Ex Back Permanently is a reader supported website. That means we rely on our readers to earn money and carry out the operation cost of Ex Back Permanently.
Online Courses
Ex Back Permanently offers readers the option to purchase online courses that helps them heal from a breakup in a healthy way and try to reconcile with their ex. These courses, are in no way, mandatory for a reader to purchase.
Email Coaching
We also offer email coaching services for readers who are interested in speaking to our relationship experts who can help them navigate breakups and guide them through the breakup and their recovery.
You can read more about our courses and email coaching by visiting our products page.
Affiliate Earnings
A small part of our earnings come from affiliate income that comes in collaboration from other companies and products. When you purchase something after clicking on a link from this website, we may receive a commission from the website you purchase stuff from. Note that our commission has no effect on the price you pay.
Currently, our affiliate partners include Relationship Hero and Amazon Associates. We only recommend products that we truly believe in and we have thoroughly tested. Read more about our affiliate disclosure here.