it was not my fault, he said it's because he's tired of being in a relationship and wants to be alone for now. I felt really down, because this is our second time breaking up. On the first break up I really did fix myself for him, but I was not happy and I had anxiety built up along the way. I knew he doesn't like it when I make small problems into big ones, he doesn't like it when I word vomit during arguing (yes this triggered him to ask me for a break), and how I cling onto him too much. Now I truly have learned from my mistakes, and this break up was much easier because I'm actually making my self happy, and hanging out with my friends that I have neglected because I spent so much time with my ex instead. I love him so dearly, I feel like our relationship is fixable but I just know his tolerance towards me is really low now. Because back then, he would go through all my problems and comfort me. I used to be horrible, heck I even slapped him once for no clear reason. He was such a loving and caring boyfriend, he used to be so committed. I really miss what we had, when we were equally invested, there were barely any fights, and we always had a great time together in conversations, activities, and sex. I have been doing the no contact rule really well in my opinion, but does this all matter when I have pushed him away this much until he is just so tired? How long do men usually need to rest? I heard from another article that they start regretting after more than a month.. And can I heal him so he can love being in a relationship again, and become equally invested again? Thank you.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You won't be able to heal him, because its something that he needs to resolve on his own. In this case, it may not be so much about regretting, but rather you'll have to make him miss the idea of a relationship with you. The only way for that to happen is to first give him space to let go of all the bad incidents that happened, and start remembering the good (especially when he sees how much you've changed). Continue with no contact, and when it ends, you could always decide to approach him again casually, starting off with the idea of being friends and letting him allow you back into your life slowly.

  • lily

    Hi, so me and my ex broke up a week ago. We weren’t dating for a very long time (3 months) but it was very intense and we fell for eachother the first time we saw eachother. we were dating and everything was amazing when we were together he told me how he already felt in love so fast but it all felt right. We did however had some arguments trough texts, he hates texting but texting was important for our communication because we live in different cities also he has an enormous busy profession so making plans was always hard, our communication caused a lot of problems also his work made him get a burn out and he was getting back into a depression (he was severly depressed years ago). We sometimes talked about quitting because we had to deal with a lot. Last week we talked and both decided to go on, he also told me i was the most important person in his life even during the depression (which was taking a toll on our relationship) two days later he told me that it would be best if we broke up because it wasnt working and he doesnt know what he wants and he needed to focus on himself. I got it but i am hurt because we fell in love so fast and he was always telling me how much i ment for him and how amazing he thought i was. I am just wondering if its over for good of if there still is a chance for us, i feel like we didn’t have the opportunity to fully try.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      There's a strong possibility that he still has feelings for you, but is simply overwhelmed with everything that has been going on. Unfortunately, a perfect world does not exist and we often have to make do with the situation that we're given - for yours, its a relationship based in different cities and a partner who has a stressful job and difficulties with coping. If his depression is severe, it's likely that frequent changes in his opinions may occur based on how he's feeling at a given point because he is unable to control his emotions. You could always learn how to help him cope better with his stress and depression, and be patient with him because of his depression. However, you should keep in mind that depression isn't something that should control his life although it will affect it. It shouldn't control yours either, and if things get overwhelming for you, it might be a better idea to walk away.

  • Ian

    In need of some help. My ex and I started talking over two years ago. She's 20 and I'm 28. We talked all day every day. Four months ago we decided it was best if we started to date. We have never argued once in over two years we've known each other. Three weeks ago she said she didn't think we should date because I deserve better. That I have real priorities and she has immature ones. She said she was young dumb and selfish. Which I didn't agree with. She said it had nothing to do with me she just realized things about herself. The next day I didn't really talk to her but she got mad because of that. Then 3 days after we broke up we met face to face and got back together after talking.
    During the 3 weeks we were together it couldn't have gone better. We bought tickets to concerts in the coming months, we were planning a trip with her sister and her husband for a week. She invited me everywhere. She said she missed me when we didn't see each other. She was very affectionate. Then five days ago she calls me and said she's been thinking. She feels she needs to work on herself and grow up. She feels that in order to be mature she needs to be single. I'm proud of her for being that mature to want all of that but I don't understand why she can't do that while together. She told me we were on a break. Since we started our break there's been no contact. I'm worried I'm going to lose her forever. I want her back but I want her back for good. I'm confused what to do since we never fought and we've talked every day for over 2 years straight. Not one argument and we wanted all the same things. Point me in the right direction to get her back! I don't want to mess this up!

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      As cliche as this may sound, a relationship requires its fights and arguments from time to time for individuals to grow emotionally (based on how they resolve those issues). The reason why she feels stuck and perhaps that she needs to grow from 'single' point of view is because she currently feel that the relationship has not made her any more mature than she was 2 years ago, since she has become dependent on you for most things. Perhaps you could give her some space to let her sort those emotions out and continue with the NC period. If the relationship was as meaningful to her as it was to you, she would definitely begin to feel an emotional gap because of the daily texting for past 2 years and think of you.

  • Emelia

    My ex contacted me two days after breaking up with me. He invited me over to get my stuff and to talk. I️ responded and said I️ can’t I️m leaving for a trip, we can next week. I️ totally messed up. He responded ok. Now I️ don’t know what to do. The ball is still in his court. Where do I️ go from here. Should I️ text him in a week telling him I️ need some more time? How do I️ gain some control

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Wait for him to text you again, and depending on what your end goal is (to move on or get back together), you could either pick your stuff up or try to avoid it if possible - regardless, you should apply no contact after to give both parties necessary space to let go of either the relationship or negative feelings from the breakup.

  • larry

    My ex and I broke up about two weeks ago. I haven't reached out to her yet, but want nothing more that to, because there are so many questions that I have about what happened. We started dating this past November and things were great! We had a strong connection, I never blew up her phone, i would wait for her to text back before i sent another message. She would say I'm the best thing that's happened to her in a very long time, and that she is so lucky to have me in her life, and that she wants me in her life for a long time. I never mentioned making plans far in advance for later on down the road, but she brought up me spending Christmas with her and her family next year, and spending new years together next year, and I told her that would be awesome and would love to. We only officially dated for a month before she went back home for 5 weeks. The Monday before the Saturday she broke up with me she started school and I noticed that she didn't say her usual goodnight. she usually says night babe with some hearts but that Monday I just got a night. I saw her for the first time since she left for a little bit that Wednesday and things seemed great. She was happy to see me, and we talked about getting a cabin for valentines day, and she seemed like she really wanted to get one. I saw her that Saturday morning before her job interview and she seemed fine. while I was hanging out with a friend and she was at her job interview I got a text out of nowhere saying that she needed space and time to think things over. That she has so many things going on right now and that she isn't thinking straight because of her hormones, stress, and lack of sleep. I went over and talked to her that night and she said that I was a great boyfriend, an amazing guy and hadn't done anything wrong. She said that she needs to focus on graduating and had so much on her plate that she couldn't give me the time that she thinks i deserve. That she isn't sure she feels the same way about me that i feel about her, and that i stress her out. She said she isn't just going to disappear and never hear from her again and that she still wants me in her life. That shes there if i want to talk. when we started dating she planned on staying in town for a little while after graduation and when she came back from home she said that she was moving back home at the end of this summer. I told her when she said that, that I care so much for her and if that was the case that I would move near her to be close to her. This girl was everything I have looked for in a girl. She seemed that she loved me by the things she said and I'm just so confused what to do because it really came out of nowhere.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Based on what you're saying, it could either be that she is really feeling very stressed out about her future and is unsure where you fit into it, which is why she needed time to think. The other outcome was that she may have found someone else she is interested in, and isn't sure of how she feels towards you anymore but may have held it in for awhile. Regardless, if she feels the same way about how you felt towards her, it may probably be the former reason, and if that's the case, you shouldn't pressure her any further, and try to be patient while she thinks things through. If the outcome is that she really wants things to end, and to focus on graduating first without you as her partner, there isn't much you can do but apply no contact to pick yourself up and give yourself some space before re-considering anything.

  • xsoekung2828

    My ex broke up with me almost 3 months ago, due to trust issue. The first week, I begged and pleaded her so much, but i found the NC rule, which i did reply for a bit. We had an on and off conncetion after our breakup. Everytime i went nc she would texting me like crazy, and everytime she did that i broke my nc rule. But our interactions were positive, i did improve myself, she even mentioned that. But in the day after christmas i did something stupid, which i tried to make her jealous, by telling her that my fried did set me up to some girls that wanted to meet me in the club. My ex got very upset and won't talk to me. The reason of why i tried to make her jealous was becasue, she would be moving away to another town (2hours away). So i tried to rush the process of getting her back, but it backfired very hard.
    After she moved away i did go on NC again, which i failed like the first time. It is my weakness that, everytime she contacts me i would reply to every single of her texts and calls, eventhough our interactions were positive. So in the past few weeks she asked me that when i could come to visit her. I said that i could visit her in febuary, but she said that she couldn't wait that long. I was very happy to knew that she still thinking about me. Since then we had been contacting each other a little bit more than usual. She even asked me to stay a little bit longer when i called her just to say goodnight. And last weekend she sent me a dirty snap of her and teased me like crazy, which it made me to want her back even more. So i began to show my intention and affection toward her. Since then she went cold, very cold, so i called her, which i shouldn't at all. But i called her because on 1st febuary i will be in her town, so i just wanted to ask her that we could have a meeting. But she hung up on me, and texted me instead. She texted me that she was crying and sad. I asked her why and she wanted to talk about it, but she just ignored my text. So i called her again the day after, because i wanted to know that she stii wants to meet up. We talked a little bit about yesterday, why she was crying. She didn't tell me about it. Then i asked her about she wants to hang out when i am in her town. She said she would check her schedule and she would let me know. Since then she didn't contact me at all not even a pointless text or snap. I felt like her crying and sad that day hadd something to do with me. So i reached to her tpday(yeah, i am acting needy again) asked her that she wants to see me at all on 1st febuary. She replied "no kissing". So now i know why she went cold. Because i show her my intention for her. And i will be meeting her very soon.
    What can i do, since she knows my intention now? Is it too late to get her back? I felt like the process that i had made is gone. Because before i show my needieness and intention i knew that she still cares about me, but right now i don't know any more, confusing more likely. I will be meeting her soon, what should i do?
    Thank you

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      I don't think it's too late to get her back, but you should take things down a notch and not make your intentions so forward or let your emotions get the better of you. Just because you're going over soon, doesn't mean things all need to fall in place at one shot. She might even be impressed that you kept things calm and composed when meeting, instead of making advances, which she is expecting. Apologize for being so forward, and let her know that your emotions got the better of you. Also tell her that you would still very much like to meet up when you're there, but would understand if she isn't comfortable. Basically, be a gentleman from here on out, and you still stand a strong chance with her. Let her lead instead based on what she's comfortable with.

      • xsoekung2828

        Thank you for a fast reply. Sorry, i didn't explain the situation clearly, but im not 100% sure that she wants to meet with me tomorrow. What if i didn't meet her tomorrow? Can i still text her that im sorry for letting my emotion get better of me and etc?
        Thank you!

      • xsoe

        Hi, i want to do a little update from my meeting with my ex. It went well, we had fun. When we first met we were just talking casually. Then we went to her place to pick her stuff. In her apartment there were a lot of stuff that weren't hers, and i saw on hers table there were some birth control pills, and she was not a fan of taking them when we were together, because it would give her side effect. So i knew that she has slept with other guys since our breakup. I know that it was not something that i could control, since we are not together anymore. But i didn't show any emotion to her, though i was so mad inside. Because i figured that one of the reason why she went cold and distant was she was seeing someone else. So i was just talking about something else instead and it went good. Then we went for a shopping, which it went better with our interactions. I began to holding hands and small kind of physically interaction. We went for a dinner after and i made her laugh a lot of the times. So when we went back just to chill a little bit before i haad to go home. We cuddle for a bit, even though i felt a small resistance from her side. I mean she wrote "no kissing" after all. So when we said goodbye, we kissed, we laugh for a bit, because i made a comment about "no kissing" Then we kissed again, but nothing more, and i did tried to get more than kisses, but not directly. I think our first interaction went well. But what does that kiss mean? What should i do after this point? How can i make her to think about me and not the guy she has been seeing? Especially when she was so hot towards me a few weeks before.
        Thank you

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          The fact that she has opened up to you and even returned the kisses despite expressing no initially shows that she still has feelings for you, which were probably easier to mask while she was still texting you. If you continue this approach with her, to make her laugh and enjoy herself everytime she talks to you or sees you, it wouldn't be long before she rekindles her feelings for you. It should be mentioned as well though, that you may expect a little resistance on occasion from her if she's seeing another guy, but he may simply be a rebound. Remember that being patient (not lose your cool or be pushy) will only increase your chances of winning her back from him since she would see you as the better option.

  • cez

    hi ebp team,
    my ex of more than a year broke it off yesterday. 3 weeks before that he asked for space which i did (somehow). i was overly possesive towards him. i got jealous everytime. before we officially became a couple, we were dating over a year too. so you can say we've been together for more than a year. he is 33 whyl im 26. he was really having a bad time at work plus responsibilities with his family. he said we'll just focus on our work first. btw we are in the same company. should i do nc? i knw hes just so fed up with everything. should i jst give him time and space but try to bring him food again.? or just plain nc? thank you.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      You should start off with NC on it's own without sweet gestures. You want to give your ex some time and space to cool off as well as the time apart to start missing you again. If you work together with him, meeting him would be unavoidable, but keep your conversations strictly to work related matters for the time being, and focus on NC instead. You could use this article to further assist you.

  • Eve

    Hi team!

    My first post was in December, when I was rebuilding connection with my ex and needed some advice. We talked, even videochated as we were in a long distance relationship and since then we were fine, having small talks, snapping and starting to have longer conversations. There were moments when he acted cold or when I needed to sustain the conversation, which made me really frustrated.

    However, in January he left to an academy. On his first week there, we had small talks, like we exchanged 2-3 sentences about the academy. I assumed that he is replying so slow and short because he has some stuff to do or something, so I waited a couple of days, till weekend, believing, maybe he will have more time for me. He didn't... He is barely answering me even if I am writing to him each 2nd or 3rd day.

    The interesting thing is, that on Snapchat everything was fine, so I started to rebuild connection and attraction there. I tried several times the methodes described in the article. Recently he sent me a snap of a dish made by him, so as an answer I wrote him: "It looks really nice. I almost have forgotten how much you love to cook." After a few minutes he told me: "You are doing that again." I knew that perhaps he is reffering to my remark, as I told him before things like "oh, I remember how tasty that dish was on our first date, once again, what was the secret ingredient?" and such things. However, I asked him to clarify what he is reffering to. After an hour he snapped me the following: "I don't remember what I wrote."

    I know that getting him back is a long and sometimes painful process. I made some serious changes in my life and a part of those changes were acknowledged by him, he even confirmed me, that I look more refreshed and happier. In one of our conversation he even apologized because of the breakup. But now I feel like, he being at the academy, he started a new life which he won't share with me at all.

    I will go to the academy in April, however, I haven't told him about it. My plan would be to start a new NC period till April and in the meantime to work again on myself, maybe to post some nice, happy pics when travelling (just as I did before), just being an even better verison of the better me. I know that he is not expecting to see me ever again as he lives in Denmark and I on the other side of Europe, so when arriving at the academy it will be a huge shocking surprise for him. I think this would not just surprise him but also trigger some old memories and perhaps, he will notice each little change on me.

    I would like to ask you some clear questions, that are bugging me:
    1. What makes men to apologize for breaking up?
    2. Is it a good idea to do another NC till April or it would be better to somehow continue working on building raport, even if he acts like an ice-prince?
    3. Should I let him know, that I am going to the academy or can I keep it a secret?
    4. Is there a chance to get him back if I would stop messaging and sending snaps?
    5. We were in long-distance relationship. When breaking up I don't think he thought that he will see me again.... Meeting him face-to-face would make it possible that his feelings would change?

    I am looking forward to your reply and thank you very much in advance!
    Eve :)

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      To answer your questions, firstly men apologize for the break up when we've had time to think about it, or feel guilty towards our ex for hurting them. Secondly, if he's being wary of your intentions right now and has started his new life at the academy, it may be a good idea to start NC again since pushing your way through isn't going to work. You have an advantage that most long distance relationship breakups don't, which is that you'll be going to the academy in April. I guess what contributes to him wanting to move on, is the thought of never seeing you again, which makes things easier to process and to distance himself from you. By going to the academy, you definitely would trigger some memories and he may even begin to miss you. It might be a good idea to let him know that you'll be going, or at least bring it up casually on the potential chance that you may be going, and see how he reacts to it.

      • Eve

        Hi Ryan!

        As I started now the NC and I am in the second week, when and how should I let him know? What would be the best method? Writing him something like: You will never guess what happened! And after that just tell him that I will go there?

        Eve :)

      • Eve

        Hi Ryan!

        Should I break my new NC just for this message? Can I send hima text just regarding this issue while being nice and cool about it?

        Thank you and have a nice day,

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          Yes, you could drop him a text and continue with NC after, or alternatively, finish up NC first before texting him that you'll be going over in April.

      • Eve

        Hi Ryan!

        We talked as he contacted me and when it came of the academy, I told him that there is a huge chance that I will visit his academy... He didn't reacted at all, he has sent me a pic and changed the subject and continued as nothing have happened... He really doesn't care or this is a normal reaction? Should I continue talking with him or I should do a NC till I go there and give him some time process the info? I have the feeling that he didn't really believed me or didn't really took into consideration this potential chance. He likes the concrete things that are for sure. Should I let him know that I know the exact date, would that change things?

        Thank you in advance!

        • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

          I suggest leaving things be for now, and continue with no contact. You can let him know at a later date on the confirmed details and based on his response then, you can determine if he's genuine about you still, or simply does not care anymore.

  • Sunflower

    Hi Ryan:
    My ex and I broke up a week ago. Thats how things happend. “We broke up” at the beggining of January but not because of anything bad just because we wasn’t getting along and we were having a lots of fights. That first break up was not a breakup at all because we kept seeing each other and we were acting as a couple. Then last week I decided to talk to him and actually come back with him because we were dealing with our problems and we were getting along and understanding each other. That day I wanted to talk to him to come back he went to my house while I wasn’t there and check over my texts without permission. He discovered some texts of me “flirting” with a guy while we still together but it didn’t go too far, there was nothing sexual nor I didn’t cheat. He told me that for him only talking with other guy and hide it from him was cheating and decided to break up for good. He talked to me after that and told me that he is a person that doesn’t forgive and don’t know how to do it. I have tried to explain him that nothing occured between me and that guy and I apologize for making the mistake of texting with someone else but he doesn’t want to understand. In the past he had a relationship that the girl cheated on him and he told me that since the beggining of our relationship he told me that he wasn’t gonna accept anything like that. So after only a week he shows like super decided and I’m wondering if all of this is because of his anger because after only bringing back the topic again he gets furious. But is it possible that a person made his mind after a few days and be that decided? We had a 7 years relationship and I want to know if somehow is possible to make things right and get him back. One day ago he told me that if we ever come back it’s gonna be a new relationship from zero but that he can’t assure me if someday thats gonna happen. And if it really happens he can’t tell when its gonna be. He told me that I should not make a hope on this because it’s not sure if that will ever happen. I know I made a mistake but I think that he has overreacted and he has made things bigger than they really are. I’m gonna follow this advices and see how everything goes. What’s your opinion on this?

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Different people have different views on cheating and the boundaries of it. You'll have to respect that if you want to make things work with him once more. However, it's also dependent on how strong he views this matter, and his ability to accept things. If it's as you've said, and that he is really against cheating, and doesn't know how to forgive, it might be a really long while before he lets go of this matter. I feel that you shouldn't get your hopes up as he's said, and instead focus on making changes to your life as it helps with the chance of starting something 'new' with him, since making drastic improvements to yourself could cause him to view in a different light from the person you once were.

  • Arnold

    Hey kevin,i last saw my girlfriend last year in November but i know that made some horrible stuff to hurt her though never intented to do it...we have made 2months now but no contact period.She often calls me,sometimes i pick up her calls but i don't beg her & don't know how am gona get her back cause whenever i talk to her about it,she says"IF GOD WISHES,WE SHALL MEET" i need your advise,man

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If you guys live in the same city, or there's a common place you know she hangs out at, you could always drop by on occasion to try your luck. However it sounds like she's trying to play hard to get with you, since she clearly shows signs of interest but pushes your advances away. She may not have let go fully of the past incidents, and may still need more time.

  • Juan

    So my girlfriend broke up with me because her ex of 1 year (who recently broke up too) decided to tell her that he would like to get back with her. Apparently, he didn't know that she's in a relationship with me for about 1 and half months (we already knew each other for about two years at work. She feels she knew me enough in that two years to explore our possibilities). This triggered her and so my girlfriend decided to break up with me to explore the possibilities of going back with her ex, and at the same time, she doesn't want to reach a point where she would cheat on me just to do her exploring. She had high hopes on that previous relationship, but it was the guy who called it off due to circumstances he could not handle.

    Post-breakup, I keep contacting her, and her replies seemed normal. She even organised a cafe date, so I thought there is still hope. I kept myself on her radar all the time, and recently I decided to visit her when she was sick, even though she told me not too. That didn't turn out well. She said I was disrespectful towards her needs to be alone to sort out this mess and decide on what she wants. At that moment I knew I fucked up. We had a long talk, and as of yesterday, I started the No Contact rule and am slowly reading your articles. I would like to get back with my ex to continue our relationship that got ended abruptly.

    She's beautiful, strong character but also sensitive towards others, knows what she wants (at the point of time when we just dated) caring, loving, not manipulative, open to discussions.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If she's how you described her to be, then her decision to explore things with her ex would probably be final for the time being and interfering would only push her further away especially when you accidentally cross boundaries or make her feel uncomfortable. Let her do what she needs to, and you should work to complete NC, and make the positive changes in your life as mentioned in our article. If the opportunity presents itself in the future, you could always consider things again then.

  • Merin

    Hey, can I have your personal email address? I don't want it in public. that's why. hope you would respond.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      Apologies but we do not provide personal email correspondence, unless it's subscribed 1-1 coaching with Kelvin.

  • Leo

    My college girlfriend (lets say Sarah) and I were almost 3 years together in a relationship. Had to break up with her due me having to finish school and plans to go for a masters degree abroad and her wanting to marry young, but myself without anything to support her and the upcoming family. Shortly after breaking up, I met another girl (Let's say Rachel) which we started dating relatively quick. Sarah saw us getting out from the cinema and blocked me in every social media possible. Four years have passed on (Superb No Contact time?) and I sent her a birthday message which Sarah coldly responded. Looked forward to keeping on messaging and she blocked me telling me she doesn't me to talk again with her and that we already have walked different roads. I know she doesn't have a boyfriend nor had a boyfriend in all these years. Should I wait for another No Contact time? What should be the appropriate way to approach her. She seems still hurt by the way she responded me when she blocked me last time.

    • Ryan - Ex Back Permanently Team

      If she's still hurt and responded coldly to you even after 4 years, there may be no point in waiting through another no contact period since she has expressed that she doesn't want to talk to you again. You might even have to wait for her to go through another relationship before she finally lets go of the past incident.
