You may be wondering why you can't find any reviews for Ex Back Permanently and it's products on the internet. After all, most us (including me) use independent reviews to figure out if something is worth spending your time, energy and money on.
The reason why it's hard to find reviews for our information and our products online is because the nature of this niche is very sensitive. Most people who are going through a breakup and want their ex back want to keep their information private. They won't go on Google or Facebook to post details about how Ex Back Permanently helped them.
However, they do contact us via email to give feedback, reviews and testimonials. Below you will find some of our favorite reviews from our customers and readers.
Ex Back Permanently Reviews
If you are reading this, you probably are looking for reviews for one of the two reasons.
1) You want to know if you can trust the information on this website and it's free email series. After all, your ex and your love life is very important to you and taking bad advice mean losing your ex for good or even worse, losing your mental health and your confidence.
Below you will find reviews of our readers and subscribers of our emails that are free for anyone to subscribe to. Click Here to read the reviews of the free information on this website.
2) You are looking to buy one of our products. You are interested in purchasing either the EBP Advanced System or Personal Email Coaching from us. If you are going to spend money on something, it's only logical to want to know what other people think about the product. You will also find reviews for our paid product and services below. Click here to read the reviews of our paid products and services.
Note: All the reviews and testimonials posted on this page are 100% genuine and unaltered. We will provide proof if anyone is interested in challenging the validity of these reviews.
Reviews and Testimonial For The Paid Products and Services of Ex Back Permanently
Hey Kevin,
It's been a while! I took the survey to help you out, I hope everything is going well. I never got my ex back and I am so glad I didn't. My new girlfriend is incredible and I am so happy with her. Thank you again for the coaching I really needed it!
I doubt you read responses your emails as it’s part of a program. However, in case you do.....
This is great. The worksheets you provide are all the things that run through your head in some scattered fashion and you can’t put anything together where it makes sense. The worksheets allow you to take your time and think about certain aspects of your relationship in an organized fashion.
I have no idea if these email replies are ever seen or not.
I just need to express my gratitude for what ever this thing is, because it's really helping me beyond words.
This has been without question the most painful and chaotic time in my entire life, hands down.
I'm working the program, and it's set up in a way that is effective without being overwhelming. Which is an big deal to me, because I can barely function at all and this is honestly perfect for me.
Lastly, I can't fell you how important you're daily emails have become. And I look forward to them every day for insite and motivation.
The way you speak to the reader is extremely calming to me, and imparts a feeling of having a true friend that is guiding me through this horrible time in my life.
Maybe these are read, or maybe not. I just want to express my gratitude and thankfulness.
- Dan J
Just want to thank you for this. Your service has helped me immensely.
I'm a 40 successful woman, but when it comes to matters of the heart, I feel like a incompetent child.
I needed the structure your program offers to cope. It's working, my ex is contacting me again. I knew we weren't over, I was pushing him away. Many thanks again. I feel I am going to be a better person in relationships regardless of our outcome.
So nice to hear from you. I would love to take your survey. Your program saved my life. Of all the programs out there, yours helped me the most. It helped me to focus more on myself which is more important than getting anyone back. When your self esteem is high people and things come to you. So I continue to work on me and I am in contact with my ex. He will always be there when I need him.
Hi kevin thompson. How can i leave a review?? After following your plan after subscribing,so much changed. The times where no contact was used. Over a month..(by the way i messed up in the relationship) it gave me time to conentrate on myself. Get back training and boxing, lost weight got fitter. Made plans, seeked therapy to fix my depression and anxiety and mental health. Sign up for the british armed forces. It also gave her time too. she broke the relationship up. I messed up. She wanted nothing to do with me.. so as hard as it was every moment i wanted to message her or ring her, check on her. I followed your plan!!! It past 30 days and i didnt know whether to keep doing no contact, or to make contact. But she made contact.
It was something shitty and simple lol "i have some mail for you" basically she couldve posted it... she played hard to get. But she loved me still deep down... so i juat plaues it cool as if my life and plans was something else. I had plans. I was in shape, Tanned and fit.. and now, of course after some struggles and raw conversations, were back together and we are also following our individual tracks in our career paths which we didn't allow before.
Ive found myself again and so has she and we have found each other. But without your guidance and plan this wouldn't have happened. I would've tried contacting her and lost control etc. But i kept to your plan.. i seeked therapy, i got back in the boxing gym and I'm yet to be a paratrooper of the British army. Plus i have my fiance back.. no contact worked so effectively.. your plan worked. Thankyou x
Hi Kevin,
I filled out your survey. I am glad you sent this follow up because I never thanked you for the coaching help during the time when my boyfriend and I were broken up. I want to say THANK YOU. Your support during that tough transition time got me being my best self and really showing up in a way to get my boyfriend and I back together.
We are happily back together now and we really both are proud of where we are out now. We are better than we have ever been and it's been amazing. We just celebrated our first anniversary which was actually our 3 year anniversary 🙂 Of course we still have our bumps in the road but we handle problems much differently and are committed to getting through them together.
Thanks again, Kevin!
I'm not going to lie, I was desperate enough to try anything when my ex and I broke up. But I went through the steps of your program, almost positive I'd come out without him but just as a stronger person myself. But after the month long no contact period, I sent him a single text. Short, sweet and not desperate. After that he began slowly but surely flooding my inbox. He broke up with his then girlfriend, and we got back together. Nearly a year and half later and we are still together. As crazy as it seems, I really think your program may have definitely contributed to this. I am now a firm believer that you can learn how to do anything on the internet, including get your ex back. Thank you for sharing your advice and I wish you the best!
You have probably heard a lot , yet I still want to say I am grateful for this program, which is such a great company and guidance when I felt vulnerable and confused after the breakup.
Thank you, Coach.
I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping
have to say, 2 n a half weeks ago I was a complete mess.
I didn’t even get out of bed for days on end and then when I went away for work I was so desperate for help through this.
Then I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping (kind of lol)
And so much more, my outlook on my whole life has changed and I am looking at myself so much more deeper then I ever have.
It’s exactly what I needed to do, actually the co dependant email, that’s when it hit me. The role I played. I was completely co dependant and the moment I realised that, something flipped and pushed me to want to be happy for me, from within, full my cup so I can bring something to the table, not just take from the table.
I’m grateful. For you, and your emails.
I just had to let you know
Thank you
Hey Kevin,
Thank you for these exercises. They really made a world of difference in my perception of my breakup. I have ultimately decided to let go of my ex and relax away from love for a while. I always sought out my lovers and that has always ended in disappointment so I'm gonna go with the flow and let the lover find me someday. I have to admit - these Healing Worksheets were why I bought the whole program. Don't get me wrong, your EBP guide was just as important for me to read, but getting me out of the denial & bargaining stages were the most critical thing to do and these worksheets helped tremendously.
You're awesome. Thank you.
I actually gained massive understanding from the online course I paid you for.
I have paid for another one now which is nowhere near as good as your one - I loved the daily exercises (nearly daily) and did a lot of self growth, which has given me a different outlook going forward and I am very unsure of my future.
Thanks again - and if you do put together any other online courses, I’d be really keen on them.
Hi Kevin/ admin team,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me. I recently went through a break up over Christmas. My ex finished with me over our lack of sex, saying he loves me but doesn’t find me attractive anymore. Hard to hear but it’s fine now. He was so lovely about it and really hated hurting me. I did everything that your guide says not to do at first until I found your website.
I paid for the advanced system and I read it all, I am doing the worksheets and I can say that I feel so much better about my life even after just a few weeks.
Wanted to shoot you all a quick email and give you a tremendous THANK FUCKING YOU, for the Ex Back Permanently guide.
I fell in love for the first time last year. Most inconvenient time, I'd lost my parents at a young age, I've been raising my younger sisters since I was a kid, basically this person represented my happiness, the comfort I lost from losing my parents, my hopes and dreams etc. When we broke up it was DEVASTATING. On my self esteem, my emotional wellbeing, I didn't think I was going to make it. It sounds melodramatic but I know that there have to be others out there who are currently in the same position and I want them to know this program is ABSOLUTELY the reason I am not only fully recovered but more of myself, clear on my purpose, and happily very good loving friends with my ex. Through the methods used in the EBP I healed from the breakup in 2 weeks (I traveled across the country, and went on tons of dates trying to heal...nothing worked as effectively as the EBP approach helped me). I saw my ex and felt empowered and strong and confident, and like I had the tools in my pocket to make things go the way I wanted them to go. The minute I saw him, thanks to the tools in EBP, I knew that I had healed because the sadness and longing and disappointment were fully over. It was like it broke the spell he had on me and I was back to my powerful sexy self. This testimonial probably isn't exciting for those who are super attached to MUST HAVE HIM BACK lol, but for the girl who is in so much pain and is debating on buying the course based on how well it'll work to get your ex back (hello past me) please do this for yourself. Because if you don't get him back, you'll get YOU back and you'll feel good, you'll be powerful, happy and feel loved again instead of broken, lost and emotionally devastating. Thanks so much Kevin. Can't stress how lifechanging this was for me. Appreciate you!!! Best $67 I've ever spent.
Dear Kevin and the Ex Back Permanently team,
Thank you so much for your program.
I just completed the thirty day course, and the amount I've been able to grow and learn about myself as an individual and as a romantic partner has absolutely been one of the best opportunities I've ever had. Your worksheets were eye-opening. Number 21 in particular was one of the most important evaluations I've ever completed, and radically changed my perspective on the relationship with my ex.
I don't know what the future will bring, but I know that it will be a bright one. I'm now in the place I need to be in order to be open and ready to meet the man with whom I will spend my life (whether it is my ex -- with work and time -- or someone new), when the time comes.
Again, thank you so much. Having the chance to step back and process the breakup with guidance and care has been invaluable. I can't recommend the program enough.
The course has been so helpful in rebuilding myself. It's exceeded my expectations for something I've bought online - when I was feeling vulnerable. Can't rate it highly enough - though I'm starting to fear the end of the daily emails to hold my hand through it all!
Best wishes,
Wow your course is amazing and I've learned so much about me, life, the universe, but have severe withdrawal symptoms and now need a course to get over you!!!
Keep checking my inbox for emails from you.... sad or what! Maybe it's my age....72 going on 35 xx
Many thanks Kevin. Your worksheets and daily emails helped me not only to stay sane but also to work on myself, learn a lot about myself. I still love my ex and he wants me back since 2 weeks. However I am uncertain as I just let go myself. We will meet in 2 days. I will listen to my gut feeling and then walk away to digest.
This was the most helpful and I wish I heard of you earlier. I can't thank your program enough!
Hi Kevin,
The idea of paying for a guide to get my ex back seemed crazy at first...but I'm so happy I did.
Your course helped me think clearly, gain perspective and realize exactly I want...which isn't my ex.
I am in a much better mind set and your course/program/emails, assisted me substantially in getting healthier, physically and mentally. I was devastated following the break up with my ex of 3.5 years and I wouldn't be in the headspace I am in now without you so I wanted to extend my thanks.
Reviews and Testimonial For The Free Content on Ex Back Permanently
can confess that coming across your articles when the breakup happened is one of the best thing that happened to me. I come from Africa where emotional breakdown is viewed as weak. The breakup after 6 years in a relationship with the man I love was heartbreaking. The only place I could find solace was online thank God I came across your work. He broke up with me after we had some issues telling me he found someone else who is still currently with,two months now.
Thank you for making me feel better and appreciate myself. You have no idea how this means to me. Thank you for being a blessing.
thanks to you I’ve stopped crying
Hello Mr. Kevin Thompson. My name is cel and I’m a subscriber to your daily letter on how to get an ex back (I’m in the soap opera chapter). I’d like to thank you with allllllllll my heart because after reading these mails everyday the desire of getting my ex back shrunk and turned into the desire of being a better version of myself. Your mails have helped me keep a smile on my face. My ex and I broke up three months ago and being honest there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t cried but thanks to you I’ve stopped crying . May I say that you have an amazing sense of humor . I hope life will cross our paths together because I’d love to have you as a friend .
Cel "thank you" ovo
Hey KevinThompson
I would like to thank you for your help. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have moved on and found happiness. God bless you.
Hey There, I don't know if these emails are sent automatically by some sort of software or is it any of you really aware of my situation, but anyways I wanted to say 'thank you', a lot, I'm really grateful for all the advices I've been getting from you, I've been trying to fight depression and suicidal thoughts my whole life, and obviously when my girlfriend decided to break up with me I fell apart, my life started going backwards. In all honesty I really think we'll never get back together, but I still read all you emails so I can follow the advices on personal development and try to be a better version of me, I guess now it's not about getting her back, I just get a sense of hope and confidence to keep going forward in life every time I read one of your emails, so, thanks a lot. The void still remains inside me, but every day I manage to shrink it, those who fall will be forgotten but those who rise up their names will be remembered forever and boy I have to say that your guidance has made me want to rise up.
Best Regards all the way from Venezuela.
This helped me get back my soulmate
Thank you so much, this helped me get back my soulmate. I followed all the steps and changed my life, I fixed my hygiene issues and did a flip overall mentally on how I handle anxiety because of how it effected my relationship.
I saw that my infidelity was stupid when I saw myself reading your article and I quickly saw I'd never be disloyal to my girlfriend again.
I did no contact for less than the recommended time, because we were very close and had many bonding experiences together and I knew she was just waiting for me to realize the right things because she kept pictures of us up.
Thank you for giving me a clear mental list to focus on when I was in the dirt the day she broke up with me, I got my soul mate back.
Thank you so much.
Loved this specific email. A lot of it resonated with me.
I have to say the daily emails have been a great at gradually changing how you think. It makes everything seem easier, whether to do something, whether to think about something etc.
I'm loving this program. 🙂 And whether I get my ex back or not, I've, definitely, learnt a lot from it, and it's due to resources such as this.
So thank you fof helping me realize how selfish I was. I needed that. I get to have him back now even better than before
I just wanted to email you and say thank you. I’m not sure if you’re a real person or a robot but either way the emails you sent me every morning worked.
I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half. He has two children and I never have been around kids. He had a psycho ex wife and family who took her side and abandoned me.
Needless to say we fought a lot. It was a lot for both of us. He had to pick between his family and me because they wouldn’t accept me and I was dealing with a lot of pressure to not mess up or he would get hell from his ex and family.
We broke up and got back together a few times until about a month ago. I snapped I finally couldn’t take it any more. I got drunk and said things and smashed things and he was so afraid of me because I never showed my emotions. Rather than him realizing I needed his help he broke up with me. I realized that I messed up. That I should have talked about my feelings rather than bottling them all up. And I never needed his families acceptance I needed to accept myself.
After reading what you have wrote for the past few weeks I realized I never took into consideration how he felt and how he wanted to be loved. I loved him the way I wanted to be loved and it in turn pushed him away.
After following the no contact rule and then him reaching out and I finally responded we agreed to meet yesterday and it was utterly amazing. We both talked about our feelings and listened to each other. When I took the time to actually listen to him I could tell he felt more comfortable to open up even more.
After he left I received the attached text message. He never spoke about wanting me forever through the year and a half we were together. I always did. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him but I never received that validation back until last night.
So thank you fof helping me realize how selfish I was. I needed that. I get to have him back now even better than before and I’m going to make sure everyday I keep myself in check and not let my emotions get the best of me.
Thank you.
thanks, your emails were part of the process that helped me, especially early on in the breakup.
Hi Kevin,
It was interesting to get your email and survey which I completed. I never paid to subscribe to your course, but I was very close to doing so. In the end I didn't need to since I stopped wanting to get my ex back. All your emails were very thoughtful and insightful and definitely helped me at that time, which was a pretty terrible time for a while. However it turned into one of the most interesting and growing years of my life. The information that you and other websites and books provided really helped me to see where I was not doing the right thing in my relationships. I also had never been that good at actively approaching and dating women, and I had a great year discovering that it really wasn't all that hard and I could have done a lot better when I was younger, had I been more observant and had such knowledge as you and others provided.
I'm a nutshell, I learned a lot about myself, women, and where I had gone wrong in previous relationships. One of the most important things was that I used this breakup (and an abortion), which was one of the most traumatic periods of my life, to really work on improving myself and developing skills that ideally we should learn in our early adult life, not in our 40s! Also I have become much more accepting of what life might throw at me.
I could go on but I just want to say thanks, your emails were part of the process that helped me, especially early on in the breakup.
Because of you I'm happy now..I accidentally found out your post on No Contact a month ago and it really hit home..
I started following everything you have mentioned in the emails and the posts and your daily emails made my hurt heart better.Your emails were like a drug to remove my pain away.( I couldn't afford the EBP Advanced System but these emails were more than enough for me )
After I started the 30 days, it was really hard but your words kept me determined.As you have mentioned there were times that I thought I can't bear this anymore, I have to talk and also times where I wanted to blame him for something he did on Facebook or elsewhere.But then I stopped and got my self calm down and thought well..Then I realized doing this will only make things worse and I should somehow reach the 30 day target.
In the 5th day he called me but I didn't answer.He texted saying he doesn't wanna start the r'ship but that we cant be enemies too.But I didn't even reply.
As you said I thought I should make a better version of myself.I was a girl who was very active and outgoing.But after things started to go wrong in the relationship, I used to stay at home most of the time and became kinda boring..Always complaining and waiting to only go out with him. So I created a version 2.0 and sticked to it.I started going out and having fun,tried out new things, made changes in my appearance and since we happen to meet like a lot at college, he and his friends obviously did notice my change ( I didn't talk to him though)
With time,I started realizing how dependent I was..I was such a needy and desperate person who though there was no life without a guy in it. STUPID ME!
There's no wonder in him leaving me and I don't blame him for doing that because I was so insecure and a control freak and he, as guy needs a life.
On the 15th day I saw him staring at me and when I looked at him he smiled.I just gave a quick smile and looked away.
By this time I had started loving my new self.I have become the happy person whom he was attracted to in the beginning and even better because now I have learned to become responsible for my own happiness.
Another thing I noticed was that my ex had become very active on fb and he showed signs of becoming the person I always liked and doing things I said I like. But I didn't over act or do anything in return I just acted cool as you told.He's now showing signs that he is kinda interested me again.
So my 30th day was yesterday and NO! Im not at all excited to talk to him like I was in the beginning.Im still thinking whether to talk to him or not.I wouldnt bother about whether he would reply and if he has a new girlfriend and also I still wonder whether I need this relationship.I have actually 'sort of' got over him.
So I just wanna THANK YOU for making me a girl with confidence and teaching me how to be happy with my own self.You are amazing and these 30 days taught me a lot.TIME IS MAGIC!
My names R and I’m a 18year old male from Singapore. I just wanna thank u so much for helping me get through this tough period of time. My ex finally decided to break it off with her rebound because she couldn’t help but miss me. She finally admits to loving me. I really have to thank you man. You were my light and you help me get through one of the toughest period of times. Really aprreciate it man. I can’t express how thankful i am to you and your daily emails. I hope you have a great week ahead and bless u:)
Your advice was amazing and helped me so much. My partner and I are now back together and things have been better than ever before. I can’t believe how simple it all was when I followed all your tips. Thanks so much. I’ve shown your emails to friends going through similar issues and it’s working for them too!
Hey. Thank you for helping me a lot before this. Your article and your email that you send to me really help me alot. Now i really happy with my life. Keep doing this great work!
Hope you are doing well. Been a while..hmm? ^_^
This is probably my last message to you and my last update for you 🙂 <3
My ex knocked me back after like more than two years. I can't even put this in words, how annoyed I was to find messages and nudges back from him. Whatever that was, my life has moved a lot ahead of what happened back in those days.
Another good news! I am getting married this year. Found this guy. Ah! When I am with him, I am in peace! Of-course, he is so cute! No games. No tricks. Just two simple souls finding a way to unite. Nothing happened in rush. My parents, his parents and all of us are quite happy about whatever this is. I don't know about love, but I am a happier person when m with him. I guess, that's enough for this lifetime. I have learned what I had to learn. Life is simple when you let go of things beyond your ability to control. Hold on to things that shares happiness with you just how you share with them. Happiness is what matters at the end. Sometimes it is so important that we go through lil pain.
Its amazing! How happiness multiplies itself when its shared with everyone. <3
When I wrote all those e-mails to you and this one too, I always wonder. I wondered whether you ever read them, or felt my words and all of those messed up emotions. May be you did or may b you didn't. You must have so many better subscribers than me who are purchasing all those life/love coach solution packages. But, there was this time, when writing to you did give me hopes to get out of those loops of pain and grief. There were days, I would just keep waiting for all those emails you sent me as your subscribers. I wrote to you like, I am writing to a friend. 😀 You have been an amazing friend 🙂 I know, you are an amazing coach too.
I will be Thankful to you forever. Loads of love and prayer for you. May you get all the happiness and love you share with people.
Lola Kyles.
Your Biggest Fan.
Your emails however have helped ground me and should I ever decide to embark on a new relationship I have gained a wealth of information from you and thank you for that.
I've enjoyed your emails.
The more time goes on and time with a therapist the more I realise I was emotionally abused and getting back together is not good for me despite how I "feel" at times about my ex and how much I miss the companionship.
Being in a relationship with who I now consider was incredibly selfish to a narcissistic degree is not healthy for me.
Your emails however have helped ground me and should I ever decide to embark on a new relationship I have gained a wealth of information from you and thank you for that.
Hey Kevin. Thanks for everything am back with my ex he will be coming this easter holiday to my parents place to ask my hand for marriage. I thank God for you. God bless you.
Kevin I just wanted to say man you've been a great big help you really are some guy I can't imagine how many people u are helping with this set of emails! I would say I'm in a pretty good place but wouldn't mind receiving the rest of the emails, very insightful and alot to learn! I'm bouncing back harder and stronger and even started to pursue my own business 🙂 you are a star man, giving out hope and direction to those who need it most!
Idk if you'll get this or not, but you never know unless you try. So if you do, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart....if I even have one left. Lol. No but really. I don't have money to buy the books right now and that stinks, but I'm willing to pay full price when I do. You can count on it. Your emails have helped so much that I can't even imagine the affect the books would have on my life. Notice I said "my life". I use to would have said "our relationship". But for real, I'm not going to say everything I want because like I said, idk if you'll even get this.
FOREVER IN DEBT (to you, not bill collectors) I'm coming up
Your emails are the only ones out of all the help me get my ex back ones I continue to read.
Just wanted to say when we broke up I hit every website I could trying to find a way to get Shannon back in my life. He has a new chic now. Keeps showing up in my suggested friends on fb that's how i know that... There's a new me in the profile pic. Your emails are the only ones out of all the help me get my ex back ones I continue to read. Even without subscribing you still send useful information and don't push me to pay you. Now I don't even care what they say because I don't want him back. I'm better without him. Thank you, Kevin. Thank you.
Honestly thank you so much for your articles and emails, like i asked friends for opinions and support , it didnt work as well as yours, like thank you ssosososososoosososososo much for the advice, i dont know if you can see this message but thanks a lot for your articles, genuinely feel a lot better, couldnt have gone through this break up without your articles of support
I've just broken up with my ex, and made a lot of mistakes in trying to get her back. In my head I came up with a rough idea - don't contact her, make positive changes, then go back to her at a later date (if I find I'm still attracted to her of course). But I've found myself so tempted to contact, so I thought I'd google the problem - found your article and it's pretty much exactly what I've been doing. Given me a lot of confidence in myself. Thank you for the article, it's brilliant
Kevin,Tq too for giving me a plan to save my relationship with my love.i really appreciate your structured article ...easy to read..easy to follow...humourous...taught me to be a better person...not to be needy/ clingy...observed the No Contact rule for a month...thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your heart and guidance to be a better man...cheers bro
Idk if you read these or if your a real person or what. I really appreciate everything you and your company or whatever do. I've come a lon way in a short time and k want to continue to grow. Even if it doesn't work out im a happier person and her and her kids will always have a place in my heart and soul.
You seem to really truly actually sympathize.
Hi Kevin
Good to hear from you.
You were always one of the best, if not the best, people that I came across online regarding trying to get back with an ex, dealing with an ex, etc.
What i appreciated (and still do appreciate) about you the most is how much your “I actually give a crap about you” stuff shines through in your e-mails and the way you talk. You seem to really truly actually sympathize.
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your email. At the time of my breakup you were really helpful to me and made me get through some tough times. Me and my ex ended up getting back together which at the time was what I ultimately wanted so your system really worked! But we have since broke up but I learned a valuable lesson and have never been happier since. This is just an email to thank you and appreciate your services when they were in desperate need.
Kind regards,
I am so happy ! I am actually ok with that result! Thank you so much! I asked for eveyone's advices but they were like :"you will find a new better boyfriend" , "he is dumb and childish" , "dump his ass" but i didn't trust that advices then i found this site . This site make me feel like , i will be a special person in life . I have hope and i'll leave my ex alone . And i repeat , thank you!
And thank you very much coz you’re helping me a lot…infact you stopped me from killing myself.
Despite being a psychologist, reading your mails give your advices a different flavor esp coming from a male's perspective.
Hi Kevin,
I have been following up and reading your mails... this touched me the most. Despite being a psychologist, reading your mails give your advices a different flavor esp coming from a male's perspective.
Thank you. You are definitely right! More power to you.
Best regards,
Not sure if you get these, but just wanted to tell you thank you! The emails really helped me through a tough time. We did get back together in exactly 30 days from our break up. I wasn’t very disciplined at first but, everyday I would read your messages and get back on track! You are (very much) appreciated!
About 2 years ago I subscribed to your daily messages after my girlfriend let me. It was the absolute hardest time of my life and I didn’t know if I would ever be the same. I tried everything to get her off my mind but I knew that I wanted to be with her. I eventually googled ways of getting over this or getting her back and your name popped up. I’m so glad I did.
I followed everything you emailed me on for 5 months and she finally took me back. We are currently engaged and getting married in October of this year. All of this could not be possible without your words of wisdom. I’ve been meaning to sit down and write this email for some time, sorry I am just now getting around to it. I wanted to personally thank you for the encouraging statements and steps that I received very often from you. You helped complete me again and I will forever be in debt to you.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I sense a sincerity in these writings that is long been shadowed for money and greed by others.
This is out of character for me, i dont praise anybody through email and very rarely do i get moved enough to give a stranger my happy opinion. But I genuinely enjoy reading your emails and i sense a sincerity in these writings that is long been shadowed for money and greed by others.
Keep doing what you are doing brother. You’ve made a fan out of me and I will soon reach out and try supporting your cause in what little way i may be able to.
You may not know the impact simply sending a genuine email might have. To those of us that are used to heartache, loneliness - its so much more than an email from a stranger.
Thanks again and I wish you all the best,
First of all I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a phenomenal change in my life .
Today I feel much confident whether I am going to get my ex back or not.
I wait for your email everyday as its a part of my meal . It not only helps with the broken relationship but also with improving the quality of my life and career.
I just wanted to say thank you for these emails. They really helped me realize a lot, and that my ex and I really needed the break up. Our relationship wasn't really long to begin with and I'm starting to understand why. I also wanted to thank you for being with me through this hard time. You made me realize there really is hope for me as far as love goes. And, I mean things are still weird between him and I, but it's gonna be that way for awhile. All I know is it's getting easier everyday. I really appreciate you writing and sending these emails to me; you don't know how much they've helped.
Kevin you are a good psychologist. I have a degree and thought I use it dynamically in my environment, but you have really showed me I'm an amateur, lol, seriously. Awesome stuff
I hope my reply makes it back to you!
But I just wanted to say your emails were amazing, not joking! I looked forward to receiving them everyday and
its crazy how each email I received was exactly what I was thinking in my head and what I was going thru in that moment! Reading your emails really helped
and I wanted to say was keep going and doing what you're doing!
I'm sure a lot of people appreciate it and I certainly do!
Best Wishes,
Thank you kevin. All your artical was helpful. I got my boyfriend back. You are such a wonderful person please keep helping others.
You are such a honest and thoughtful person i have ever seen. You're such a caring human beings.
Thank you for everything. Since i got back him i am the happiest person ever. And also there is good news you wanna hear?
Hi Kevin,
I just wanted to say how thankful i am for theses emails. My ex has crawled back to me asking for forgiveness and everything. I want to take it because i haven’t been fully happy since being with him.
Thanks so much for the emails!
I LOVE ALL YOUR EMAILS AND MY EX HAS CONTACTED ME THIS WEEK ! It’s like you know everything! Every email you sent me has been accurate I can’t thank you enough. I can’t wait for tomorrow
I really needed this ! It’s been really hard for me and honestly I’ve been waiting and waiting almost EVERYDAY for u to send me an email ! You’re the best and I really appreciate you!
Thanks I got my boyfriend back . Thank you so much . Now we're working on our goals . Yesterday he said he loved me so many times and I was so happy . Even though we're in a LDR . He and I always workout . I wanna focus on our future. I wanna know how I can make him never get bored with me or leave me again . Maybe in a few years we can get married . Idk tbh, I just wanna be with him forever . Thanks again
Of course I will!!! You single handedly helped get my ex back !!!! Your methods of improving the self first are so important and you may want to add loving yourself and god always first This advice was brilliant esp the text back info and schedule. He never knew I had a guru helping me lol. Thanks so much. If you ever need help l m k and I have referred many a friend to you !!!!! Bravo !!! Robin
your emails were highly appreciated Kevin. though I wasn't able to buy your ebooks but I am learning to your messages you've sent. thank you so much. Through encouragement I just realized how depressed I am but then it drives me to be a better me and moved on. Now the pain in my heart has healed. Thank you so much. more power and God bless
I've looked at a lot of breakup type sites, and tbh I havent found any that have impressed me as much as yours.
Hi Kevin. I'm not sure if this reply will find it's way to you, but I'm not really sure what else to do. I've looked at a lot of breakup type sites, and tbh I havent found any that have impressed me as much as yours. You've done an amazing job! My situation is (in my opinion) unique and I'm not really sure how to proceed as a lot of the circumstances dont seem to apply. In your email today it said "if this hits home give me a shout". Well it definitely did. I've been waiting for one of your email packages to become available, and believe me, when one does you'll be hearing from me.
You've done an amazing job with the site, and I really appreciate the way you emphasize respect and that it's her choice at the end of the day to say no. Some guys really need to hear that.
Thanks again.
I started the system and a friend of mine has noticed how I've changed. She said she loves the new me.
Hard work but well worth it already.
Thank you for helping women like me. You are a LOVE ROCKSTAR!!!
Hello Kevin!
It’s been awhile but thank you so much for your course. Not only did it raise my self esteem but our relationship is better than ever. Before the break up he was distracted, unmotivated, cold, and non attentive. We broke up, he moved out of state, started dating someone else and I tried to date too. I blocked his number and did no contact. After 30 days I reached out and he was shocked. We started a friendship and a few months later one night he flew from New York to Atlanta and was at my doorstep. He promised to be more focused. He changed his phone number so no one from the past could contact him. He shared his iPhone location with me at all times (I didn’t request these things.) He found a job that pays him enough and told me to quit mine. He now takes care of both of us so that I can focus on building my business. We had a great Valentines Day because I am now pregnant with a girl. We are so excited. After two miscarriages we got the daughter we wanted and she will arrive November 10th. This was the relationship I always wanted and your tips really changed my life. It’s been well over a year since I encountered your program and he wants to get married shortly after the baby gets here. Thank you for helping women like me. You are a LOVE ROCKSTAR!!!
I honestly just want to thank you. What you have built has been a huge help to people like me going through this shit. I’m really thankful have your website. And every time I waiver, I read it and it calms me down. Same with the daily emails. You have done a great thing
I just want to thank you for your guidance and daily advice! It’s pulled me up out of a depression I didn’t think was ever going to end.
I did indeed cross paths with you due to my first and hopefully only narcissist spouse. A lot of important lessons were learnt and I think needed to be as to have any hope in properly loving whom I don’t lightly call my Twim Flame that I’m dating now. Sometimes arrogance comes across the table running simply because our pasts can be so 1000000000x different than anothers and how not being sensitive to something that may have caused true trauma in another could easily destroy any hope in gaining that person in your life. Some things can’t be learned..only taught. And I’m finally learning how to accept love because I’ve truly found someone who means it when they say they to want to learn love in our embrace.
Its beautiful and its amazing. YOU sir, are amazing. Thank you for all your emails, your time spent, your quarky ass attitude – and being yourself. I absolutely love how you are the man with an infinite amount of prowesess. Yet I call you Kevin.
Thank you again, you truly made an impact that has affected my forever and dare I say, I owe you one.
Thank you so much for the email, it made me happy ^-^. Actually I didn't unsubscribe because originally I enterd this program(?) for my friend, she was the one that had the break up.While I was looking for advice on how to help her (on the internet), I found this program (?). When you said that you'll help me be another me, I secretly did it for myself more than my friend. I wanted to say I'm sorry that I can't buy your system because I'm too young to have the money plus you need the P.O. box address, which means I have to ask my parents about it and I don't want them involved. Thank you very much for the advice though, have a nice day/night!
Hey. I visited your website in a moment of post-breakup vulnerability and confusion. I came here looking for (what I now realize are) morally questionable tactics and mind games to use on a person that I love. Instead, I ended up with a beautiful guidebook that has completely calmed me down and helped me realise that there are things to look forward to. I feel like everything that you said can be applicable regardless of whether you want to get back together or not. Thank you.
What you did for me was real, and I really apreciate that.
Hello Kevin. My name is G. I'm brazilian, i have 24 years and i subscribed to your e-mail account in 2015. At that time i really had a hard time dealing with my breakup and your emails were one of the best parts of my day, since i had the feeling that someone cared about me when my ex decided to go away, and that meant a lot to me. I just wanted to say thank you, for being a part of my daily routine back then. I didn't know where i would be if i hadn't found your website online. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.
I don't know if you are real, if the whole project was made to sell me something, or if your name is really Kevin, but it doesn't matter. What you did for me was real, and I really apreciate that.
Thank you again for everything, and if you have a new series of email, please send it to me. I'm no longer in pain, but i would very much like to keep reading your ideas and seeing things by your point of view.
I hope youre doing well. I just wanted to say thanks kevin. I didn't buy your book but your emails really helped me when I was feeling really sad. I broke up with my ex but I was still hurting a lot and it all really sucked and your emails just reminded me that it's all going to be okay and helped me feel more confident. I took your advice for starting to write down my feelings and that actually helped. Your a really good person Kevin and I know your just trying to make a profit but you helped my life in a time of need so thank you.
Ps. We ended up getting back together I wonder if he was getting emails from you too :p
Best of luck on your book,
Thank you Kevin. Your emails motivate me every morning to wake up and to be better for myself. I don't know if my ex boyfriend will be back to me but I know I will be a better version of myself. Already started working on myself.
Thanks a ton
I don’t know if you’re ever going to see this but I wanted to let you know that your content has saved my life. I was on the brink of suicide but your site and information has brought me back down to earth and refocused me. I just wanted to reach out and say thanks.
I wanted to let you know that I looked at a number of dating coaches, many of them on Youtube--Breakup Brad, Corey Wayne, Mathew Hussey. And I've spent the last 12 months just studying after a breakup, and by far your written words resonated most with me.
These emails are helping me stay sane. They address just the issue I’m wrestling with that day. Thank you Kevin.
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