​The Easiest Way To  ​Get Your Ex ​Girlfriend Back ​​ and Keep H​er

​You Probably Have a Lot of Questions on Your Mind. Questions Like

  • What can I do to get h​er back instantly? I don't want h​er to move on and find a new​ boyfriend.
  • ​This breakup is very painful. Is she going through the same pain?
  • ​​Does she miss me? Does she care about me? What if she never calls me? Does she still love me?
  • ​What can I do to make h​er call me and tell me she wants me back?

Hi, I'm ​Kevin. You've probably read a few of my articles here at Ex Back Permanently. I've been helping people get their ex back for almost 7 years now. ​I get how these questions can be very difficult to answer.

​But What If I told You ​There Are Bigger, ​MORE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS You Should Be Asking Right Now?

Th​e thing that most ​men don't realize after ​a breakup is that your mind is in a panicked state. It's in fight or flight mode. It's doing everything it can to save a relationship that's already dead. 

​When your mind is in that state, it can't really get someone to feel attracted towards you.

Imagine an old hysterical man shouting at a ticket counter employee because he doesn't understand how to open email on his own phone because it doesn't have any data connection.

​Your mind is kind of like that. It doesn't understand how the culture works today. And it's screaming at you, questioning you constantly to figure out something that is not really possible.

Your mind is asking the wrong questions. Questions that have no relevance to getting h​er back and keeping h​er.


Just like that ​old man, who is screaming for no reason. Instead, ​he should just ask "Where can I find the Wifi"?

​Don't underestimate the importance of asking yourself the right questions! If ​there's one thing I've realized in 7 years of helping ​people with breakups; it's that sooner or later, you have to ask yourself the right questions. You either do it now, or you do it after wasting years on another bad relationship.

By the way: ​​All the questions that your "panicked" mind is going through are actually very easy to answer. I'll get to those answers in just a moment. 

​The Power Of No Contact​. And ​How it ​cost ​​Randy a ​lot of money and a heartbreak.

​Randy was probably just like you at one point in his life. ​He was searching constantly about getting his ex girlfriend back. On many websites, he came across the concept of ​no contact​.  And how no contact can help bring ​his ex back to him.

But that wasn't enough for him though. He wanted more. More information. He had all these questions in his mind.

What if she doesn't contact me?

What if she moves on?

Does she have a new boyfriend?

​Will she get angry if I don't contact her?

​Questions, that are basically coming out of the "panicked mind". Questions that are coming out of fear.

Low and behold, most of the websites have more information. But this information was not free.

​Every website ​he looked at, had testimonials how their customers got their ex back. Guys raving about how their ex wants them back like never before.

So he went ahead and bought them. In fact, he pretty much bought all the "EX Back Products" he could find.

​In ​Truth: ​It Was Just The Power Of No Contact

​Most websites that sell "Ex Back Products" have tons of testimonials. The only problem is that most of these testimonials are just a result of the no contact rule. The next time you see a testimonial, try to notice if they are praising the product, or "The No Contact Rule".

​​Randy Spent a Lot Of Money. And he Was Happy. But Not For Long.

​Randy read almost everything. And finally decided to ​take action. He stopped contacting his Ex Girlfriend.

He decided he will ​do what every ebook said and start no contact.

​Here's a glimpse of what you will find in almost all the "Ex Back Products" out there

Do No Contact ----> Reach Out To H​er Casually ----> Flirt a bit ----> Play hard to get ----> ​Make h​er jealous

​And before ​he knew it, his ex contacted him. ​He used one of the "tricks"  he learned from the eBooks and waited one hour to reply to h​er. And it seemed to work.

Yup, that's right. Just ​three weeks after starting no contact and h​is ex wanted him back.

"Money well spent", ​he thought. Those tricks really work.

​​But not for long.

​It may not really be obvious to you right now, but tricks are not really a foundation of a strong relationship. Let me show you a video of an old man waiting for his wife at the airport that went viral.

​Do you think the old man in the video is using tricks to keep his wife? ​Do you think he is waiting for her with flowers because it's a trick to get her to stay with him?

Nope. They have a strong connection. They trust each other. They are truly in love. And true love is not based on tricks.

Reality Check: H​is Girlfriend Left Again

​As you may have guessed, the tricks ​Randy was relying on didn't last for long. H​is Girlfriend left again. And ​he was left broken hearted again. Only this time, it was worse.

​The reason ​he had to go through the gut wrenching breakup again was because he was not asking the right questions.

You see, there are three components of a strong relationship.




​The problem with most "EX Back Gurus" out there is that they only focus on rebuilding attraction with your ex girlfriend.

Sure, "making h​er jealous" and "​faking confidence" may help you get her back. But that won't change the fact that your relationship with her was broken. And it ​can't be fixed with tricks and manipulation

It doesn't matter how much you fake it or try to control your ex girlfriend's emotion. Unless you fix the root of the problem, nothing will ever change.

And Randy wasn't the only one who went through this. I've noticed this trend all over the internet. I've seen this thing happen over and over again. Not just with my visitors, but in comment sections of other popular websites as well.


​The success ​stories you see on the internet ​don't really tell you how many people failed in getting their ex back. ​The "Ex Back Gurus" are notorious for ​displaying success stories of no contact rule, when it doesn't always work.

​The truth is, no contact helps a lot of people get their ex back. But in a lot of those cases, the success doesn't last long.

And the cases when it doesn't work to get an ex back....well nobody talks about them.

​How ​Randy Fixed The Root Cause Of the Problem

​When​ Randy came to me, ​he was pretty devastated. After speaking to him for a while, we figured out that he suffered from a very common relationship pattern that guys like him go through.

​He's been following this pattern over and over again... for ​eight years. ​He went through a divorce 5 years back and two terrible breakups after that. He kept finding himself in relationships where he cared more than the girl he was with.

​He was starting to believe that he may never find a girl who truly loves him for who he is. WHO ACCEPTS HIM FOR WHO HE IS.​

​​After the la​st breakup (that he had to go through twice), ​he wanted things to change, but didn't know how.

​Like I said earlier, sooner or later you have to ask yourself the right questions. ​Randy was a little late, but he was the right place in his life. ​He also had the right guidance this time. He started asking himself the right questions.

  • ​What if I get her back again and she leaves again?
    What ​​is the point of going through all those tricks and manipulation if I can't keep her forever this time? Will our new relationship be healthy and strong? Will th​ere be a strong connection and trust? Will ​she love me for who I am? Will I have to pretend to be someone else for the rest of my life?
  • ​Why am I ​so needy and desperate to get her back? What can I do to change?
    ​A lot of guys feel addicted to their ex girlfriend. The core of this neediness and desperation is the lack of confidence. Lack of self esteem. Deep rooted insecurities that they were taught to suppress. For Randy, this was a major breakthrough. He realized he had low self esteem. And unless he starts believing in himself, he won't be able to keep her no matter how much he fakes it.
  • ​How can I fix what was broken? How can I show that things will be different?
    ​Andrew's relationship was broken. So much that his ex left him twice. ​A lot of what was wrong with his relationship was a result of his insecurities and low self esteem. But they weren't the only reasons for the breakup. He wanted to figure out the root cause of the breakup and how to fix them. Moreover, he wanted an effective way to show her how things will be different this time.

​If you want ​her back and keep ​her, you need the right tools.

​No contact is only part of the bigger picture. As you may have guessed by now, I don't just rely on no contact. There are bigger things you need to worry about.

After all, this is YOUR LIFE. And if you don't take control right now, IT WILL KEEP ON REPEATING THE SAME PATTERNS.

I​ understand that the biggest concern in your mind right now is to get h​er back as soon as possible. I will teach you how to do that, but there are bigger things you should aim for.

In my opinion, you should have an aim to have a strong relationship that lasts for decades. You DESERVE A ​GIRL WHO LOVES YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE. WHO IS LOYAL. WHO UNDERSTANDS YOU AND ACCEPTS YOU.

And you won't get that with tricks, manipulation or even no contact.​

​​​But you will get that with the ​right tools​. ​


​Attraction, Connection and Trust

The first thing you are going to do is no contact. It's the first tool in your arsenal. To recover from the breakup, stop panicking and start thinking rationally.

But if you want to get her back and KEEP HER. If you want to rebuild a strong attraction, connection and trust with her. You will need a lot more than just no contact. This is where I come in.


​You need the tools to reach out after no contact so you can start rebuilding attraction the right way. Without using any tricks or manipulation.

Perhaps you were chasing h​er before you started no contact. And perhaps she still thinks you want h​er back. I will teach you exactly how to reach out so you can wipe the slate clean and CHANGE THE DYNAMICS OF YOUR POST BREAKUP RELATIONSHIP.

And the best part is, you WON'T BE USING ANY TRICKS. You will learn how to DO IT WITH HONESTY AND VULNERABILITY.​​​


Rebuilding a connection with her will be a bit difficult if you had a bad breakup. But with the right tools, you will know exactly how to fix what went wrong and ​build the strongest connection you've ever felt with ANYONE.

I will teach you how to

  • ​​Fix what was broken in you as a boyfriend or husband.
  • Fix what was broken in her as a girlfriend or wife.
  • Fix​ what was broken in your relationship or marriage.

​I've developed a system that will teach you how to heal, and how to rebuild attraction and connection with her at the same time. This system WILL WORK ON YOU DURING NO CONTACT and WORK ON YOUR EX GIRLFRIEND AFTER NO CONTACT. I'll get to that in a moment. But first, let's talk about trust.


​Trust is the most important foundation of a strong connection. If you've broken the trust of your ex, you may still have a chance.​​​

But you must be very careful moving forward. If you make the wrong move, your ex will never trust you again. It is especially important to STAY AWAY FROM TRICKS AND MANIPULATION if rebuilding trust with your ex is your priority.

​The ULTIMATE TOOL to get your ex ​girlfriend back and keep​ her

​Ex Back Permanently Advanced System

  • 1
    ​EBP Advanced Guide: ​Learn how to get h​er back and keep her forever. In this ebook, you will learn all the tools you need to get h​er back and keep her in a relationship that most people only dream of.
  • 2
    The​ Advanced Healing Worksheets: A 30 days e-course. ​The secret tool that helps you heal, and figure out how to rebuild attraction and connection IN YOUR PARTICULAR RELATIONSHIP. These worksheets are delivered to you on your email once a day for 30 days. ​Takes 15 minutes a day.
  • 3
    ​The Complete System with Instant Access: ​It's the only system out there that is designed to work with you, instead of ​just telling you to do no contact. Once you are done with the course, you will know EXACTLY WHAT TO DO NO MATTER WHAT YOUR EX THROWS AT YOU.  You get instant access to everything once you purchase.

​Here's What Our Customers Think

​Remember how I said you should ​ALWAYS TRY TO NOTICE if the testimonial is for the product or the no contact rule? Well, here's your chance.

“​ I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart as we are engaged ​again.

​I followed your programme, sometimes not always to the 't' but 99% and it worked! After an awful, unfortunate break-up last March, things slower started to patch together again in late September last year - and I mean slowly. Lizzie and I were engaged last time and due to be married in July 2016. It went wrong in March - but enough of the negative!

Truth is, your programme worked, was SO accurate in what was happening on the other side in her life through the break-up, what Lizzie was thinking, doing, checking (Facebook through a mutual friend as we were blocked), all sorts! I followed your tips, hints, behaviours and I'm pleased to see I was successful. I also had a lot of sorting out to do in myself - and you helped me so much with your daily emails. Wow.

I appreciate you may not have time to respond or even check emails such as this - but I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart as we are engaged ​again.

What I loved about your programme the most was it wasn't just about getting back with somebody - it was a process to decide if you actually really wanted to - or not. THAT'S what I loved most. The lists to make, the thinking, the process - all of it! Wow!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kevin! Will send you a pic of the wedding day!

​​​Cory McAllen
​- UK

​"It has transformed my life and my life with her.."

"Your system is so amazing. My future wife (yes we got engaged) over the weekend came home last week. I followed every step of your system and made sure to go through with NC and all the sheets you send every week. It has transformed my life and my life with her. We actually had the absolute best conversation that we have had in years last week. We talked about every issue and laid everything out. 

Put everything out there on the table and we are probably better now than we ever have been. Open and honest with each other with everything. I want to personally thank you for your system and what it has done in my life. You are simply amazing! Every man that wants to change for the better and transform should follow your system! Because if they do; I am living proof that it works! Words can not express my gratitude!"

- ​Austria

​How Much Does it Cost?

​Before I tell you how much the Ex Back Permanently Advanced System costs, I want you to think how much it would mean to you. How much it would mean to

  • ​Get Your Ex ​Girlfriend Back and Keep H​er.... NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SITUATION IS
  • ​Regain Your Confidence, and learn the skills to start and maintain the relationship of your dream
  • ​Get her to want to BUILD A FUTURE TOGETHER
  • ​Keep her madly in love with you WITHOUT using any tricks or manipulation.

​It's not for the weak.

​I've gotta be honest with you, if you are looking for a quick fix solution, it's not for you.

What you will learn in the EBP Advanced System will TAKE WORK AND COMMITMENT.

But if you think your ex ​girlfriend is worth it, you won't think twice about investing.

​The EBP Advanced System is not expensive. You get years of breakup coaching experience IN A STRUCTURED PROGRAM, to help you heal, get h​er back and keep h​er.

And you get all of this fo​r only


​That's a deal compared to what I charge for personal coaching. And like I said before, you are not just getting "the no contact rule" in an ebook. You are getting a complete system to help you rebuild the strongest relationship with love of your life.

​Ex Back Permanently Advanced System

​Everything you need to get h​er back and keep h​er forever. Everything you need get yourself back and grow into the type of ​man that every guy wants.

Everything you need to have the type of relationship that lasts for decades and only grows stronger with time.

Do​ you want your ex ​girlfriend to love you ​for who you are? Do you want her to love you unconditionally? If yes, then click the button below.

100% Satisfaction, 60 Days Refund Guarantee


I was extremely skeptical to purchase your program, but I'm so glad I did"

"Just want to start by saying that I have never wrote to someone that I have purchased a product from. I have never written a review/testimonial for anyone other than friends. And although I don't know you, I felt compelled to write you. When I first researched what to do when I broke up with my girlfriend and found your site. I was extremely skeptical to purchase your program, but I'm so glad I did. I was hurting and I was willing to do anything! Truthfully, the only reason I purchased your program was bc of the 100% guarantee and I intended on getting a full refund as soon as I saw the content. But I literally read 10 pages into your book and felt relieved already. 

You made sense of so much that had happened. I actually laughed at some of the things you mentioned because of how spot on you were with how my ex would react. Even though some of her reactions should have really pissed me off! I knew already that whatever I paid was more than worth it. If I hadn't found your program I would have had many more sleepless nights and I never would have been able to properly heal from the breakup. I'm only 3/4 of the way through the no contact period (which is sofaking hard btw) so I don't know what's going to happen with my ex yet, but I now know I can handle whatever does happen. Thank you for putting your content out there for guys/ girls like me that needed a plan and the words of encouragement through such a mind twisting time. Your daily emails and healing worksheets were a great way for me to break from the day and get my thoughts out."

- ​California, USA

About ​Kevin Thompson

​The founder and the mastermind behind Ex Back Permanently. If you've read his articles on the website, you know he doesn't beat around the bush. He is determined to give men and women around the world the tools they need to deal with breakup and build the relationships they deserve.

​It works for almost every situation out there.

​After being in the field for over 7 years, I've seen pretty much every situation that is out there. Trust me, no matter how bad your situation might be, THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU.

​Here are some of the most common situations ​in which my customers found success using the Ex Back Permanently Advanced System

  • ​She broke up with you
  • ​you broke up with her
  • ​she started dating someone immediately after a breakup
  • ​she has blocked your number and you don't have a way to contact her
  • she says she hates you
  • she says she loves you but doesn't want to be with you
  • ​she backed out because of fear of commitment
  • You were together for a long time (more than 5 years)
  • You were together only for a short time (less than 6 months)
  • You broke up a long time ago but still feel a connection
  • You have children together
  • You live together
  • ​You were in a long distance relationship
  • ​She said she didn't feel like you are the one
  • ​She lost attraction during the end of the relationship
  • ​you cheated on her
  • ​she cheated on you
  • ​her parents were against you
  • ​she said she wants to explore her options

​it takes the guess work away

​The Ex Back Permanently Advanced System is designed to take the guess work away from getting your ex back. There is a good chance you will encounter a range of situations and emotions as you move forward in trying to win her back. But if you are confident in yourself, you will be able to face every situation and come out stronger and more confident than before.

The EBP Advanced System gives you the tools that you can use to fix every situation, even the ones not mentioned above. It's able to do that because it's built around CORE RELATIONSHIP PSYCHOLOGY.

​How does it compare to all the other ex back products?

​It's a valid question and I am glad you asked. You are investing your time, trust and money into us and we want you to be sure that you are satisfied with your investment.

​Ex Back Permanently Advanced

  • ​Based on core relationship psychology
  • ​teaches you how to build a strong relationship that lasts for decades
  • ​includes advanced healing worksheets. an e-course designed to help you heal and figure out how to fix the root cause of your breakup.
  • ​designed to help you become confident and equip you with the tools to rebuild a strong connection with her.
  • ​wants you to act out of love

​A normal "Ex Back Product​"

  • ​based on no contact rule and a few tricks
  • ​teaches you how to manipulate your ex by playing hard to get.
  • ​usually, they offer 5-6 USELESS bonuses about topics that sound enticing but are not very helpful and practical.
  • ​designed in hope that no contact and few tricks will get your ex back, so they can use your testimonial.
  • ​wants you to buy OUT OF FEAR

Here's ​What you get

  • ​The ultimate tool kit to get your ex back
  • ​Advanced Healing Worksheets E-course: THE ONLY COURSE on the internet that helps you heal during no contact and learn how to fix your relationship at the same time.
  • ​Long Distance Reconciliation: A bonus guide that helps you figure out how to get her back if you were in a long distance relationship.
  • ​​Works in almost every situation. Even the ones that seem impossible.
  • ​Tells you exactly how to re-initiate contact and rebuild a strong connection, attraction and trust with your ex; so she never leaves you again.
  • ​​Designed for the ​Warrior Men. ​Men, who want to take control of ​their love life and get the relationship ​they want and deserve.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


60 Days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't ​​think EBP Advanced System is worth your time and money,​ just let us know within 6​0 days and we'll send you a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

​Why should I pay money for this information?

​I am still not sure if it will work for my situation

​I don't want to invest my time and money if I am not sure it will work for me

​I am not sure how to pay you.

​How can I know you will honor your refund policy?

Is This an ebook? Do you ship to my country?

​Why don't you have a "simple trick" I can use to get her back permanently?

​Do you accept CryptoCurrencies or Bitcoin?

P.S.: ​ It might sound strange to you, but I care about you. I care about you more than this website. I care about you more than my products.

And even though I can use the same tactics that other Gurus use to make a sale, I won't do that. I won't ask you to make a decision out of FEAR.

I don't want you to be afraid of losing your ex ​girlfriend forever. Not when there is a bigger danger out there.

​The bigger danger is losing YOURSELF.

​I've developed a system to help you not only GET YOUR ​GIRLFRIEND BACK, but also GET YOURSELF BACK.

It's everything I would want ​someone I care about to have. This is why I offer a 60 days refund policy. If ​it doesn't work for you, just as for a refund.

Copyright - ​Ex Back Permanently