About Ex Back Permanently – From the Founder

I created Ex Back Permanently because I wanted to honor and empower the heartbroken people who feel lost and confused after a breakup. It was created for people who don’t want to give up on their love just yet but also don’t want to manipulate or play mind mages. I was created for people who want to learn to love themselves again after a painful breakup.

I believe that heartbroken people are some of the bravest people on the planet. They feel the loss and pain of their breakup every day. They go through some of the hardest time of their life.

But they still manage to get up and go on with their life. They still don’t give up. They don’t give up on life and they don’t give up on love. And that’s inspiring. Such people deserve to be honored and respected for the pain they go through.

I, too, was lost and confused after a breakup at one point of time. I didn’t want to give up on my love for my ex. And the only advice I found online was to either give up on your ex or play mind games with them. It was disrespectful – to me, to my ex and the love I felt we both shared.

There’s a better way. And it includes honesty, empathy, introspection, self-improvement and a little bit of soul searching.

Sometimes you should give up on your ex and move on. And sometimes you may have to fight for what you believe to be your one great love.

Ex Back Permanently aims to be the go to resource for both the above situation. It’s not just breakup advice. It’s breakup advice that respects, honors and empowers the heartbroken.

Our Mission

The mission of Ex Back Permanently is to respect, honor and empower the people who are heartbroken and going through a tough breakup. If you are going through a breakup or a separation, you will find the information on Ex Back Permanently immensely helpful, insightful and sometimes even life changing.

Why We Do What We Do? – Our Values

Ex Back Permanently was created because there needs to be better content that helps people going through a breakup. Because we believe that heartbroken people deserve to be treated with respect, and they deserve the knowledge to help them go through their breakup. We continue to create the best articles on breakups and reconciliation after being in the business for more than 13 years.

We create content that respects and empowers people going through a tough breakup. We believe in helping people get an ex back and build a strong foundation to their new relationship. A foundation based on honesty, vulnerability, communication, trust and love. We believe that you should only get an ex back if you can keep them in a healthy relationship for a long time. We also believe that sometimes it’s better to move on from an ex.

We aim to provide trustworthy and scientifically accurate content that our readers can use to heal from a breakup, move forward and build strong foundations for their next relationship. We use a combination of scientific studies, motivation, clarity, expertise and reader experiences in our content to achieve that.

Press and Features

We have been featured on many reputable publications such as Insider Magazine, Business Insider, Gael Magazine (Famous French Magazine), Glam.com, Madame Noire, The List, and GoodMenProject, and The Telegraph.

We also have mentions from Metro.co.uk, Bristol Post, Belfast Live, Wales Online, and MSN.com.

The above features and mentions came strictly because of the work we do at Ex Back Permanently. We are proud of these features and mentions because they reflect the work we’ve been doing here and is a testament to how it affects people’s lives positively.

In addition, Kevin Thompson have also been quoted and linked to from Bustle, Elite Daily and Lifehack.org and Hack Spirit. Although, we don’t really see that as much of an accomplishment.

Why We Got Featured in these publication?

We actually conducted the largest study ever on couples getting back together and staying together. We surveyed over 3.5k people and analyzed the result to find out how many of them get back together and how many of them stay together after more than 9 months. Most of our features happened because of this study.

Also, funny story, one of our readers from 2014 used our free email course to get back with her ex. Right now, she is happily married with her ex and has a beautiful child together. In 2022, one of her tiktok video went viral and she was approached by many publications regarding her story. She mentioned our website and told them how our daily emails helped her get her ex back. We got a lot of mentions because of her. We even spoke to her later on tiktok dms and she was very thankful.

So, as you see, our features and mentions are because of the genuine work we did over the past decade and because of the effectiveness of our website and advice. Not because we gave some quote to a writer to get featured on a generic article about generic relationship advice.

How We Aim To Provide Trustworthy Content

Listen, you are taking advice for something important in your life. And if someone gives you bad advice or inexperienced advice, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

What if you lose the most special person to you because you took advice from someone who does not know what they are talking about? What if you end up in an unhealthy relationship and waste years of your life on someone who isn’t worth it?

It’s important that you trust the person you are taking the advice from, especially when it comes to something as important as your love life. Especially when you are vulnerable after a breakup.

At Ex Back Permanently, we want you to be able to trust the advice you read on our website.

Make no mistake, this is still a website on the internet and the advice on our website is no substitute for advice from a legal or mental health professional. (Read Full Disclaimer here.)

But we do strive to provide you accurate, helpful and trustworthy advice that can help steer you in the right direction.

Kevin Thompson, who is the lead author of this website, has been working with heart broken people for quite a while now. At the moment of writing this, it has been 11+ years of helping people with breakups and relationship. Kevin considers himself a breakup coach who specializes in helping people get back together. He also specializes in teaching people how to set clear boundaries, communicate effectively, be honest, be vulnerable and develop healthy relationships.

After all, there is no point in getting back together if you can’t have a healthy and long-lasting relationship with your loved one. And communication, trust, honesty and vulnerability are some of the most important foundations of a healthy relationship.

We have helped thousands of people get back with their ex. At Ex Back Permanently, we don’t encourage people to use tricks or be fake when it comes to relationships.

Editorial Policy

Every article on Ex Back Permanently is written with the following guidelines.

1) Write in-depth content that covers as much base as possible on the subject. You will find some of the most in-depth articles on topics such as getting your ex girlfriend back or signs that your ex loves you.

2) Write the content in a way that is easy to understand and digest. There is no point in writing the articles if they are not easy to understand. I’ve noticed a lot of people out there just keep pouring gibberish in an attempt to increase their word count. On Ex Back Permanently, you will find articles that are well formatted, and they have a flow to them that is easy to follow and digest.

3) Make sure that the articles are up to date on the latest research and experience. We understand that humans and culture evolve and so does the process of getting back an ex. We are constantly updating our articles to reflect that. We are also constantly on the lookout for any scientific research or studies that may be relevant to getting an ex back and breakups. You can rest assured that you will only get the best advice on this website. (In fact, we conducted our own research on exes getting back together. You can read it here.)

Articles Reviewed By Mental Health Professionals

For some of our articles, we invite licensed Mental Health Professionals to review the content. We do so to make sure that our content is medically accurate and up to date. If an article has been reviewed by a Mental Health Professional, it will be marked as such. Here’s what we mean when an article has been reviewed..

  • There are no medical inaccuracies in the article.
  • The article does not appear to offer any advice that may be physically or psychologically harmful to the reader.
  • The article offers advice that may be potentially helpful to the reader.

Going through a breakup can be a very painful experience for a lot of people and breakup advice should be written responsibly and with experience. By getting our articles reviewed by mental healthcare professionals, we strive to make sure that the content our website is responsible, accurate and trustworthy.

Authors and Reviewers

At Ex Back Permanently, we are dedicated to providing you accurate, helpful, and enlightening information on breakups and reconciliation. To do so, we only allow high quality content to be published here and we regularly get our content reviewed by Mental Health Professionals to make sure it is medically accurate and will not cause any harm to the individuals reading the advice and incorporating it in their lives.

Below, you will find a list of our Authors and Mental Health Professionals who review articles for us.


Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson is the founder of Ex Back Permanently and a breakup coach for the past 13 years. He writes in-depth content that helps people understand breakups and recover from them in an effective way. Currently, he is the lead author at Ex Back Permanently and is responsible for most of the content here.

Read Full Profile.

Mental Health Professionals Reviewers

Heather Shannon, Counselor, M.Ed., LCPC

Heather Shannon, LCPC is a psychotherapist and a health coach who has been practicing for the past 10 years in Chicago, IL. She specializes in dating anxiety, exploring attachment styles, creating healthy boundaries in relationships, increasing emotional intimacy, managing relationships with difficult people, difficulty orgasming, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, exploring kink, exploring monogamy and non-monogamy, infidelity, sex/porn addiction, gender exploration, gender transitioning, sexual trauma, etc.


Psychology Today Profile

Read Full Profile.

Dr. Laurie Moore offers expert relationship support (sorting out and finding new solutions for complex matters), grief-support, erasing of self-defeating habits using emdr (process for erasing trauma and habits), sln (process to release habits and meet goals),hypnotherapy, life-medicine (taping and self-touching to shift patterns) I effectively help you. Individuals and couples receive non-judgmental support.

She works as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Santa Cruz, California. She has been practicing therapy for the past 22 years.


Psychology Today Profile

GoodTherapy Profile

Read Full Profile

Is It Healthy To Try To Get an Ex Back?

Here’s what some of the most respected Mental Health Professionals have to say about the advice on Ex Back Permanently

I really feel that it depends on the situation. Every relationship is different. If there were co-dependency issues or emotional/mental/physical abuse, then no. With that being said, if the co-dependency issues could be worked out in therapy, then there is a possibility.

With that said- nobody is perfect, and people make mistakes, so in certain situations, I do think it is okay to try and get your ex back- it’s all about communication and how you move forward with that. So yes, I would recommend your 5 step process seeing that it is a healthy relationship to work towards.

Dr. Stephanie Cornette, Psy.D.

Dr. Stephanie Cornette, Psy.D., is a psychologist based in Chicago, IL. She has been practicing for the past 16 years and is a well known Mental Health Expert in the area.



It depends. Both people need to want to try again and be willing to REDESIGN A NEW RELATIONSHIP. Both people need to be willing to talk about. what went wrong. It’s not just about blaming the other person. Both people need to be willing to examine their own roles in why the relationship ended.

Both people need to be willing to acknowledge, address and RESOLVE both their individual and couple issues that contributed to the difficulties. This is a tall order; depending on the problems. It’s difficult for most people to do this work on their own.


Beatty Cohan, MSW, LCSW, AASECT

Beatty Cohan is a nationally recognized psychotherapist who has who has been practicing psychotherapy for over 35 years. She has a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and post-graduate specialization in marriage and family therapy and sexual dysfunction.


If your relationship was initially a compatible and positive experience for you both, time apart for re-grounding can be a plus. Focusing on your own fullness, self-worth, and life for a while is highly valuable. Making yourself your own best friend will lead to a far more satisfying relationship.

Contacting your ex after you have spent more time to get yourself in a better place, provides an opportunity to meet in a new way, discover new shared strengths, and open up mutual possibility. Relationships end for a variety of reasons. Whether you and your ex being together again is the healthiest option depends on the particular relationship. If you feel you both have a lot to give and receive from each other, taking space to reunite with yourself before re-opening the potential door, is a positive step.

Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, Ph.D.

Laurie Moore, is a licenced Marriage and Family Therapy based in Santa Cruz, California. She specializes in relationship issues, grief, addiction, ptsd, anxiety, depression, and life-changes challenges.




We also occasionally reference other websites and research papers that may help support our advice and expand on that. When we link to such other websites, we make sure that the content we are referencing to is accurate and helpful. However, we do not take any responsibility for the advice on such websites and we can not be held liable for that. Read more about our terms and conditions.

Experience of Heartbroken People (Reader Stories, Client Stories, Case Studies)

We often share case studies that include reader experience of their breakup or trying to get their ex back. These stories are taken from the emails or comments we receive from our readers. Some of these stories and case studies are taken from the coaching sessions we have had from our clients.

Our aim with sharing such stories and experiences is to help our readers understand the relevant concepts and relate to what others have already been through.

When we share these stories and experiences in our articles, we modify the premises and names to keep the privacy of our clients and readers. We don’t share anything that may reveal any personal information about our clients or readers.

While we do edit a few details in the experiences, we keep the original quotes and experience to reflect accurately what the client/reader felt and had gone through.

Reviews and Testimonials

Here are a few testimonials from the readers of this website and the readers of my free email series. They are 100% genuine and unaltered (except the names have been changed to protect the privacy of my readers). You can also read some of our reviews on TrustPilot.

You can read more testimonials on the review page.

I've looked at a lot of breakup type sites, and tbh I havent found any that have impressed me as much as yours.

Hi Kevin. I'm not sure if this reply will find it's way to you, but I'm not really sure what else to do. I've looked at a lot of breakup type sites, and tbh I havent found any that have impressed me as much as yours. You've done an amazing job! My situation is (in my opinion) unique and I'm not really sure how to proceed as a lot of the circumstances dont seem to apply. In your email today it said "if this hits home give me a shout". Well it definitely did. I've been waiting for one of your email packages to become available, and believe me, when one does you'll be hearing from me.

You've done an amazing job with the site, and I really appreciate the way you emphasize respect and that it's her choice at the end of the day to say no. Some guys really need to hear that.

Thanks again.

Honestly thank you so much for your articles and emails, like i asked friends for opinions and support , it didnt work as well as yours, like thank you ssosososososoosososososo much for the advice, i dont know if you can see this message but thanks a lot for your articles, genuinely feel a lot better, couldnt have gone through this break up without your articles of support

I just want to thank you for your guidance and daily advice! It’s pulled me up out of a depression I didn’t think was ever going to end.

Idk if you read these or if your a real person or what. I really appreciate everything you and your company or whatever do. I've come a lon way in a short time and k want to continue to grow. Even if it doesn't work out im a happier person and her and her kids will always have a place in my heart and soul.

I honestly just want to thank you. What you have built has been a huge help to people like me going through this shit. I’m really thankful have your website. And every time I waiver, I read it and it calms me down. Same with the daily emails. You have done a great thing

can confess that coming across your articles when the breakup happened is one of the best thing that happened to me. I come from Africa where emotional breakdown is viewed as weak. The breakup after 6 years in a relationship with the man I love was heartbreaking. The only place I could find solace was online thank God I came across your work. He broke up with me after we had some issues telling me he found someone else who is still currently with,two months now.

Thank you for making me feel better and appreciate myself. You have no idea how this means to me. Thank you for being a blessing.

Thank you kevin. All your artical was helpful. I got my boyfriend back. You are such a wonderful person please keep helping others.

You are such a honest and thoughtful person i have ever seen. You're such a caring human beings.

Thank you for everything. Since i got back him i am the happiest person ever. And also there is good news you wanna hear?


Hey There, I don't know if these emails are sent automatically by some sort of software or is it any of you really aware of my situation, but anyways I wanted to say 'thank you', a lot, I'm really grateful for all the advices I've been getting from you, I've been trying to fight depression and suicidal thoughts my whole life, and obviously when my girlfriend decided to break up with me I fell apart, my life started going backwards. In all honesty I really think we'll never get back together, but I still read all you emails so I can follow the advices on personal development and try to be a better version of me, I guess now it's not about getting her back, I just get a sense of hope and confidence to keep going forward in life every time I read one of your emails, so, thanks a lot. The void still remains inside me, but every day I manage to shrink it, those who fall will be forgotten but those who rise up their names will be remembered forever and boy I have to say that your guidance has made me want to rise up.

Best Regards all the way from Venezuela.

I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping

have to say, 2 n a half weeks ago I was a complete mess.

I didn’t even get out of bed for days on end and then when I went away for work I was so desperate for help through this.

Then I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping (kind of lol)

And so much more, my outlook on my whole life has changed and I am looking at myself so much more deeper then I ever have.

It’s exactly what I needed to do, actually the co dependant email, that’s when it hit me. The role I played. I was completely co dependant and the moment I realised that, something flipped and pushed me to want to be happy for me, from within, full my cup so I can bring something to the table, not just take from the table.

I’m grateful. For you, and your emails.

I just had to let you know

Thank you 💕

I LOVE ALL YOUR EMAILS AND MY EX HAS CONTACTED ME THIS WEEK ! It’s like you know everything! Every email you sent me has been accurate I can’t thank you enough. I can’t wait for tomorrow

I just wanted to say thank you for these emails. They really helped me realize a lot, and that my ex and I really needed the break up. Our relationship wasn't really long to begin with and I'm starting to understand why. I also wanted to thank you for being with me through this hard time. You made me realize there really is hope for me as far as love goes. And, I mean things are still weird between him and I, but it's gonna be that way for awhile. All I know is it's getting easier everyday. I really appreciate you writing and sending these emails to me; you don't know how much they've helped.

I sense a sincerity in these writings that is long been shadowed for money and greed by others.

This is out of character for me, i dont praise anybody through email and very rarely do i get moved enough to give a stranger my happy opinion. But I genuinely enjoy reading your emails and i sense a sincerity in these writings that is long been shadowed for money and greed by others.

Keep doing what you are doing brother. You’ve made a fan out of me and I will soon reach out and try supporting your cause in what little way i may be able to.

You may not know the impact simply sending a genuine email might have. To those of us that are used to heartache, loneliness - its so much more than an email from a stranger.

Thanks again and I wish you all the best,

Hey Kevin,

Thank you for these exercises. They really made a world of difference in my perception of my breakup. I have ultimately decided to let go of my ex and relax away from love for a while. I always sought out my lovers and that has always ended in disappointment so I'm gonna go with the flow and let the lover find me someday. I have to admit - these Healing Worksheets were why I bought the whole program. Don't get me wrong, your EBP guide was just as important for me to read, but getting me out of the denial & bargaining stages were the most critical thing to do and these worksheets helped tremendously.

You're awesome. Thank you.

My names R and I’m a 18year old male from Singapore. I just wanna thank u so much for helping me get through this tough period of time. My ex finally decided to break it off with her rebound because she couldn’t help but miss me. She finally admits to loving me. I really have to thank you man. You were my light and you help me get through one of the toughest period of times. Really aprreciate it man. I can’t express how thankful i am to you and your daily emails. I hope you have a great week ahead and bless u:)

Jennifer Jenkins

Do you provide any additional help?

Yes, we do have some products that we promote and sell to support this website. But in most cases, you will find our free articles provide more than enough information to help you get through your breakup and possibly get your ex back. If you are interested in more help, we recommend you check out our products page to find out how we can help you more.

How Do We Earn Money?

Ex Back Permanently is a reader supported website. That means that we are supported by purchases made by the readers directly with us or indirectly through an affiliate partner. Learn more about how we earn money here.

Next Step?

Check out some of the best articles on our website below to get insights into your situation and the best way to get your ex back.

How To Get Your Ex Back Permanently – 5 Step Plan

This article is one of the first articles I wrote here and it’s still relevant today. This article is updated regularly and it contains the most accurate and in-depth information on the internet about getting your ex back.

How To Win Her Back in 5 Stages

This article is meant specifically for guys who are having a hard time with the breakup and want to get their girl back. It’s divided in stages. Just like a video game. It’s easy to follow and gives you an action plan you can start following today.

Rebound Relationships – Signs, Common Patterns and More

If your ex is in a new relationship or if you think they might get into a new relationship, you should read this article that talks in depth about rebound relationships. It includes information from different scientific studies combined with my own experience of helping thousands of clients whose exes were in a rebound.

Signs That Your Ex Loves You

One of the most common questions that might be on your mind is if your ex still has feelings for you. This article talks in-depth about the different signs that your ex may show after the breakup and what it means.

Do People Get Their Ex Back? A Study by Ex Back Permanently

We conducted a landmark study after analyzing more than 3500 breakup situations. We found out how many people get their ex back and how many of them stay together in a healthy relationship. This study has been featured in many reputable publications on the internet.

About The Privacy of Our Clients

We understand that getting an ex back and personal relationship problems are sensitive subjects. We have had clients from all over the world and from all different professions. We’ve even had clients from sports stars to relationships counselors. Everyone needs help and support at some point in their life. We understand and respect the privacy of all our clients. If you ever choose to interact with us, we will not disclose confidential information to anyone ever.

Want to Get in Touch?

You can contact us by filling the form on this page. Note that we do not answer relationship questions anymore. But you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions about our website or our products.

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